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Mission Sub is a go.

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Mission Sub is a go. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Sub is a go.

Post by Ember_Fangs August 10th 2011, 8:26 am

Grace smiled slightly and watched the man until he had wondered off down the little path, still casting looks at John every now and then. She clicked her tongue lightly on the roof of her mouth in dismay and shook her head.
"Why are all the cute ones gay?" she raised an eyebrow slightly, a ghost of a smile on her lips before she glanced back to John to watch him preform his little trick. Her eyes followed the movements of the ice and then she leaned back on the bench and glanced up at the lights that were hanging over their heads. She could feel the electricity waiting, dormant, for the time when it was their turn to shine.

"I channel it through... I absorb energy and then I have to let it go, it's like when you breath in a load of air and hold your breath, you can only hold it for so long and then you have to let it out. OR if you had a radiator and it wasn't heating but you had something hot I could just push that from one source to another, like a part of a circuit," she murmured and then rose a hand very slowly to the light over her head. A blue spark of electricity jumped from there to her fingers and went straight through her body. There was a moment and then she cupped her hands and opened them to show the electricity in the shape of a bird. It flapped it's static wings and took off into the sky, diving back into the lights it had come from.
"Huh it's never done a bird before," she murmured curiously and watched the wire before glancing to John.

Mega Poster!
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Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Mission Sub is a go. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Sub is a go.

Post by The Bolt August 10th 2011, 4:51 pm

John listened intently to her explain her power, as the spheres of ice spun even faster around his finger till they were a white blur. John hlding his ahnd palm up, as they converged into one large sphere. So she channled the energy? He would have a bit of trouble helping her control her power. Since his was powered through his thoughts. Still he could try to help her in the best way he could, though he was unsure how he could do that. It would prove a fun challenge though, and he did like a good challenge. "Well that gives me a good idea of how to help you. Can't say I can make you a master, but maybe I can help you enough. Though we can start it anytime, as i've said before. So if you're ready now, we can start on some basics I suppose." John shrugged, as the ice continued to levitate in the air. Sighing John stood up, ice still floating around him, as he turned to the girl. "So i'll be ready whenever you are." He said half smiling, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts softly. Waiting for an answer.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Mission Sub is a go. - Page 2 Empty Re: Mission Sub is a go.

Post by Ember_Fangs August 11th 2011, 3:28 am

Gracie smiled and then tugged out a piece of paper and scribbled her number down on the sheet, her long black hair falling forward slightly to pool across the white page creating a sharp contrast. She glanced to her watch as she ripped the paper off the pad and handed it back to him before gently pushing the hair behind her ears.
"Unfortunately I have to go now, I have an appointment about this," she nudged the box gently with her foot like someone would gently nudge a baby kitten into a standing up position.
"I'll meet you here tomorrow at 12, if you can't make it, call me," she smiled and picked the big box up carefully, balancing it on her ample hip under her arm before she shook his hand.
"Nice meeting you, enjoy your stay her," she smiled and then turned and walked off back to her hotel.

**End of topic **

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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