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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 30th 2023, 4:07 am

It was an average Saturday in a rural town in Minnesota. Many towns folk went to heading to town diners after mid-day mass for a nice lunch with their families. the gloomy clouds overhead foreshadowed the upcoming rain in the days forecast. Some children ran and played in the park enjoying the freedom of the air, even if it smelled of rain and the earths sorrow.  Mothers sat and gossiped amongst themselves of town gossip, It was about Some girl name Cindy possibly selling herself on the corner at night to put food on the table. The devils work in a town with the favor of God of course. Nuclear families, unbothered by the bigger cities issues of over powerful people constantly fighting for power. That was only a news title in places like this. Two little boys linger on the edge of the playground and the towns woods. Laughing ad using thick sticks like swords. A young girl sits near by cheering them on. A cute game, two knights fighting for a princesses honor. Their giggles were filling the air. Everything was right, dare one say perfect.

The change to the perfect balance came out of what seemed to be nowhere, much like how on a sunny day the quick winds could blow in a tornado. Fate brought in a new and dangerously different person. A young girl Tumbled from a nearby tree bleeding from the head and nose, the 3 children near the tree screamed in horror. this females body dropped from the tree like a rag doll. The position she was in looked painful.

Mirage cringed, this wasn't Washington DC. Her clothes were a bit torn. Lets blame that on the bramble of the forest she was previously running in.  She was dressed like a modern teen. A black crop top, Black athletic skirt (the kind that has shorts underneath) and striped socks: one being back and coral pink in alternating stripes, the other being Black and aquamarine blue alternating stripes. She had a very torn looking letterman jacket of the same bright colors of her socks: coral pink and Aquamarine blue. Her white hair up in a very messy high ponytail, a little blood from her head wound coloring parts of her snow like hair a pale coppery red shade. Two adult woman walk over to the girl laying awkwardly on two large rocks. "Oh my Lord, this poor girl. Mary take the children back to the car. Ill call the sheriff." One of the women said as she rakes a hand through her ginger hair. Her Brunette friend taking the three children to the car they drove to the park in. The Ginger lady pulled out her phone and dialed the number of the towns Sheriff.

Last edited by Lilbunnyblu on March 31st 2023, 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

what am i doing now?

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Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

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Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews March 30th 2023, 4:29 am

Sundays like this were usually a day for Turo to practice alone, either in the woods around his rural Finnish-American community, or in the local Hokutoryu Jujutsu dojo that saw his daily attendance. Both places were open to him, even on Sundays, for this community of Lutherans had rather openly accepted the young Suomenusko indigenous practitioner of the ancient ways, and went as far as to never bother him about church. It was kind of an unspoken and ingrained rule within the town that for all its Lutheran practices and emphasis on Christian community, Turo was to remain the sole exception. He was powerful enough to protect the lot of them from the nonsense that might occasionally filter in around these parts, so the least they could do was let him march to the beat of his own drum. After all, why poke the bear? Why give your odd but effective guardian a reason to abandon you to the wolves when they next come a-howling?

Turo trained with bare hands, feet, elbows, and shins, smashing the lot of the aforementioned parts against a makiwara in order to strengthen himself. This was a constant ritual of his, something that brought some semblance of feeling and an echo of purpose into his rather unfeeling daily life. The pain reminded him he was still real, still alive, and still able to keep soldering on. As Turo smacked the makiwara board, he heard one of the local families playing around nearby. Turo always cherished the innocence of the little ones around him. They were pure, whole, untainted by the horrors of the real world, unlike him, who had been beaten down and nearly shattered far too early on to be healthy for anyone. Turo thus felt a strong inclination to protect such children, and it manifested this time around in him keeping a very keen ear out for the kids that he knew were nearby. He also heard what was probably gossip of some women, probably mothers to the aforementioned children.

In time, though, Turo heard screams of horror, and his response was immediate. Turo stopped his training and sprinted like a bat out of hell towards the source of the noise. What could be seen was the collapsed body of some lady, around his own younger age, and the horrified expressions of three kids and their mothers, one of whom was clearly about to call the cops. Before she could actually hit the button to make the call, though, Turo shot his usual stone-faced glare towards her, which gave her pause. The community knew Turo well enough to know what his gazes usually meant based on context, seeing as he loathed speaking to anybody. The children were noticeably less terrified when Turo made himself known, for they recognized him as the one who stopped any bad guys that came around. In a way, he was the superhero of little kids like these, and some part of him was actually fine with playing that bit.

The woman called Mary took the children back to the safety of the group's car, and the other mother was at least stalled from calling the police, probably keen to follow suit. Turo looked over and down at the fallen Mirage, without a clue as to who this lady was, or what the hell she was doing here. Turo knew better than to try vibrating the rocks into a more comfy shape, or to try moving the injured woman, since both options had the potential of catastrophic backlash. Instead, Turo folded his arms, watched Mirage carefully, and waited for her to wake up.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 30th 2023, 5:00 am

Her body Moves slowly, as if she hadn't felt how her body had possibly bruised bones at best or the gash in her head. She sits up and stretches, her bones cracking. making the woman drop her phone and run back to her Car on the verge of vomiting. The young girl opens her eyes and looks around. She slowly stands up swaying a bit due to being woozy from blood loss. She giggles childishly "Fuzzy head' her voice clearly sounding like someone talking to a baby, though for her non-threatening demeanor it fits.

Its clear she is far from this towns normal. she turned from her facing away position, She stumbles back and laughs her eyes closed again. "spiny feeling again. Don't fall you'll mess up your test!". She flaps the sleeves to her jacket. Disoriented and a bit loopy was a good way to describe this behavioral show. She opens her eyes right as the drizzle of forecasted rain started. The Bright pink and blue eyes stares at the new place before them...and then the panic started to show on her face. She stands up properly and steps a bit away from the tree.

Her body seems to quickly gain what composure she had, she looks around a bit to quickly for someone who defiantly had a concussion. Her eyes land on Turo and she lets out a frightened yelp as she stumbles backwards and hits her head on the tree with a loud Thud. Her vision goes black and her body goes limp. As of now to this town, There's a strange Jane Doe that appeared out of nowhere falling from a tree. She appears to be no older than 18 possibly 19. Her body slowly sliding down the trunk tils seems practically cradled by the roots.

what am i doing now?

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Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews March 31st 2023, 3:00 am

Turo had seen far and participated in far stranger events than whatever the hell he might have been looking at in the immediate moment. As such, Mirage's almost undead manner of righting herself from a fall that would probably have rendered most others unconscious for far longer periods of time elicited little to no reaction from the Finn. The woman who dropped her phone and ran back to the car was noted by Turo, who picked her phone up and quickly gave it back to her. Immediately afterwards, Turo trotted back over towards Mirage, who was clearly in a state of disorientation.

Unfortunately, just as Turo got back to Mirage, she took full notice of him, panicked, and then knocked herself out a second time. With a rather deep and deep-voiced sigh, Turo shook his head with mostly silent and highly apparent disappointment. Sure, Mirage was far from normal by any metric, let alone those of this insular community, but Turo sensed little to no malicious intent from her. Clearly, this was not one of the occasional things that came by to fuck with the town he lived in. Turo still had no idea why that kept happening so consistently, but he was always capable enough to drive off or destroy them, and the fights were never a boring time for him, so he didn't complain about it.

Turo sat down nearby to where Mirage was slumped over, content with waiting a while longer until she got up for the second time. In the meantime, Turo got into a handstand and proceeded to do pushups from that position, as a way to work out his arms, core, and balance. Turo may have been a lean 6'8" lad built like some type of strange cryptid, but he was well put-together, and he had a solid enough awareness of his physical form from being raised on Finnish martial arts to do such maneuvers without it being awkward.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Registration date : 2023-03-10

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 31st 2023, 3:58 am

She lays there, Her breathing soft and almost unnoticeable. With her head against the tree almost properly up right, the metallic scented red liquid slowly runs down her face. She looks like a victim clearly. Whatever brought her here gave her one hell of a time. Still seemingly cradled in the roots she seemed to be peaceful....besides the fact her head is bleeding out.

The ladies were watching not to far from them now. Whispering to themselves. No doubt ably talking of her eyes. The Off color of the pink one. In a religious town such as this, shed be considered demonic. Her red blood however states very otherwise. The Ginger being a bit louder than intended "Well look at her, only a demons child would have such white hair at a young age like that. Not to mention how immodestly she's dressed. Its probably to stay cool in the fiery pits of hell." The one named Mary nods. "those bright colors must be a way to lure children into the grasp of another Demonic creature". It comes off a bit rude. Talking about an unconscious and seemingly helpless girl, without her being able to defend herself.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews March 31st 2023, 4:15 am

Turo kept with his handstand pushups, seeming to remain somewhat tranquil despite the unconscious and almost-dying Mirage right behind him. After his brief routine, the peace of which was interrupted by the two mothers saying some form of nonsense about Mirage (he barely understood them, since his grasp of English was extremely basic!), Turo righted himself with an almost feline litheness, turned around, and glared at the two women. Sure, they thought they were whispering, but they were too loud for Turo, who thought they'd have left already.

Accented by a faint but apparent rumbling of the ground, Turo scolded the women, "Sulje huoran suusi. Viemme hänet sairaalaan, koska hän ei herää." (Shut your whore mouths. We're taking her to the hospital because she won't wake up.)

Turo's voice was quite bored-sounding, almost monotone, and deep. His Finnish accent was so strong it was damn near stereotypical and nearly unintelligible. His every syllable caused the ground to shake ever so slightly, for every inch of his body contained the power of... Well, depending on who you asked, it was either a god, force of nature, or both. The two women only learned basic Finnish, as did most of the rest of the community, purely to accommodate their anomalous resident from the fatherland. The swearing was mostly looked over, primarily because Turo was a mixture of a source of relief and a source of fear. The community valued him, but they were still scared shitless of him and what he could do, hence why they collectively stayed out of his way as much as possible, and did everything they could to avoid pissing him off. It was akin to having a "pet" polar bear living in your backyard; the bear would protect your house as long as you gave him food and shelter, but it was still advisable to limit interaction with him, because he was still a bear, and he would still eat your face if you pissed him off.

To accent his point, Turo went over to Mirage, picked her up as gently as he could, and held her. She felt so small and fragile to the young man, as if she were made of butterfly wings and porcelain. Turo secretly felt apprehension, as if one wrong move would break her more. Turo carried Mirage over to the car of the two mothers and the kids, before looking at the mothers with expectation in his eyes. Yes, Turo was demanding they open their car to him and take him and Mirage to the hospital. The community here probably had some type of medical care, but this situation probably mandated a trip to the city.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Registration date : 2023-03-10

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 31st 2023, 4:36 am

The Women Look at the Girl in his arms in Disgust, The ginger Looks at Mary. The little girl rolls her eyes at the older woman and opens the back door for Turo, She smiles up at him Happy to help the man who helps keep her and her friends safe. The little boys stare in curiosity at the girl. The ginger Gets in the front seat with a reluctant sigh and starts buckling up while Mary takes the children back to the playground.

Mirage however, Her damages now that Turo is holding her. Can obviously be felt, Several dislocated joints some bruises starting to form. Though that wasn't the interesting part, Her skin seems to be littered with what would be commonly known as scars from puncture wounds. Needle scars it would seem. She felt lighter than a girl her size and age should feel as well.  In this state however, she couldn't explain them. She could just be a Druggie.

The woman looked at Turo  through her Rear view mirror as if asking what he's waiting for. Stalling could very much mean life or death for this Jane Doe. Though in the gingers eyes there was a slight glimmer of hope he'd stall that long. To her this strange girl was a threat to her Children and her faith. After all, is said that the only angels that fall are the ones who have disgraced the Heavenly father. This girl couldn't be anything different from a disgrace to God in her eyes. She wasn't even trying to hide it.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews March 31st 2023, 6:36 pm

The women were free to think whatever they pleased about Mirage, but that wasn't going to change the fact that Turo was determined to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. The children and their stares were noted by Turo, but not taken in any negative way. He knew they were kids, and as such, they would naturally have been curious. Turo's inner sense of urgency steadily ramped up as he waited, with only the girl's allowance of him and the injured lady into the vehicle stalling him from becoming genuinely infuriated. However, feeling the severity of Mirage's injuries only made him more antsy to get to a hospital for the sake of this random individual, and as he was made to wait more, his limited patience drew to a close.

This dwindling patience dwindled even further as the women looked back towards Turo, as if they were unaware of what he was asking them to do. Turo met their gaze with his own, and behind his lone eye, something rumbled. As Turo continued to stare, with the women still not going along with what he wanted them to do, Turo abruptly leaned forward, his face in a scowl.

With his annoyance now having almost reached a dangerous peak, due to the idea of having to use English to make the message clearer, Turo growled, "HOSPITAL."

With this single word, the surrounding area shook, as if a thunderstorm just appeared and vanished within the same breath. A crack also appeared on the ground nearby that definitely was not there before. It was probably best for the Lutheran mothers to not test Turo's patience any further. Another thing that was clear was that Turo would be far less hinged if the children weren't present. Turo had done well so far with containing his volatility, but the more these pretentious women poked the bear, the harder it was going to be for him.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2023-03-10

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu March 31st 2023, 8:01 pm

The Ginger rolled her green eye. She quickly pulled out of her parking space and got onto the road. She left Mary with the children at the park. Driving to the hospital as fast as she can. She glared at the young girl in the rear view mirror. Watching her grow paler and paler as she drives as fast as she could. Now she had to worry about the demons blood getting on her pale Leather seats. The Ginger silently cursed the girl.

The Car pulls into a parking spot closest to the front door Of the hospital. "You're here, Now get that thing out of my car." Her eyes telling him to get out cause they've arrived. Mirage's breath getting a bit more shallow. Her lips a bit stained a deep copper red due to the blood. She stirs slightly though she doesn't wake up. At least the Girls still managing to stay alive.

The building was made of a tannish concrete, a sign nearby with red lettering mad it clear this was a medical facility. The air around kind of smelled like burnt rubber and motor oil. This place has seen a lot of traffic. There is a whole row filled in with cars. It seems all the employees are in today.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Sage March 31st 2023, 11:01 pm

Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) El-katana-alt-flo-medium-demo

Coincidentally, there happened to be a mystical healer in the hospital Turo and Mirage were heading to.

There was a small handful of patients in the hospitals emergency care facility that needed medical attention in ways their best resources were struggling to accommodate. Be it some sort of infection, their own failing health, or outright terminal illnesses. A nurse who walked this wing of the hospital regularly had once been very well-acquainted with Yasmin Carmesi, and had her contact information as a result. It was unconventional to request the aid of a mystic in a medical environment, but according to this nurse, the woman could heal anything short of death. It was difficult to convince her supervisor that this was worth doing, but in the end, the call was made, and two hours ago, the Daughter of Salvation had brought 3 separate patients from the brink of death, back to full health right before the eyes of several doctors. They could hardly believe their eyes, but it was real.

Each time she was escorted to a patient, the woman withdrew a curious dagger from her sleeve, and opened a wound across her hand. She would then do the same to a patient, before their blood mingled in the open air like wisps of fog. The wounds on both hands would close as the patients were stabilized through magic. The doctor insisted the dagger be sanitized after the first patient was healed, which Lady Carmine complied with. After the third was healed, Yasmin allowed herself a break from the work, and was currently resting by the front entrance of the emergency care center.


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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews March 31st 2023, 11:23 pm

Turo waited as patiently as he could while the ginger lady sped off towards the closest hospital to the town. Turo was silent, at least mildly pissed off, and cradling a dying young woman in his arms. He'd seen enough death for a lifetime, and it seemed like he might've been fixing to see one more. However, the woman reached the hospital just in time, and from what Turo could tell, Mirage was still kicking. Immediately, Turo clambered out of the car while holding Mirage, and sprinted all the way through the lot to the hospital.

As Turo kicked in the door to the building like a bat out of hell, he quickly but coldly glanced around with his icy blue eye. He caught sight of Yasmin Carmesi, but had little to no idea what she was actually capable of, and as far as he knew, she was either a waiting patient or another nurse. Turo wasn't the focus here, though. The focus was the near-dead Mirage, who was clearly fading in and out of life in his arms. Turo remained silent, but the emotion behind his eyes and the subtle expression on his face said it all: If Mirage didn't get help immediately, he was going to lose his shit.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Registration date : 2023-03-10

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Sage April 3rd 2023, 11:51 pm

Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) El-katana-alt-flo-medium-demo

Lady Carmine had all but zoned out by the time a burly man brought in a bloodied child. Yasmin stated them both up and down. One did not look like the other physically or genetically. That one was the parent and the other was the child was unlikely therefore. She could rule out domestic violence as the cause of whatever happened to that child. Alas, more pressing matters.

Yasmin stood up, and strode across the room. As she did this, Turo would notice that Mirage’s blood was… Floating. It lifted into the air as though gravity had been inverted, and it drifted inches closer as Yasmin came with in arms reach. Already holding her curious dagger, she cut a gash in the palm of her hand, and held it up to the floating blood. ”Keep her still.” The strange woman spoke with a faintly accented voice, and a stern tone. Like a mother scolding a child. The blood in Yasmin’s hand floated upwards as wel, and it mingled with the blood of the child in Turo’s arms.

Turo would be able to feel things pop in and out of place in Mirage’s body. If he looked closely enough, he could see that wounds were healing. Bruised we’re fading, and cuts on Mirage’s skin were starting to close. Eventually, the floating blood disconnected from Yasmin’s hand and flowed back into Mirage’s body, and the only trace of any wound on her entire body, both inside and out, would be the blood that stained her clothes. She was completely healed in seconds.

”She will be fine.”


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 89
Location : My wizard tower in the Democratic Republic of Gnomia
Job : Wizard
Registration date : 2023-01-25

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Lilbunnyblu April 4th 2023, 1:13 am

Her breathing steadies out due to the healing she has received. Her skin seems a bit more lively. Her fingers slightly twitch, she groans slightly like a child being woken up for school. The young Jane Doe seems to be waking up from the brink of death rather quickly.

The smell of the sterile environment fills her nostrils, her head seems to clear. Her eyes flutter open. Her eyes starting to focus on the figure above her. She lets out a shriek seeing Turo. A pen hits him in the head. Just a small tap and falls onto her stomach. her big Doe like eyes filled with Fear.

Doctors look at the scene before them and the frightened girl. A female doctor slowly approaches the two. "Miss you need to stay calm, this man brought you here so we could help you. Do you know where you are?" The girls attention focused on the doctor, the result of seeing the white coated woman caused the girl to try to get out of Turo's arms with all of her force. She doesn't has much strength due to having just woken up and still properly recovering from nearly dying. She's acting much like a little animal trying to flee. "Go get a Diazepam shot, she could get hurt if she continues like this" The female doctor stated to a nearby nurse. The nurse turns down a nearby shot in a hurry. Tears slowly building up in the young girls eyes, she seems helpless.

what am i doing now?

Status :

Quote : Dont be fooled by my cuteness

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 40
Location : The city of None ya
Age : 21
Job : Twitch streamer
Humor : It tends to be dark or very Gen Z. Guess its an Age thing?
Registration date : 2021-09-12

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Seamus McAndrews April 9th 2023, 3:18 am

Turo kept a gentle but firm and secure grip on Mirage as she was healed, and did his best to keep a straight face while the Yasmin woman took blood from her hand to do so. As Yasmin requested, Turo kept the unconscious girl still as she was healed, and continued to hold her as the positive effects took place and the doctors began to approach. Maybe things would be alright. Maybe the girl really would live. Turo had no idea who she was, but he couldn't just let her die, especially now that he'd gotten her this far. It was like Turo HAD to ensure she survived.

Turo looked down at Mirage and waited for her to stabilize, with the additional hope that she'd wake up and feel alright. Instead, Mirage shrieked as soon as she woke up, which almost caused Turo to jump. Thankfully, Turo maintained his grip on Mirage, which enabled the struggling girl to remain relatively still, and most importantly, prevented her from really hurting herself or anyone else. Even as Mirage yelled and squirmed and struggled, Turo held onto her to prevent her from doing anything crazy, and on his face was a faint but obvious expression that showed only one emotion: Concern.

Instinctively, as an attempt to calm the young woman down in the best way he knew how, Turo carefully and calmly stated to Mirage, "Älä kiemurtele niin paljon. Selviät kyllä." (Don't squirm so much. You're gonna be okay.)
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2023-03-10

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Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) Empty Re: Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine)

Post by Sage April 13th 2023, 10:48 pm

Eyes of a Demon (Closed, Turo & Mirage & Lady Carmine) El-katana-alt-flo-medium-demo

Yasmin watched as Mirage's bones popped back into place and her bleeding wounds closed. It wasn't a surprise to her when the child woke up screaming. After the doctor left and the man spoke in... Icelandic? Yasmin kept her entire demeanor stone cold. There was no trace of desperation of severity on her face, but she felt sympathy for this kid. Whatever happened to her could have killed anyone had she not been in this hospital. Yasmin brought a hand to Mirage's face, and caressed it gently. Her hand felt soft, but had patches of rougher skin due to constant bleeding.

"Be still. You are safe now." She said, gently, "This man carried you to a hospital. I have undone all of your injuries, and you are no longer bleeding. No one will harm you her." She was including the doctor on the way with diazepam in that statement as well. This was a kid, not a mentally unstable patient who could harm others. "Tell me, what did this to you?" Yasmin asked, ignoring the presence of Turo.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 89
Location : My wizard tower in the Democratic Republic of Gnomia
Job : Wizard
Registration date : 2023-01-25

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