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Post by Vorik January 30th 2023, 2:49 am

"So, DUBIOUS DANIEL...Got any more tricks up your sleeve?" The heroine who weighed like nothing despite being written as having a muscular/athletic body said.

He stared at her slightly in disbelief that she still wanted to fight him. He wondered if this was her being a teenager and just going through a phase or maybe she was still peeved about the whole electrocution thing. You send a few thousand volts through someone choking you out in a super fight and suddenly you're the bad guy. Oh well.

"It's DANGER DAN! You got to say it with the exclamation mark else you're wrong. Also, yeah."

Dan quickly pulled out a canister from his suit and pulled its pin, yelling out "Masks up boys!"

In mere seconds the room was overtaken by a cloud of white smoke. This smoke was none other than tear gas. Certainly not fatal but it would definitely ruin someone's day and hopefully stop a certain angry teen ninja from chasing the magnificent DANGER DAN! as he made his escape.  

Shuriken could try to chase after him but she would have to deal with the ever-thickening tear gas assaulting her already tired and battered body.

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Registration date : 2019-09-15

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Post by SicilianDragon January 30th 2023, 11:36 pm

Chie was clearly surprised by the canister in his hands, and she hardly had the time to cover her mouth and nose with the crux of her arm to shield for the initial blast of noxious gas. Instinctively she stepped back, but as her, the watering of her eyes started to die down, she saw the outline of DAN escaping her. Her anger got the best of her, but only a few steps in, and she realized the gas was too much for her. Even when she held in a gasp of air, her eyes burned like she had stared at the sun, and soon by the time she had exited, she instead fell to the ground hacking and coughing.

Police were rushing after Dan but as per usual the doughnut munchers lacked the speed or care to chase him too far. A few had come to Chie's aid now tending to her as she struggled to breathe. This was the start of a bumpy road for her, she could tell. Despite everything that had happened today, her failure as a hero, her loss as a student, her shattered pride, and the worst of all by far was going to be explaining everything to her parents. As students and teachers began to crowd around her too, Chie saw her friend in the crowd, staring with a pained expression. If she had been a hero they wouldn't have acted so concerned, maybe she wasn't cut out for this after all.

A DANGEROUS FUTURE - Page 2 Giphy.gif?cid=790b7611799e3a95f39d2adf93f59cce36c0f89c885d60fd&rid=giphy
Remember: You are awesome!

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Quote : "Fortnite battlepass, I just shit out my ass"

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Age : 23
Job : Cook
Humor : Dark and gross
Registration date : 2022-07-04

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