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Post by Elena Vexus May 1st 2021, 10:38 am

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . .Initiating. . . . .

. . . . .Decoding. . . . .

Experimental Kaiju Operation-Volume1.0


Red lights flashed and sirens blared. Elena Vexus strode powerfully down a concrete hallway, many levels underneath her skyscraper in New York City. Despite her typically calm demeanor, it appeared as if she was actually worried about the alarms.
”What happened?! Which one was it??” she asked frantically arriving at the end of the hallway. It opened up into a massive laboratory with what seemed like a maze of different rooms and even more levels that traversed undetected underneath the city of New York and beyond.
”It was a suspected Knight Class. However we did not expect it to gain any level of sentience for a a few days, weeks even. The proper containment protocols were not taken in order to restrain a sentient Knight Class”
Vexus cursed under her breath and went to look at different monitors.
”Even without proper restraints, it shouldn’t haven been able to escape. What sort mutation did it manifest?”
Her assistant typed something into the computer they were working on, and some security footage popped up on the screen.
”It seems to be able to phase through objects...”
A humanoid figure was seen, but then turned to what could only be described as television static as it moved through walls and various objects.
”Right, of course... God DAMNIT!” she yelled, a few glass beakers shattered and a couple computers crashed. A small robot zoomed around to clean up and replace the beaker, and the computers began to reboot.
”Post a mission on the board anonymously and in a couple other locations for retrieval of this EKO. Dead or alive.”
Her assistant nodded and left the laboratory. Vexus was flustered about one of her projects escaping and began upping the security measures on the vast collection of monsters and strange items she had hidden deep in her laboratories.

Mission poster reads:
Robotic experimental project escaped. Immediate retrieval requested. Subject wanted dead or alive.
Last spotted in Delaware State Forest. Subject is hostile, caution is highly advised. MetaHuman presence is requested.

There is a blurry cryptic picture of the EKO posted with the message. It seemed to have been taken by someone’s phone who had recently spotted the creature in the forest.

EKO-Knight Class #32

Abilities: Has a Power Mutation that allows it to phase through matter. It was observed passing through concrete many meters thick. When it phases, it appears as if it turns into television static. Has also been observed controlling its path of trajectory when phasing through solid objects. Speed and strength levels undetermined. Duration of phasing undetermined. Theories state that speed is dramatically increased when phasing.

Last Seen: Delaware State Forest

EKO Ranking System

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Post by Demonhunter May 3rd 2021, 8:48 pm

Wings beat lightly and swallow the air currents above New Jersey. Deimos’s star-swirled wings completely cloaking his night time flight on an otherwise clear night, mimicking the stars he passed under.It was a nice night for a fly, even if it was a little long distance.

One of the perks to having retired parents was that they took a grand many trips and vacations, the down side was he often had class and couldn’t leave with them when they left, leaving Deimos having to fly himself. This time they were in a nice air BNB on the beach in Virginia, so the fly from upstate New York to Virginia wasn’t horrible.

He was however getting a bit tired, thirsty and he would be wise to let his wings rest a bit so as not to exhaust himself. He figured he was almost there, around Delaware if he had to guess, so stopping for a drink wouldn’t be awful. The dragon ducks his magnificent head, swooping a bit lower to the ground, looking for a spot to land before finding himself a nice stream and a place in the forest with cool moss covered stones. He takes a silent loop around before landing in his usual, silent, cat-like fashion.

Heavy wings tuck against the dragon’s sides as he settles up to the water’s edge, ducking his snout into the water. He pulls in a massive amount of water from the stream, pulling his head up into the air to swallow what had to be several gallons.

Feeling his stomach growl he ducks his head back down into the water, holding his lower jaw open, moving to flip a rock over. With a fast yank of his head, Deimos hauls a decent bass from the stream. With a light crack of his teeth, the fish was gone relatively quickly to satisfy his appetite.

The dragon settles into the cool rocks of the bank, choosing to rest for a moment before taking off again. For now, he looks to the sky, in pure admiration of the stars above.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 353
Registration date : 2020-05-01

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Post by Hyperion May 4th 2021, 5:18 pm

Delaware state forest. Michael would have thought it was in the state of Delaware but no, Pennsylvania. Somehow that annoyed him more than anything else, because the name was just all wrong. That and something within him just did not like the state, though he couldn’t place what that was. Normally he wouldn’t have even come out to a place like this without immense boredom driving him. That and the concept of an unknown fight, which he knew would keep his attention much better than anything else within his life. Despite his investigation of the forest, he settled on a hotel not too far from the site and just made use of his own means of transportation.

The pitch black portal split open in one of the many openings of the forest, filling the forest with the scent of decay and death that would last for a few minutes as he stepped out. ”Now if I were a violent phasing entity, where would I be?” he mused to himself, wondering if that train of thought ever worked. He wasn’t one, so obviously he wouldn’t know where to go. Thinking these thoughts he began his trek through the forest, holding onto what looked to be a strange spherical device composed of clear glass and projecting what looked to be a small keypad.

Sure he didn’t feel right asking his father for favors but that didn’t mean Mike didn’t have ways of getting useful tech elsewhere. He was told the core would pulse should he come near any anomalies, though he had to make sure it wasn’t pinging him. Hence the typing away at a screen until he was sure it was ignoring his signature in specific. Hopefully there wasn’t a sasquatch nearby that would register, because that would have been a pain all its own. Even if the stupid humans would have loved to have someone discover the damn Bigfoot as they called it. Probably wasn’t even that interesting.

His attention only turned from the device to follow a shadow that flew over him. It was just a dragon, so he didn’t pay it much mind. Jordan was one and way larger, so he might have been desensitized to them. Instead he followed his device, hoping something would pop up in time. Perhaps it would attack some humans and make it much easier for him.

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 421
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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Post by Elena Vexus May 6th 2021, 5:49 pm

Rushed into existence. EKO#32 is a humanoid cyborg-looking entity. But being created by Elena Vexus in a range of mass experimentations, there were many unexplained elements to its being. Which is why she needed it retrieved one way or another. EKO#32 was only just experiencing consciousness outside of a liquid filled vat for the first time, let along getting to grips with its own sentience. Being self-aware and taking in just general existence was a lot to process for #32. When initially consciously, #32 learned a lot about its captors, so escape was the only option for it. Normally for EKOs their power mutations and sentience develop separately, however in #32’s case, they manifested simultaneously. It was putting together theories on what made its escape possible. Perhaps the constant want to get out and be free caused its phasing ability to manifest. It’s next steps were unclear. #32 figured that Vexus would come for it, but had no idea what to do in the mean time...

EKO-#32 had found some solitude in a dense forest a few hours from its prison. Since escaping it had become light and then dark twice over. Other beings of similar stature are terrified of #32, its not sure why. It does see that it looks different from them, maybe it hasn’t found the right coverings potentially. #32 doesn’t stand much taller than about 5’10’’/177cm. But the exposed machinery is believed to be the cause of fear. #32 has not developed emotions such as fear or attachment. It also does not feel pain. But it is a very advanced being capable of incredible adaptive learning and an impressive level of combat proficiency.
Overhead #32 saw a very large creature fly casting an impressive shadow. Something of that caliber has never been seen by#32 yet. It’s witnessed and cataloged a number of wildlife already while being in this forest, but it did not think this was natural. Something so much larger than it would probably be beneficial to avoid. But its curiosity over powered its sense for safety. #32 followed the large flying beast’s course until it landed in a clearing with a small body of water. It observed from afar, and made a few steps closer to see if this beast knew anything about the world they were living in. However, #32 stepped on a fallen branch making a snap sound breaking the silence. #32’s eyes met the dragon’s and the EKO quickly when into its phase-mode and zoomed away faster than an untrained eye could see.
Since it was still working on gaining proper control of its phase ability, it sometimes remained phased for extended amounts of time possibly going undetected or unnoticed by any living thing for the entire duration. This was one of those instances.

It passed through a condensed section of trees and saw a human standing looking at a strange object. A piece of technology, something that might have seemed similar to something Vexus may have had in her lab. They didn’t immediately seem to notice their presence, but #32’s curiosity was piqued. It exited the phased form being a safe distance away from the individual. It extended its arm. Not to point, or reach or anything, it was just outreached.
”...H-Human?... What is this...?”
There were its first words. For some reason, #32 felt like this person wouldn’t be afraid of its appearance, and maybe it could ask them a few things about, well, everything.

Meanwhile, in NYC...

”Of course this would be the one that develops both its sentience and power mutation simultaneously. We didn’t even have an opportunity to upgrade tracking, or install the vision sharing... Do we at least have that low level proximity tracking up and running on #32?
Elena Vexus was working in her lab to try and find her lost experiment as well. They only knew that #32 was in that forest because of a civilian’ s photograph. If another human thing gets close to #32, or any of the EKOs that Vexus has created, the proximity tracking will ping its location. And that is exactly what just happened.
”Ooohhh, well would you look at this... I think #32 has found a friend...”

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Post by Demonhunter June 19th 2021, 12:19 am

The dragon’s light stargazing was disrupted by a quick snap of a twig. The fans against the side of his throat twitch as his attention is drawn from the skies, to the forests around him. Probably some kind of animal if he could guess. His fishy snack didn’t quite fill his stomach, but he wasn’t hungry enough to warrant chasing something down like that. He stands, about to take to the skies once again only for the scent of metal to waft to him.

Deimos hated the fact the smell of metal only drew him in. His fully draconic ancestors consumed higher quality metals such as gold, copper, or silver to keep their scales solid, hence where the lore surrounding a dragon’s horde came from. However, being only half dragon cursed him with the craving for metals he couldn’t digest properly. It led to many trips to the doctor as a child for swallowed pennies. This immediately drew his attention as in the middle of a forest, something fast moving and metal was probably worth investigating at least.

The dragon snaked his way through the forest, as quietly as he could manage for a sizable dragon, tail thagomizers occasionally catching on a bush or a tree limb pulling at his horns. Deimos soon got sick of fighting with the foliage and chose to transform back to his human form, wings tucking tightly against his back as he treks on much more quietly and with less hang ups.

He soon finds himself into a clearing with the stench of death and two men… ah shit, had he run up on a drug deal or something? Maybe a cult? Running into people in the middle of the forest at night never ended well in horror movies. His wings caught on a tree branch, pulling it off the tree with a loud CRACK, causing him to freeze in panic.

“Uhh… Don’t mind me. Just going. Elsewhere.” He waves, really hoping this wasn’t something nefarious.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 353
Registration date : 2020-05-01

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