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Ethan Karovsky (The Punk Prince of New York) (Contest)
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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Ethan Karovsky (The Punk Prince of New York) (Contest)
Basic Biography |
Name:Ethan Karovsky Title: The Punk Prince of New York Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human? Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Stormy Grey Height: 5’5 ft Weight: 134 lbs Blood type: A - |
The Looks |
The Legacy |
Personality: From a young age the best way to describe Ethan is independent. He has always seemed to do what he wanted with little concern for consequence. Ill advised would be a large portion of his choices, because if it is worth doing it’s worth doing to excess. Partying, drinking, and everything else in between are something that he never takes in small doses or anything else that could resemble moderation. Life’s too short for him, so he wants to live that life as much as possible before his body decides it doesn’t want to do it anymore. . Mostly genial and friendly, he’s the kind of person that carries himself with an ease that shows in his expression constantly. Always smiling in a fashion that more often than not reaches his eyes and just seemingly onboard with most things so long as they offer some kind of fun to go along with it. People that come to know him could describe him as affable, the kind of person that should have a wide circle of friends were he not so internally cynical that he tends to keep most emotionally at arm’s length. Not that it could be seen from a glance, considering the affect he tends to wear. Counter to his friendly persona is a general distrust in other people. Save for a few that exist around him, few really are seen worth his extended attention let alone trust. Most people in his mind would sooner stab you in the back than shake your hand and as such he doesn’t trust anyone in any kind of authority over him. These misgivings take the form of chaotic shows, destruction of public and even private property all for the sake of proving something only to himself. Perhaps his ability for personal autonomy or just something that could only make sense within his own machinations. Even still loyalty is not something he’s incapable of, mostly in regards to things he finds worthwhile or the few people that might garner his difficult to get trust. In those rare instances he’s the kind of friend closer than blood family, and a lover that will do anything to make sure his special person is left happy with whatever he does. Ironically, one might say, when he trusts someone is when he runs most counter to who he is. Lets down all of the barriers and even to an extent gives up a portion of that freedom he most values. Calling Ethan an enigma would not be wrong in that sense, even if he wouldn’t want to admit it. History:
The Powers and Weaknesses |
Powers Spirit of New York: All of his powers come from his symbiosis with the weakened spirit of New York City. While he is only capable of drawing upon the basics of the spirit's power, this connection allows him to use abilities associated with the city so long as he is within its spans. The further away he is from the bounds, the weaker his powers become with his powers also increasing in potency the closer he is to the heart of the city. Neon Lit Nights: Abilities offered to him brought about by symbiosis with New York. He can conjure up various abilities best equated to spells by those more magically inclined, calling upon a color of neon which forms streaks across his body and clothing so long as the spell is in effect. Those with ongoing effects he can seemingly only maintain concentration on two of them at a time at this time.
Glass walking: He is capable of moving through windows or mirrors within New York City. So long as he has an idea where this mirror or window is, he can step through and teleport to them. Urban Control: He can control the elements important to a city's infrastructure. Concrete, bricks and even the support beams within a building, so long as they are part of that infrastructure. He could cause walls to crack and collapse, force the sections of sprinkler systems to become like metal lashes and even controlling glass with seeming ease. He also seems to have control over the water within the water systems of New York city. (4) Knowledge of New York: The Spirit of New York still lives within him and can offer him information. Anything that involves New York itself is something it knows and all he has to do is ask. Information about specific people is difficult but possible, usually requiring the person has lived without leaving the city for a year before getting surface information and five years for anything deep. Heart of new York: Considered the spiritual core of the city, Ethan can garner access to this place through any door that he can touch. The appearance of the place all depends on the desire of the one who owns it. While in the heart his healing ability is greatly increased, allowing him to heal small injuries instantly, and larger ones in a matter of minutes. Even amputation isn’t an issue, so long as he can reach the heart before he bleeds out. It’s unknown if he can die though the spirit seems to believe that should he die his body would be recreated within the heart or they would be destroyed forever. What happens if the spirit is destroyed is known, though nothing good for certain. Alongside that his powers are heightened tenfold while within the heart, making him ten times more powerful while there as well. Weaknesses Pretty human: Despite being empowered by the spirit of New York his body is no more durable than any other humans. Bullets, knives and the like can harm him easily. The power of nature: Nature magic and anything powered by nature appears to resist or undo his powers. Shattering: Damaging a window he’s in the middle of traveling through can cause immense damage and potentially incapacitate him if not kill him. Opposite energies: Being exposed to the opposite elements of his neon abilities will lead to them failing. The red fails when exposed to extreme cold, blue when exposed to extreme cold, and so on. Gaseous powers would also be scattered by a powerful gust of wind. Blights touch: The Blight was something that injured the spirit that lives within him, so it also harms him. While The Blight itself is not needed, being directly exposed to pollution and the like cause intense pain that paralyzes Ethan and his powers so long as it touches him. Spirit binding: Circles meant to bind spirits can also hold him at place due to the fact he stands at a crossroad between spirit and mortal, though the spirit half holds enough sway to cause such things to affect him. Blind spot: Knowledge of New York doesn’t work on information in regards to people who have never lived in New York or who have left the city for a year. Location dependant: While outside of the heart he doesn’t have his healing ability, the most obvious of weaknesses and the further he gets away from the heart which also is conveniently adjacent to the literal center of the city Limited range of motion: To make use of his neon abilities he must have use of his arms to use them meaning anything that would limit his range of motion would keep him from using his neon abilities. The greater good: If he performs an action against the greater good of the city, Ethan will find his powers unable to function so long as he keeps that current path. Fluff Parkour experience: Ever since he could run and climb Ethan has had experience in running, and climbing things. He’s pretty experienced in the art of parkour. Physical Priority Reaction 1 Agility 2 Endurance 3 Strength 4 |
Last edited by Arcana on October 22nd 2022, 2:42 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Slight personality change)
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Re: Ethan Karovsky (The Punk Prince of New York) (Contest)
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Zonkes- Retired Moderator
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Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.
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Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10
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