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I want in!

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row September 27th 2020, 5:53 pm

"Wait wait, I'm on your side. Really!" Usagi raised her hands as the man charged energy through his hands like two tesla coils. She really question why she didn't bring a change of clothes to better sell her fake persona as a champion of these oppressed people.

"Thats what all of your people say before they forced us into that box." The sparks jumped out of the man tagging the electronics in the room. The final spark fried the computer behind her.

"Wait, stop. Look if I was going to hurt you, wouldn't I stop your powers or something. I mean..." Before Usagi could finish, her phone started ringing. "Mind if I get this?" Usagi slowly took out her phone. Then a bolt of electricity flashed across the room, lancing the phone into the wall. "NOOO, I'm still paying that off! Ungrateful ass wipe!" The man's body flashed, sending sparks across the room. "I mean... benevolent ungrateful forgiving man-sama." Usagi dropped to the floor trembling. The room stopped flashing.

"Stand up." a woman stood in front of Usagi. Looking up, the hacker felt an unwavering keeping her on the ground. "You are going to be our hostage. If we don't get out, then you wont 'escape this place.'" Usagi tried to force a laugh but her thumping heart fought every breath. The leading man stormed over to her and peeled her off the ground.

"I'm up, ouch, I'm up." Usagi complained.
"You're too slow. Walk now." The man Glared at her with sparking eyes.

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost October 25th 2020, 10:48 am

"Good, in an hour set the machine off. Be sure not to be too close. I'm not exactly sure what will happen to you mind if your within 20 feet." Eiichi said over the phone, his expression on his face almost said, if you want, we can try that later, but instead he let the man on the other end finish what he wanted to say and hung up the phone.

Sparks darted across the room as the his men drilled into the vault door. It was going to take a while, and Eiichi hoped it was all going to pay off. He hadn't messed up yet. And if he was going to, well, lets say he has a back up plan.

He waved his hand a cross his face telling his men to take the manager back to the other hostages. "Don't get too comfortable. I'll be coming by in a few minutes."

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 1st 2020, 5:22 pm

Every step was drowned in the sparks of the angry man. She was the self claim best hacker in the world. Nobody has caught her, but now she potentially could be outed thanks to these ungrateful sheep. Death was better than having her identity revealed, but being cooked to a crisp was not her idea of mercy. If anything, the powered people could be bluffing and only knock her out. Thus, she gets hurt and gets revealed. She needed a miracle, or at least a diversion.

"Fuck, they escaped! I need to reroute power!" screamed a woman's voice.

"Your not alone?" the man growled.
"With the computers fried and power off, I feel kind of alone... Hey lets be friends and esc..." Usagi rambled before being cut off.
"Shut it, Just walk us to the exit."
"Wait, the woman is going to turn on the power. Shouldn't we stop her first? Who knows wat defense mechanism that have to stop you all?"
The man turned to his group. "Fine, we take her out and then we leave. No detours or tricks."
"Look the only trick I managed to pull off is getting confused with these scientist but the very," loud audio pops echoed through the halls, "Yep kill her and then escape. I'll just hold in my bladder..."

Usagi did not know where the woman was going however. She moved through hallways, noticing how every electronic door was open. While it was dark through out the building, flashes of red lights gave her just enough clues to know where to stand. All she needed now was the power to return and she would make her move.

After turning another corner, the man spoke up, "We been here before."
"No we havent. Stop distracting me. I dont have a map and its dark and scary."
He grabbed Usgai by her coat, "I'll will show you scary if those lights come on before we get to the woman."
"Yeah well, you just wasting time doing this. Time we could be using to..."

The lights came on. The door in front of the group beeped. Usagi sunk her teeth into the man and rolled through the doorway. Then a wave of energy blasted out her body the lights flickered and the door Slammed shut. Lucky for her, the doors were controlled by a computer and the sudden disruption of connectivity caused it to slam shut. Now she had a wall between her and the stupid powered people.

"Should of agreed team up. Good luck getting out without me!"

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 5th 2020, 8:08 pm

Sarah and Micha danced in front of a large group of Eiichi's men while wearing practically nothing. The music was American, rap, the kind you would hear in a strip club, graphic and sexually hardcore. The half naked woman wore faces of horror as they were forced to dance, the music was occasionally drowned out by screams. Grovoton was about to tell his men to knock it off, letting it to go for this long was most likely a mistake, be he had to admit, he was getting kind of board himself.

The power dimmed. It had been off. The room only lit with emergency lights and the handhelds of his men.

"Sir, we are in." A man said over his radio.
"I'll be right there." Grovoton stood up. Ran a finger across his neck towards the group leader for him to stop the nonsense of his men and moved towards the large bank door.

When he showed up the large vault door was open and the room was flooded with light from the free standing lamps his men had brought. It shown off the smooth marble ground like it was a mirror, the walls where lined with tiny doors, each with a number on a placard placed in the center. Grovoton didn't waste any more time. It had already taken more time than he expected to get in and now he was only minutes away from chaos. Door number 5591. He pulled out the key from his pocket and opened it up. Inside was a vanilla folder, a bunch of documents and a CD where hidden within. He only glanced long enough to be sure he was right, then put it in a pocket in his jacket.

"Sir, Police are outside!" A man cried from the front of the building. All of the men in the room ran out, Grovoton had been so wrapped up in the moment he didn't notice his men ransacking the money that had been stacked against the far wall. Most of it was now in black duffle bags that hung over their shoulders.
"Right on time." The lights flashed back on, it only took a second, but they went from dim to the brightest they could, then shattered. All the lights were now off. Grovo figured most of the city was like that now.


The machine whirled to life as power surged into it. Sucking up the last drop then it burst, a gigantic wave of energy pushed from it, the clouds above parted from the force, and like a tsunami it traveled through the city of Tokyo. Windows shattered, cars halted where they were, even the traffic signals went to their default flashing red.

As the wave hit the people each of them stopped in their tracks, like deer in headlights, and after a second, they screamed, fell to their knees, then began to laugh. Everyone was out of their minds, most laughing, but also became violent. A riot began, they waved a flag, white with a green stripe down the middle. Why? Everyone doubted if they even knew.

Grovoton's present location

The windows shattered and everyone became like statues. Even Grovoton, luckily he was unique. His brain rejected the scrambling wave and corrected itself just in time to see all of his guys go nuts.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 10th 2020, 11:41 am

Glitch ran down the halls. Even though the power turned back on, she did her job. That over price watch seller should have had more then enough time to get the deed down. Even if he didn't, she still expected him to pay her. He was lucky she did charge him for meta human hazard pay. That would have been a little nice to know that a bunch of crazy walking batteries were being trapped inside. It was a pretty tragic event. Maybe she would write a post if she couldn't sell this information. Another dark note in the history of this country. Not like she cared, she was free and victorious. Nobody could stop her now!


Glitch picked herself off the ground. Her head was throbbing. She couldn't stop trembling. Sweat picked apart at her makeup while threatening to plunge into her eyes. She was stuck inside a human energy harvesting power plant with angry metas trying to kill her. Sure she locked them behind a door but what if they broke through. What if they found a way out and was closing in on her. She blacked out after all. Maybe they were setting up a trap. What if they took down her identity. She had to get out. She had to escape.

Her heart pummel her ribcage. She struggled to take deep breaths. Her eyes darted trying to tag every single thing it could before she passed it. Glitch felt herself lose balance as something slid underneath her feet.
"Stupid papers. Slowing me down... ouch." Only then it hit her. "My ankle! did I roll it, Can I still run?" The girl grabbed her foot. There was no pain, no feeling of weakness. She wanted to sigh but felt her breathing only quicken. "I have to escape, I have to run." Then a bolt of electricity wized through to air.

Glitch screamed, scrambling to her feet and rushing down the hall. The lights flickered as humming of energy flooding the space. However, She was almost there. Red signs guided her to her escape. Fresh air flooded her lungs. A blinding light flashed before dissipating into a smoke, fires, and screaming. The yard was clear of everything except firetrucks and police vehicles. People outside the gate were rioting, panicking, and being just unpleasant. Glitch slowed backed away until another bolt of sparks hit the ground below her, sending her flying into a vehicle. She had to run, make an escape.

She jumped into the fire truck, which was still running. Then she drive it towards the closest wall at full speed. She had to escape and hide. She couldnt be found. She couldnt be seen. The vehicle impaled the wall, unable to bust through. She was screwed. There was no way out. If only there was a gate, like the one 5 feet from her, that she could slip through. Suddenly, she burst out laugh and ran through the gate, wedging herself between the bars. She was free from the crazy battery people and now alone in a chaotic city.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 10th 2020, 5:01 pm

Grovoton floated across the open space as smooth as a snake. A mass the size of a pea bubbled up in his hand, in seconds it grew larger and turned into a flat white blade that stretched four feet long and few centimeters thick, the white bone structure glinted in the light as it hacked at the crazed men, his men. Each of them good at what they did. Their faces, though twisted in horror or rage, brought back memories from Eiichi’s mind. He was killing his brothers. Limbs parted, gun shots went off, and what felt like an age finally ended in silence. The dead bodies and blood decorated the ground in a scene of gore. When Grovoton came too he noticed he had a tear running down his face and watched the red and blue lights of the police vehicles shine off the puddles of blood before him.

He pushed the humanity aside like a small child, the alien mind of his mounding over it like a title wave. There was no time for emotions, he needed to get out of the city as soon as possible, who knows what kind of mayhem could arise. The sword generated from his hand dissolved back into his skin, he felt as natural as extending an arm though the rest of his body shuttered as some of its strength returned.

He picked up one of the rifles his men held and slung the bags of money across his body, the straps made an X on his chest. They were heavy and bulky but nothing was going to weigh him down even if he’d have to salvage some muscle from the men around him. On his way out of the building, stepping over the broken window seal, he bent down and placed his hand on the face of one of the police officers. In a moment Grovoton’s face shifted to that of the man and he ran off away from the city.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 10th 2020, 5:42 pm

Her head throbbed. The girl looked around and saw herself in a abandon box. Her memory was fuzzy but she could piece some parts together. She got away from the metas in the powerplant. Then something hit her head and she had to run. When she lifted her arm, she felt a tender pain map out the cuts and bruises on her arm. Blood dripped from her forehead but further inspection revealed she did not need a hospital. Whatever happened, it was not normal.

Ambulances and patrol vehicles raced the streets. Smug filled the air, but nothing around her was on fire... yet. Most of her stuff was broken. She had to contact her client. Who knew how long's been. Walking around, she found man curled into a ball terrified. Her head throbbed but she managed to pull out her voice.

"You... phone... now!" She wasnt in the mode for games. The man didnt seem like he could fight back. However, he did scream. Glitch shoved her foot into his side which cause the man to flop around the ground more. She pinned down his arms and pulled out his cell phone.
"Great, fucking touch screen. She grabbed the man's arm and rested her knee on his shoulder. "This will only hurt alot... but only cause you wont calm down." A loud crack later and she could move his hand around to interface with the phone for her.

"I think this is the number.... boom. We have it."

The phone ranged and ranged. If the yakuza man answered she would tried to shout into the phone. Though she knew it would only transmit as garble due to her condition, she wanted to get his attention. If it went to answering machine then she would just move on to delivering her message. Then she held the held the phone to the screaming man's head.

"Say Glitch, wants to meet up for her money. Cash or card at the ATM infront of the Cyberbee Cafe. 5PM tomorrow." If she wasnt still holding a conversation with the Man, she would slam the phone on the ground and stomp on it once.

"Sorry mister... i think your phone broke. Hope you have insurance."
And she would walk away to her apartment. She need a bath.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 10th 2020, 6:39 pm

Luckily Grovoton didn't have to use his rifle, he was already to the predetermined safe house and packing his bags, it was only an hour of running, nothing too strenuous, then his ear piece went off.

And older man was on the other side. It turns out his new partner got out alive. She did prove to be useful. He didn't say anything over the phone, just hanging up and plopping down on the bed. As he tried to go to sleep he found it more and more difficult to push the faces of his men away. This damn Eiichi is going to get him killed. He thought, brushing his face with his hands. He knew he couldn't expel him, he held too much power to just throw away over thoughts.

He would meet up with this Glitch character and see it's really made of. Grovoton would give them the money, that wasn't an issue. But maybe he could use them as a permanent part of his team. Seeing they are motivated by money, it shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 10th 2020, 7:21 pm

Usagi woke up late that the next day. Poorly wrapped bandages covered her arms and legs. Her chest hurt and she had light scratches on her face hid behind bandages. Exhaustion and pain stopped her from making repairs on her gear. She looked over her computers only to remembered her drive for Zero Day and cell phone was destroyed. It took a month to make the last drive. With a day or two, she could manual set up the remote feed into the ATM but she only had half a day. The best she could do was appear as her alter ego. However this was her first time meeting someone as it. She grabbed her helmet and sighed. She really needed this money...

At 1630, she arrived at the Cafe with a blond wig, normal sunglasses, Jacket with her backup keyboard under her sleeve, skirt, and boots and her backpack with her costume. She knew what the yakuza boss looked like. She doubted he would think it was some young girl. Nobody online ever thought so. At 1650, she would walk go into one of the private spaces and quickly change. She would not come out until 1700.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 10th 2020, 7:51 pm

Pushing through the night of nightmares Grovoton woke up in a puddle of sweat. 0400, too early for him to go back to sleep, early enough to prep for the meeting he was going to have this afternoon. Hell, he even had time to make himself breakfast, surf the primitive internet of the human race, and get the vehicle packed for his trip.

He stacked the money in the back, the majority of it anyway, the rest of it, the cut for his assosiate, he put in a brown paper bag in the front seat. Inside he placed a burn phone, he put the number of his phone inside of it, and also wrote it on a piece of paper and slid it into his suit jacket. The weapons were dismantled and shoved under the back seat, he was sure he didn't need that.

When it was time for the meeting he drove to the corner of the street, where the cafe was, and parked. Pulled out the bag of cash and placed it in the garbage can just outside the meeting place's door. He was sure no one would take it, or empty the can. He sat down at one of the tables around 1650, just early enough to say he was.

At this time he was wearing the face of Eiichi. There was no worry here, no one would know him. Just an elderly Asian man having coffee. When the waitress came up to take his order he told her a Red Eye and sat there waiting for the new member of his team.

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 10th 2020, 8:36 pm

There he was, the scary leader of the Yakuza. To most people, he probably looked like some old man but Usagi could feel her heart racing. She did her best not budge at his presence but her eyes followed his every step from behind her glasses. She saw the man put something in the trashcan earlier. She could easily just run over and grab it. However she slapped the thought out of her head. He needed this money. She couldnt risk not getting it. Plus, the man could have placed a bug or a tracker in the bag.

She walked in the Cafe and saw the old man. Originally, planned to get into a disguise and everything, but that was under the plan of him meeting her at the ATM. Maybe the cries of pain from the old man garble the message too much. Eiichi sat at a table alone. It was 1650 and there was no sign of any of his men. So she walked up to im in her civilian attire still.

"Good evening sir. Nice watch you have there. Looks... over priced. Do you sell them?"
Usagi activated her ability, shutting down the communications from every device around. The man couldn't ask for help and she had her pistol in her pocket ready to fire should he try something.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 10th 2020, 8:52 pm

Eiichi looked at the lady as she approached. He couldn't tell how nervous she was, she seemed to push all that away as she approached him. damn... he messed this up, he was supposed to be across the street. Was this lady part of the deal, was she part of this guys group, is she distracting him, or is she just a wondering person truly interested in his watch? The thoughts ran though his head in an instant, then vanished almost as if they didn't exist. He had plenty of money and sure as hell didn't need a human assistant. His heart rate slowed almost as soon as it raised. How could he be sure this is the person... if this was the person he needed to meet?

"You work at the power plant?" Grovoton asked. "I do work there now and again, a consultant of course, but people there always ask me about em." He said, most of it was for wandering ears, but the rest was for her. Only he she would know what he is talking about if it really was her.

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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by Row November 10th 2020, 9:31 pm

The woman chuckled. She thought Yakuza leaders were suppose to be smart.
"May I sit here?" She did not give the man time to respond. "No... jobs there require some sort of Degree. I dont even have a high school diploma." She adjusted her glasses before inspecting her black painted nails.

"To be honest, I pegged you as a banker. Maybe even a bank teller who retire from an more... interesting life. But what does a high school drop out like me know about those things."
She was not amused by the man's pretend identify or inability to take a hint. Half her wanted to just flee with whatever was in the bag. The other half wanted to just call him out for not being able to follow simple instructions. Hopefully, he got the hint this time.

Poring Flan
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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

Post by ghost November 10th 2020, 9:59 pm

So, she did know of the power plant. He decided to move the conversation forward and noted that she didn't graduate Highschool. He let her take the seat without him objecting and got right to point.

"Drop it." He said with a stern look. "The money is in the bag in the trashcan. Inside you will find a cell phone with a number, he is the lead on a new tech project I have going. His name is Xavier Lahst, there is plenty more money to be made with me if you'd stay." He said and stood up. "Contact him if you want more information." He walked out of the café.


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INV ONLY Re: I want in!

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