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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by Toyclown May 19th 2020, 11:24 pm

Thomas sat there staring into the mirror.He just has finished applying his makeup.
A nice thick under coat with a blue star over his left eye while leaving his right eye normal.Then he painted on a great grin with purple and blue to make a smile having it stop half way acrossed his face.
Next came the costume .It was mostly made from scraps he got for under two dollars.It looked a mix between and normal button up dress shirt and the other face looked more like a womans blouse.It was yellow,red and orange.The loose fitting pants were more like slacks extra baggy with a few hidden pockets.
To complete this look was a straw hat and his combat boots.
Looking into the mirror he gave himself a fake smile then with a few works to put himself in the right mind set.
Well lets go put on a show.

Tonight was a small sideshow he got work out.It was passing thru and Thomas got lucky with a little work.
However he only got paid a little bit for his work.Hardly what he use to get paid.But it was enough and got him out and about.He been scooping out a small grocery store the past week hes been here.And on closing night he staid later then he needed to help put things away and when he was done he mad his move.

Slowly and quietly made his way from the sideshow site.His kit in hand he easily picked the lock to the back door.He picked this place cause no fancy alarm he had to mess with.Took him less then 5 seconds to pick and open.Making his way to the office it took a few and he found a small drop safe.
It took him a bit almost a good 15 minutes but he managed to pick the lock using his tools and skills.
This is almost too easy.

This was a moment he wished he didnt open his mouth.As soon as he broke the lock a silent alarm went off for 30 second as Thomas was taking the drop bag and any extra cash he could get a hold of.Then two minutes later he could just start to hear sirens.
Thomas panicking a little He made his way out of the office and out the back door locking it behind him.
He got a block away when the cops pulled up and he was sure he could slip back to the sideshow and hold out til morning when they were starting to leave.

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Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2020-05-19

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 21st 2020, 8:16 am

It was tranquil. The dark night seemed like space. If you looked around the darkness voided the light and off in the distance you could see the stars. Though Coronel just came back to Earth he seemed to miss space travel as there was never any nuisance  he had to deal with, but the reason he was there is because his ability pulled him back to Earth like a case of unfinished business.  He mostly wondered around acting casual and consuming food even if it did nothing for him in the long run. He mostly just liked the taste.

He sat there on a roof top looking around. He seen what to be a event past the buildings and everyone seemed to be cheering since you could make out roars of happiness. Cronel lifted himself and carried on deeper into the town. He floated over an empty street with only street lights to illuminate the sidewalk.  As he passed you could tell he was wearing an all black shirt and pants, along with converse he acquired from a nice store that just handed them over. He smirked over thew memory.

He continued walking down the path as he started to hear sirens in the distance. He jumped to the side and hid wondering if the caught wind of his presence or even him just being there in town. But why only send 5 cars? It would take 50 times that amount or more to start to wear me out. As he laid there out of site they stopped near a back path as if they caught someone else.  "Cool so I'm not figured out. That means i can play for a little bit before i have to follow the leader tomorrow.

He walked out from cover as he strolled up to the first officer. They seemed to be after someone who was carrying money and for some reason just looked plain weird. Was the times changing? Was he in space that long or was that just in his head? He went and poked an officer in the cheek which conducted in the officer to involuntary move. He was sent flying into the side of a squad car that was parked to give them the advantage on the robber.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by Toyclown May 21st 2020, 4:05 pm

At first it seemed like everything was going well.
Til he hear not just one car but 5 of them.
(Well this isnt turning out well. )
Thomas double checked his pockets and made sure the cash was split up between 10 pockets thru out his costume incase he needed to ditch some for a distraction.
However he knew he was in trouble when the spotlight hit him. He heard one cop telling him not to move and to out his hands up..
Before Thomas could turn around he hear a smash and a few officers yelling.
At this point he could see half of them were looking at him and the other half were looking at a man dressed in black.
Something just seemed really dangerous about this man but Thomas wasnt gonna let a opportunity pass. So he looked at the cops and said.

"I don't understand sirs. Im just from the circus thats packing up. I was looking for a open store around these parts. Were heading to Ohio next. "

All the while thomas was popping a few joints out incase he needed to get away in a hurry. It would look funny but in a straight line he would be able to run pretty dam fast.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2020-05-19

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 21st 2020, 6:50 pm

Now that a few of their attentions had scouted him out from behind them. He felt it was proper to keep knocking them out. Use to he would simply obliterate them instantly, but he was feeling Yeah that word that he never uses. That taboo shit he kills people for. Smirking to himself he raised his hand and clenched a fist. Immediately the air path inside their throats hand something blocking them, and none of them could take a breath. Soon one after another they started squirming real bad until they fainted.

"Night, night. Ill let you all of with a warning this one time." In just a minute or so all of them were unconscious, but they were breathing. Lucky them. He stepped over their bodies and walked to the guy who for some reason had dislocated joints. "What the hell did these pigs do to you? Want me to fix those or you going to sport those around?" He looked around seeing if there was some other company. Nothing. He then used his ability to film out the area. Nothing again.

"I'm Coronel. I was in the area so here I am passing the time." he said to the man, thing.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by Toyclown May 21st 2020, 9:28 pm

Watching in awe as this man just destroyed all these officers like there were bugs.Thomas felt the hairs on his neck stand up. This fear he was feeling. It wasnt liken looking into a wild beast it was more like looking at a force of nature.Like seeing a volcano erupt. There was awe beauty and fear and terror all at once. Then this being spoke to him.

"What did i do. Well im guessing i tripped a alarm somewhere would be my guess."

He felt uneasy . He has read in papers about supers before. But Thomas has never really interacted with one before.
"While working i go mostly by Toyclown. Im mostly a thief or i do odd jobs. And as for fixing my joints its fine. Most barely notice until im folding myself up and using them to get away with a little extra speed or getting a little extra height. "

Thomas kept looking around him. Mostly for any exits or options be may have.And all the while trying to recall if hes heard of this man before. He was sure he hear the name in the paper. But he just couldnt remember.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2020-05-19

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 23rd 2020, 5:17 pm

Immediately Coronel could tell the man was uncomfortable and being in his position he could understand him. Coronel was a bit of a big shot in the Villain world and if the news was still going on then they would have also recorded Coronel being a considerable threat to phone in to the National Guard. But he has been away for a few years so it depends if they choose to forget him. He was still dangerous, maybe. In most times he would have kill the people but instead his ability was not having that strong of a urge to murder. Must be do to his travels. Now he just needed to pass time. "Oh I know what I can do" he thought to himself as he turned and faced towards the guy. The moon out and a dark night. Plus people busy with the performance the circus was doing. What a wonderful distraction to hurry and hit bigger targets.

"I cant... well can... force you to do what i want, but if you are in need of some money and you want to hit larger establishments why not follow me for a little while. I'm beyond bored and i can protect you while i get my fun." Coronel was feeling a bit un-soothed as for his adventures. He was just beating a bush until time deemed for him to not be there any longer. Pulling on his arm and popping a few joints he readied himself if the guy agreed to follow along.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by Toyclown May 25th 2020, 3:19 am

Thomas didnt know what to think. This omnipotent being had just offered to protect him while he hits more places.
Thomas then felt him pulling on his arm to gesture him to follow and felt a few joints pop out with ease.

Thomas signed a bit and said.

Well yes i could use some extra cash as we head out in the morning.The tour comes to a end soon and then its all off season.

Thomas didnt know why he was explaining himself . it didnt really matter but it made Thomas feel a little bettwr defending his actions

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2020-05-19

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 25th 2020, 8:48 am

Standing in the alley way talking to the man surrounded by unconscious people he finally agreed to accompany Coronel. It would be fun having someone to joke around with. Plus Coronel was curious to what made this guy feel he could go around robbing a place and think he could escape a scene. "I wonder what powers he has" Coronel thought to himself as he gestured the guy to follow. He turned around and started for the open street. Walking past all the police cars he was a little irritated with the bright lights and used his telekinesis to crush the domes causing the street to black out. As the light focuses back into their eyes the street lamps became more visible. The light shined on a road that was fitting of a small town that could not service their road every few months.

As the walked down the road he looked for a large bank style building. Something that said they were going to hit big. "Bingo, Mayflower United Banking. That screams we have money inside." Coronel stepped to the front door of the establishment and asked if he was read while at the same time blowing the front door into the building. The silent alarm would trigger but he had that handled if they came. If he wanted to protect his identity Coronel would have more fun... fighting all the people. With the hole in the front of the building he decided to stroll into the open room. It was probable a 15 foot ceiling and at the back of the room was stairs that went to the office part of the bank. But directly in the middle of the two stair cases was a nice big metal door.

As he noticed the door he also took sight to another smaller vault that was closer to the drive through windows. "ill take the big one you can have the small one." Coronel said as he started walking towards the giant door with his hands slightly tucked into his pockets.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by Toyclown May 25th 2020, 3:29 pm

Thomas walked with the mab in slient. Part if him was thrilled for a chnace for a lil more money for tje off season. But he was also scared in the fact this guys powers were unreal. And he was very hard to read.

Affter walking up to the bank Thomas just stared. He had always avoided large places like this. Cause theu would alway bring down to much heat but he not like he could reall back out now.

All Thomas got out before the explosion was.
Well in for a penny in for a.

The blast cut him off. Then he was just in awe and at the same time thought.
(Great and now the alarms go off.   Well maybe i can slip away if i have too.)
After walking inside Coronel picked the main vault and told Thomas to go affter the after hours deposit drop off safe. Some people would fight. Thomas however knew this was more his speed anyway. So without saying anything he went over to the safe.

It took thomas a little longer then a basic safe but he cracked it in three minutes.
Whennit opened he looked at all the drop bags in it and smile .These were much easier then stuffing bundles there all in nicw little locked bags. Which he started taking the lightest of tjem and stuffing tjem into his costume.

Well this will set me up for a bit.Thanks friend


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2020-05-19

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Pay dash[OPEN to anyone] Empty Re: Pay dash[OPEN to anyone]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 28th 2020, 7:23 pm

He watched the guy run off to the smaller safe as instructed and in no time he picked through the lock and was inside with ease. Coronel turned back and starred directly at the safe. Seems to easy. He better go ahead and cover the guys tracks. Walking around he sensed the security room would not be easy to locate in the considerably sized building. So much for the hard was, Coronel placed both arms out in front of him and then sent out a pulse. Soon the rooms became clear and the security room sprung up in his mind. Looking at the room and the buildings frame and construct. He was able to locate 36 cameras all together. "Not a problem" he thought to himself as he snapped his fingers and crushed each camera and the recording station.

He opened his eyes and before he knew it the other guy was coming back and in perfect timing. He thanked him for the opportunity, but it was just beginning. He placed out one hand and pulled the hinges and lock off of the metal safe walls. Soon the door started floating in midair and roamed in the tightly fit room as if the built the building there after the safe. He set the door down and hopped into the room filled with gold and money. Gold was valuable but harder to transit. He stayed with the money and placed out both hands again sending out a second pulse. He noticed 16 trackers; no wait 17 now including the one in the other guys money stack.

He held out his hand and pulled all the tracking bills to him and set them in the middle of the floor. Ill keep one in case we have people tailing us. I want the action for myself he said as he tuned back towards the room. There were already empty moving bags the bank kept. He lifted them up and started funneling money stacks into the bags. Soon 5 bags were full and would be plenty for the two of them. He floated the bags out of the safe room and headed out. "Okay its been 10 minutes now. We are pushing into a dicey time zone. Lets get moving."

With that notion he escaped through the center doors with bags in tow behind him. He partially floated down the street and slipped into the closest alley.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
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Age : 31
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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