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[Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 9th 2018, 4:44 pm

Alex teleports around the warehouse and grabs all the guns and puts them up on top of the beams and then teleports back to the guy who made fun of his costume.

He slugs him right in the stomach and the goon holds his stomach and then Alex punches him in the face and knocks him over.

"My costume isn't sh*t" Alex says as the goon falls to the floor, "Your reflexes are pretty sh*t though"

Then, Alex notices that big diamond dude and he stares at him. But then The Diamond Man stares back and they make eye contact, even though Alex is wearing goggles...
Alex begins to walk towards him but The Diamond Man stays still.

"Oh man, this guy is seems off, I honestly don't know what I am gonna do, good thing I'm not alone" he thinks to himself

Alex then starts the run and then quickly he blinks, then he appears right in front of the diamond man and before anything can happen The Diamond Man grabs him and says in a deep voice with a very small hint of a Boston accent, "Kid, your nothin' but a pest" he then throws Blink into the towards the wall and fires out diamond shards at him and then he walks to his biggest goon, he puts his hand on his shoulder but does not look at him and says very sternly and secretly, "Help me carry this to the boat and then we can go" and the two walked towards the machine.

Alex watches this but he is not too sure what hes going on so he clicks his heels and teleports back to his friends and then helped them out with the wave of goons.


Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 10th 2018, 10:46 am

The numbers were getting out of hand. Kashmir ducked a wild haymaker punch, stepped into her present foe, and clasped his striking arm while slamming her thigh up under his groin. Firmly beneath his weight, and guiding his forward motion with the lift of her hips, Kashmir executed a beautiful textbook hip toss that laid her attacker sprawled out and face up. The man gasped for air wide eyed as Kashmir narrowly avoided a right cross, boxer swaying clear of it and its practitioner only to take a left hook to the jaw from out of nowhere.


She rolled with it as best she could, curling up arms and legs as she rolled across asphalt, protecting her somewhat from several kicks and stomps. Rolling onto her back, three goons looming over her, Kashmir opened both hands and gave them a dose of her Flash Bang Attack. The bright light she emitted had force, pushing them back some as if they were shoved, and blinding them briefly to boot.

Kashmir scurried clear of her opponents, and dove behind some nearby crates to regroup. Adrenaline in her veins notwithstanding, she felt the peppering of blows she took during her roll across the ground throb. Her neck and jaw ached. Her vision was wobbly. Kashmir shook her head to clear it and peered out from her hiding place.

Blink and the Indy were still in action, and her goons were headed their way. It was time for something a bit more substantial. Bringing her hands together, Kashmir coalesced a ball of solar energy between her palms, took a deep breath, and stepped out from behind the crates. She slowly flew up, about 15' and brought the sphere of radiance above her head.

She waited, aiming her weapon, and preparing for the right moment to unleash it.

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 10th 2018, 10:38 pm

Indy had settled into a relaxed fighting posture after the failure of his police intimidation tactics. His utility cable was extended to five meters, and he casually waved it about at ground level. Here and there, he tripped a goon or entangled their legs and gave them a taste of ol' Tesla's magic whip.

Eventually, he found himself falling into a rhythm, noticing that the impacts of bodies slamming the floor were not dissimilar to a flat bass note and the crackle of electricity could serve as a hi-hat. He experimented with his timing and technique, trying to roughly replicate the theme song of any of his favorite TV shows.

After finding the pace too slow to be suited to music, he settled instead for forcing the various goons to play electric hopscotch. In fact, he became so caught up in that little game and in keeping tally of each goon's score that he was completely oblivious to Kashmir's ability to change the time of day to noon within a small area.

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 10th 2018, 10:45 pm

Alex watches his robot friend screw with all these goons, knowing that they have this in control, besides that diamond dude, they are gonna be ok.

The goons all suddenly stop and back away seeing the scary ball of light above them, the gangsters begin to back up, and they are clearly scared and Alex sees it.

"I can't let her throw that, it'll seriously screw them up for real here"

"Hey shiny!" Blink shouts up to Kashmir "Throw it there" he says pointing at the boat

"If she throws it at them the boat maybe we can finish this here tonight, I mean is the boat sun proof?" Alex thinks to himself.

"Yo, is your boat sun proof, crystal dude?" Alex shouts out to the diamond man, "Asking for a uh, friend, don't worry about it!"

But, the Diamond Man sees this too, he knows whats about to happen, this isn't his first fight, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cellphone and sends a text. He pockets his phone and then cracks his knuckles and gets ready to fight.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 10th 2018, 10:55 pm

Time to throw.

She was about to pitch it into the midst of the tripped up goon squad when Blink told her to divert in the direction of the boat. Brow knitting, the squinting gaze she exhibited told of a quick series of threat assessments, value analyses, and the overall benefit of flinging a low yield explosive into a rather large boat. All the span of a breath to process, Kashmir decided that Indy had the goons on lock, and simply swerved last second in her motion. She spun about in mid air and released the ball of solar energy at the boat.

It sped fast along its way, passing just over head of The Diamond. Would he catch it? Could he catch it?

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 10th 2018, 11:14 pm

The Diamond Man walks slowly forward, and when he sees the ball coming after him he barely steps the side and doesn't even flinch, and the whole boat explodes behind him.

"You suck at catch." Alex shouts out

All of the goons start to back off and the fighting stops as he starts to walk over.

"I've never seen em' fight before, not like this" one goon whispered to another.

"You are all nothin' but a group of wanna be do gooders in a world beyond saving, and now you got tangled up in somethin' you really shouldn't have," The Diamond Man says, "And what are we gonna do bout' that?"

The goons begin to whisper to each other.

"Settle this like men, over a game of rock paper scissors?" Alex asks him?

"Even though your just some kid, I'm not gonna feel bad about this" the Diamond Man says just before releasing a barrage of diamond shards all over the place.

The goons duck for cover, behind anything they can find, Alex blinks to Kashmir and Indy, grabs them, and then teleports to safe cover.

"So what's the plan?"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 11th 2018, 3:34 pm

Good question.

Kashmir looked between Indy, and Blink. Considering their capabilities thus far and what was exhibited by The Diamond, she spoke presently.

"You have the best chance of attacking headlong, and surviving, so keep him distracted. she said at Blink, then turned her eyes on Indy.

"You flank him."

She thumbed at herself.

"I will attack from above."

Finished, she looked between them again.

"Unless either of you have a better plan."

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 11th 2018, 3:55 pm

Blink's felt both terrified and proud right now.

"Wow they want me to go head on that must mean somethin' coming from another super person, but also they want me to go head on against a super diamond crime boss" Blink thought to himself.

"Alright cool this is great" Blink said outloud, then clicked his feet together and appeared out in the open facing The Diamond Man.

"Hey big guy, sun's gettin real low" Alex says jokingly.

"Brat." The Diamond Man says and then begins to fire diamond shards straight at Blink.

Blink teleports around him lots of times, he constantly starts blinking all around him without even taking time to settle to try to throw him off, while every now and then jumping in to tap him on the shoulder or head to bug him. Then he blinked right in front of his face and threw his punch.

"Owww holy sh*t what are you made of roc-, nevermind" Alex says as he stops teleporting around holding his hand and breathing heavily.

Then the goons come out of there hiding spots and start to circle Blink.

"Aw sh*t I forget about you guys..."


Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 11th 2018, 8:17 pm

"Danger! High voltage!"

Indy comes barreling out of cover to Diamond Man's left, utility cable unspooling itself to its full ten meter length. While still lumbering forward, he whips it once and swings it at waist level. The cable crackles with electricity, sweeping a wide arc through the warehouse interior with a complete disregard for who might be in the way.

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Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 11th 2018, 8:41 pm

The gangsters fell to the ground but still The Diamond Man stands, as he is not effected by electricity.

Blink teleports out of the way to a steel beam at the top of the warehouse to get away from the electricity.

"You coulda killed me!" Blink yelled from the top of the warehouse.

The Diamond Man then looks up and aims his arm at Blink and his other at Indy and says "Killing you at this point would just be a waste" and then begins to fire a barrage of his diamond shards again.

"Yo Cashmere, any day now!" Blink calls out while dodging and teleporting from diamond shards.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 11th 2018, 9:19 pm

Diamond may be the hardest metal, but it's not invincible. A sufficiently forceful impact easily causes shattering along the lines of the crystal lattice. Impacts such as a diamond striking titanium plates at high velocity.

Indy barely flinches as he's showered in thousands of karats of high-quality diamond, more because of the realization that he's going to be rich after this fight than anything else. He charges Diamond Man, singing in a perfect masculine mimicry of the famous Australian singer-songwriter Sia.

"I'm bulletproof nothing to lose, fire away, fire away! Ricochet, you take your aim, fire away, fire away! You shoot me down but I won't fall, I am titaniiiuuum!"

A few diamond shards manage to puncture the thin armoring in his arms and shoulders as he charges, and one manages to rupture a now-exposed hydraulic line in his right elbow. As soon as he feels the rapid pressure drop, Indy mechanically locks the joint, leaving it stuck at half-bent.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 11th 2018, 9:45 pm

The opening was as good as any. Waiting above her allies, and the target, Kashmir's billowy costume fluttered in the wind as she brought her hands together in front of her. Palms out, and aimed down at The Diamond Man, they started to glow yellow, then bright white. Next was an intense burst, a flashbulb blast of brilliance before a effulgent ray of light shot forth.

The light preceded the heat of the attack, pouring through the transparent meta-human, and discharging the spectrum all about the war zone. What goons remained were transfixed by the awesome sight of a multitude of colors dazzling in their eyes.

Then the heat that was to follow arrived.

What would it do to The Diamond Man?

(OOC: You call Big Man)

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 12th 2018, 10:39 pm

The Diamond Man falls to the ground, cracked, broken, and weak. He sits there on his knees staring at the ground avoiding eye contact and not making a peep.

"Di-did you just kill him?" Blink asks.

Blink quickly teleported over to see if he was alive, but then The Diamond Man spoke, still leaking down.

"You all just a made a really big mistake..."

Then an incredibly armed boat that's pure jet black and has a little diamond logo on the side, its almost like a mini-warship. Rockets are fired out from the boat around the whole warehouse, one of them flies straight past the heroes but it doesn't hit them.

The Diamond Man then slams his hands into the ground and the whole ground shakes, then huge spikes of a diamond come out of all different parts of the ground, they are much thicker and bigger than the Diamond Man himself. They form in a way that surrounds the heroes, and then the whole warehouse begins to fall in flames.

The Diamond Man then escapes on to the boat and he flees the seen. Some of the remaining Goons do not even make it on the ship so they jump into the water and find any openings to get out of there.

The heroes are now alone and trapped in a collapsing and burning warehouse...


Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 12th 2018, 11:57 pm

The situation, now absent of hostiles, had become more perilous. Trapped inside an inferno, the three heroes were pressed for time. Any moment, the weathered structure could collapse down on them. Or, as the flames perished the oxygen, they would all suffocate. Then, lastly, and perhaps more imminent danger was being burned alive.

Kashmir, clothes streaked with bullet tears from the barrage moments ago, descended down among her allies. Her eyes watered from the stinging of the smoke, and her posture heaved with deep breaths. When her feet touched ground, she teetered, catching herself from falling over.

"I overdid it..."

She whispered, looking to Blink, her squinting eyes begging a question.

"Can you get us out, or do I need to blast an opening?"

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 13th 2018, 6:53 pm

Alex looking at all the fiery carnage and destruction says "I don't think this was you, well not completely, it was probably those missiles, mixed with you, but no worries we're fine, probably".

Alex looks around for a bit thinking of a way out, he looks at a beam thats still standing a bit but definetly near to collapsing that sort of leads to a window.

He points at it "There."

He blinks to it grabbing Indy, and leads him out the window, then he blinks to Kashmir leading her out the window also and they all get out as the warehouse collapses behind him.

The heroes just stare a bit while Alex is relived that this is night is over for now. He pulls out his phone, the clock reads 9:30

"OH Sh*t, I've been at the gym for like, 5 hours, I gotta get home soon! Aw man what am I gonna tell my parents..." Alex says, more scared of being in trouble than he is of the dangerous criminal who just got away...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 14th 2018, 12:19 am

Kashmir blinked at this verbal admission, and smiled at Blink.

"You hit up a fast food restaurant, and chatted up a pretty girl; you will still get a scolding, but they will be proud of you and not restrict your privileges."

Kashmir offered readily, then she looked herself over with a sigh. Tears. Burns. Scuffs and scrapes dotted her intricate clothing. She would have to sew some new patterns over the specific apparatus she wore beneath the finery. Her present ones were clearly ruined, and well beyond repair. Looking from her garb to Indy, she took the metal man in with wide, wondering eyes.

"You were more than impressive. I am Kashmir; a pleasure to work with an automaton such as yourself."

Then she turned to Blink.

"And you will be the third superhero I have worked with; what do I call you?"

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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