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[Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 9:37 pm

Alex looks up an amazement, realizing that this robot could probably help him take down some of these guys, no matter how big these guys are they aren't immune to getting shocked.

Alex teleports to the top of the roof and says "Oh uh thanks but I'm good. Anyway are you like a bad guy? Cause' if your not I could use some help, as long as you don't like kill anyone or anything." Alex shouts nonchalantly but still being a bit serious

Tonight could actually be a success for once, but its getting late he still has school tomorrow and he has "been at the gym" for a long while now.


Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 9:42 pm

"Oh, you better believe I'm bad. I'm the baddest of the bad. So bad I'm good."

Indy zips upwards along the side of the building, periodically kicking away from it as if rappelling in reverse. Once he reaches the upper edge, he clambers over clumsily and stows his utility cable.

"So, what's the plan, then? I've got nothing better to do tonight, after all. Well, I did, but now I can't. Anyway, lead the way, youth of the night. Just keep in mind, I am not fast."

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 9:59 pm

Alex realizes that this might be a mistake, he can't let him kill anyone or screw this up but he needs the help and he is feeling lucky tonight.

"Wow, I am like a leader tonight, this doesn't feel right, I'm like a kid", Alex thinks to himself

"Ok, so the plan is to find the truck, and stop it but I mean, now that I think about it, maybe if we could stop tail the truck we could find out where its actually going and see what they're up to and stop the whole operation, but that does mean more bad guys" Alex says aloud but still somewhat to himself, "But you said you aren't fast so it might be hard to stick together and stop the truck I guess we don't got another choice really" Alex takes a pause to think and stares the robot.

"Alright lets go, remember don't kill anyone I don't need that on my conscience tonight" Alex jokes but still being serious.

"Ok let's get a little higher ground and start looking, unless you can like scan the area, which would be real helpful, but just look around" Alex says as he starts walking towards another taller building, "So what do they call you anyway?"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 5th 2018, 1:09 am


The male voice blared from her earpiece, causing Kashmir to furrow her brow in discomfort.

"Loud and clear,"

She replied presently, looking out over a view of dotting lights and shifting reflection off of water. Orange, pink and red dominating the firmament.  The water and sky was two horizontal plains of mirrored gold as the sun sunk low.  Street lamps sprung to life.  First bright and pale, then the daunting marmalade that would paint the streets of night.

"The rendezvous is in place.  The agent is awaiting your arrival; expediency is of utmost importance.  acquire the documents and bring them to Langley ASAP.  Understood?"

The voice buzzed.

Kashmir nodded to herself.

"Roger that."

The voice picked up right off her assent.

"How's your power levels?"

Tapping the center of her ornately sewn hat, another voice, this one automated, sounded.

Rolling her shoulders, Kashmir put a finger to her earpiece.

"Even.  Ready to execute on command."

After stating this, Kashmir found herself waiting in silence.  Awaiting orders was protocol.  Clearance was a bureaucratic concept that only applied to her in regards of the time before "Stay" and "Go".  In an unnecessary number of words, she'd been told to stay.


"Potential hazards between you and your destination, please describe in detail."

The streets far beneath her feet, the meager traffic looked much that of hurried ants. Wind harrying her extravagant needle work clothes caused aloud fluttering sound. Kashmir adjusted her altitude a bit, lowering herself down to rooftop level with the tallest building nearby.  She glanced about, and quickly zeroed in on a what seemed a bit unusual.  A figure that blinked in and out sporadically from sight only to appear somewhere else. One would think the figure simply appeared at will anywhere.  Then, while picking this spectacular figure out of each sudden materialization, she spotted a figure that suddenly started repelling about with the disappearing/reappearing one.

"Potential hazards between you and your rendezvous, copy?!"

The voice buzzed again.

Raising an eyebrow, Kashmir exhaled.


"Good, proceed to rendezvous point immediately, Kashmir."

"Roger that, WILCO...Kashmir out."

Pulling the earpiece out, she elevated herself again, orienting herself towards her destination, but keeping the two peculiar figures in sight.  Chances are, she'd never encounter them.  But something so unusual was worth keeping in periphery.  Flying at about 45 mph, at her current elevation, she'd arrive at the destination in short order.  She gripped a backpack by one of its shoulder straps tightly.  Flying along, she unzipped it enough to view the contents inside.

Orange Sweater.  Red Pleated Skirt. Pumps. Watch.  Knee High Socks. A passable disguise.

Looking up in time to avoid colliding with power lines on her decent, Kashmir spared one last glance at the two she'd spotted moments ago.  They disappeared behind a building.  Out of sight, out of mind.  She landed herself on a vacated balcony, and quickly undressed, then put on the disguise, stuffing what was unnecessary of her costume into the backpack.  The sweater hid the main portions of the suit dealing with critical elements of her power regulation.  Kashmir smiled, and check her distorted image in a window.

Nodding, she threw herself from the balcony without further preamble, backpack in hand!

Awkward at first and altitude not higher than two stories, Kashmir flew through alleys at 20 mph, sidling the brick work.  Closing on her destination, she zipped up the back pack, and slung her arm through on of the straps.

Her thoughts dwelt upon the two she'd seen, again.  What would be the chances?

Curiosity would have to be denied, perhaps?

Last edited by Kashmir195 on October 5th 2018, 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added details, fixed typos. Reworked sentence structure.)

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 5th 2018, 11:55 pm

The truck finally stopped. It pulled into a ware house right near by the harbor. The warehouse even had a door in the back to bring boats through.

The unlikely pair began to approach the factory and watch it. Alex teleported to a ledge attached to the window. He hugged the window it was attached knowing he did not have good balance.

"I know if I fall I could easily teleport out of here but oh boy I am f*cking terrified" he says to himself.

He sits and watches a bit for what is going on. He sees the men begin to leave the truck and another group of men greet him. They seem to talk a bit and the big guy from earlier seems to be talking with his hands, he then punches his hands

"That's probably about me" Alex thinks

But then the driver seems to be in a panic.

"Also about me" Alex thinks to himself, but this time a little proudly.

Then he sees a boat in the back, its some sort of small ship, almost looking like a house boat, just much larger and more "shippy". A man in a suit walks off the ship and behind him something possibly terrifiying. Its a giant man, over 6ft tall for sure, and made out of what looks like diamond and is built like a football player, and wrestler, and heavyweight champion, on steroids, not exactly an easy guy to go a few rounds with.

Alex begins to walk balk a bit and almost slips off the ledge, he braces himself and then jumps off to get a better view of the roof of the factory and blinks up there, only to notice a girl, a bit older than him standing there, not necessarily staring at him, but she definitely saw him earlier.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 6th 2018, 12:16 am

The earpiece buzzed.

"Did the majority of you costume fit under the sweater?" the controller asked.

"No." Kashmir replied flatly.

"But enough to make you look common?"

"Affirmative." she answered, managing to climb a little higher as she flew. The controller spoke once again.

"This requires subtlety, I understand you prefer the full use of you suit, but if we have any observers, we need you to look nondescript...I know several components had to go into the backpack, how has that effected functionality?"

"Marginal." she managed while banking a tight corner.

"Explain, Kashmir."

"Altitude in flight significantly decreased, flight speed halved. No further observations at this time."

Silence, then the earpiece crackled with the staccato voice of the controller once again.

"Can you still engage hostiles if necessary?"

Kashmir grinned.


Kashmir arrived at the docks as the controller signed off. This was the place of her rendezvous. Only she found something unexpected. Goons, plenty of them. Mob and gangster types. Landing on a nearby warehouse, she also saw someone, that same someone seemed to pop out of nowhere, pop into view. They were both watching the gathering of unsavory souls pool closer.

The diamond man. That was a concern.

"Kashmir to Langley." she started

"Controller here."

"Rendezvous site is populated with hostiles. Repeat, rendezvous has hostiles."

"Are you asking to abort, Kashmir?"

"No. Please advise."

"Execute hostiles with extreme prejudice."


"Copy, Kashmir?"

"Roger that."

"Very good. Controller out."

Just then, Blink blinked before her and she, naturally, blinked with some surprise. She slowly brought her pointer finger to her lips, and tapped it several times on them. Indicating a need for quiet discretion. she then pointed to a spot beside her for Blink to crouch down at. Like in New York, she had found another hero.

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 6th 2018, 10:08 am

Alex just stairs at this women and not understanding what she was signaling he says out loud

"Look, I don't know what your saying, who even are you?"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 6th 2018, 11:17 am

"Kashmir." she stated, her voice low and controlled.

Patting the space next to her, Kashmir made eye contact with Blink.

"We should stay out of sight..."

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 6th 2018, 11:32 am

"Ok look Cashmere," Alex says not fully hearing the name, "There are some bad people don't there and I don't want you to get hurt, so let the brand new, unprofessional kid handle this alright"

Alex says this and then jumps opens a window at the top of the factory and then blinks on to a steel beam towards the roof to still remain hidden and continues to watch over.

He sees Kashmir watching him and does a "shoo" motion...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 6th 2018, 11:46 am

Seeing the "shoo" motion, Kashmir looked away from Blink and peered cautiously over at the assembly. Then looked back to Blink, then looked at the diamond guy, then back to Blink.  She shook her head. She held up both hands, palms faced out to him in a pushing motion.  Then she pointed a thumb at her person, and held up a finger. Crawling over to an AC unit on the warehouse roof, Kashmir disappeared behind it for ab, emerging a minute later in her full costume.  Intricate, flowing, wine dark garments, billowing pants, ornate black boots, and putting in her last golden earring in, Kashmir pointed between them, then down at the goons.

Her lips tugged at the corners as she balled her hands into fists and did some quick rabbit jabs in the air.

Hopefully she got the message across.

Last edited by Kashmir195 on October 6th 2018, 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 6th 2018, 11:55 am

"What the f*ck" Alex thinks to himself seeing Kashmir dance around "This lady is somethin else..."

Alex shrugs while staring at her and then does the crazy hands sign, pointing at his head and spinning his finger, then he leaps down on top of the car and says "Hey big guy remember me"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 6th 2018, 12:10 pm

Kashmir huffed.

It was more than apparent to Kashmir that she wasn't getting through to him. When Blink "poofed" from his elevated position and appeared down below among the goons she emitted a long groan, then took to the air. Hovering above the gathering some 30', she spotted a nice area to project to place "herself".

Appearing suddenly out of nowhere, and adjacent to Blink, was a mirage image of Kashmir.

Distance would hopefully keep the ripples in the form being apparent, and the slight transparency, from the coalition of criminals.

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 8th 2018, 5:57 pm

Indy bursts in, the LED screen that makes up the majority of his face turning into a brightly flashing array of red and blue lights. His fingers are curled into 'gun' shapes, and he waves his hands around wildly before settling the 'barrels' of the guns in the direction of the nearest two goons.

"Nobody move! This is a sting! You're under arrest for... for... Hey, kid, what'd they do, again?"

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 8th 2018, 6:04 pm

Alex watches the robo-man run around and waves his, finger gun(?) all around. Alex quickly teleports to Indy. Woah robo-,am chillout for a second we aren't gonna shoot anyone here, just like shock em or something, not to death but just enough" Alex says quickly trying not to get anyone killed, he then points at the big goon, "Shock him especially, he's a d*ck" Alex then points at the girl here also "I don't know who she is or what shes doing so just maybe not attack her yet, she hasn't hit me at all so I'm not sure"

Alex then pats Indy on the back, "Alright we got the plan let's go!"

Alex teleports to the goons and punches one straight in the face and the fighting starts...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by Kashmir195 October 8th 2018, 11:10 pm

And boy does it!

What goons didn't turn to aim at the new position Blink had appeared at (or those that aimed at Indy for that matter) kept their beads on Kashmir's false image and opened fire. The bullets flew threw it, leaving holes until the structure of light destabilized and dissipated to the shock of the goons.

Eyes having no reason to look up, Kashmir enjoyed her anonymity in combat, and projected another mirage into the midst of those who had blown the prior one away. The reaction was all but humorous as one goon swung wildly with his pistol at "her" appearance in the corner of his vision, flooring one of his buddies when his hand passed through the faux form.

"It's a fake!" he shrieked as the mirage blew away.

Kashmir silently lowered herself down behind him, the goon turning and waving at her.

"Another fake! Just ignore it and kill the robot and the kid in the Sh*t costume!"

When he turned away, Kashmir bowled him down with an ax handle blow to his back.

Status :

Quote : "Roger That."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Deep South
Age : 38
Job : Standing...I'm not joking.
Humor : -REDACTED-
Registration date : 2018-10-03

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 9th 2018, 4:44 pm

Alex teleports around the warehouse and grabs all the guns and puts them up on top of the beams and then teleports back to the guy who made fun of his costume.

He slugs him right in the stomach and the goon holds his stomach and then Alex punches him in the face and knocks him over.

"My costume isn't sh*t" Alex says as the goon falls to the floor, "Your reflexes are pretty sh*t though"

Then, Alex notices that big diamond dude and he stares at him. But then The Diamond Man stares back and they make eye contact, even though Alex is wearing goggles...
Alex begins to walk towards him but The Diamond Man stays still.

"Oh man, this guy is seems off, I honestly don't know what I am gonna do, good thing I'm not alone" he thinks to himself

Alex then starts the run and then quickly he blinks, then he appears right in front of the diamond man and before anything can happen The Diamond Man grabs him and says in a deep voice with a very small hint of a Boston accent, "Kid, your nothin' but a pest" he then throws Blink into the towards the wall and fires out diamond shards at him and then he walks to his biggest goon, he puts his hand on his shoulder but does not look at him and says very sternly and secretly, "Help me carry this to the boat and then we can go" and the two walked towards the machine.

Alex watches this but he is not too sure what hes going on so he clicks his heels and teleports back to his friends and then helped them out with the wave of goons.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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