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[Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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OPEN [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 2nd 2018, 6:38 pm

The clock ticks slowly, the last minutes of school very slowly going away for what feels like hours. Everyone is excited to go home, no one is paying attention, not even the teacher. In what feels like hours, the bell rings, time to go. A small yet lean students is the first out, his names Alex. The big kids in the football jerseys run off, its the big varsity game, the rival schools are playing Friday, tonight, after a long wait. As he walks out the doors his friend comes up to him.
"Hey tough guy where you going today" he asked in a fun manner
"Oooh we got a big man coming, big man Matt we're gonna call you" Alex responded.
They continued to keep walking to the bus until the path to them split ways to different busses. They waved bye and got on their busses. The bus ride was nothing special, but what was Alex expecting, the only funny thing that happened was when these two kids in his grade started arguing with some older kids which was really hilarious but nothing like that today. He gets off the bus and gets a text from his mom saying she will be home late today, he texts his mom back and tells her hes going to the gym and that his friend will drive him. But thats not true at all, he isn't going to the gym at all, hes gonna go get out there and beat the sh#t outta some bad guys. He runs into the nearest alleyway and grabs his costume from his bag, he hides his bag under neath a dumpster and then changes and gets to work.

He has fun blinking around at trying to do cool tricks while in the air, and just having fun while still looking for crime. As the day goes on sunset comes and he sees a robbery going on down in some warehouse. Its a big group of guys who have a huge truck, it looks armored.
"Doesn't that belong to some big shot tech company?" He thinks to himself,
Alex watches the robbery for a bit. He sees 5 guys, all wearing Terminator mask, glowing eyes and everything, freaky. They also are wearing black cargo pants and tight green athletic shirts and holding some pretty big gun, Alex isn't sure what types they are put they look like the illegal kind.
"Get to the chopper" Alex yells from his vantage point "Get it? Its like the Terminator guy, never saw the movie though"
"Who the h*ll is that?" one of them yells?
"Its the cops we gotta go lets hurry this up!" another responds.
Alex blinks down right in front of one and punches him and then blinks behind him and kicks him over. Then he grabs his gun quickly and blinks away with it putting it on the roof so no one can get it.
"Yea I'm a cop, put your hands in there, you have the right to remain silent, but I don't" Alex yells.
Another criminal comes out of the warehouse, this one huge, same uniform, but much bigger and scarier, carrying some large boxes and throws them in the truck.
"Ill take this little punk, you finish this and get the truck ready, this'll be fast" he says cracking his knuckles.
Alex teleports in front of him and sticks his tongue out and then goes in for a punch but the big guy punches Alex back and he falls into the some trash cans in the alleyway behind them.
"Let's go" the big guy says as he hops in the back of the truck with this new tech. They begin to speed off into the distance but Alex blinks up on to the top of the truck, he is not gonna let them get away...

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Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 3rd 2018, 9:19 pm

"Indy! Help me!"

Indy spared a glance away from the television, peeking through Mia's bedroom door. There, he saw her struggling, pulling on one leg of her bed frame in a vain attempt to move the queen-sized assembly. As he watched, the latin girl lost her grip and fell squarely on her backside, rattling off a long-winded curse as she did so.


"What on Earth are you doing, Mia?" The robot made no attempt to move from his place on the living room floor, simply flashing a few expressions of confusion and skepticism across the LED screen that made up the bulk of his face.

"Obviously, I'm not moving my bed. Which is why you need to get over here and help me."

"Clarification: Why on Earth are you doing this, Mia?"

The young woman's face flushed slightly and she fidgeted some, before promptly pretending she absolutely did not hear a single word he said, nope, nuh-uh, not one.

"Indy," she said softly, "pleeease?"

The machine-man let out an exaggerated and overly synthesized sigh before heaving himself to his feet and stepping into Mia's bedroom. The bed was tucked into the corner of the room, the backboard and long side both in contact with a wall. Mia had already taken the time to move the night stand most of the way to the opposite wall.

"Where do you want it moved?"

"To the center of that wall," Mia said, walking around him to the rough center of the room and waving both hands at the wall, "right here."

Indy complied, carefully lifting one end of the bed and dragging the whole assembly over as Mia stepped out of the way. Then, he shoved it so the backboard rested in the center of the wall where she had motioned.

"Re-iteration: Why?"

"I'm having someone over tonight," Mia murmured. "And he sent me a meme about people who have their beds in the corner of the room."

Indy's face changed again, this time foregoing any sense of human anatomy. He simply displayed a large, blue question mark.

"Something something 'you know you're adult when you finally move your bed to the center of the wall' blah blah."

"Mia, just close the door and no one will see where the bed is."

"Um... So..."

"Oh. No. Oh, no. Mia, no. Please."

"The person whose coming over is this guy I've been seeing, and..."

"Mia, please, there's a new episode tonight! You can't do this to me!"

She ignored him, continuing to murmur her explanation, "and I was going to make some food and then, you know, he might be spending the night, because we'll be having wine, and you know, it's irresponsible to let a guest drive home after drinking, and--"

Indy couldn't get her attention, no matter how brightly he flashed an exclamation mark across his face. Instead, he hurried back out to the living room and began to fumble with the DVR remote.

The doorbell rang. Mia hurried out to the door and peeked through the peephole before hurrying back. From her bedroom, she threw his old sombrero and poncho at him. Indy did his best to ignore her as she struggled to get the poncho over the top of his head, still fighting with the remote to ready his show for recording. The doorbell rang again, and Mia snatched the remote, turning off the TV, and then shoved Indy into the corner of the living room.

"That's him, be quiet, stay still."



Mia straightened out her hair in a nearby mirror and proceeded to the door, which she answered gracefully and politely.

The evening progressed from there, as Indy stood statue-like in the corner and Mia explained him away as an animatronic taco vendor. Only when Mia and the man moved into her room did Indy finally get a moment to relax. Yet, not for long. As he reached for the remote, he heard giggling in the bedroom. Followed closely by light gasping.

Oh, no. No, no, no. Mia, why tonight of all nights!

And so, Indy left the remote and his sitcom behind, and slipped out the front door.


Some minutes later, Indy is walking across the street when he hears a truck speeding down the road. He stops, squarely in the middle of the intersection, and stares at the small person clinging to the roof of the truck.

Indy brings a hand up to hold his sombrero on his head, as his poncho flaps in the wind. Like a deer in headlights, he stares down the truck.

"I just wanted to watch The Simpsons."

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Registration date : 2017-01-31

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 3rd 2018, 9:44 pm

"Was...was that a robot?" Alex thought to himself, "I get that tech is more advanced but thats just stran-"
Alex was quickly cutt off when the door to the back off the truck flew open. Alex jumped off the truck from the back and then teleported, the men looked at eachother confused, then Alex appeared behind them, he grabbed one of there guns and then threw it off the truck and punched one of them out cold.
"That's not gonna work on me kid" the big brute stated, cracking his knuckles.
"Oh yea well I'll be right back" Alex says quickly
"Wha" Alex blinks back to the top of the truck and then blinks into the seat in between the two men in the front
"Hey guys, what are we stealing today, wheelchairs? Oh no no, it can't be that you guys are above all that."
The man (not driving) next to him throws a punch but Alex quickly leans forwards and comes back will an elbow in to his jaw..
"Ow! What the f*ck was that for kid" the man shouted, holding his jaw.
"Are you being serious right now, because I really hope you're not this stupid, I mean hey I'm running around with some goggles and a ski mask beating up stupid people so I can't say I'm exactly a genius but yknow..."
"You talk a lot" the criminal said still holding his jaw.
"You bleed a lot, you gotta a little right here" Alex says pointing to his lip
"Wait seriously"
"Well, you might now" Alex says and then he grabs the criminal and teleports out of the car with him and drops him on the side of the road
"Someone call the cops, tell them to bring some frozen peas!" Alex shouted and then teleporting away back to the truck and climbing back in the room with the large man trying to wake up his partner in the back with him.
"Whaa-- what happend" he said barely waking up.
Alex now in the back with them, "I hit you really hard in the face and you passed out"
"Who are you?" the criminal asked.
"Do you understand what a mask is?" Alex asked him back.
"Oooh I'm gonna enjoy beating the sh#t outta' you" the brute menacingly stated.
"Oh I'm real scared" was said back sarcastically.
Alex ran to him and then teleported behind the brute and went in for the punch but then the big guy grabbed him before he could reach him
"I knew you'd do that" the grunt told Alex
"I need some new moves"
The big brute then threw Alex out of the back of the car and it sped off...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 6:02 pm

Indy stared in abject confusion at the events unfolding in front of him. As the vehicle sped away, he counted his blessings that apparently absolutely no one had noticed the six-and-a-half foot tall robot standing in the middle of the street wearing a poncho and sombrero.

He shrugged to himself and finished crossing the street before looking back at the truck speeding off in the distance and the small human that had been thrown out the back of it.

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Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 8:19 pm

Alex tumbled out of the truck and fell, hard.
"Oh sh*t sh*t sh*t" Alex said as he rolled out.
The truck sped off and turned a corner, Alex could not see it anymore.
"Well, this is just great, I gotta find where its going, they have weird stuff in there, it looks like they're going to do something nuts, no normal robber should have stuff like that" Alex thought to himself, "Ok now I need to find a way to cut them off..."
Alex then started to run down the street in a different direction in order to try to catch up with the truck. Without paying to much attention he blinked, real fast to get some distance and then ran into a six foot robot...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 8:27 pm

Indy let the impact push him into a stumble, if only to keep the youth from suffering traumatic brain injury caused by slamming into the equivalent of a titanium boulder. When he re-balanced himself, he reached down to assist the child and make sure it hadn't broken any bones.

"Please, young child, watch where you're going. Are you injured? Do you require medical attention?"

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 8:32 pm

Alex begins to gather himself confused on what just happened for a second, his vision, a little blurry sees a man standing above him speaking to him, Alex begins to quickly respond as to not lose the truck.
"What? Oh no I'm used to it, sorry about that Mr...Robot?"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 8:40 pm

"My understanding of human anatomy suggests that being 'used to it' may be indicative of significant prior brain trauma or an abnormally thick skull. Are you certain you are not in shock or otherwise concussed?"

Indy leans forward slightly in an attempt to get a closer look at the young male's head, checking for signs of blood or subdermal fractures.

"What is a child doing out alone in the evening?"

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Number of posts : 105
Registration date : 2017-01-31

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 8:50 pm

Alex backs up a bit trying to get away from the robot who doesn't seemed to understand personal space.

"Have you ever heard of 'stranger danger' dude?" Alex asked slightly concerned, "Anyway, I'm fine I get hit in the head for sport no worries. But I am sorta looking for a speeding truck its about this big", Alex then stretches his arms out all the way, "Have you seen it?"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 8:58 pm

"Hmph. 'Stranger danger.'"

Indy dusts off his poncho and looks down the street.

"I haven't seen a truck quite that small, but a truck did in fact pass by. Why do you ask?"

As he turns back toward the small child, Indy brings a hand up to thoughtfully stroke his own chin.

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 9:05 pm

Alex realizing that this robot is gonna be taking everything seriously decided to hurry up.

"Ok, look, I'm sure you've heard about me in the news, I'm sorta like a super hero here, or well, I'm trying, and anyway this truck has tons of insane stuff in it and a bunch of criminals stole it, I don't know what they're doing with it but I know they probably shouldn't have it"

Alex said as quickly as he could knowing he is losing precious time.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 9:12 pm

"Ah," Indy says slowly. "You're one of those people."

He stops stroking his chin, and points a thumb over his shoulder.

"The truck went that way. Though, how's a little person like you supposed to stop a bunch of crooks? Can you shoot lasers out of your eyes? Fly and shoot lasers out of your eyes?"

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 9:19 pm

Alex feels a little disappointed hearing that, wishing he had some cooler powers where he could actually fight without having to actually train.

"Uhh, no I can teleport to anything that I can see, it isn't that good when trying to search for a speeding truck very quickly but it gets the job done, it also works well in a fight", Alex begins to explain "But I mean your the robot here, can you shoot lasers or do anything cool, or do you just look cool"

Alex quickly realizes he made a mistake trying to continue the conversation because he knows hes gotta get that truck but he wanted to justify his powers.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by MissingAxis October 4th 2018, 9:29 pm

"Uh... Um..."

Indy stares at the pavement and absentmindedly kicks at some rocks. Suddenly, he perks up.

"I can do all sorts of cool things, youngster! Behold!"

He raises his arms skyward, taking a moment to aim, and quickly flicks a switch mounted on his forearm. A thin metal cable launches, a hook attached to the end. As soon as it snags on the rooftop above, he begins reeling it in. Indy is quickly lifted twelve feet into the air, his feet pressed against the exterior wall of the building as not to slam into it ungracefully.

"See? I can climb buildings very quickly. It's not flight or lasers, but I think it's cool. Oh, I can also electrocute people and hack Wi-Fi. Y'know, basic stuff. The cable thing is the cool part."

Indy simply hangs there, feet resting against the building.

"Oh, did you want a lift or can you actually see the rooftop from down there? You'll be wanting to catch those bad guys, I assume."

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

Post by bigman3 October 4th 2018, 9:37 pm

Alex looks up an amazement, realizing that this robot could probably help him take down some of these guys, no matter how big these guys are they aren't immune to getting shocked.

Alex teleports to the top of the roof and says "Oh uh thanks but I'm good. Anyway are you like a bad guy? Cause' if your not I could use some help, as long as you don't like kill anyone or anything." Alex shouts nonchalantly but still being a bit serious

Tonight could actually be a success for once, but its getting late he still has school tomorrow and he has "been at the gym" for a long while now.

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 22
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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OPEN Re: [Boston] Today Is A New Day!

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