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The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia)

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The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia) Empty The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia)

Post by ghost August 5th 2018, 6:37 pm

Water moved across Wyifa's body like a brush as she glided through it. Her whale like form moved in the ocean with grace that Mother had bestowed upon the creature long ago. She could almost picture the world as it is supposed to be, looking at the timeless sea floor and schools of fish swimming past. Oh, to make it a reality.

She was now about five-hundred miles off the cost of Yakutat Alaska. The cold water was refreshing, she could feel the temperature get more extreme the deeper she went. As her body almost touched the sandy floor she waved a fin ever so slightly, it sent her gliding east but nevertheless the ground began to erupt. Sand, stone, shells, coral, and everything that was caught in the wake started to clump together. As it collected it began to move toward the surface, massive fingers of the mixture darting toward the wavescape and formed a platform. The pillars where all that kept the island in place, fighting against the stormy waters that where above.

Once the pillars were formed and Wyifa was pleased with the size of the platform she swam to the surface. Jetting out of the water her large whale form quickly shed away, it seemed to melt or drip in a rush till a large eagle was the only thing left. Her feathers shook to life as rain and wind pounded her body. This form was resilient, she kept close to the waves, screeching. With every loud wail parts of the castle began to form.

Mounds of stone morphed to blocks, high walls with turrets about them stood strong. A keep was build in the island's center and an entrance to the east, looking out toward land. A screech pierced through the air.  Grass began to form in a court yard that surrounded the keep, beautiful trees sprang from the ground then shifted about as the rough winds took them in their grasp. The eagle form came down to land about the open field, the body melting away into water as the bare feet of a woman touched the grassy landscape.

Wind blew Wyifa's dark black hair over he shoulder. As lightning raked across the sky her naked body shone, her small breasts and athletic form was pale and elegant. As she walked toward the keep small hands gracefully waved a door into being, touching the opening made the stone dance into magnificent patterns, shapes of birds flowed downward toward the platform. As she made her way inside her hands swept in front of her, pulling earth through the doorway, giving life to bio-florescent plants that decorated the ceiling and  flowers that grew about the walkway; some being a dangerous type, others just plain beautiful to her sight.

She made her way down a corridor that opened up, a pool sat in the center of the room. A throne was constructed out of diamond on the far wall, enabling her to look into the pool and watch the fish swim about the undisturbed waters below. The storm raged outside. Inside, as she sat down, moss began to grow on the ceiling, hanging like an old man's beard. Grass covered the ground about her, and trees began to form along the stone walls.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia) Empty Re: The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia)

Post by Zonkes August 5th 2018, 8:14 pm

Dagon swam through the water at a breakneck pace, he had been out on a hunting party when one of his people arrived from the northern colony. The Child originally had been a female Orca whale that attacked them on a hunting party much like this, once Dagon had mutated them; they had become completely loyal to the King of the Trench. Dagon sent them to head their own colony. The colony had been doing well when Dagon had visited last.

The Children of the northern colony had managed to rid themselves of the aversion to light, and had learned ancient magics from the local inuit tribe. Dagon considered them semi-autonomous for this reason, but the great killer swam towards him anyway.

She seemed panicked and tired as she arrived in front of Dagon and his royal hunting party. ”My liege!” Said the feminine voice, seeming out of place for such a large creature. ”I bring news from the Alaskan colony.” Dagon frowned, he knew that if she had come to him directly instead of going through the usual channels, it must not be good.

Speak, Tishba. If it is urgent, then it is best to be moving.” Dagon said impatiently, he hadn’t noticed the new scars. Could this have been a part of the urgent news? Dagon knew not what he could do for her with those wounds, but he had healers in the trench. His hunting party would bring Tishba there if medical attention was necessary.

Tishba took a few moments to speak before returning to the surface for air. Dagon didn’t enjoy turning mammals, their air requirement made them very unsuited to life underwater. However, Dagon knew there were very few creatures that could match the ferocity of a killer whale or the brute strength of a sperm whale or even the wicked intelligence of the bottlenose dolphin. So Dagon turned them and ensured that they stayed nearer to the surface.

When Tishba returned, she was already looking calmer. ”My hunters were out searching for Salmon, when they ran into something they had never seen before! A great stone building made of materials from the sea! The castle is located 4 nautical miles of our colony.” Dagon cursed under his breath, bubbles bursting from his jaws.

A moment of thought later, Dagon nodded. ”Very well. Men, take Tishba to the trench. I will investigate this intrusion alone, and handle it if necessary.” Tish nearly protested, but with a swift harsh look from her king; the female turned away and swam with the guard. When she turned around, all she saw was a flaming hot stream of bubbles.

Dagon flew out of the water with a backflip as he arrived at the castle. He grimaced at the clear showing of human presence. There was no doubt in his mind, the humans were getting bolder, and if Dagon didn’t handle this intrusion; they’d become more common. Dagon shoved his way through the gates and came face to face with a human female sitting on a throne. Dagon nearly raised the sea level to swallow this intruder, but there was something off about her. She wasn’t… quite human.

”You have gotten my attention, surface dweller. Not many humans can raise a castle out of sand and stone so quickly. So, instead of killing you outright; why don’t you explain to me why I shouldn’t tear you limb from limb and feed you to my daughter.”
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Quote : I was that guy Zai. To Vorik, to Murph and to Pat. I’m sorry.

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Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia) Empty Re: The Meeting Place (Dagon & Gaia)

Post by ghost August 5th 2018, 9:55 pm

"You don't say!-" Wyifa exclaimed while looking down at a dolphin that poked out of the pool in front of her. The man's jabbering had interrupted, but she only wore a smile. The dolphin also gazed in the man's direction. "And whom might you be?" She raised an eyebrow. "My name is... um... too long for you to pronounce I'm sure, you may call me Wyifa." She hopped down from the diamond throne.

Her bare skin gleamed in the blue bio-florescent glow of her plants as she walked toward the man. "And, what might you be?" Her nimble fingers touching his shoulder. "Not human? No..." She looked at him, pleased to see she hadn't preformed in front of a group of people she didn't know where there. "You called me "surface dweller". Does this mean you live in the ocean?" Her gaze turned to concern as she took her hand from him. "I haven't destroyed anything important, or hurt any animals, have I?!" Her hand went to her mouth, almost mockingly, though she was completely sincere.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
Posting Master
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 470
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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