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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Row April 1st 2018, 11:05 pm

"Oh You can do that?" She watched as he channeled some kind of energy into the chain. However it had no effect. "You can summon great winds, command death, and heal wounds but you can't break a fucking chain. What kind of hack are you bub... I bet you just think I am cute and want to stay close to me. Well guess what pervert, I would not be caught dead with you..."

"FUCK I DID IT AGAIN ARGH." She screamed and punched the wall. As she did, her fist exploded with heat energy and the door burst open revealing a sign over head that had the words exit and a arrow pointing left. Of course it was that easy. Violence always solved problems. How if only it could tell her what happened to her employee. If he was dead, then she would have to run the shop and fix all the cars herself. That was going to be a pain. As she was in mid thought, The Sirens blasted through the air screaming about how the gas was being released through the air. Now was not the time to be worrying about home. They had to get out or else Riley would die.

Dying sucked too. She would loose so much time and her employees might skip work. It would be the absolute worst thing in the world. "Look Lets just get out of here before the gas starts to come down. She pointed her hand and her skin started to peel off. "OUCH OUCH OUCH, DAMN DAMN DAMN!" The gas started coming down from the room but the hallways were free of the stuff. If the man was not coming then she would drag him to safety. She was not going to suffer because he was dead or wanted to die.

"How long does it take to use your air attack," She yelled. She was running out of energy and had maybe one more attack in her before she became useless again. It was a crappy curse were she had to get hurt with either fire or electricity before she could even use her powers. Also, she could not resist the attacks or else she would not get much energy. That was why she even took the full force of that fire attack. Speaking of fire, she hoped that fire guy did not suffer too painful of a death. That gas burned a lot but it did not seem like it would quickly erode the body. The only reason she felt the pain so fast is because the lighting monster fried her hands and Sean did not heal her.

Maybe when they get out she should pretend to be friends so Sean could heal her. Naa, she would take care of it on her own. She would have plenty of time since she did not know where she was. At least Sean knew someone who could take care of the chain. It would be a bummer to be stuck to this man the entire time.

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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Arcana April 1st 2018, 11:22 pm

Sean furrowed his brows as the woman while she snapped at him, cocking his head to the side as if she were some strange animal barking at him. ”That’s nice and all, but you’re not my type. Also married, so I guess that’s a factor too.” He rolled his eyes, letting the sarcasm roll through the air while letting the chain dangle lax now. Someone had built these chains to withstand even the energy of death itself. This either meant they were really lucky or he was dealing with someone that had thwarted nether before. Either way it didn’t matter and he would get out nonetheless. His eyes darted around, taking in the siren that said something about the gas being released soon and of course anyone caught in here would be killed by said flesh rotting gas. Honestly it felt a little odd, having his life decided by someone that just happened to have a strong enough chain to fuck with him.

Sometimes humans having things that actually worked pissed him off more than anything else. Still, he would power on regardless of what was happening around them. Maybe he could even save their lives yet. The gas started coming out and he noted that she wasn’t healed yet. Dammit, he did forget something ad so he quickly remedied that by applying the golden aether to her skin to let it heal. ”Shit, forgot about that. Sorry.” He said quickly, trying to feel fro any earth nearby. Looking down he realized there was dirt and that meant they could get out of here pretty quickly. So he let his power flow through the earth and with a quick gesture caused a tunnel to form within the dirt. Without an issue it split wide open, forming a circular tunnel large enough for the two of them to fit into.

”Hurry up! Unless you want to see what that gas really does to you.” he leapt down into the tunnel, closing it behind them once the two of them dived into it. This was to keep the gas from following, though he made sure to light the place up with what looked to be sky blue fire dancing above one of his fingers. This cast the sickly, but illuminating light ahead of them. Each motion of his hand would make the tunnel grow larger and longer, leading them somewhere but he had no idea where that was. If anything, they could have ended up digging into an underground stream of lava like in Minecraft. Honestly, he was not sure why he played that game with Michael sometimes. Hell, he even let stream run into his tunnel sometiumes.

”I think we’re almost to fresh air.” Sean said, making the tunnel grow larger and larger as they progress until soft soil gave way to rock and they popped out in what looked to be a cave. It looked like a cave from the rough walls, but he couldn’t tell if it was actually one. Letting the light grow brighter he looked to the female. ”I’ll see if I can get us a portal going and we’ll work from there. Because i'll be honest, I have no idea where we are.”

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Row April 1st 2018, 11:26 pm

To think the man could control earth and wind. That was kind of not fair. Those were opposite elements in every cartoon Riley saw as a child. That is not to say it was not impressive. This man was full of surprises. She wonder what else he could do. Could he control fire? Could he move water? Could he make it rain by doing a silly dance? What was his limit? Well that did not matter now because they were free.

Following all of the signs and using Sean ability to move earth like a wizard, Riley, while still connected to Sean the killer of creatures, managed to fine the excite with minimal injuries. Besides being burned alive, shocked, nearly choked, almost murdered by a gorilla turtle monster like creature that had lightning powers and befriending a magic guy who could do anything but break a chain, she made it out okay. However, now that they were outside, they ran into another problem. Now they were in the middle of he forest with no sign of civilization. It was hot muggy and trees were everywhere. The only way they could find anything is if one of them flew to the top of the trees. Lucky for Riley she was a ghost. Wait, Riley pondered for a minute. If the man did not know about their abilities, he could not have planned a way to contain a ghost. Riley realized she could have just ghost out of the collar and ran away. She felt so stupid.

"Well Sean I just remember something. I am already dead... Like i am a ghost.... So bye, have a crappy life."

With that statement, Riley's body became transparent and then she slipped out of the collar effortless. It was so easy, how could she forget about it such a fact. It had to be due to the fact that she has been trying to blend in with the living that she forgot she could do dead stuff. With that done. She flew away while blowing a raspberry at the man, murder in the making. She did not feel sorry for him. It is not like he healed her a bunch of times. It is not like he fought beside her as a partner in crime. It is not like they did not make a great team of being a shield and sword.

Well maybe some of those things happened. Still, he deserved it. He deserved to suffer by killing people. Maybe, but she wanted to see the suffering and she did not have time today. So she scouted the area for a village and once she discovered a village she told them of a stranded man in the jungle. The people were glad to help out due to them thinking she was a spirit of the forest. And within an hour, they would easily track down and help the man. She did not pay attention to who they were as she had a long flight ahead of her

Poring Flan
Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Arcana April 1st 2018, 11:38 pm

Sean felt at his neck where the collar was beginning to chafe, frowning ever so slightly. He hated having anything around his neck, especially when it came to things that were meant to hold him like a dog. Still here he was with one around his neck and chained to a woman that he was sure hated him for whatever reason. His eyes narrowed at her, even if they were not unkind in how they looked at her. That was when he noticed something a little odd. One second she was there, and the next like looking through a false image she became transparent. The shackle fell away like nothing, clattering to the ground and his eyes just widening at the specter that was standing before him. His lips curled into an almost amused smirk, low chuckle working from his throat. ”Well i’ll be damned, that’s actually pretty neat. Guess that makes things a little easier for the both of us.” he noted, even as she began to float away without a second thought.

Yeah, most definitely hated him for whatever reason. Not that he would blame her for feeling any negative feelings towards him. Actually he had a feeling this would lead to less problems when he had to explain to someone why he had two collars attached to himself. Mike or Zell, now they would be laughing their asses on before or even during helping him out of this mess. Maybe it was best that he asked his mother for help in this matter. That was when he realized something very crucial. ”Fuck...that scientist asshole has my cellphone.” He spat kicking the wall and just letting the flame linger around him. It grew, letting that flickering light spread through the cave and illuminate it, allowing him to get to work.

Carving runes in the hard earth beneath his feet, all in tongues lost to humanity centuries ago. The process was quick, one that took more time with him searching through his brain to find the runes rather than having to actually etch them out with magic. This took less than a minute to finish out, and in the end he spoke a few words in a language that sounded like waves crashing on the shore. Space would flicker above the circle, and the sigils would fade as soon as they were carved, leaving him with a rip in the air that undulated and pulsed with power. Beyond it was the image of a city stretching out, a city that he had come to know and love next to new York. A small sigh worked from his chest, Sean rolling his shoulders experimentally. ”Well family, here I come. Hope you guys can help me more than just giving me a migraine.” Bouncing on the balls of his feet, Sean jumped forward.

There was that feeling of going through a portal that made his stomach jump and threaten to release whatever he had in it. Then there was the falling since he forgot that he made the portal too high.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Row April 1st 2018, 11:44 pm

After several weeks of flying around and hitch hitching on planes in mid flight, Riley finally managed to make it back home. She was exhausted, and really wanted to just go to sleep at work. That trip to the jungle was a nice vacation and she learned a lot about her powers and what to and what not to do. She also met a interesting man who could do a lot of powerful things. Despite all of that she still managed to impress him which was surprising since she was kind of dead. From all of this, all she knew was that she wanted to learn more about her limits. She wanted to push her body even farther then ever. She also wanted to further challenge those stronger than her and not have to worry about backing down due to the situation. She felt weak having to rely on that guy but that that is what the situation called for. She was not strong enough to fight both of those creatures by herself. She would have died and then she would lose her employees. Well at least now everything would return to normal.

As she floated in front of her place she saw that the closure signs were posted everywhere. She fell to the ground. Tears ran down her face. All of her hard work, all of her efforts. They were completely gone, wasted. Her life, undead life, was over. She would have to raise money but how. She had nothing. THat damn man ruined her. He took away every she had. His greed allowed him to create monsters and all he had to do was take from others. Wait, that was it. Riley got an idea that would give her everything she wanted. She just had to steal money from others. If she stole enough money then she could open up a bigger and better shop. SHe could hire better workers who would not die or call in sick leaving her alone to work. She had her dream again. And now that she revealed she was a ghost, she had nothing to hide. In a world were you have superheros, magic men, and crazy scientist. What is one haunting spirit?

With that Riley then moved to live in a mall. She needed clothes, she needed food to make her happy. And she needed a place to sleep when everyone disappear. It was a full proof plan. Also she needed a new name, one that would strike fear in the hearts of all men, woman, and children. Her new name had would be Invisobill... No that was stupid. Riley pondered as she floated in the sky slowly and headed towards the closest building.

After aimless floating building to building she found it. The biggest mall in the city. It had everything including 3 stories of stores, movie theater, food courts, and clothes. It even had a gym and a suit shop she she could steal fancy clothes. Her new life was about to begin and all would fear Riley, until she found a new cooler name.

Poring Flan
Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Emerl_by_arrowhead_by_omireiworld-dbj7qwz
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Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge - Page 2 Empty Re: Fun and Games (Pat) April 1st Challenge

Post by Arcana April 1st 2018, 11:51 pm

Going through the portal felt strange as always but feeling wind rushing past his face in that uncomfortable sensation. He closed his eyes, letting his strands of hair whip about as he tried to control the air around him. The element was uncooperative but with a few motions of the arms he managed to make it obey, swirling around him and slowing his fall until he was nothing more than floating downward like a father aloft within the indifferent breeze. It felt nice, and he had a good idea that Michael’s little safehouse was close by. While his son felt like he was smooth, Sean knew better than to think that. Zell had his ways and the short mage had his own, landing on the balcony of the penthouse. It was rough stone, something that was meant for the one who lived here to enjoy the great view of Las Angeles and he even envied that.

The question of how his son managed to get the money for this place flashed through his mind but he pushed that aside. Turning to walk in and talk in the cool feeling interior. His eyes flickered over the living room, and fell on Michael staring back at him from the couch. He huffed, almost annoyed that one of his family members decided to barge into his home without even being invited. Instead all he said was. ”What’s with the get up? Trying to show off your junk or do you think i’m into that?” He quipped, inclining his head but not really getting up.

”Long story. Involves mostly getting kidnapped, fighting monsters and a doctor I now I want to kill. Got any clothes I can borrow?” His voice was rapid fire, not even giving a chance for pause. Then he of course took in a deep breath, his son looking at him as if he were the craziest person on earth.

”if you don’t mind pastel colors I got a few in my room.” He pointed to a room, one that Sean quickly darted into and began digging through the clothes for. ”Take a bath too! I don’t need my clothes smelling of your sweat dad!” Gathers up a pair of pink shorts, a graphic t that he thinks said something about bottoming and a pair of ankle socks, Sean retreated into the bathroom. Give him ten minutes and he emerged, smelling of peaches and dressed in clothes that fit Michael more than himself. Not that they didn’t fit, but it so cramped his style.

”I feel so painfully preppy.” He grumbled, plopping onto the couch as he felt a pillow ineffectually hit his head. ”Mind if I stay here for a little? We never hang out and...well I thought we could change that.” he let his head rest against the pillow, other male sighing for a second before shrugging.

”Fine but you have to promise you’ll help me with something.”

”Want me to help you find out why Jordan isn’t talking?” He heard the male choke a little on some saliva.

”Wh...why would you think that?”

”I’m psychic. So, why don’t we change the channel and get to work on those boy troubles of yours?” They ended up talking all night but he actually enjoyed that.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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