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The tortures of the damned

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 4:23 am

Humanity was at a loss for a moment as he watched Ryan state that sparing him was a mistake. He had actually started to believe that. Ryan wasn't anything he couldn't deal with. But his desire to deal with him? That was different. Sure Ryan would be formidable, but Humanity wouldn't be killed here. Not today and least of all not by Ryan Lester and his pedocidal brother. But to see Austyn like this, with a strange heterochromia taken to him with an oddly colored glow. Humanity's eyes widened as his masked face turned into a horrible contortion of realization, as he finally recognized that color of sickly yellow-green iris. The visage of the antlered, white-furred horror from Asylum struck a nerve on Humanity's PTSD and he seemed to lower his aggression.

"Why do I care? Because I am Human! Because you were a a GREAT person. I am not! Austyn is not! I kill murderers, psychopaths, terrorists, and those who take advantage of the weak and helpless. People like the child, your mother and people like Cale. But your brother is the one whom attacked the child. Can you say that he won't do so again? Can you promise me that no one will ever lose their child because of him? How is he any better than Lucius Alba? How are you?" Humanity hissed, but his weapon was lowered. He retracted his grappler, Austyn looking disheartened, but rubbing his chest from where the knob had latched to him. Humanity began to walk towards them, his weapon at his side, but not a hint of aggression as he was within talking distance. He was prepared to be impaled, he was ready to blow not only himself, but Ryan and Austyn to Hell with him...and if they thought they'd regenerate from this? They'd be sadly mistaken.

"You probably sleep as restless as I do. Knowing that an innocent girl was killed... murdered and you're to blame. Do you even regret your choice? Humor me, Ryan. Show me just how low you've sunk. I've wrestled myself to justify what you've done. Your brother is possessed by a child-murderer. I am an embodiment of human sin. I want to believe that you are still a great young man. A young man that made a mistake, and not a man that has made a choice. Those that love you want to believe this as well. I care, because I always have." After the long winded speech he looked to Austyn and shook his head, then looked to Ryan.

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 4:43 am

Ryan didn’t know what he was dealing with. Humanity spoke, answering his question but at the same time in a way that was familair. As if he knew him, and there was some underlying history between them. A history he didn’t know beyond the time the masked villain had attempted to kill him or purposefully failed to do the last time they met. Just thinking back on it made him frown, looking at the male as they spouted out things only few people would know. It made no sense why he would have known, unless the incident was a little more wide spread in knowledge than he assumed. Along with this was information about Austyn, some things that made no sense and even had him looking to his sibling a little confused. He wanted to snap at him for comparing him to Lucius but that held no bite. He was no better than Lucius.

”I can’t but I do trust Austyn. He’s a better person than I am.” His tone held less of the aggression than existed before, ice constructs backing off from the masked man and sitting down within the snow. Their hostility faded away, leaving them looking more like passive animals watching what unfolded. His lips curled into a tired smile, considering the question and even the fact he might humor this man. One that spoke as if they knew each other, and if he was someone that he knew. That question burning within his head over and over again. ”You’re speaking like you know me. Who are you exactly?” Either way he shook his head. ”Doesn't matter either way. I haven’t slept since then, eating is harder than that. I guess that’s a stress test of my powers.” He wondered of his eyes were ringed, bruised looking like those that didn’t sleep.

”I want to believe i’m good, but regardless of why I did it. I killed a young girl. It’s so hard, getting the image out of my head. Always returning when I least expect. Austyn isn’t the one who deserves to die.” He didn’t know what he was doing, explaining himself. A bitter scoff escaped from him. ”I do.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 5:17 am

"No one here deserves to die. Except maybe me. I've spilled more blood than you and the homicidal thing possessing your brother combined. " Humanity scoffed as he put his dagger away, looking over Ryan and Austyn, making it clear he was not going to make a move against them at this moment in time. Of course he wasn't entirely defenseless, though it wasn't as if they'd know that. He shook his head and let out a sigh. Ryan truly did take this hard, and that almost hurt to watch. Of course, Matthew had been through this in circles before. The first thirty victims he wept himself to sleep. The next fifty after that he simply cried. He just grew...cold eventually. How odd that he was talking to a cryokinetic about such a topic which eh had become so numb.

"I-...No. I'm a murderer too. I thought it was necessary at the time. He wouldn't stop killing...My mom, my dad, Noah. I-I just wanted him to know what it was like. How it felt..." Austyn said as he reached out and put an arm around Ryan. "It's alright. I did it too..." He said as he hugged Ryan, knowing full well that he had just realized the gravity of what his twin was going through. He felt his head subside as the faintly glowing eye dimmed down into a crystal blue-green hue. He looked to Humanity, whom nodded.

"Who am I? Someone who actually gives a shit about you, kid. Learn from your failures. Learn from this pain. Find those who love you... and never let go. Know that you do not suffer alone, and be there for those who were there for you. Your actions will last forever, and they will affect everyone. How Lucius reacts, responds... or even returns to being is a direct result of your actions. Silus tried to redeem Lucius, as he tried to redeem me. Now he sees you as his true friend... and even you are crippled with guilt and grief. He would willingly die for you, at any second. I know it. So would another friend of yours... Rely on them. Grow from this... Don't... become me." Humanity said, his last word even sounding somber through his modulator. He turned his head away and he tried to fight off his own revulsion. He sighed, turning off to the side and simply starting to walk away.

He had to find Adam and Dante and get out of there...

"Well hello there!" A voice called out as Samhain arrived right before Humanity, not allowing him to pass. Humanity went to speak, but in an instant a beating heart was held in Samhain's clutches. "Ah-uh-uh. You wouldn't want me telling them your name, now would ye? So don't go saying mine!" Samhain growled as he clutched the heart, Humanity getting weak in the knees as he dropped to the ground. Samhain looked up and leaned to his cane, looking to Austyn and Ryan and smiling.

"Th-t" Austyn began to speak, almost mortified by what he was seeing, but Samhain only smiled sweetly.

"Awe, lookie at you two. Make up and all that? How precious! To see such brotherly love well it... it does a heart good. Oh- oops!" He said as he pressed his lips together with a coy smile and looking down at Humanity, mockingly joking about his choice of words.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 5:45 am

There was always someone that had more blood on their hand. Serial killers that slew people without remorse, and the amounts of bodies under his feet were nowhere near that massive. Still, the blood weighed upon Ryan’s heart all the same as if his hands were still coated in that blood. Eyes eyes focused on his hands for a second, shaking slowly before he considered the fact that Austyn had looped an arm around his shoulder. That arm looped around him became a hug, the two of them together in a brotherly embrace that he didn’t really expect. That might have explained why he was doing the same, absently looping an arm around him. They seemed to be going through similar things, the pains of killing someone and yet that was….well a hard to deal with thing.

”I guess that makes us a couple of murderers doesn’t it Austyn?” He found the concept amusing, but not enough to do anymore than wrly smirk while Humanity seemed to be walking away. That was the case until someone appeared, Ryan turning to note a beating lump within their hand. ”Who’s this guy?” Ryan asked, sounding a little less filled with the whole brotherly love thing. He looked to Austyn, hoping that he knew the answer and then looked back to Samhain.

”Someone that looks like they have something valuable.” Ryan turned to see one of the people they had met with, shoulder drenched within dark blood and a few rivulets of blood dribbling down his chin. Now dry. ”Did I walk in on something here?” He leaned against a wall, looking a little weak but not overly. Something had gone on with him, but that brought more questions than answers.

”I’m so confused right now.” That was when he noted he was also dragging someone along with him. The ginger guy with the glasses?

”So, who’s the scottish prat?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 5:10 pm

The most recent developments had become something of an expectncy at this rate. There were issues all over the place that were being resolved slowly, but surely. With this "Scottish Prat" appearing, there was a resurfacing of his allies. In a small puff of smoke, Azrael appeared, a hand on his shoulder as he seemed to rotate it, stretching it out. His eyes fixated on Adam, then Humanity, a small laugh escaping him. The Automatron was nowhere to be found, though she could be heard yelling for the "Progenitor" within. Blood Tithe had reappeared in a flash of red sparks, his hand on Austyn's shoulder. Austyn nodded at Blood Tithe's concern, thanking him while telling him to not worry at the same time. The Blood Tithe acknowledged this and stepped aside, not wanting any unease or tension to be beyond what they already had.

A shuffling of feet could be heard as a celestial vampire straggler, the youngest of the brood began to let out little concerned whines and groans, searching about for something, anything that would help it. Samhain snapped his fingers and immediately, Azrael turned to leave for the Vampire.

"What a good doggy.  Heh." Humanity said, though the modulator lacked the infrasound tone that inspired fear. The masked child-like being, Azrael's eyes narrowed and burned red for a moment as it turned around, walking towards Humanity and wrapping a hand around his neck, a fist drawn back as a powerful, sundering blow crashed into the mask, actually breaking pieces of it around the right eye. Humanity flew head over heels backwards and ended up face first on the ground. Azrael took another step forward, brandishing his blade before Austyn's hand found his way to his sword, Asrael took note and side stepped back, cautiously watching before Austyn even lifted it from the ground.

"Now, now. Let's all just calm down. I can see we are all a wee bit on edge. So first, let me introduce myself. I... am Samhain. At your service!" The gimping eldritch introduced himself with a slight bow, looking to Ryan then Adam. "You see, you've all been a wee bit... misinformed. No fault of your congregator...he only knew what our dear ol' Humanity here had figured out.  I am after a protected by a celestial entity that I need...removed. This artifact will allow US to go back and change the story. Bring the dead back to life, change the way the big bad wolf Lucius killed our mothers, or how we retaliated by eviscerating dear little Isalia. Or perhaps stopping the poor doorman of Seraphim from getting ganked, alone and afraid...waiting for his friends to save him. We can even rewrite what made us...into monsters." Samhain mentioned, Samhain took a single step, and as he did he was instantly standing above the downed human. Though he appealed to all of them, the last one was accompanied by a very angry kick to the throat of the human whose heart he held in his hand.

"We can do...ANYTHING...we want, change our worlds, out lives the way they SHOULD have been. Wouldn't that be beautiful? That is what we're doing here...Even a vampire and a half-breed could benefit from this... well, we'll call it a proposal. That's what this is...yes. I propose that rather than fight each other, we join harmoniously. We right the wrongs...All wrongs. Our wrongs, and fates." Samhain said, rather passionately for a moment. The eager elderitch tired to get a gauge on where everyone stood, though Humanity was still attempting to fight off the chronic, undying state of cardiac arrest which he suffered.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 6:58 pm

In a puff of smoke the scottish prats gang gathered. Adam paid special attention to the one that had injuried him, eyes narrowing into a baleful glare while he felt something stir within his hands. Turning just a second, he noted that Sammy was coming around from whatever had knocked him out. ”Adam...why do I feel like a truck hit me and decided to back up?” He managed, voice coming out in a croak as the vampire let him gently down to the ground. ”And why does it suddenly sound so scottish?” Now that, Adam couldn’t answer before things temporarily got a little heated with one of the goons attacking another masked guy. Things would have gotten messy as another drew their sword, more than ready to attack that person and even the odd ice wolves began to angrily growl at it. It was then that he noticed the cold, and his occasional false breaths coming out in clouds.

The pack would at a moments notice strike them down, but that was when someone spoke up. Samhain he had called himself, offering to explain everything and give them whatever details he was likely willing. He took a step, but was standing before the downed masked man, kicking them in the throat as he continued. ”What you’re proposing sounds nice and all. However I can help asking what you gain out of this. I’ve heard a few things about you Samhain and I promise not all glowing reviews.” If you lived long enough, people in the supernatural talked. He operated like a crossroad demon in his need for deals, but all suspected he was no demon. An eldritch being that held a motive no one could guess, meaning he lived up to his unknowable title to a degree. He became steady enough to stand, considering the man now closer than before, while off handidly helping the cambion to their feet.

”He might be shady but i’ll hear him out.” Samael said, seemingly tasting something and spitting out a dark colored blob before looking internally horrified. ”Though i’ll admit all he needed to say was we had to kill a celestial entity.” His single minded hatred towards celestials managed to shine through without fail.

”Well...Austyn already convinced me for this plan need to try anything on me.” Ryan admitted, looking to his twin and shrugging. If it meant they could have the chance at a normal life, and his brother had a chance to know their mother hew would have done anything for that. Even if that meant Silus would have a better, maybe even easier life without knowing him. In a sense he was...pleased with that small outcome if nothing else. Someone else he cared about would also gain from his absence.

”Well...if you’re aboard then so am I.” The red haired half demon motioned for Adam to come closer, producing an odd red crystalline stylus, seemingly writing small red runes into the pale flesh. A few seconds and any weakness he held seemed to have faded. ”I just hope you know what’ you're doing.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 7:19 pm

In a moment's notice, Matthew watched as everyone turned on him. Samhain had such glee and delight in the prospect that he couldn't help but beam with pride. He kicked Humanity's shoulder, rolling him over onto his back as Samhain stepped on his throat, pressing in slightly with his heel. "I gain the chance to be undone...The chance to no longer be what I am, but rather who I used to be. I good person with nothing but the best intentions. Though...I do so selfishly now." He said, pressing harder on his throat. The armor plating shattering had been more than enough for the throat to be exposed. He took great pleasure in causing the mortal suffering. He gave another kick, and another before stepping back and leaning on his cane.

"Very good then. Now, I believe I should ask it then. Gentlemen. What do you desire? How can I make our plan, work for you? Name it and I can probably make it happen without going too far out of our way." Samhain asked, Humanity rolled over and coughed blood, spitting up and into the snow before wiping it with his arm. All he wanted to do was stop the madness that Samhain was starting. But he couldn't even do that. Not now. He tried to stand, Azrael's wrist blade shot down as he watched Humanity's movements.

"It's not worth it..." Blood Tithe warned the mortal. But he refused. Samhain rolled his eyes and shook his head. He stepped away from the boy and appeared before the group, far more interested in his new friends and allies than he was in Humanity.

"Please...just stay down." Austyn said to him. He still refused. Trying to stand. Samhain was beyond that though, he simply watched Adam and Sammy.

" look familiar. You look a lot like Dante. Have you two met yet?" Samhain asked, his air-headed lack of ability to differentiate the two just now suddenly deciding to show up.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 8:05 pm

Adam watched in slightly muted interest as the man beat the downed one in armor, shattering the plate with seeming ease. He had some vendetta against that Humanity person, but what that vendetta was he didn’t know. So many odd reasons for doing this, but a part of him had grown too jaded to really accept it as it was. He turned to Samael when the question of what they wanted came up, the cambion looking almost confused by the question that had come up. Something he had asked himself, but actually having someone offer the solution was another. ”If you can give the whole normal human life experience, i’m fine with that. Being a...half breed has not exactly been pleasant.” Samael answered, wondering what would be the response. Sure many people would think that giving up his power for a human life was stupid, but unfortunately power was not worth it.

Samael turned to Adam, who shrugged. ”I’d be fine just having a part in that fancy little human life he wants. Someone’s gotta look after his dumbass.” Despite the harshness of the sentence, there was an iota of warmth to his words. Not like he wanted to be rid of his favorite little ha;f-demon yet. Even if he was sans the demon half entirely.

”I’d blush Adam, but I don’t think nows the time.” Adam sighed, letting his gaze fall to the floor as Samhain questioned him about knowing a Dante.

”I met a guy that looked...a  lot like me. Dante was probably his name but we didn’t actually talk much. So...whats with the armored guy?”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 9:08 pm

"Oh him? Don't worry about him. I'll take care of him." Samhain said. Though as Humanity still tried to stand, the heart was squeezed again, this time in multiple little spurts, causing his body to jerk a bit. "I really, really don't want to kill anybody. But I suppose some sacrifices have to be made. If The Queen hasn't handed over that damn blade yet...perhaps she needs a reminder." Samhain said through his teeth as he looked at Humanity, a twitching eye over the man who tried to stand again. Samhain stopped putting pressure on the heart for a moment, allowing the man to stay on his knee. With a glance to Azrael, the child-sized being seemed to take immediate action.

"I'll see you in Hell." Azrael said as he drew out his actual weapon of choice. With a jerk of the wrist his wrist-weapon shot back up into his sleeve. "Oh I won't." He said as he arched his arm back, Humanity tossed something to the side, a small "ping" was heard, though softly. But in that instant there was a beeping noise. Samhain cocked his head to the side, and Azrael stopped a moment to look over, the blade exploded into fire. The chaos presented an opportunity as Humanity made his move. Orpheus , raised an arm and ducked himself down, Austyn dove out of the way and looked around. Despite being a small explosion, the fear of fire was very real.

Azrael felt his entire body lift into the air, a hand wrapped around his throat as a knife plunged into his hand, piercing flesh and bone alike as his other hand was liberated of his beloved weapon. The Human had one shot to make things happen, so he turned and made a mad dash towards Samhain. The eldritch being with a Scottish accent winced a moment at the sudden shock of bright colors. But when a man on fire suddenly leapt out at him, he place his hand out. The man phased through him, but with a swift motion, the blade of Azrael was plunged into the man's shoulder. A pulsation caused Samahain to ripple for a moment, a distortion of space flashing various colors of light and darkness. Samhain, completely corporeal with a thousand yard stare looked to the human.

"Yancey Zazel. I command you to return my heart!" The human whispered to the Eldritch. "and we're going to renegotiate this little deal..." The eldritch hand forcing itself into the man's chest and releasing the beating heart, the Eldritch backing away as he was left breathless.

"Ryan? Are you okay!?" Austyn asked as he looked up from cover. The noise drew a lot of attention. Though through the chaos, it was apparent that the human was making an escape of sorts. Samhain was left to hold the wound on his arm, shaking and actually taken back by what had just happened.

"I-I I-'m untouchable...Kill him....KILL HIM!!!!!!" Samhain stammered at first, though his eyes began to glow and dark ichor began to pulsate and snake out around the ground beneath him, glowing bloodied tendrils lashing out as he called out for everyone allied with him, recent or tenure, to destroy the escaping mortal. The faint sound of a motorcycle could be heard starting outside the parameter. Though it was not possible for the Human to have made it there yet.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 9:39 pm

Things shifted from being in control to chaos within a manner of seconds, with Azrael pierced through one hand and freed of their blade in the other. Everything moved a little too fast, even for Samael but Adam was just stunned by all the things happening. As soon as he heard the beep, and saw the fire shadows had rose from around Adam. Cocooning the vampire and pushing them back as the flames came forward, licking over his skin ineffectively but managing to ruin his clothes all the same. Ryan was thrown back in the explosion, barely even having time to cover his face with his arms as everything had gone off. By the time the cryokinetic had come back to Humanity diving at Samhain like a madman on fire.

What the hell was going on?

Looking up he saw that a few of the wolves had dived infront of him, taking the brunt of the explosion and having melted into pitiful slush. With a sigh, he dismissed the constructs, and glared at the escaping human as their death was called for. Now they were expected to kill someone, even if they were  a villain like Humanity. Something told him that he was expected to do a little more killing before his promised happy ending would come about.

”Come on Adam.” The shades disappeared, fading like smoke as he ripped away what remained of his jacket and felt the wings tear through skin. Thick, black feathered things that stretched out as if they had been kept away for far too long. They managed to destroy most of his shirt, now a tattered remnant of what it once was his shirt. With a great flap he took off into the air, at speed Samael didn’t ever expect to be able to attain on foot and he took off after the human. Now without much to cover it, a pistol strapped to his side was visible, Sammy removing it from the holster and letting his eyes scan for their target.

Like a loud engine he could hear the motorcycle in the distance, likely Adam beat him to cutting Humanity off. Pretty dangerous game you’re playing here. He spoke mentally, not expecting he would listen and instead acted as if he were squaring off to fight him. Adam had smelled his blood before, that blood being the one that saved his life. If he was the same person, Adam owed him that much.I can slow the half demon down but cant speak for everyone else. Should probably get running now. Like that he was gone, letting Humanity run.

Slowing Samael down would be tough, especially with what was on the line.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 8th 2018, 10:17 pm

Austyn tugged on Ryan's arm, then he looked to Orpheus, whom nodded and then took off after Humanity. Austyn then tried to pull Ryan aside, looking to him and clearing his throat a bit. How was he supposed to explain something like this? How were you supposed to tell him that it was wrong to do what Austyn himself was doing? Especially if it's for the right reasons. It's not that Ryan was stupid...because he wasn't. It was the fact Ryan was SIMPLE, and you can't complicate things too much. It's like someone with book smarts having absolutely no common sense.

"I didn't get involved with this to become a killer. I got into this to stop myself from being one!" Austyn said under his breath, almost as if growling at Samahin. He looked to Ryan again before deciding that it was better off for his brother to make the choice. "Listen, Ryan. You don't NEED to be a part of this if you don't want to be. Either way, so long as I'm part of this, you're getting what you want too. Are you sure you want in on this?" He asked. There was a big difference between agreeing with something, supporting something and actually being part of something. That was just something he hoped his brother already understood.


Orpheus followed after them Humanity. It was a somber thing he had to do. Chase the man which once taught him so much. Of course he could feel Humanity watching him, though to some greater degree he knew it was only his paranoia. He heard the motorcycle and as it made a loud noise he turned his head, only to see a bright light turn on and the bike peel out. The bike crashed into Orpheus, sending him reeling and rolling over as the dark coated figure drove off towards Samael and Adam. The figure would pass them and drive off towards the city.

Breathing could be heard a little ways away. Coughing between shaking breathes. It would only take a moment for someone to find that Matthew had been laying against a tree, blood all over his arm as he seemed to be fading from consciousness a bit. The first to find him would likely be Adam, or Samael. At either junction, he was not the one on the bike, and he was obviously not the one who just drove past them.

"F-fight off vampires...just to get shanked for a motorcycle. Just my day." He said with a little laugh, groaning as he tried to shift. That wound was deeper than he originally thought.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 8th 2018, 10:52 pm

Austyn took Ryan aside while everyone else ran off to chase after Humanity. He turned, watching Orpheus run after him and then turned to Austyn with a look that was honestly questioning. He was simple enough, but he was beginning to understand what was happening around him. Things weren’t as simple as killing and not killing. Nuance and a lot of it was coming into his life in a way that likely had been there before, but truly never posed in this way before. ”I don’t want to be a killer, but i’ve learned some things have to be done. If what that Samhain person says is true, everything will be okay and...I trust that you aren’t joining some kind of messed up cult.” Could he? That was a question he asked himself, looking a this brother. The same face looking back at him, even if it was worried like that.

”I don’t want to be apart of this, but I do want to help you. You’re the only family I have left...Eric excluded.” He smiled weakly, the two of them knowing that perhaps their brother was worse than either of them. ”We’ve got to stick together.” To a degree he understood, but sense didn't always calculate into emotion.

Adam turned around to see the motorcycle drive from behind him, managing to avoid the vehicle as it zoomed past him. He had a feeling he knew what was happening, and had no intention of doing anything to stop it. ”Well, today has been weird.” Wings flapped, Samael landing beside him and letting the massive black wings fade form wherever they came. Adam scented the air, smelling that familiar blood and following the trail without pause. Everything else could be left to this Samhain’s lackeys, considering they were likely more interested in getting their master what he wanted. Walking through the snow steadily becoming thinner, he came upon a tree with a familiar face leaning against it. It almost looked pathetic, seeing his prior savior there like that.

It appeared that human sympathy was not entirely lost in him. ”You look like shit,” He chuckled, leaning down to examine the wound. ”Well, no you don’t but you look like you’ve seen better days.”He felt his fangs extend upon smelling his blood, still as desirable as ever it seems. Instead of going for him, he let the fangs sink into his wrist as his own blood bubbled from his injury. ”I know it’s normally against human sensibilities to go about drinking blood, but i’m sure you wouldn’t want to bleed out. I promise changing is a little harder than just drinking a little of my blood. This will just let you heal quicker.” There was a whole ritual to it, blood being traded over and over again until he rose as a creature stronger than himself.

For now his blood would accelerate his healing ability, coagulate blood and even  stop bleeding. The resulting euphoria would likely also stop the pain. Offering up the wrist, he smirked. He had been told before that it didn't taste like blood, but something else. Like all of their favorite foods, but even better than that. ”You have about...a minute before the injury heals up.” He could hear Samael’s foot steps behind him, but he didn’t speak. He had a feeling the cambion had been working up glamours with that little stylus while he worked.

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 9th 2018, 12:30 am

"Some things do need to be done, but is killing the only person that had hope in us really one of those times? I regret killing the man who left my brother in a freezer on a hook to freeze to death. How am I going to feel about killing the guy who just forgave me for shanking his kid, and believes in us?" Austyn was almost laughing at this point. Orpheus had followed Samael and Adam for a small while after recovering form his collision with the bike and it's rider. He was shocked to find Matthew standing there as he walked up behind them. He listened from a distance mostly.

"Thanks..." Was all he could reply to the comment of him looking like shit. The vampire then added an addendum to the comment, but the humor wasn't lost. He had to admit, he was worried more about his identity than he was the vampire taking a bite out of him. He couldn't possibly begin to tell you the worry and anxiety he had over something like that. Not even death scared him that badly. Because at least he had memories of Death, and dying. He had them both as Yamm and as Matthew. But now blood was being offered to him and he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. He wasn't about to reject the strange offer, though he had half a mind to info dump the shit out of him, but shutting up and taking the blood was a far better option it would seem. At least it saved him from the nitrous silver compound to seal up the wound. That shit was expensive and hurt. Magic regenerating vampire blood? Well he wasn't quite sure the market price, but he'd imagine having vampire friends with healing blood made it free.

The cambion arrived and Matthew looked to him, the pain easing over as he started to get that strange feeling that he got when he took too many morphine. The good feeling. He cleared his throat and began blinking rapidly, as if to keep his vision. "T-tha...That sonna bitch took my motorcycle. Please tell me you got him. I don't care about the weird celestial vampire things anymore. I just want...mah motorcycle." he said already his mind was feeling sluggish, though his mental walls softened, he was hardwired now to help keep him strong. Truthfully part of it was a little exaggerated. He had to have fun every now and again.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 9th 2018, 1:29 am

Adam couldn’t help smirking at the male, their sad looking state something he felt like needed to be fixed. Blood ran in rivulets down his wrist from the raw wound, vampire saliva being the only thing that kept it from closing instantly. His eyes focused on the male, holding the wrist upwards  Feeling human lips and teeth latch onto the pale skin sent electricity through his body. There was always a pleasurable sensation that came with mortals feeding from him, drawing the very life essence from him but he could tell that their injuries were beginning to close. Blood replenishing and openings within his body sealing up. Matthew appeared to be taking a few seconds to reorient themselves, but his first concern was about his motorcycle. ”There you go Adam, drugging people with your magical blood.” Samael noted with a smirk, considering the human that looked to be a little drunk on his crimson fluids.

”Sorry, didn’t stop them from stealing your motorcycle. I was a little busy saving your ass.” Samael muttered something about him worrying about his ass in a different way and Adam responded by playfully smacking his arm. ”So, how about we get you somewhere to rest, huh?” Adam always had to remind himself about the frailties of the human body. ”We were chasing someone but I think they got away.” A minor note about Humanity, even if he knew who they were actually. Fingers curled around the slowly healing wound on his wrist, Adam feeling the blood now only flowing as a trickle.

”Really hope I don’t have another entity beyond my scope or whatever trying to murder me. I’m actually getting really tired of those.” Samael noted, seeming even more drained than usual. ”Anyway, I have a few things I need to do. Have fun with human or whatever.” He casual waved the two off and walked away, looking more drained than he was letting on.

Adam let him walk off, likely to do whatever he wanted. ”Unless things suddenly decide to change, it looks like you might need some food. I’ve noticed people tend to get the munches when they consume my blood...among other benign side effects.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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Number of posts : 125
Registration date : 2016-07-28

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Humanity April 9th 2018, 2:46 am

"I-I don't know. Do I need food anymore? I didn't need food when I was Him. But I'm not him anymore. I'm just a dude. Him doesn't equal dude. It's two consonants and a vowel off." Matthew said as he was taken to wherever he was going. Something was said about munchies previously and that had an idea to his mind. Matthew looked to Adam and his eyes got wide. "Duuude. Your blood is like drugs...or how they explain drugs. You must have been sooooo fucking high when you died. Turned... I can't remember how Isis vampires work. I just made the other vampires and protected them all. Because fuck people...dragonkin." He stopped his rant as he suddenly seemed to stare off straight ahead, stopping a moment to try and re-adjust himself mentally. He finally realigned himself and decided to not share any more of his secrets.

"Ow..." he whined a little as he they approached where Adam was taking him.


The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The tortures of the damned - Page 5 Empty Re: The tortures of the damned

Post by Adam Johnson April 9th 2018, 3:07 am

”yeah, you still need to eat. Unless i’m suddenly misunderstanding human physiology entirely.” He considered the male, now tripping on the blood he had ingested to heal himself. This did in a sense make him wish he had actual healing magic, but for now his blood was the only thing that fell into that category. His blood was however was a potent drug, one that many humans upon consuming it desired once again. If Matt had an addictive personality, then he had a feeling the male would want to drink more. For now he had to make sure whatever weird food cravings he had were satiated. ”If you call being beaten to near death high, then yes I was very high.” Adam steadily lead the man along with him, hoping he didn’t take the sudden urge to shout at people. He lead him to one of the near by little sandwich shop his daughter gave glowing reviews about.

”You like sandwich shops right? I heard the soups pretty great here, but not enough blood in them for my taste.” Stepping through the door he could smell the scent of food. ”Just try not to...bring too much attention to us. I don’t need to fight off the police...again.”

The Son of The Raven - Samael Christensen
Osiris - The Undead king
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
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