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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss August 18th 2017, 1:49 am

While she should be spending more time away from the Sun, that just was not the way Bliss planned on working today. Even though the Sun caused her some minor annoyance, it would not stack up to what she faced if she did not accomplish her roll out in time. While she did not promise more than she could give skill-wise, her current level of wealth did place a few constraints on her capabilities.

With her feet resting gently against an aluminum bar situated a few inches away from the bottom of the pool, Bliss felt just as confident poolside in Hawaii as she did back in California. Her hair was pulled back out of her face with a pair of sunglasses reflecting the beams in the Sun. Shade from the umbrella kept her otherwise delicate skin from the harshness of the Sun. A sunbathing vampire was not exactly a common site, but what would not allow a little thing like a vampiric conversion keep her from swimsuit season.

"We should be more discreet." Tsukimi set next to Bliss with the purple and white bikini top as she swirled the straw around a fruity little drink.

"Nah don't worry I got this. I even hired somebody knowing you wouldn't be up for the job." Bliss kept typing away, moving from line to line with her eyes fixated on the screen. The loose strands of her ponytail fell gently around the upper tie of her blue bikini top.

"I am more than capable of taking care of this." The taller younger sister removed her sunglasses in protest, holding back and not-so-subtle aggression.

"Yeah if only I believed that. Try converting all that anger you have now into actually doing something useful, then we'll go ahead and talk." Bliss kept her eyes on the screen as her sister emerged from the pool, tied a wrap around her waist and walked towards the restaurant on the hotel's first floor. "And that's why I have to hire people."

Bliss kept working, overlooking the beach in front of her. Her bodyguard would most likely be somewhere nearby, but Bliss knew little of the woman she had hired, and kept even lower expectations. Keeping Tsukimi around would help her out, but Bliss never really liked leaning too hard on her half-sister. Her sister was reliable, maybe two reliable. After all, Bliss never really wanted to be upstaged by anyone, let alone her entirely too honorable- unexpectedly too popular of a little sister.

"No way is that girl I hired going to get too much of my shine. Or, any for that matter. Hey!" Bliss yelled over to the bartender at the edge of the pool. "Why is this empty? Are you getting paid for? You make not tipping an easy choice."

Last edited by Bliss on August 22nd 2017, 12:33 am; edited 1 time in total


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Celio August 18th 2017, 3:06 am

As Mocha Grande was leaving from the plane that had brought her to Hawaii, she was currently looking at her phone to try to find the woman who had hired her. Mocha was mainly wearing a pink and blue bikini top and some purple shorts as she walked through the beach, since she knew that since she would mainly be on the beach while protecting her hirer, that it would probably be good to wear something that would allow her to enjoy the time she was here. Continuing to walk and look for whoever hired her, several passerby were surprised as they saw a abnormally taller woman pass by them.

Eventually, Mocha finally found Bliss lying in a pool, and as she checked the photo that Bliss had left when she had hired her, the photo and who she was looking at seemed to match. Slowly walking into the pool, Mocha sat down before starting to say to Bliss "Hey, you must be Bliss, right? Me, my nickname's Madame Mudd, but you can just call me Mocha. You were the one hiring me I believe, though I don't know why you would need a bodyguard on a vacation site as great as this. After all this place seems so comfortable."

As Mocha continued to relax in the pool, she enjoyed listening to Bliss as the two ended up having a good time talking to each other. While Mocha was not that much of a technical genius, she ended up being interested about whatever the woman was currently working on, and while she did not notice much from Bliss as she was talking about herself, she thought that maybe once she told her about her ability to turn into mud, that she would find that very interesting.

After about a hour or two of relaxing in the mud, Mocha eventually got out of the pool, grabbed Aqua-lita from her bag, and walked into some nearby soil, now ready to try to protect Bliss. As she focused on her body, it slowly, but eventually turned into mud, and as Mocha was now mud she began to whip the soil with her whip to turn it into mud so that she could absorb it. After absorbing the mud and growing up around a few feet, Mocha turned around at Bliss and said "Oh,
almost forgot to mention I could turn into and absorb mud to get bigger. Well anyway, I'm ready to protect you for the day, so what now?"

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2017-08-13

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Outbreak August 18th 2017, 6:23 am

Celeste had come to Hawaii for a seminar about some advancements in library work, the technology and the way things were done and so on. Her library sent her here because they felt she needed a little vacation as the seminar was only one day but she had time for at least four days after the seminar. She'd already been to the seminar, so she was no ready to hit the pools.

She was wearing a one piece bathing suit, whose colour was white with roses embroidered on it in a variety of colours. She also had a simple see through shirt sleeve lace jacket, this was white and mostly transparent while atop her head was a sun hat. Celeste came into the resort area and found a pool to her likely, though it wasn't empty and a lady with a group of friends were nearby.

Celeste felt she recognised the lady from somewhere but wasn't sure, so for the moment Celeste found a chair a distance away from the lady and put her jacket and hat down on it. And proceeded to get into the pool, she swam around for a while and relaxed briefly for a time. Then it hit her as a strangely tall lady came and claimed to be her bodyguard, that the lady was some big shot famous hero and businesswoman.

But she had to be sure, so Celeste summoned a small plastic trinket in the shape of a flying beetle. It took off into the sky and fly near Bliss and her entourage, while Celeste herself looked like she was leaning back and closing her eyes. But she was getting in tune with the bug, seeing through its eyes and controlling it with her mind. As the bug got closer, it heard the conversation as well as the attitude Bliss had with people.

She give a heavy inner sigh, and was just ready to let loose on this spoiled brat of a girl. But the bug sensed something strange as the bodyguard girl, did something weird with mud and became larger. It made sense that a rich super would have a super powered bodyguard. With a movement of her hands, the one beetle became two as it flew higher into the sky. One headed towards the mud girl while the other flew high above Bliss and her entourage, waiting their patiently until Celeste gave the word.

She opened her eyes for a second and looked around, before closing her eyes again and controlling the beetles flying up above. Celeste smiled as she laid relaxing in the pool, with the signal given the beetles paused their movements in mid flight. Than spread their wings and spun around in a circle, letting off globs of liquid plastic to those below. Aiming to land all over Bliss and her girls in an attempt to keep them all in place, while the one above Mud Girl put off a lot more liquid plastic. Once the plastic hit its targets, it'd go hard trying to trap those girls.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss August 19th 2017, 2:27 am

Not every day some new king appointed to talk to Bliss, but on this day it seemed everyone wanted to have a piece of her mind. For a bodyguard, Mocha seemed fairly talkative, until the conversation turned more to Bliss' side. "Shouldn't you be canvassing or I don't know anything else right now, instead of coming and talking to me." Bliss let her eyes rules lazily to the left. "Cuz I know I would be -you know what Suzy's probably taking care of it. Here, have something to drink."

After letting down the harsh exterior, bliss decided to not sabotage her own vacation for once and just go ahead and enjoy something. "So what's up with the mud? Did you fall in radioactive sludge or something? It looks like a useful ability to have in a pinch, what about the regular day does it ever get hard to have all that."

While Bliss tried to be more pleasant, a buzzing distraction began to hover over. The low hum played in Bliss's head, ringing loudly in where she placed her attention. A block of ice would begin to form around the plastic creation. After a second or two of the ice forming up, Bliss would let a low burst of telekinetic energy burst from the ice. What Bliss believed was merely a low-flying pest would not phase her for the true danger she faced.

Last edited by Bliss on August 25th 2017, 4:11 am; edited 2 times in total


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Celio August 20th 2017, 12:31 am

As Mocha listened to Bliss's question about how she could turn into mud, Mocha actually wondered for a few seconds about how she could as well. After all, she didn't have a reason as to why she had the ability to turn into mud, she just knew that she could, but whatever the reason, she did not really care on how or why she could turn into mud. Because of this, Mocha explained to Bliss "Well, I don't really know or care on how I can turn into mud, but either way it mostly comes to good use for my job as a bodyguard."

Before she could say anything else however, she could feel a small bit of liquid plastic landing on the side of her cheek, and as she looked up she saw a bunch more bits of liquid plastic and some sort of plastic beetle flying above her, as well as another beetle flying over Bliss. As Bliss destroyed the beetle that was above her, Mocha grabbed her muddy cheek and pulled it off, before throwing it at the plastic beetle and knocking it out of the sky. Upon knocking the beetle out of the sky, Mocha's body flowed mud into the area where her cheek was, causing her to shrink a bit as her body fixed her cheek.

Walking up to the beetle rather quickly, Mocha eventually tried to grab the beetle, only for her hands to be covered in liquid plastic as she tried to grab it by the wings. As the plastic got onto Mocha's hands, the plastic tried to spread across her entire body, but thankfully the plastic was not big enough to cover Mocha completely, and only covered her arms and a bit of her chest. After seeing this, Mocha quickly decided to use Aqua-Lita and used it to pick up the plastic beetle, before throwing it into the ocean.

Trying to rush to the pool to try to wash the liquid plastic off of herself, Mocha ended up seeing some woman wearing a one piece bathing suit covered in various roses resting in the stairway that helped people walk into the pool. As Mocha tried to act polite, she tapped the woman before saying "Excuse me a bit, but can you please move a bit so I can wash this stuff off in the pool? I was fighting some beetle and I got this weird liquid stuff on my arms, so I really need to wash this off in case it causes something to happen to me."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2017-08-13

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Outbreak August 27th 2017, 5:53 pm

It seemed this wasn't going to be easy, as the spoiled child known as Bliss had frozen Celeste's beetle and burst it. Celeste winced a little as it was destroyed, while the one above mud girl had landed its first shot. She'd been able to make a response too quickly and then toss it in the ocean but not before the beetle got off one more attack. Now the girl had come to her, wanting to get into the pool to wash off the plastic.

Turning to look at the mud girl, Celeste shook her head at her. "You do realise that looks like plastic, and plastic is usually deadly to humans. So you think washing it off in a pool is a good idea, no thank you I'd rather not be poisoned and I'm pretty sure if you're a hero you don't want to poison anyone either" informed Celeste as she remained in her position. Then as the mud girl stood there waiting, Celeste smiled and the plastic on mud girl started slowly moving and expanding.

Meanwhile, Celeste did a harmless move of her hand and fingers in the pool. And the chair that Bliss was sitting on, which was plastic like most of those used in resorts. Attempted to snap up and trap the spoiled child in her chair, expanding if necessary to accomodate the girl even though she likely wasn't all that large.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss August 27th 2017, 7:01 pm

What little thought Bliss put into the destruction of the minor annoyance- or what she deemed a minor annoyance, turned to be the point of no Christmas cards from Celeste. In some time, Bliss would be brought to face her transgressions in a most certain way, but for now, she could only overhear the trivial squabbling over mass contamination of a public pool. "Hey Mocha- don't kill everyone. People might blame me for it."

Keeping her back against the chair, Bliss lifted her knee up to take the weight off of her lower lumbar. Her fingers locked over her belly while her eyelids slid over her brown eyes, granting her a minor reprieve. "Also, I want to get back in the pool once I'm done working, and I don't want to die."

The laptop on Bliss' lap slowly toppled from her its wedge between her thigh and abdomen. Her hand attempted a last attempt to protect the device from rolling to her side but failed. Opening her eyes, Bliss grabbed the device and brought it back to her waist. She blew a strand of hair out of her face and lowered her leg. "Wait, hero?"

The revelation came with a tribulation. While she watched the plastic begin hardening over Mocha, a bar shot across her chest, binding her to the chair. More straps emerged around her legs and waists, joining the three straps holding her chest back. She felt her hands held down by the same plastic from the chair. "Okay, well this is what I get for trying a work vacation."

Instead of immediately moving to free herself, Bliss decided a different technique. With the plastic wrapping around Mocha, Bliss would try to help bodyguard out by freezing enough of the bindings to try and make it more brittle. The cold nature of the plan would definitely make itself be known to the bare skin of the bodyguard, but Bliss assumed it would sure beat being kidnapped.

Just as the debacle began to shift into a fiasco, Tsukimi emerged with a fruity umbrella topped drink in hand. "Bliss! What did you do?"

"Does this look like it's my fault!" Bliss squirmed from her chair, joining her sister in a search for a way to free her.


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Outbreak September 4th 2017, 11:59 pm

It seemed the girl of mud was not the brightest bulb in the box, while little miss petty seemed to get what Celeste was playing at. Even though it really was merely a crock to mess with mud girl's head, but the trapping of Bliss and any other pose that were sitting on the chairs had worked. It was apparent that Bliss was trying to free Mud girl, as a couple of tourists walked into the pool area.

Celeste moved quickly onto her hands and flipped over mud girl and landed near the two tourists. Luckily they were both girls, as Celeste didn't wanna bare her breasts to the world. Putting her hands on them for a short time, made a couple of copies of herself within a few moments. While Mud Girl attempted to free itself from its now decaying bindings, meanwhile one of copies started walking towards Bliss but had put a small mask over her eyes just as the other two had as well.

Thankfully there wasn't any cameras directly pointing at the pool, so her identity was fine for the moment. She'd also emitted some fine plastic/polyester blend clothing over herself and her clones, in the way of a black dress of sorts. It was loose enough to allow for movement however as Celeste wasn't a stand around kind of villain, meanwhile as the clone headed towards Bliss and her pose it aimed at the remaining free friend and sent plastic bindings her way.

As the original and other clone attempted to push mud girl into the pool, not with their hands of course but with a burst of plastic from behind. If they succeeded, they'd then fill the pool with plastic in order to trap mud girl till they decided what to do.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss September 5th 2017, 12:28 am

It looked like part of Bliss' plan began to work, now she just needed a little more wiggle room and she could really send this plan into action. She began to size up her telekinetic blast when she lost track of her target. A small make covered Bliss' eyes, taking her shot off course and missing the ice around Mocha. In the process Celeste managed to work Bliss' own plan against her, further trapping Mocha. "I can't see! Suzy! Help me!"

Tsukimi rushed over from the cabana stand to her half sister, only half succeeding in a rescue. Plastic bindings wrapped around her arms and legs, taking all of her momentum and slamming her to the ground with it. "Bliss! Hold on!" Tsukimi hopped to her feet and began bounding while bound towards Bliss. The effort almost paid off until another plastic wrapping flew forward and bolted Tsukimi to the chair next to Bliss.

"Where are you?" Bliss shook her head, trying to rid herself of the mask.

"Next to you." Tsukimi wiggled. "In about the same situation."

"Mocha!" Bliss leaned forward to help her lungs collect more air. "It's all you now!"

Mocha fought on, but without the use of her arms or legs, the struggle became more against the plastic bindings than the actual foe. By the time Mocha made it to the edge of the pool, she found her height fell down to just under six foot. She knew if she could get some moisture, she could slip free from the bonds, but in her current dried state, any escape would be futile.

It did not take a plastic blast to throw Mocha into the pool, but it sped the trip up, forcing Mocha into a pool not filled with water, but instead full of plastic. The mud girl would not be able to find an easy escape as she managed to lose three inches in the process of capture. "Bliss?"

"I can't see, but I know we are in really bad shape." Bliss turned her blindfolded head over towards Tsukimi.

"Don't worry." Tsukimi lifted her hand from her waist. "I just sent a distress signal to Danny. She'll be here to help- um, soon?"


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Outbreak September 6th 2017, 12:59 am

Outbreak's plan had worked, she'd trapped not only Mud Girl but Bliss and her little pose. But Outbreak knew that hanging around the resort would be a bad idea, as the trouble might've already gained some attention and police might be on their way. It wasn't that she couldn't handle the police, feds or whatever normal forces were sent against her. She just didn't care for an all out dragged out fight, that might end up with her loosing her little super gains. So she'd remembered something she'd heard some hipster hiker say, about some abandoned rangers station he'd seen in the words on his little hike. So in her polyester dress and mask, with her hostages in toe Outbreak made a beeline for the mountain areas of Hawaii towards the ranger station.

Along the way her prey did keep attempting to escape but it was fruitless, as the landed after a long ride on generated plastic. Outbreak tossed Mud Girl in one corner and sat Bliss on a chair just off the middle of the room, Outbreak then cleared the room of obstacles and stood up Bliss's pose in the middle of the room. She removed Bliss's blindfold and stood inches away from one of the pose, Outbreak believed she'd been called Suki. Bliss and Mud Girl were quite bound and unable to move for the most part, while the bikini pose were pretty much stuck standing in the middle of the room bound as well.

Outbreak looked at Bliss with an evil smirk "So I don't know if you noticed earlier, but I have an interesting ability" expressed Outbreak as her two clones came in with differing swim suits to her own in the style of the two tourists that had came to the pool. The clones had partly helped on the trip over, but had also done some cleaning up back at the resort and made sure no one had followed them.

"See these two here, they used to be hapless tourists. At our little poolside tussle, I put my hand on them and took them over making them a clone of me" informed Outbreak as she held her hand close to Suki's bare skin but not quite touching. None of the girls could speak as they had gags over their mouths, she looked back to Bliss. "So here's the thing, I'm going to turn each one of your little pose. Into a clone of me one by one, and I'll let you watch as you friends here become your enemy. How does that make you feel, you stuck up princess" added Outbreak in a rather devilish tone and took down the guard on Bliss's mouth. Making certain her hand was quite close to Suki's skin but not quite touching, one wrong move and Suki would become and Outbreak clone.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss September 6th 2017, 2:01 am

Danny did not come soon enough. The looks of a fight still remained all around the pool area, but nothing of the actual combatants, nor the sender of the message- Tsukimi. While Bliss hoped to catch up on some work with a mix of day drinking, Danny hit up the upper slopes of the mountains in hope of finding anything ancient or mysterious. Like the vast majority of her mystery seeking walks, this one turned up empty, but when her walks stuck gold, they typically turned out pretty well for Danny.

Once the emergency signal from Tsukimi's device rang out to Danny's hip, it only took a matter of minutes for Danny to hike down the slopes. Wearing a blue bikini top and khaki shorts with a flannel shirt tied around her hip, Danny rather enjoyed her time in the dense foliage. Her retreat to the pool peaked her adrenaline, helping her make it to the cabana in a record time for herself, but it still did not help Bliss, Tsukimi, or Mocha. "I hope the tracker still works. I don't think Suzy or Bliss would have left without telling me unless they were taken." And taken they were.

Escaping from a clone presented a daunting task to the three girls, each with their own limitations. Bliss could not see. Her anticipation of strikes in retaliation to attempts at freezing her bonds or telekinetically removing them all managed to fail, leaving Bliss with a splitting migraine. She rolled back on her back and began to just bide her time and prepare for any attempt at rescue Danny could bring.

Mocha now stood around five foot five. No longer the large, tall woman capable of throwing people around, the lack of moisture also cut off her escape attempts. Under the guise of simply wiggling, Mocha actually tried turning into mud to thwart her captors and mount a rescue attempt. She struggled with her shoulders against the rope and duct tape surrounding her form, but could not manage any furthering of her own rescue.

Without any meta powers, Tsukimi stood the best chance of escape. While the others all depended on inner powers and abilities they flaunted so readily, no one could remove Tsukimi's training as a detective. The watchful eye of the clone guard remained on her, making any attempts at escape artistry limited. The distraction Bliss made while fighting did gift her a few opportunities to test the tape around her wrists. It would take some time- and hurt quite a bit, but Tsukimi knew she would be able to eventually get free of this. If she could remain unseen.

Danny followed the tracker up the mountain. While on foot she would never hope to outrun a vehicle, but the winding roads around the mountain gave the trailblazer a little room to make up time. The station rested dead ahead, up the mountain, so all Danny needed to do was scale it as fast as possible. The first slope gave her some trouble, but after ascending and looking down she turned to her bracelet. "Oh." A flight of stairs appeared before Danny, leading all the way up the second slope. Then the third. Using a little ingenuity, Danny arrived to see a cabin tucked away in the trees. Her tracker confirmed her investigation. "Here we go."

A dense bush line crept along the side of the cabin, giving Danny enough cover to sneak up and peak her head up to the window. Off in the corner of the room she spotted a dark skinned girl sitting in the corner with a pink and blue bikini top with shorts. Her entire form was contained under the vast wrappings of rope and duct tape, with a long sliver of tape over her mouth. Must be the body guard, Danny thought to herself. Next she spotted Bliss, bound to a chair with tape over mouth and a blindfold covering her eyes. A masked woman stepped forward and pulled the mask down, making a statement hushed by the thickness of the window pane.

The woman pulled the tape off of Bliss' mouth. It took Bliss a moment to pucker her lips and get the sting off. "Let's just talk about this and don't do anything crazy. And, I mean crazier than kidnap me, Suzy, and Mocha over there." Bliss knew if she tried to escape it would amount to Tsukimi becoming a clone like the other two, so Bliss decided it would be best not to anger the woman holding all the cards. "I'm not wanting to see my half-sister become you, so what is it you are trying to get out of this?"

While Bliss played diplomacy, Danny made the last of her recon run, spotting Tsukimi a few feet from Bliss, bound and gagged in the middle of the room. From the looks of it, Tsukimi would act as the primary hostage in this situation. Whatever this woman wanted from Bliss, Danny knew it would be a hard gamble and a tough gambit for Danny if three hostages remained at this woman's disposal. Danny got up from her crouched position and looked over to the door. She would need to draw Celeste out if she stood any chance.


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Outbreak September 8th 2017, 3:41 am

Outbreak grinned evilly when she heard the one called Suki was Bliss's half sister, it made things that much sweeter. One of the other clones had gone near Mocha, ready to change her if te need arised. While the second clone went near the exit to kee an eye on things just encase.

"Crazy might be right, because I don't really want anythig from you. I mean some money might be nice, skme recognition or maybe I just want to teach you to treat people better. And I'm sure coming from a villain, that must really sting" expressed Outbreak as she stood near Suki waving her hand very near Suki. Having seen her outburst at he pool to the help, and even Outbreak wasn't that nasy to eole just doig their job.

"See, I maybe a villain but even I dont act like you do towards peole. Plus I have a personal issue with Superheroes, and if you heard it I'm sure you could undrstand why. But we're not here for a sleepover, and I merely wish to torment you and your loved ones" explained Outbreak as she generated a piece of plastic in the shape of a knife and ossig it to the clone near Mocha.

"So do you think Mud Girl can die, or maybe I'll take her over as well" added Outbreak as the clone held a knife to Mocha's neck while it's free hand also remained nearby.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

Post by Bliss September 8th 2017, 5:50 am

"Yeah, yeah I get it." Bliss blew a loose strand of hair out of her face. "I'm rough around the edges. You know at first I just used it as a way of dealing with scum, no offense clone Army, but when every day you have to deal with this stuff, it stats to just seep into those edges."

Bliss looked at the tape binding her to the chair. "You think you're the first person to tied me to a chair? You aren't even the first person to put tape over my mouth. I get threatened, have had my company taken from me, have lost the information I built handed to someone else, oh and if you want money, get in line, I apparently owe money to the people who stole my company and don't exactly have a regular income."

Bliss watched as Mocha squirmed when the throat came to her neck. "If you want me to say 'Don't kill Mocha', that's her name by the way, mud girl is pretty offensive to be honest, I'll go ahead and tell you what Mocha wants. Because that's who I am going to do this for." Moving her head to look around Tsukimi and Celeste, Bliss called out to Mocha. "You did a good job earlier and I enjoyed talking to you. Most people don't actually try to talk to me, so it wasn't bad."

For a moment Danny forgot she needed to launch a rescue mission. Hearing Bliss actually sound sincere came across as foreign in all ways. But, foreign in a good way. It gave Danny a sense of purpose. No reason for Bliss to go through all the work of turning over a new leaf if Bliss would suddenly no longer be a person.

And, without Tsukimi, Danny would need to get a new roommate and who knew what kind of weirdo Residence Life would stick her with.

Danny moved quietly up to the room and used her bracelet to put bindings around the sentry's arms, legs, and mouth. If they had a collected group mind, Danny would need to jump some hurdles. If Celeste and the clone noticed Danny, she would create constructs around their hands, using her prior reconnaissance to see where they created the plastic from and the fact they held their hands in a very intimidating way to get Bliss to open up a catharsis.


Mitsy's Boutique


Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste) Empty Re: Does the world need more Bliss? (Mocha and Celeste)

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