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Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

Post by Uryurvkos May 25th 2017, 4:24 pm

AAT-08317 stared back.

The assassin lifted his Cz-45 to the man whose weapon was being held before he fired off two rapid shots that caused the attacker to let go and drop his weapon. He didn't scream, as his shoulder and throat bled profusely. AAT-08317 then turned his weapon to the prone attacker whose weapon had been melted by Stargirl. It was as if he didn't fear, as he looked at the odd girl. It all made sense to him now, but that wasn't his concern. She moved quick, was incredibly strong and had eyes that shot melting beams.

An asset.

The assassin spoke, "I don't want people hurt either. These are bad men, who are trying to take something that can hurt even more. Millions. Billions. This entire planet can be destroyed, if they get away."

Post Mate
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Number of posts : 118
Registration date : 2017-01-21

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

Post by Stargirl May 28th 2017, 12:44 pm

Stargirl stared at the man who was speaking with her, trying to appeal to her sense of human preservation.  But how could he not want to hurt anyone?  He had a gun.  He came into the museum with the gun, so why wouldn’t he not want to hurt anyone?  Her eyes, still glowing with energetic fury, stared at the assassin deeply, pondering what to do with him.

He said the men who were shooting at him, and the man who was trying to flee were bad people who would hurt many people or even destroy the planet.  Stargirl looked back at the cowering men, and the few remaining bodyguards who tried to protect him.  At this moment one of the disarmed shooters rushed at her with a combat knife and tried to stick it right into her side, where her kidney would be.  The man himself would back away in shock when he saw the blade snap in half upon impact with her skin.  Stargirl turned to him and gave him a light push with her hand, causing the man to fly back into the wall and be knocked unconscious.

The girl turned back to AAT and attempted to fire a beam of plasma from her eyes at his gun to disarm him.  “..No hurting people… I save the Earth..” She gave him a soft nod before turning her attention to the man being protected.  She’d rush at them with immense speed and simply toss the two guards out of the way before grabbing the man with the data by his coat’s collar and lifted him up, staring at him with those fiery eyes.

Status :

Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : Here, there, anywhere.
Job : Everyone's favorite dumb blonde!
Humor : ...Huh?
Registration date : 2015-03-22

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

Post by Uryurvkos June 2nd 2017, 12:35 pm

AAT-08317 rolled out of the way of the sunbeam, before realising he was holding a molten piece of metal in his hand. The assassin narrowed his eyes before he threw the ruined weapon out of the way. He head footsteps behind him, timely but approaching as Stargirl took the collar of the older gentleman with the datapad. AAT-08317 turned his head, before ducking and rolling his arm to the leg of the woman that approached him. She screamed in surprise as she fell backwards, attempting to take aim with her assault rifle as she let a shot ring out.

AAT-08317 was struck in the chest, as he cried sharp and quickly with pain. His suit mesh underneath had protected him from the shot, but his skin was bruised from the closeness, velocity and size of the cartridge he was shot with. Quickly drawing his SVAROG-knife, he plummeted the blade into the throat of the woman as she gurgled with pain and horror as her crimson blood started to spill out onto the floor. The assassin slowly rose to his feet, a hole appearing in his dress suit and tie as the cracked plates of his undersuit showed.

The assassin quickly drew up the assault rifle as he took aim at the aged man and the rest of his bodyguards, squeezing the trigger the moment that the museum alarm started blaring over the loudspeakers and bright red lights flashed.
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
Age : 30
Registration date : 2017-01-21

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

Post by Orsy June 2nd 2017, 1:28 pm

( I will be posting for all my characters using my main account from now on.  To avoid confusion, I am also Stargirl. )

Stargirl dropped the older human when she saw AAT combatting another attacker, but was disarming her so she didn’t attempt to intervene.  She truly believed the man would refrain from killing just because she told him not to hurt anyone.  Because of this, she was much too late to stop him from stabbing the now unarmed woman in the throat, causing her to die a slower and more agonizing death.  “Nooo!!” She yelled out after the deed was done and looked at AAT with an almost rageful glare as her eyes lit up brighter, clearly ready to fire another beam of energy at him.

But then it happened.  Just as the assassin was about to fire, and Stargirl as about to try and disarm him again, the whole room exploded with loud, blaring noise.  An extremely loud alarm had gone off due to the current dire situation.  Usually this would be a good thing, for it notified the right authorities.  But to Stargirl, it was pure terror. “W-WUH!?  N-NOO!!  S-STOP!!  N-NO MORE LOUD!!” She covered her ears and screamed out hysterically as the powerful hero was reduced to a frightened little girl.

Stargirl suddenly flew backward towards the back wall, the impact completely busting a hole in the stone building like it was made of paper.  “T-Too loud!!” She yelled out again, starting to cry at this point as tears stream down her soft cheeks.  Unable to handle being near the sounds anymore, Stargirl would suddenly shoot straight upward, carving a path along the stone wall all the way up to the roof before she shot into the sky at supersonic speeds.  The poor girl didn’t stop flying until she was in the stratosphere.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

Post by Uryurvkos June 3rd 2017, 4:17 am

AAT-08317 prepared to roll out of the way of Stargirl's beams yet again, but when the ringing of the alarms broke out she seemed to break down like a small child. The assassin was genuinely confused, watching with slight interest as she covered her ears and started to scream out. AAT-08317 made a mental note of the breakdown, before he angled the assault rifle in his hand and slaughtered the remaining guards as Stargirl fled the facility.

Leaving the older man alive, AAT-08317 slowly stepped forward as the dropped man tried to crawl toward the datapad he had dropped. The assassin stomped on his hand, leaving the older man to exclaim in pain and fear before AAT-08317 struck the man in the back of the neck with his rifle. The man died with a sickening cracking sound, as the assassin picked up the datapad.

The pain in his chest was still there, aching and bruising. But it didn't concern AAT-08317 as much, as the assassin merely ignored the pain to the best of his abilities. There was surely going to be authorities on the way, but the assassin had methods out of such a tight spot.

Disassembling the assault rifle he held, the assassin pocketed the grip and the base that he touched—letting the rest of the rifle drop to the ground before he slowly headed for the nearest exit. Immediately when he did, was he met with the fleeing crowd of civilians that were trying deperately to flee the chaos.

AAT-08317 joined them. And disappeared with the rest of the crowd as the police arrived.

Mission success.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
Age : 30
Registration date : 2017-01-21

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INV ONLY Re: Light and Man (AAT and Stargirl)

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