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The Meeting

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INV ONLY The Meeting

Post by Uryurvkos May 15th 2017, 7:29 pm

The black swirling depths of the Pantheon Realm formed around a singular stone platform surrounded by a sea of nothing. It was as if this was the place were light died, and where darkness overcame. The platform was formed as a smooth stone, bearing no jagged marks nor corners. A skipping stone, meant to be tossed across still lakes—which ripples were meant to be watched as they took shape. A leg materialised out of the void, dust forming the shape of a man as he stepped along the platform. Darkness radiated off of him like a stench, smelling of death itself as the hands of the man reached down to collect the dust which was blown away from the stone. His black eyes analysed the grain, before he threw it in the wind.

Suddenly an image of the world formed from the nothing, as the man's shape fell apart again into a trillion pieces. Slowly he whispered, "Show me an image of me."

The picture contorted, until it formed shapes of a few different beings. The black depths of the Pantheon Realm froze, before a hand materialised and pressed against the pictures of different people. A hand formed a finger, which poked out and touched two still frames of two different beings. The lips of the Observer moved again, "Alas, bring them unto me. Form their shapes, and have them walk among me. I am curious, as to what they are. And what, they can do."

The picture faded, and again was left a world of darkness, and a single smooth stone floating along an endless sea.
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
Age : 30
Registration date : 2017-01-21

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INV ONLY Re: The Meeting

Post by Stratus May 15th 2017, 11:01 pm

New York city, the taste of stale polluted air hit Zeke's mouth as he inhaled deeply. He then gazed around at the city below, his view originating from the top of the Chrysler building, he smiled and began to stretch, starting with his neck and down to warm up, he sported his hero suit as well. Once finished he gazed down and his turned from gray to a deep vibrant blue and he sped down the side of the building to the city street below with his super speed. He then broke the sound barrier with ease and dashed through the streets. He gazed about as he went block to block in no time, everything around him appeared to be moving so slowly. He smiled once again, although he himself wasn't technically a god, he is fused with one, and from what Stratus has told Zeke, it's permanent.

Zeke kept running and ended up in front of a bank where a robbery was being broken out, as the robbers attempted to make their way out of the bank with bags full of money, Zeke sped over and simply removed the bags from their hands and placed them back at the counter. Afterwards he reached into one of his suits pocket and removed a handful of zip ties and began disarming all of the robbers, zip tying their hands together as they made their way to a getaway vehicle and placed their weapons in a pile next to a nearby police officer that was approximately a block away.

This was basically Zeke's world now, he moves so fast so often that everything around him basically moved at a crawling pace. Quite depressing if you think about it.

A portal formed infront of Zeke, dark and unsettling. He observed it quickly as it originated right on a sidewalk and he decided to take a leap of faith and go through it, seemingly enough it felt like it was calling to him.

He then appeared on a smooth stone surface, with little to no light to see, his surrounding area seemed to be utter darkness.

The Meeting USqSzkU

Status :

Quote : "I'm just trying to do the right thing."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : New York City
Job : Electrical Engineer
Registration date : 2017-05-13

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INV ONLY Re: The Meeting

Post by Entei May 25th 2017, 3:10 pm

Michael took a long, deep drag from the cigarette that hung loosely from his mouth, holding in the smoke for what seemed ages before exhaling. The small stick hung from his lips, slowly burning into nothingness with a blue flame eating away at it's paper skin. It was a filthy habit, one he had picked up during his recent break up with his fiance, and one he needed to drop now that she was back, but damn if he didn't love it.

Removing the cigarette from his mouth, and flicking the hanging ash into a empty can next to him, he took a look around his apartment. It was his day off, a very rare thing for him, and he had absolutely nothing to do. His fiance was off doing god knows what with her duties as aegis and all of his friends were heroes in one regard or another. Probably busy saving a kitten from a tree or some shit. With a sigh, he moved to the bathroom, scratching at his bare chest as he did so.

Taking a step onto the cold, hardwood floor, he paused, his eyes narrowing. Something seemed.. off. Different. As he thought on that, the portal opened beneath him, sending him falling, falling, falling, before crashing onto the smooth stone surface, the sound of metal clinking behind him as his pheonix blade fell after him.

A groan was the only noise he let out, as he laid there for a moment.

Quick Draw
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : Entei
Quick Draw

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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INV ONLY Re: The Meeting

Post by Uryurvkos June 2nd 2017, 6:08 pm

"Well well... I see you have both accepted my invintation to join me." A voice rang through the vast void, coming from all directions at once. There was no discernible origin for the voice to the two who stood on the smooth stone that precariously balanced across a black ocean.

Suddenly, dust started to scatter around the scene as it pulled tightly together in a dark amalgamation. The dark powder soon seemed to solidify as it coloured, painting the thing shaped like a man with pale white skin and black hair and eyes. His clothes that formed with him—his entire being—radiated with a dark vapour.

"Though I was expecting you would be able to catch yourself." The man said, turning directly to Entei. He stepped along the void, where the other two swore he would have fallen through.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "No one should be allowed to violently trample on the law."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
Age : 30
Registration date : 2017-01-21

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INV ONLY Re: The Meeting

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