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Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Zonkes March 6th 2017, 8:45 pm

Basir watched as the humans played. They were all idiots. He told them what power he wielded; and yet none of them even came close to using him for anything more than decoration. Suddenly, a course of power rushed through his smokey form. A command. The order was given. The Jinn… released himself from containment. 

”You have chosen… Wisely." Said the Jinn as he floated from the now useless vessel, the gems looked like plastic now; and it may as well have been a butter knife. ”For this choice, Homunculus. I will grant you one wish with no consequences..."

He grinned wickedly and his fiery eyes bore down upon Knightfall. ”Congratulations on the wasted opportunity. Enjoy the show." Suddenly, chaos rippled out. Seattle, Washington became ground zero for one of the most powerful mystic attacks ever seen. It all started when the Space Needle exploded into screaming. Not the people inside, the structure itself. It ripped itself from the ground; and began going around touching other buildings which quickly began screaming themselves. Basir simply awaited Quinn's wish as super-intelligent squid beasts fell from the sky.

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Knightfall March 7th 2017, 4:10 pm

"You have got to be kidding me." Knightfall shook his head in exasperation as the Space Needle was lifted from the ground and slammed into the buildings around it. Then Knightfall noticed the squid things falling from the sky and quickly pulled out his Deagle. Looking over at Quinn he said in a sarcastic tone: "Lovely weather isn't it?" Aiming his gun into the sky, keeping eye contact with Quinn, he fired and a squid monster plummeted to the ground dead beside him. Knightfall proceeded to flip off Quinn and fired a shot at her calf.

Last edited by Knightfall on March 17th 2017, 4:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP] - Page 2 2rggabb
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich March 8th 2017, 12:00 am

Now it was a nice day and he seen his moment to interrupt a good plot twist. Coronel landed on a near by roof top and with a wave of his hand he stopped the bullet aimed at the calf of the girl. Now no need to win me over with a game of death, but man do you all know how to make some noise early in the night or what. Where did this guy just come from and why is he interfering. Well lets sort that matter out.

Later that day: 3 hours top maybe::
Now it all started with his regular routine of stopping by local businesses and checking on client Intel. So with his drink in one hand and an Amazing tasting Snickers well his day was coming to a close with nothing at all. Sometimes nothing is good, but does not mean it was his favorite thing to do. He walked in to find his local "business partners" all murdered and what a great timing it was. His allowance of money would not come in this week but hey; Coronel knew who to ask and he could tell it was the man leaving the building.

Soon out of no where his senses kicked back in when he laid his hands on an object and someone else appeared, but he must have teleported because he was not there before. Surprising another person was watching the kid and wooooww....... These people are just popping up everywhere. Next time I want to fight I'm coming to Washington... State.

He thought to himself. He was already lonely enough lets not add talking to himself on a day agenda. He grabbed a nice trench coat the boss always wore and slung it on. Luckily nothing had stained it, he liked this coat. He move up to the roof access and decided to just coast there in flight he would get there a little on the late side. he was not to worried since usually the party don't start until he got there.

As he came on scene he could feel all their presences and glided down in a quick decent after this everything from before falls into action, except after he stopped the bullet Coronel gripped his fist and sent a wave of telekinetic force at the man to knock him back a little. No need to hurt him too soon.

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Quinn March 15th 2017, 1:59 am

Quinn turns and stares at the man who just shot one of the perfectly innocent squid monster that didn't do anything wrong at all and frowned. Of course, she basically just ignored the fact that he was pointing a gun at her, since it wasn't a threat to her at all. Then things happened and somehow the bullet that was fired at it was blocked by some guy who just appeared in the middle of the air. "I am trying to have a conversation here!" Quinn stamps her foot, annoyed a little at how rude the two men were being when she was trying to talk to the super interesting Jinn that had just totally given her a wish.

Figuring she could take them both out at the same time, since they were all close enough together, Quinn just pulls out a RPG and aims at the man who attacked her, deciding to remove the one who attacked her first, planning on dealing with the floating one after this one was dead. Right when the rocket flies towards Knightfall, he was sent flying back and her projectile missed, instead flying straight into an innocent statue that was holding a pyramid up in one hand. Out of the broken statue a sword flies through the air, somehow crossing the distance and landing perfectly in Quinn's hand.

She stares at the blade, confused a bit before trying to read the name on the blade. "Zeeelll...At-rius?" Her face is all confused as she ponders on it, before a lightbulb appears over her head as she finally gets it. Jinn does get a glare when Quinn notices it of course. "That sounds like Zell Atterrius that dad talked about once." The moment the name was mentioned, the sword hilt suddenly starts to glow green as Quinn could feel the power surge into her hand. She stares at the blade, excited to see what happens.
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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Zonkes March 16th 2017, 2:37 pm

”Tell you what my little pink haired friend. I owe you two wishes, since you used the first one to free me.” Jinn said grinning once again. Suddenly, a coin appeared in Jinns hand. He flipped it to Quinn. ”This coin will allow you to make 2 wishes within my power when you need it. If you ever need to use it; just rub it and say “I wish.” I'll appear briefly to grant those wishes bound to the coin. Now if I were you; I'd skedaddle. Things are about to get freaky.”

Jinn continued his work, aliens appearing overhead and abducting people, the clouds raining chocolate, fire and ice intermingling, a living building running away screaming as it came to sentience and realized it was already screwed. Strangely enough, this building wasn't actually Jinn’s doing. He was actually as surprised as everyone else would've been as it spat out it's human occupants.

A McDonalds served 100% real meat, frogs began doing gay pride marches down the street as an angry red faced man started yelling about how he was sick of the magicians putting magic into the air that was turning all the freaking frogs gay, the ghostly shell of the Titanic burst out into the streets with Leo Di Caprio at its helm being held captive by the deceased crew and passengers.

The earth quaked and released rubber ducks into the streets for seemingly no reason, pipes broke releasing sand as though it was water, the heavens played uptown funk as though from Gods speaker system.
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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

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Age : 28
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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Ultragal March 16th 2017, 3:39 pm

Fleur De Lis saw that the mysterious woman was still running. That male she'd encountered (Knightfall) was chasing her (Quinn). "That's what I get for trusting a male! I should've known better! find another ride..."

The only vehicle in the billiard club's parking lot was an old, beat-up, formerly-red-colored pickup truck, but she had no other choice. She kept her grip on the commuter mug with her precious vine inside. She got into the rusty, smelly pickup and drove, following after the male who betrayed her. If she catches up to both him and the unknown woman (Quinn), she'd give them what for!

Fleur drove onward...and right smack-dab into utter chaos! Buildings running around...squids falling from the alien invasion...and every other kind of unreality she could think of...and never would imagine to be possible on Earth!

The next thing she saw was some guy (Basir) at the center of all the turmoil. Fleur drove towards him. He was easy enough to spot. He was wearing ancient Arabian garb.

The already-damaged truck was hit on all sides by the debris thrown around by the unnatural storm. When the 'quake hit, the reddish truck's driver side door opened. Fleur was tossed out like a rag doll. When she hit the ground, the commuter mug with the altered vine in it opened.

Fleur was knocked out. That means the vine with wickedly sharp thorns planted itself and grew unchecked. It twisted and turned, as if looking for a victim. It was tall and big enough to be noticed by anyone caught in the chaos.

A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 263
Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Knightfall March 17th 2017, 4:25 pm

Knightfall's shot had apparently been blocked by this new arrival. Normally he'd be pissed that the man had meddled in his affairs, but in this case the other guy was wearing a trench-coat. It was jet black, sleek, with strings, the collar had been put u around his neck. Guy had good taste in fashion. "Nice coat my man gesturing to it." But he was quickly interrupted by the man pushing him back with telekinetic force. Luckily it allowed him to be out of harm's way of the rocket that had been fired in his general direction. "This day's certainly gone to shit." He said as a stone sword then flew past him. Suddenly he was distracted by the carnage that ensued around him, the Titanic popping out of the ground, etc. "Oh shit that's Leonardo Di Caprio! Never mind this is the best day ever." Knightfall staggered as an earthquake ensued and rubber ducks escaped from the Earth and Bruno Mars could be heard from the heavens. That's when he saw a red pickup truck and Fleur dumped out of the side. Ducking from a flying homosexual frog, he quickly rushed over to her only to be stopped by a thorned sentient vine. "Damn it."

Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP] - Page 2 2rggabb
Post Mate
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by The Perfect Sandwich March 17th 2017, 8:50 pm

Lets just say stopping a bullet did not have these consequences usually, but he was sure all the shit storms in his life was never his cause either. What was going on? What did he just jump into and why? He used his Telekinetic ability real quick to grab the gun from Knightfall and sending it into the air away from him. Coronel would try anything to see if it would stop the weird show going on, but no effect. Although if he was a few blocks away he would probably still ponder the question. It was time to move or to look at the Titan..i...c............ The fuck.

Well no more spacing out. Shit was wack and he had people to kill. Does he attack the Jin or random people. He jumped down landing on the ground but not before see a truck drive towards them and the get hit by debris. Well guess they are dead. He landed on the ground and looked at the Knightfall guy and ignored the compliment and the rocket. With a spin and a punch a relentless wave of force was sent at most of the people in the group. He took measures to not his the girl who was getting shot at. Maybe in a little bit she could help him stop the storm but how ever he had to stop a few people.

Following the forced wave of energy he continued to spin around as he waved his hands around grabbing debris that was in the air. He even took chunks off of buildings and sent them flying towards the group.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Silus March 21st 2017, 1:46 am

Seattle had been in total chaos since the moment the Djinn had been freed from it's sword. Lenoardo DiCaprio burst forth from the sunken Titanic and there had been a goddamn pride parade of frogs broke out down the street. This was not at all how things were supposed to be. The very nature of everything in this universe had begun to feel very wrong. Granted this was not "reality" threatening, however it was just chaotic enough to make Zell more than concerned. He had been walking through the house, he grabbed a drink from the refrigerator. Twisting the cap and putting his head back he suddenly found himself mentally surveying the threads and fabrics as they inter-wound. Things were crossing, in ways they shouldn't normally be crossing. Zell began to curse the fact that the Archon Energy had resparked within him. He was perfectly content with NOT being the embodiment of all existence and being just an eccentric philanthropist with a family.

   "...Zell Atterrius that dad talked about once." His mouth came off of the bottle as he lowered his head, a look of horror scrawled over his face as a vision came ot his mind. A young woman, one that Zell had known to be closely allied with Gadreel was holding his blade and had said his name. He tried to fight and resist, but he could slowly feel himself slowly relocating.

   "...Ah SHIT!" He said as he threw the plastic bottle, it bounced off of the fine redwood paneling and Zell had suddenly vanished.

   He manifested as a compilation of light shining brightly off the sword, the essence and aura radiating as the glowing light seemed to shed like water, trickling and dancing down the blade as it seemed to leave tears and scars floating in the very air itself, shifting and distorting any perspective of distance or time. For a moment the scars opened and there had even been a dinosaur within the realms of sight, but only for a moment as then a city of highly advanced technology was seen off in the distant desert. Finally the scars began to glow green and they exploded.

   Well, well, well. What have we here? The Archon spoke. His manifestation was a black cloaked figure, the traditional color of Archon when he was summoned in subservience to the blade. His face was adorned by none other than the mask of Vermillion, an artifact that he wore tastefully and with pride. A true moment of his grace and glory within his broken life, a victory that none would ever know of.

  The Archon looked around before noting that it was the homunculus whom wielded his blade, just as the vision told him. For all of his near omniscience there were still many surprises for him to find within the eons. But to see this interesting little creature explained much of the mystery as to what in the name of God was going on in this forsaken city. He complained to himself, wondering why the blade couldn't simply be used by Rozmer as it was intended for when it was intended.

  Back from whence you came. The Archon commanded, his voice let loose a soft echo and almost immediately the ghost ship and it's otherworldly passengers were returned to the depths and their souls returned to their resting place. Leonardo DiCaprio could go back with them for all The Archon was concerned, he had very little impact upon this reality. The Archon's eyes then fell upon the parade of frogs. He was both horribly intrigued and mortified that there had been so many homosexual frogs in rainbow body paint and underwear. "I-I can't even.... Be natural." The command immediately forced the frogs down and croaking rather than singing the "Fame Monster" Album. they also stopped shaking their asses and resumed hopping.

   The Archon's glowing eyes pierced through the hollow, blackened sockets narrowing in a judgmental way. He was silently wondering what exactly it was that the woman had done to cause such a disaster. The fact she wielded the blade made her immune to his powers, as well as gave her total control over him. The Archon's eyes had been grappled by none other than Coronel, causing him to audibly groan, then his eyes. The Earth began to quake and rubber ducks began to march upon mankind as if it were The Penguin Army from the second Batman movie with Michael Keaton. Then apparently the skies themselves began to boom with a heavy bass as that horrible song featuring Bruno Mars as the vocalist began to play. The pipes in buildings and the city themselves began to burst and pull open as sand fell, the perfect symbolism of mankind's time coming to a very quick end...should this continue that is.

   The Archon was furious. In a moment he took in a deep breath and looked up to the sky, his very hatred of this horrible, overrated song playing driving his voice.


  His voice seemed to produce a sonic boom, or a visible bubble around him, expanding outward. The force of his voice enough to whip the debris that Coronel had sent at them back at over a hundred times it's regular speed. Absolutely everything within the bubble seemed to exist in a state of greyscale, everything except for The Archon himself, Coronel, the Djinn, Quinn, nightfall and the unconscious Fleur. In another moment everything seemed to be back to it's normal state, people walking in the streets and looking around confused, as if none of this had ever happened. Most people seemed to even forget what was happening. He looked about for a moment before locking eyes with the mischievous Djinn, his eyes narrowed like that of a predator.

  Back in the sword... He snapped, to which the Djinn had no true choice. He was instantly bound back to his cursed object, leaving Zell to look at Quinn.

  Unfortunately for Zell, he knew how Quinn operated to some extent. He had a feeling that his last power would be the first thing that she would have undone...

Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP] - Page 2 Lucife10
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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Quinn March 27th 2017, 4:03 am

Quinn hands Zell his sword back and leaves. Mostly because she had things to do, go read a book.
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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Ultragal March 27th 2017, 11:49 am

Fleur finally recovered from being knocked out. Her head stopped spinning and her eyes could focus again. She saw the billiards club, the little SmartCar she stole and the altered vine still in the opaque travel mug. The mug's lid was closed.

She remembered the male (Knightfall) who she gave a ride to. She looked around to search for him. He wasn't in the immediate area. The last time she saw him was when he entered the billiards club. "Where'd he go off to?", she muttered to herself. She didn't see the strange woman (Quinn), either.

Fleur would've preferred an audience to watch her vine destroy the billiards club and all the beer-bellied male slobs in it. But, it would just have to be a solo performance. At least she'll enjoy the result of her latest experiment in plant cell manipulation.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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OPEN Re: Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP]

Post by Knightfall March 27th 2017, 12:38 pm

Knightfall stood in awe as his surroundings reverted back to they're original state with just the flick of a hand. This man that'd arrived interested him greatly, but he didn't want the incident in Belarus to possibly reoccur. Anyhow this being seemed way more dangerous than Rozmer and he didn't want to start asking questions. Not after all of the chaos that'd just ensued. Turning around he noticed that the pink haired woman was nowhere to be seen and that Fleur was recovering nicely. Stretching, he let out a yawn and said, "Well that's enough for one day." Then he shot his grappling hooks at a nearby buildings roof and swung himself onto it, disappearing into the city.

Wishful Thinking [Open][Double XP] - Page 2 2rggabb
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Quote : "Woo yeah! I'm like fucking Spider-Man bitches!" -Knightfall
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with guns?" -Knightfall

"Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgeral

Warnings : 2 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Age : 32
Job : Whatever pays well.
Humor : Dark and sarcastic.
Registration date : 2017-01-19

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