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Collin West

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Collin West Empty Collin West

Post by Stacesune December 27th 2016, 5:02 pm

Collin West

"Its not stealing! Its indefinately borrowing! What? I'm not a villain guys!"

The Bio

Real Name: Collin West
Renegade Name:  None Decided
Alignment:  CG
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Asian/Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 173lbs
Blood type: B

The Looks

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The Personality

Collin is a rather cheerful if excitable fellow. You could call him almost like a fanboy at times even, from how much he trips up over comics and what media he does get to see. Not shy, but easy to trip up over his words whenever he tries to talk to someone, often going on longer than he needs and embarassing himself when he is called on it. He does hold some sadness in him but he attempts to hide it behind both a laugh and a smile. when it comes to the more named supers and media surrounding him, he becomes ecstatic as despite his own gifts, he doesn't see himself as a real hero yet. When it comes to friends he is protective, and light hearted. When it comes to strangers, he is cautiously optimistic. To villains, a snarky smart-ass. While a thief, he doesn't do it for fun or by choice, but because he needs to survive and feels stuck in his place of life.

The Story

Usually the story goes that a child was abandoned by his parents. Its a strange day when instead the story goes that the child abandoned his own. Collin was raised in a sheltered life, barely getting to do or see much other than his studies or sometime a book or television. Friends, a life, all based on what his parents deemed safe and appropriate for him. It was a good life, most would think, but the more he saw of others having lives the more he craved. He tried to go out and play with the other kids but the parents always butted in. It was gruling for him, but he couldn't grasp their side of things. Running off at the age of 12 to live on his own.

It was hard for a bit, getting charity from some and somewhat being taken in to a small hovel with other homeless. Making up a story as he didn't want to admit he did this out of selfish desire. He made friends with a few of them, learned how to steal and shoplift only what he needed to live, and even how to settle in to run down or abandoned areas as temporary homes. OF course, lies only lead to problems, and eventually his own was discovered. Run aways rarely go unnoticed and soon Missing posters began to pop up around town. Some of his friends noticed, taking to see about just what life he ran from if his family cares. Some of the friends actualy got heated enough that they brought him out with them just to trick him into a situation that would draw out his powers. What was originally a walk along the alleys, became a trap between two sets of thugs who wanted to bully out his truths. Stress induced, and afraid, he ended up combusting in a small series of flames. The bullies of course would run off, as he realized his arms and legs had caught blaze.

Years pass, and slowly he'd not only learn his power a bit more but leave his home city. Now using what he had learned in a new town . Now alone again, for the most part as one could be when his friends were mostly other homeless and street kids that he had a working relation with, he had continued his small thefts to stay alive. Crime, more common here, would lead to him awakening just a bit more. Seeing someone he'd known as a struggling mother be robbed, he tried to give chase to help out. Following them up a parking structure just to end up being outsmarted and tossed to the side.  Falling, he managed to dissapear in smoke for a moment and land, albeit with a hard thud, on a lower level of the parking structure. Both of his powers realized, he set off to not just survive on the streets, but deliver justice to those who stole for more than just their life. All the while falling in love with the idea he may be a super hero.
The Priority

1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Agility
4. Strength

The Powers

Wispflash:  The term given to his mostly aesthetic difference in a teleportation ability.  Consuming himself in a red and black tinted cloud of smoke, before bursting out of a similair cloud a distance away. Able to poof where he can visibly see currently, not practiced enough to teleport somewhere behind structures or through walls. Through windows and bars, absolutely, but if he can't see on the other side of a solid object, no go. Just the same, he can not poof in to anything, he has to have enough space to land, stand, and move freely. The vanish takes a second before he actually moves, leaving him open to attacks still before he can teleport. Kinetic energy stays with him, meaning if he was falling when he teleported he'll still hit the ground with force.

Wispfire: The term for his aesthetic flare when he both manipulates and conjures fire. Able to spark himself on fire with red and black tinted flame, while also able to throw small bursts of fire and alter fire around him to some degree. Some Psychokinetic would say his level was easily amateur, as he is only capable of spawning fireballs up to a cubic foot, and throw out streams of fire only a few yards. While he is able to light himself on fire, the flame doesn't burn or singe as hot or as fast as true flame, but the heat from it feels all the same. Controlling fire that prexists, he can alter and control more than he can spawn. About five cubic feet worth, though he can't control it enough to do more than pull/throw it a single direction, or in some cases part flame. While most Pyrokineticests may be able to curve or whip fire, his goes in a single direction. For now... Fire he spawns or manipulates will always take on a red and black color, despite chemical features. Manipulating the fire of other heroes (Created via a power, not technology) is not something he can do if they are actively manipulating it.

Fire Resistance: while not entirely immune to fire, he's able to shrug off more of it's effects than most. Of course, this doesn't mean he needs to start picking up burning pans with his bare hands.. Collin is able to walk through fire, or take a fire based attack, with less impact on himself that other heroes may have. His own fire does not hurt him, of course.

The Weaknesses

Water. Freaking Water: If you're a pyromancer or pyrokinetic, you know this struggle. Water is the bane of his fire related powers, and utterly cripples his Wispflash.  Being overtly soaked means he can no conjure fire, and makes manipulating existing fire harder for him. Being submerged not only makes manipulating any fire or conjuring it impossible, but dampens his ability to Wispflash given not only the water itself makes seeing harder (You open your eyes in water that isn't clear!) but makes it so the distance he could normally vanish to a quarter of what he would be able to normally.

Inexperienced Fanboy: Most supers have a backstory that denotes to their ability to be a super. Collin, has enough experience to run away and leap over crap. He's a runner, a dodger, but a fighter he is not. He can easilly be caught off by smart fighters, and his tells are obvious to most. Anyone with actual combat experience will more than likely best him, especially in a brawl. He isn't the smartest, so finding weakspots or the like is not something he will excell at either. Its best to think of him as someone who will get lucky, sometimes.

Physically Human: There is no form of damage avoiding durability here. Collin's body is human, at least right now in his state of life. Bullets hurt, cars cripple, and he can die. While he may be able to shrug off fire, anything else may easily put this kid down.  This means falling distances will kill, being electrocuted will if not kill him will leave him wounded, being frozen doesn't just freeze him it bloody hurts. Maybe some day he'll have something to answer for the high-tier capes...

The Items

The Minions

The Fluff

Thievery: While not a power, he does excel a bit in street theft. Pick pocketing, lock picking. Not on the level of grade-A Cat-burglars but he manages to make do. While most high value stores will easilly catch him on camera, on the street some people may not notice the wallet missing or street vendors may not see their apples are lacking a bit. In terms of picking locks, he's best at doors while safes are a definate no go and cars usually go off before he can get in.

Papers, Please: He has no legal documents on hand to prove who he is or anything. His papers, as far as he knows, still reside with his parents back home before he became a runaway. This means he can not legally drive, or currently get a job. In addition, there is already a missing police report filed on him back home which could easilly lead to people he left behind finding him if he attempts to get new papers, as his legal status is missing and/or pronounced dead.

Wispfire: Any of his abilities or fire he manipulates will always take on a black and red tinted shade.

What Cosume?: He currently possesses nothing to really hide his identity when he decides to be a hero. One could easilly identify him and find him if they so wished.

The RP Sample

"Throw it faster! Faster!" The man called from the window seal he perched on, smiling down to some of the other street rats who were playing the most thrown together game of baseball he'd seen in awhile. A ball that was barely held together, trash lids for bases, and a steel pipe for a bat. It was fun to watch, even if he had no idea who was winning at this point. He'd play but... Well, he had other things to do today. Mostly, try to find a new cushionsfor his made-up couch, a frame of wood and whatever nails and cushions he could find. Sadly, the neighborhood cats and his furniture did not agree at all. He stood up, after seeing the kids were too lost in their game to take hid advice, rude. Leaping off the ledge, before he'd envelope himself in smoke, appearing on the adjacent roof top as he turned the quick grunt of landing into a slow walk. What better way to scour out alleyways than from a roof level right?

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Quote : "Dude. You're a superhero! Thats freaking awesome! whats your capename!? Can I get your au

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-09-15

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Collin West Empty Re: Collin West

Post by Samael Christensen December 27th 2016, 6:33 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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