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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho)

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty New York is Dead

Post by VoidOfEclipse December 12th 2016, 3:57 pm

Void shrugged at his comment, finding a ladder at last and beginning to ascend it, pausing while hanging on the rungs and deciding to answer Freddie. "I'd have to have been there to tell you." It had happened around the same time she'd started doing well in the espionage business she'd inherited. When the mass destruction during the NY assault occurred, she'd been back in Peru checking on some... things. After the Purge she had actually moved into NYC, "From the news I can at least say that it was a crazy Doctor looking for revenge and glory with a hoard of Metahuman followers. They went up against the government, other Metahumans got involved, and the evil guy lost. The Purge after that did the most damage, though I'm not so sure what caused that fight. All I know is that a lot of Metas caused a lot of damage. Now people are just afraid of us in general, no matter if we're 'good' or bad'."

And thus New York became a taboo place to reside. The once great city was filled with the ruins of buildings and an eighth of the population it once had. Only the brave lived there now. Or the ones like her, who just wanted to stay away from people.

After speaking Void went up and pressed her hand against the heavy manhole cover, changing the density to make it as light as paper. She peeked out to see the street was empty, then completely removed the cover and climbed out, turning around and offering her hand in case the injured young man needed some help. The rungs were pretty slippery and it was still raining heavily. The last thing Freddie needed was to fall back and hurt himself further.

"Where were you during the assault that you didn't even know the world was against Metahumans?"

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Number of posts : 109
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty The Outside

Post by morrisonjericho December 12th 2016, 4:09 pm

He took Void's hand, and clambered out of the manhole cover onto an empty street. Quiet enough and empty enough to not draw any attention to themselves. Where was he during the Attack? Well... That wasn't something Freddie liked to talk about much. If it happened when she said it happened... It wasn't a pleasant story. In any case he stood on his two feet, stretched his one functioning arm, and started to walk with Void.

"Where was i? Well... With powers like mine you don't... You don't get an easy life." He looked a little more solemn as his story went on. "I was at boarding school, i was the school nerd, bullied. Off shore. When i was angered something... Snapped. I-" He wasn't sure whether or not to continue with his tale that brought him such pain, but she deserved to know, after helping hims o much. "I killed 36 Innocent People. And with that, the skyscraper of a building we were on." He wiped his face, where tears started to form around his face. "And.... - Maybe i'll continue that story another time..." He kept on walking with her.

"So, where is this friend of yours?"

The Strongest Punch
With a price


Status :

Quote : My Punch may be Unmatched, but The backlash... Imaginable...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2016-10-09

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho)

Post by VoidOfEclipse December 12th 2016, 9:59 pm

Void kind of regretted asking once she got the answer out of Freddie. She listened in solemn silence as they meandered as casually down the streets as possible, pity and guilt aching in her chest. Killing people... was never fun. Especially when it was an accident. She would know since she'd accidentally offed some people when she'd been practicing her powers. But with the way she grew up Void had eventually learned to close off that part of her heart when situations that called for someone's death happened. If she thought about it too much she knew she wouldn't be able to handle the guilt. So she didn't say much, just, "Then I guess it's pretty reasonable that you weren't watching the news."

The girl kept an eye on the road signs as they went and eventually found Seaturtle Way. She could see the bowling alley and the side alley that had steps leading to an upstairs apartment. A giant neon eye blinked in the upstairs window, with green eyelashes and an angry red iris. Looked like a fortune-telling palm reader's place if she ever saw one.

Void shivered as she found she did whenever she neared spiritistic stuff. Things like this didn't bother her, it just felt like her body had a sixth sense for different fields of magic, and she could physically feel the magical or spiritual energies when she neared them. She assumed she was just one of those people sensitive to such things.

"Up there." She said, pointing across the road at their destination. Void crossed the street and began heading up the stairs quickly. At the top she rapped her knuckles against the hard wood door and could hear the faint jingling of bells from inside as someone moved about. A few seconds later the door opened, revealing a woman dressed in purple harem pants and a matching crop top. The bottom half of her face was covered in a violet sheer veil and her curly black hair spiraled all the way down to the woman's exposed navel. To ass to the extravagant appearance, she also wore bright gold makeup that matched all of the dangling bells and coins that hung from different parts of her clothes and body like ornaments.

"The Genovese family sent me." Void stated, and the fortune teller waved them in. She looked to Freddie before heading in, the mysterious woman closing the door behind them. Inside the room was a table that held a crystal ball, and ornate nick-knacks decorated the place in such dazzling colors that it made Void dizzy.

"I knew you would come. Tell me, what is your blood type, young man?" The fortune teller was pretty much ignoring Void and speaking to Freddie alone now, her accent vaguely Russian and her hips swaying to make the bell covered belt she had on chime as she went to sit on the edge of the table. "You have many injuries, but I cannot heal you unless certain requirements are made."

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty The Fortune Teller

Post by morrisonjericho December 13th 2016, 2:15 am

"Blood Type A +" He found this strange, as if this woman was some strange, other worldly being. Her presence felt mysterious and strange, as if she was here for a purpose, and that alone. He Took of some of his clothes on his upper body, as his clothes were soaked with blood and sweat.

"Whar kind of Requirements..."

The Strongest Punch
With a price


Status :

Quote : My Punch may be Unmatched, but The backlash... Imaginable...

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2016-10-09

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho)

Post by VoidOfEclipse December 13th 2016, 8:32 am

"Blood type A positive? Doable. A bit difficult." The woman muttered to herself before looking to Void, ignoring Freddie's question completely, "And you, girl?"

"O negative...." The brunette answered, taking off her helmet again and messing with a hanging Buddha statue that had its eyes crosses out with red ex marks. Creepy.

"Ah, good, good. Give me your blood, girl." The palm reader stuck out her open hand and Void looked at her incredulously.

"Whyyyyy....?" She didn't move forwards, only eyeing the lady's dragon like nail job. Each of them were sharpened into deadly points with beads and paint covering them gaudily.

"If you want the boy to be healed then I must have your blood. O negative is best for healing." She explained, lunging out and grabbing Void's wrist so suddenly that it made the girl jump, "Will you give, or no?"

Void looked to Freddie with slightly narrowed eyes. She had never donated blood before, even after knowing O- type blood was the only blood type that could be a donor for all other blood types. She was a bit afraid of the process. Having her blood sucked from her body just never seemed like a fun time.

Freddie so would owe her one. The woman seemed to recognize Void's acceptance of what was about to happen and held out her other hand for Freddie.

"Come, come. Give me your wrist."

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Black just suits me, I don't have a favorite color."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 109
Location : The Heights of Peru
Age : 29
Job : Espionage and Infiltry
Humor : Make me laugh and I'll kill you.
Registration date : 2016-06-15

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Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho) - Page 2 Empty Re: Pick-Pocket-Police (Jericho)

Post by Sponsored content

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