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It's never easy (open)

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It's never easy (open) Empty It's never easy (open)

Post by CagedRage October 28th 2016, 1:20 pm

Another beautiful fall day, a bright sun sits high in the sky disguising the cold air to those not adventurous enough to head outside. The city seemed so full of life today, energy and commotion everywhere you looked. While this may be normal to the average city dweller it seemed new and exciting to Jim, he had been secluded and away from the hustle for so long. It felt great though strange to be surrounded by all this energy.

Pulling his hoodie tight around his face as the wind howled Jim spotted a small coffee shop that seemed a fitting place to warm his bones. Stepping inside he was overwhelmed with the strong scents of various coffees and deserts, all seemed so inviting to his empty stomach and cold hands. The shop was a decent size inside but had quaint home like feel, some designer clearly put a lot of thought into this interior. Warm wood walls where accented by soft red leather seats and dark stain on the counters, giving a warm heavy feel to the store. A older couple sat at a booth near the back of the shop, the only occupants despite a bored looking barista who mustered a small smile as James caught his attention. Rubbing his hands together for warmth James looked over the menu and decided on a simple black coffee which the Barista said would be brought to him in just a minute.

Sitting by the front window he daydreamed while watching people go about there mundane lives, he often wished to be able to go back to a simple life but he knew that was impossible now. Staring at a small park across the street he was lost in thought as the barista set the coffee carefully on the small table and wished him a good day before slipping to the back of the shop. The old couple chatted happily with talks of days when they were young and life was full of excitement and wonder.

Despite all my Rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2016-10-07

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by TheDastardlyDire October 28th 2016, 6:17 pm

Malik Faulkner was generally mad at the world as he was walked down the busy streets of NYC.
This was strange for him because normally he loves being in crowds.
He was sick of people giving him contracts then backing out at the last minute, dropping of the earth, or just backing out and him not getting paid.

He stepped inside the rather warm coffee shop in his all black outfit that included aviator glasses.
He ordered some heavily creamed coffee as politely as possible. He sat in front [or behind depending your point of view] of the old couple, and grimaced each time they let their strained laughs free.
His mind screamed.
He just hunched in his chair and drank his coffee.

That is until one of his one night stands walked in to the door...
Anyone could've heard her from a mile away.
She walked with her country accent blaring, ample breasts bouncing, and fur coat... Doing whatever fur coats do.
She ordered so loud it nearly echoed.
Malik ALMOST made it without her seeing him...
She was stepping out of the door when he heard, "IS THAT MALIK FAULKNER???"

Malik dropped his head and mumbled "no."

Yet she couldn't hear him so she came and pinched his cheek.
"I get it... You don't want me to make scene... How's this?"
She stood on a chair and yelled,

Malik pulled her down said, "Enough. Now go back to the mudhole you came out of..."

She huffed and stormed out, forgetting her coffee.
Leaving Malik alone, again.

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 123
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by CagedRage October 28th 2016, 6:32 pm

That dreaded tingling feeling that was all to familiar ran up and down Jim's spine, raw uncovered anger was not far away. Deep breathes and focus on your happy space he thought to himself carefully sipping his coffee. This was no place for him to have a accident, Unfortunately the world rarely works out for you. A slim red tentacle slipped out of his sleeve and wrapped through his fingers, "Fuck I need to get out of here."

Getting up to leave he bumped into a fiery blonde with a vendetta against the already flaming sense of anger in the corner. Spilling his coffee down the front of his pants a blast of pure hatred shot out splintering the wooden bar into millions of pieces. Stunned James stared at the chaos, the old couple dropped in fear and the barista screamed something along the lines of not getting paid enough for this shit.

Despite all my Rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2016-10-07

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by TheDastardlyDire October 28th 2016, 7:32 pm

Malik noticed the man before the incident, but didn't think to try and check for signs of demons.

The... Thing left the wood splintered all over the floor, and made all of the people horrified.
The Malik side of him needed to help these people.
Dire said kill everyone in the room.
He tended to be in the middle of it all so...
Sarcastic Douchebag it is!

Malik hopped over the counter, where the barista was.
He groaned,  "Always civilians..."
He held up his watch and hastily said, "Look at the time, tick tock tick tock now it's time for sleep."
When he said "sleep" the barista fell asleep.

He then pressed the deploy button on his watch to allow his eyes to change colors and his supersuit to pop up on him.
He then became The Demonic Dire.
The mutinous merc pulled himself over the counter and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hi-ya, jackass! I was just wondering... Why'd ya have to go and do that?"
He said as he pulled a revolver out of his pants.
"Oh, and there really IS a gun in my pants and I'm really NOT all that happy to see you."

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 123
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by Outbreak October 28th 2016, 10:28 pm

Celes sometimes went to a coffee shop before heading to work in the morning, she was currently wearing her bland attire consisting of a long tan skirt a white blouse and a beige cardigan along with her glasses that rested lightly on her face. She came walking down the main road which was fairly void of people and even cars, maybe they'd stayed home due to the cold or she'd just picked an ample time to read while she walked to her coffee shop. Because she was reading, Celes didn't notice the commotion in the shop as she entered. She was pretty sure she may have hit the demon guy with the door on the way in but she wasn't sure, and hadn't even looked properly as she walked in still reading and sat down at a table.

After a small amount of time Celes pulled out a bookmark and closed her book ready to get up and order, but spotted the commotion happening within the store finally. "Looks like I came at a bad time" she said with a weak sort of smile, knowing full well she'd be okay if things went nutty as she could protect herself. She looked over at the barista and told him to give her the usual order she took in the mornings, he looked like he was too scared to do so thus Celes gave him a look he's given him before.

When he'd made a sexiest comment about a lady as she walked away from the counter, she'd grabbed him by he collar and whispered sweet tortures in his ear and now he was generally compliant to her. Celes showed no particular fear of the demon, especially since there was already someone playing hero in the store. She just waited for the barista to sum up the courage to make her order, she hoped it was soon because breakfast and a show seemed a delightful distraction.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by CagedRage October 29th 2016, 3:17 am

"it was an accident!" Jim's voice trembled out as tried to calm himself, but the sight of the gun was to much for him to control. The power of Rage quickly engulfed his body creating a powerful armor set in response to a deadly situation. The pure hatred that seeped out of the armor caused the old couple to scream obscenities and begin to hit each other as the barista threw a coffee at the pistol packing canine.

Before to much anger could overcome his mind and devour the last rational thoughts Jim took off out the door running across the street into the park hoping to create some space from his most recent outbreak.

Sprinting full speed past a small pond and several families enjoying the last New England days before snow fell Jim could feel his hate spreading outward. Loving daughters spit at their father's, dogs bit and barked at beloved owners and absolute strangers began to throw punches.

Knowing he had to seperate himself from the general population James took off towards an empty looking part of the park in hopes of relief.

Despite all my Rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2016-10-07

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by TheDastardlyDire October 29th 2016, 8:53 am

Dire felt the anger flow through him, and apparently everyone else did too.
He felt the burning hot coffee connect with his supersuit.
"You can't get this DRY CLEANED didn't you know!" He said as he shot the barista.
It wasn't enough to kill him, just enough to hurt him horrendously.
He saw the big red being of rage ran into the park.
Part of him wanted to leave the... Thing out there.
Yet, he still had to play anti-hero.
So he trekked onward.
Before running out he looked to Celes and mouthed "call me" with the appropriate hand motion.
He passed the small pond and the power from his swords allowed him to catch almost entirely up.

When he was finally caught up, he shot a bullet in the air.
"Was it somethin' I said? I mean. CMON! You seriously thought running would help your chances?"
Dire now had 4 bullets in his six-shooter.

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 123
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by Outbreak October 29th 2016, 6:25 pm

Things had gone completely apeshit thought Celes as she sat there, after all the craziness which including old people swearing and the cowardly barista throwing coffee at a superhero with a gun. Celes finally got her order just as both made their way out the door, it seemed the hero mimed to call him though she wasn't sure how she'd accomplish that since she didn't get his number.

She sighed as her show had made its way into the park, so Celes grabbed her Danish and made sure her lid was on tight and followed the chaos. It was more for a little fun then anything else, the hatred that was exciting from the now armour clad guy wasn't really bothering her. As she kind of always had a strong streak of hate in her, thus it was little different to how she usually was out of costume anyway.

Once she'd gotten into the park not far behind the other two, she smirked at all the hateful chaos the armour clad guy was causing. It was quite invigourating to her, if the guy didn't seem so reluctant about his power she'd team up with him.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by CagedRage October 30th 2016, 8:32 pm

The wind whipped and a slight rain started to pick up as Jim felt the anger begin to take over his mind, his legs no longer responded and the running stopped. He was standing in a field that had several trees sitting around with a small metal playground sitting in the corner, luckily kids were at home on a day like this. The fool with the gun had given chase for some reason. Firing off his wrist blade at a tree it chopped through like butter falling in the running mans path. "You've made a grave mistake following me here!"

Rushing in with his blade drawn Jim made a beeline for his victim red took over his vision, nothing on his mind but violence.

Despite all my Rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2016-10-07

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by TheDastardlyDire October 30th 2016, 10:21 pm

Dire's eyes went wide as the man charged him.
He was simply trying to have a conversation with him.

He decided to go defensive, he pushed forward and drew his swords, letting the blue flames come to life off them.
Using the speed his swords gave him to flip over Jim, he then scurried behind a tree and jotted his phone number down.
"Dammit, why do I always have to fight the crazy bad guys AND be labeled as the bad guy?"
He asked as he ran around to Celes and shoved the paper to her.
He ran forward to try and calm Jim down.
"Hey! Bro! Listen! You need to learn to reign in your powers... I can maybe help with that... If you don't kill me that is."

Theme Song
Dire's App
Dire's New Powers!
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "CSSH. I'm not unstable, just obnoxious, over."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 614
Location : The Messier Version of the Batcave.
Age : 123
Job : World-Class Mercenary
Humor : So a hero, a renegade, and a villain walk into a bar...
Registration date : 2016-07-25

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It's never easy (open) Empty Re: It's never easy (open)

Post by Outbreak November 4th 2016, 1:22 am

Celes took the paper though weather she called it was another matter, she still didn't like heroes though this guy seemed more an anti hero or vigilante. Thus she maybe tempted to flirt with danger this one time maybe "Good luck" she said to Dire after he gave her the number, she then leaned back in her chair and took a bite of her snack as she watch the fight.

It looked like Dire was going to try talking the man down, from what little she could gather that wasn't about to happen. Since he seemed like some sort of possessed personage rather then some kind of demonic power, so it wasn't like he could easily gain back control at least from Celes reckoning since she was an avid book reader and all.

She took a bite of her breakfast and just waited for whatever was going to happen, she was ready to shield herself from any attack that may end up in her direction. And if Dire lost the battle Celes would just get up and walk away, though she would fight if the rage fellow targeted her next.

Status :

Quote : The world will break under my heels

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : In your head
Job : Librarian
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2016-10-25

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