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Operation: Arcana Check

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 25th 2016, 3:10 am

The recent activity of The New Path's research and development division required an extensive and thorough cleanup process. Once again, The Lost found himself striding through the rundown and seemingly abandoned factory. This time, he wore a pinstripe suit and instead of an full strike team, he only had two men in black suits with him. The three of them walked onto the cargo elevator on the bottom floor of the old factory. The elevator shaft above it was broken beyond repair and obstructed by debris. Instead, the elevator carried them downwards towards the secret facility that was recently built under the old factory.

The New Path had invested considerable resources into funding the research of a certain cult. The result of the research was a portal to another dimensions, through which the cult managed to summon an actual demon. However, that was not all that came through. It took everything the security personal had to just hold them back, and they could not shut the door themselves. The Lost had to show up personally, and handle the situation. While the door was eventually sealed, Lost had decided to sever all ties with the cult involved. They had come too close to ending the world for his comfort, and he didn't like the idea of having pawns that kept that many secrets from him.

Now it was only a matter of locking down this facility, and making sure the gate was indeed closed. Many lives were lost in this debacle, but some interesting research material came from it. However, with a gate to another dimension open for as long as it was, The Lost was sure that they were just beginning to deal with the repercussions of their actions. He had decided to personally oversee the clean up operation. The elevator doors revealed a plastic tarp that had just recently been put up. It bore the universal sign for hazard, and had written warnings on it. There were two men in hazmat suits, holding sub machine guns guarding the checkpoint. The Lost and his men stopped to put on hazmat suits, before Lost reached out and unzipped a doorway in the tarp. Just as a precaution, everyone beyond this point was wearing the same hazmat suits. They scanned the facility for radiation and various other kinds of readings. They cleaned up the bodies of the dead, human and other, and poured over the cult's research material.

The Lost strode confidently through the facility as his worker drones went about their duties. He came to a stop at the main control room, where he remember seeing the gate to the other world. He almost regrets letting it close so easily, without ever having stepped through himself. It may have been a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn of a world beyond his own. Sadly, he was not willing to take the risk.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
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Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 25th 2016, 7:21 pm

Interdimensional breaches were not common, but when they did happen likely chaos would follow it. Ever since finally being gifted magic itself, Sean had found himself looking into such breaches as they began to become even more common within the world. Weaving the spells that would allow him to know when such a breach would open, well that was an annoyance within itself, but his mother had proven helpful in doing so. One such breach was the reason why he was out and about today, when he would have much preferred to spend a little time with his dearly beloved. Instead he had to do his civic duty for the good of everything that existed, and a few things that didn’t exist.

This is what had lead him to what looked to be a derelict factory. The thing looked down down, sections of wall sagging  and other sections having fallen completely. It was obvious that something had happened to the place, and he could practically feel the radiant energy leaking from it as if contained somehow. Just being as close as he was enough to agitate the energy within himself, bringing about a restless sort of state as his eyes scanned over the area. If this was the ground zero of a portal opening, that likely meant that something had managed to get through it.

Either it was a natural portal, something that happened rarely or something created by someones hands. One of the two would complicate matters more than the other, considering that adding people to the mix always meant he had to deal with them as well. There was one thing however that stood out amongst the radiant magical energy, and that was the sensation of nether; death energy. The flesh of his right arm near the markings began to burn, searing a bright red under his jackets sleeve. A lot of people had died, and The Nether Tome was soaking it up like a sponge. The magic would be stronger, but that didn’t mean it would be too advantageous for him.

”Well that settles that some major shit went down here anyway.”Sean muttered to himself, the fingers of his left hand clutching around his right arm, letting the aether soak into it as the burning sensation began to die down until he didn’t feel the limb was calm once again. Gently descending from his vantage point, Sean considered just walking through the gate. Blowing a few strands of black hair from his forehead, he decided he might as well just walk on in. Not as he couldn’t deal with anything that came his way, unless the friendly neighborhood Cthulu wanted to pay him a visit. Then that might have made things rather complicated.

The gate itself bent inwards, opening for him with a simple application of wind magic that turned a breeze into a handy lockpick of sorts. If one considered breaking down the door equal to picking a lock anyway.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 27th 2016, 5:41 am

The security cameras hidden among the ruins of the factory above gave first warning of the irregular intruder above. He seemed to move the gates open with a wave of his hand, though the specifics of how he did it were beyond those who were watching the monitors. The report of the intruder went to Jonathan Javian personally. Regularly, a single patrolmen would be dispatched to politely ask an intruder to leave. However, an irregular individual called for irregular reaction.

Javian ordered the security team to gear up and prepare for an irregular attack. He also had the down team wake up and suit up, in the event that they'd be needed. As everyone moved to take their positions, the factory above them was deathly silent. The only noise would be from the intruder, if any. In facility bellow, alarms were blaring and the hallways echoed with the march of boots slamming against concrete.

"All units to emergency defensive positions Beta," the intercom in the facility called them all into action. Emergency defensive positions Alpha were setup encase the door to hell somehow opened again, and they had to prevent something from leaving the facility. Beta was a standard formation for preventing intruders from entering. Gamma formation was a mixture of both, encase the gate to hell had opened again, and they had to defend the base from intruders. Thankfully, that contingency plan wasn't needed just yet. That being the case, they were still prepared if it was needed.

Javian discretely sequestered himself in the secret room behind the bookcase of the head administrative office. There he traded his pinstripe suit and hazmat suit for urban tactical gear. Instead of dealing with this as Javian, he'd again handle the situation as The Lost.

He rendezvoused with four security contractors at the cargo elevator, all five of them wearing the same tactical gear in urban blacks and grays. They also wore matching silver pins of The New Path compass. Their helmets had large visor shields, like the kind swat helmets sometimes had. However, their were tinted blank. They each carried riot shields on their backs. For sidearms they had collapsible stun batons and machine pistols. They had silenced sub machine guns as their primary weapon.

As one last precautionary, Lost ordered two of his men to take the emergency escape hatches up. Lost and the two others would take the cargo elevator up. First the elevator would come down to pick them up, and then they'd ride it back up. The movement of the elevator would be a huge clue to the intruder that things were not as they seemed. Meanwhile, the other two men would have to climb up emergency escape ladders. It would take some time, but it'd be much more discrete.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 27th 2016, 7:46 am

Dead air blew across the factories front yard, barely anything really remaining that suggested human activity. Ruined cars, coated with a manner of ruse and the concrete of the parking lot riddled with massive cracks. Nothing really felt off about the place save for the obvious fact that something had happened, though he could scrounge up a few remnants of magic soon enough. Digging around in his pockets, Sean produced a small crystal smoothed into a sphere. It was black in color without imperfection, reacting with a soft glow to the touch of his skin. Despite the glowing, it did nothing more than just that. His jaw grew tense for a moment, fingers gripping around the object. ”Not close enough to ground zero I guess.” Sean noted with an irritated sigh, taking in a few breaths.

It felt odd really, despite him stepping into the heart of the fallen factory, he did not appear to be close enough. That either suggested that perhaps the portal had opened up in the basement level or he was doing this wrong. Letting his eyes close, the knowledge granted to him begin to unfold within his minds eye. Things that even the greatest of mages strive to know and failed were known, including how to open and even close portals should he need to. The only answer he received was that he wasn’t doing this wrong, so that meant that he would have to check for basements. In this heap of rubble with walls, well that might have been a little more difficult than he cared for.

That was when he heard something, an unexpected noise within the silence. Gears whirring and pulling things about, sounds like someone was moving about. That suggested that someone was around, but he had no idea who or what that someone could be. Maybe the person that had opened the portal, maybe someone that had closed it or maybe giant robots that wanted to kill him for reasons. ”Actually, that makes things a lot easier on me.” Sean noted to himself, pocketing the odd trinket as he moved to investigate the source of the noise. If this unknown was a danger, well he would have to deal with it like anyone dealt with a threat. Through extreme violence and things of that nature. What this lead him to was some manner of large elevator, things moving suggesting that someone was coming up and they were likely close.

The next move was to cloak himself in aether, a soft golden glow radiating from his body as he took a few steps back. As always the direct approach was the best.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 27th 2016, 8:06 am

The cargo elevator's doors revealed a small strike team of three security contractors. Their black gear helped them blend into the darkened factory, but their forms were unmistakable. Of course, their eyes, and their guns, were immediately drawn to the soft glow of the irregular intruder.

"Halt. You are trespassing on private property," The Lost called out as he and his men trained their guns on the glowing man.

"State your name and your intent," he added flatly. The Lost wasn't sure what this glowing man was capable. With him standing so close to the elevator, there was little he or his men could do to secure a better position. Thankfully, he had the foresight to send the others up an alternate route. However, even with the head start they were given, it would take some time before they could move into position.

It'd be best to handle this situation in a peaceful manner. There were too many factors that Lost didn't know. Too many things that could go wrong. That being the case, Lost was ready to go to war if need be. This were not his usual elite team, but he knew they were also ready to fight. Too much had been happening recently at this facility, and Lost had a feeling that things were about to get a lot worse before they got better.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 27th 2016, 8:52 am

Revealed through the metal bar doors were a few men in all black, looking more like some SWAT dudes more than anything else. He narrowed silver eyes, one of them ringed with an odd gold as he considered the people before him. Their weapons were trained on him, suggesting that they were of the itchy trigger finger sorts. Without giving it too much thought he would let his hands fly up, showing a small gesture of surrender. Any conflict he could avoid, well that would have saved him so much time. On of the mentioned something about this being private property, managing to draw a  chuckle from him.

Either they were working for some weird cult that finally wised up to the uses of guns, or they were just people who had no idea what they were meddling into. Sean made no indication that he was hostile, keeping his hands up, revealing a few odd markings crawling along the back of his hands. ”Sean. I was hoping to look into an inter-dimensional disturbance, maybe find out its cause and clean up any messes.” He said without any real reason to hide the information, letting more energy slip into his personal barrier. It wouldn’t fully divert the kinetic energy of a bullet, but it would defend against anything that would kill him.

”Please tell me you aren’t the guys  stupid enough to go messing around with that kind of thing. It seems like anyone with the means to punch holes in reality just goes about doing it these days, with no idea of what they might be messing up.” He found himself rambling, eyes locking upon the person that seemed in charge of the little squad before him.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 27th 2016, 9:56 am

"..." The Lost was a prideful man, but his pride was not so easily wounded that calling him stupid was enough to get a rise out of him. He remained calm and collected, and could clearly see the potential this other person had. He considered what the intruder had said, taking as much time as he wanted, before deciding on his next course of action.

"...You're well informed. I take it you're some kind of specialist in such matters?" The Lost replied. His black visor obscured his face, and only reflected glowing image of the intruder. After another tense moment, he lowered his gun and gave the hand signal for the others to do the same.

"It just so happens that we could use the consultation of a specialist," The sheer fact that he knew about what had happened recently was a clear sign that he might have valuable information. However, there was always the possibility that he worked for Pratt.

"You'd have to come with me, and answer a few more questions, but I think we can both get what we want here," The Lost went on to say.

"Please, follow me into the facility," he'd then step aside and gesture for the intruder, Sean, to step onto the cargo elevator.

If he agreed, The Lost's men would slowly close the rusted metal grating behind him and the elevator would once again groan to life. It'd carry them down many stories bellow ground. There Sean would be led through a very quickly built facility. It was not the most modern or impressive facility, but it certainly wasn't run down either. He'd first be led to the hazard checkpoint, and he'd be asked if he thought a hazmat suit was wise. Whether they donned the suits or not, he'd be led to the head admin office and would be asked to sit down. The Lost would then take a seat behind the desk and the guards would leave to wait just outside the room. That was the plan, if Sean did decide to cooperate.

The contingency plan was to shoot him dead the moment he revealed himself to be hostile.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 27th 2016, 10:40 am

Sean lowered his hands along with the armed men, keeping attention on whether they would raise their guns once he let his own guard down. ”Yeah, I know enough about the subject matter. A lot about it actually.” He admitted with a nod. Their question was enough to confirm that they had some idea on what had happened themselves. So he wasn’t dealing with just your average goons with guns, though that was made plain by how well organized these people looked. From there the leader looking type said something about following him to answer a few questions. He considered denying their oh so kind offer, but the information was more than worth it.

”Aight.” He said with a nod, feeling even shorter around these people with their combat gear and stomping boots. Likely he threw any chance to have them underestimate him the moment he probably broke down the gate. He stepped into the elevator, surrounded by the armed men as they were lowered into the earth. As he went further down,, he could feel the pressure of the earth around them. It was an odd sensation, but always came with going down into the ground, deep into it even. Within moments they would step out into a facility, one that looked like it had been put together in a hurry.

If this had been created after the portal opened, then likely this was indeed an impressive work. He would be lead to what looked like a hazard checkpoint, suggesting that they assumed radiation had spilled from the portal. It was smart when he thought about it, but the veil of aether would likely be able to filter things out. Sean would suggest that they were the suits just to be safe, though he didn’t choose to wear one of his own. They looked rather restricting, and he had his own means of protecting himself. From there he would be lead to what looked to be some manner of office, someone taking a seat as Sean took himself a seat as well. Damn, if anything that person was just really tall, even more so compared to him.

He took himself a seat,  resting his hands in his lap as he considered the person sitting before him. ”I was told you people needed a specialist. So, I was wondering if you could give me any info about the event. Might make things a little easier for me.”

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 27th 2016, 10:49 am

The hazmat suit did not make squeezing into the small office any easier.

"..." He bumped his head on the low doorway, but did his best to act like it hadn't happened. He sat down with his elbows on the desk and his hands together in front of the dark visor of his hazmat suit. He listened to the man, wanting to hear what he'd say after coming here. After hearing him out, it seemed like Sean wanted to get right down to the heart of the matter. The Lost nodded at him in approval.

"Fair enough. That can be arranged, however before we get to business, I need you to sign this," he pulled out a form and placed it on the desk.

"It's your standard non-disclosure agreement. Obviously, if you witness anything against the law, you are obligated to report it to the appropriate authorities," he explained as he offered Sean a small box containing a fancy pen.

"Please just write your name out here, and then sign there at the bottom, initial here, and here," he requested, flipping to several different pages on the lengthy document.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 30th 2016, 6:23 am

The document was slid forward, a thick set of papers that likely had some manner of legal binding to it. Sean always hated dealing with paper work, and all of its trappings. If he didn’t read closely, there was likely something that they could somehow manage to weasel from him. Not that he had to worry about his firstborn being take anyway. Michael was not the type to just be taken, and likely he would have to worry about the male rather than his own son. Still, legally binding documents, well they were always something that gave him pause for thought.

”Paperwork...lovely.” Sean said with a lack of enthusiasm, writing down his name where required. It wasn’t as if he were signing a magically binding blood contract, though that was only a detail for if this man proved to be more of an annoyance than he was worth. Initial and all that later, he slid the papers back to Javian, now crossing his arms over his chest. That was mostly the thing that he needed to write down, though the question was an obvious.

”Now that we have that out of the way. Maybe we can get to the whole tear in the fabric of reality.” part of him found annoyance in the fact that he was even going through this, but not much he could do.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 30th 2016, 6:55 am

"A necessary evil, I'm afraid," The Lost responded with a shrug. His tone was pretty irritable himself.

"Not all of us can operate with wanton abandon for the law. Some of us actually work to enforce it," He practically spat out these words with much ire and indignation, but with a sigh he would go on to continue.

"It's true, though. Whatever forces led you here were right on the money. Supposedly, some big wigs in a corporate board room decided it would be a good idea to invest in some... less than conventional research projects," The Lost's tongue seemed to loosen up quite a bit after the contracts had all been signed.

"Supposedly, they had some kind of major breakthrough. Problem was, they couldn't close the extra-dimensional portal they had opened. That's where I came in," The Lost paused for dramatic effect.

"They sent me and my men to handle the situation. I handled it," It wasn't a lie. The gateway to hell was closed now. The whole ordeal was behind him already. Though, he never really stated how he managed the feat. The whole place must have still had some kind of residual energy that Lost knew nothing about. Maybe they should get a priest to sprinkle around some holy water.

"We got the door closed. Suffered no casualties. That's what The New Path: Next Step is all about. We deal with irregular situations like this all the time," he went on to explain, though Arcana probably didn't care to hear about that.

"Probably, not a lot different from what you do... except, we don't trespass," The Lost was sure to add.

"Now, I'm sure a specialist like yourself will want to look around. You've got free reign of the place, but we'll be watching, and remember what you signed," The Lost pointed up at the security camera tucked away in the upper right corner of the room. He finally seemed like he was ready to shut up. He leaned back in the chair that seemed a bit too small for someone of his height. Maybe, he was a demon in disguise? No, surely a demon could afford a more convincing look than giant human.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana September 30th 2016, 11:04 am

Sean’s jaw grew riggid upon hearing the heated words, and yet he said nothing. He couldn’t expect this person to understand, no, very few ever understood the threats that extra dimensional attacks had held. They were lucky it was nothing more than the works of some human fools than rather The Abyss or something equally dangerous. He relaxed himself, letting the male continue to talk while not letting the annoyance spread across his face. This had ended up being a case of people not knowing what they’re meddling with, so that was not a surprise to Sean at all. If anything it confirmed that people always loved to mess with things.

Once the talking portion was done, that was when he would say something. ”And when extra dimensional beings that make their living draining universes dry begin to care about the laws of man, then perhaps I will start following them too.” Sean noted with a strained tone, giving him a bemused look. ”If trespassing is required to save countless lives, the ends justifies the means. A necessary evil as you so eloquently stated before. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure that tear in reality doesn’t rip open again.” Standing up, he didn’t deign another look back at Javian, when he had more important matters than justifying himself further.

His intention was heading towards the magical aura was the strongest, and then from there maybe making sure that the frayed strands of reality could properly intermingle. While them ripping open again was not all too common, it was something that could happen. Just making a hole was enough to draw something towards it, though what that something was he could not rightfully guess at the moment. Being watched was likely something that he would have to deal with, but then again he could ascertain a small bit about this man. They liked having control, and the law if nothing else gave a false feeling of control. Either they enjoyed the feeling of power or they were some manner of coward, though that was just speculation on his part more than anything else.

The heart of the facility felt like it were drawing him, or rather it was drawing the matrix of runes on his right arm. Well that’s a good place to start.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by The Lost September 30th 2016, 12:08 pm

"If you really believe you're above the law, then your not much different than the very threat you fight against," The Lost shook his head and scoffed as Sean made his exit, whether he deigned a reply or not.

The facility's control room was where the hell gate had been opened. There were various scientist and security contractors milling about. It was hard to tell them apart with their big bulky hazmat suits. None of them would stop Sean, but he might be able to feel their glares from behind their black visors.

Lost had neglected to inform Sean that it was the demons themselves who had actually closed the door, not Lost himself. Whether that meant they could open it up again or not, Lost had no idea. Furthermore, he had personally collected remains of a demon that had been killed at the gate.

If that wasn't enough, the whole opening of the gate was just a means to summon something through. That creature was still in this world, and now a personal friend of The Lost. Or she claimed to be. Whether or not she was one of these universe draining entities that Sean had mentioned, Lost couldn't have known for sure. All of this was information withheld from Sean. The Lost had chosen to ramble, hoping to drive Sean off before he'd ask too many questions. Instead, he wanted to see what this specialist could do and whether or not he could be useful.

To those who go the way, he who has strayed shall be known as The Lost.

To he who has strayed, he has simply forged a New Path.

It is time to take The Next Step
The Lost
The Lost
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 148
Location : Lost.
Job : Mastermind.
Humor : Twisted.
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Arcana October 1st 2016, 3:02 pm

Once he had relieved himself of the annoyances of manmade law, it was then that he could begin his personal investigation. If all went well then there would be no problems, but was always the rare best scenario rather than the norm. There were more of this mans people in their suits, but they didn’t really do anything to stop him, though Sean could not shake the feeling of looks that could kill being shot in his direction. What these men had against him was irrelevant however, when he had more important things to worry about than just some glares.

So he would follow his own magical sense, walking until he stopped. Despite the fact he was looking into open air, Sean could feel something within that place. It took a few seconds, but it was there as the faintest seam within the barrier between worlds. Whoever had done this was someone that knew what they were doing, down to making sure that nothing could just punch through again. ”This is...interesting.” Sean muttered to himself as he felt something resonate within him, a deep burning within his chest as if someone had set a fire within him.  Something about the rip was messing with him, or maybe with the magic within him.

It started off as smoldering pain and eventually elevated to something else entirely.

This burning shifted through his tattoos, causing them to burn bright, as both the nether and aether leaked from his palms. Small droplets that flecked form his fingertips and began to combine, forming into something else. Along with this the burning sensation continued to flow through his body, into his legs and even his head as he fell to his knees. There was a faint voice calling out to something, and then a loud boom that threw him back with an immense shockwave.

The air began to crackle., distorting and ripping as it appeared something opened within it and then before them was a yawning portal that spat something out. A young red haired female, looking bloodied, with her hair wild and dressed in vaguely steampunk looking clothing. Sean steadied himself as he looked to her, more confused than anything else.

”Wow...that actually worked.” She said with a soft exasperation.

Last edited by Arcana on October 3rd 2016, 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Operation: Arcana Check Empty Re: Operation: Arcana Check

Post by Rozmer October 3rd 2016, 11:36 am

Interdimensional incursions were more common than one might care to believe. And they were only growing more frequent. Anymore Rozmer seemed to be feeling them daily. A tear in space here, a being not of this reality there, it was becoming something of an issue. This was not the behavior of a healthy dimension. This was utter chaos, the kind of thinning of the existential barrier that almost certainly preceded a major incursion, the kind of thing that could destroy not only this reality but any that had the misfortune of drifting too close within The Void. It was utter madness. And where was Rozmer in all of this? Well he was frantically trying to stitch up a world tearing itself apart at the seams. Today that seaming fruitless endeavor lead him to an abandoned wear house on the outskirts of a city. Where it was didn't really matter. What did was the tear he felt at its center.

There was a portal inside, it had to be. Nothing else could make him feel so instantaneously close to another of himself without his doing. But why they chosen the old wear house? Probably for its secluded location, lack of general interest or credible witnesses. After all, the only people likely to hang around in a delapidated old industrial complex were likely either drugged our of their minds or doing something illegal themselves making either I like to report any disturbances. More likely than not that meant that the portal was opened from this side of reality and it's opening had been intentional, exactly the kind of thing that meant bad news for Rozmer and the overall stability of this reality.

He reached into his vest pocket, producing a pack of cigarettes and lighter. Slapping the pack against his palm a few times, he popped the top open and slid out a single cigarette before slipping it between his lips. Cupping one hand to block the wind he lifted the other holding the lighter. An ember glow burned on the tip as he inhaled deeply, letting the smoke fill his non-existent lungs.

Can't you people ever just leave this kind of shit alone? he muttered to himself, slipping the pack and lighter back into his pocket. Then all at once he was gone, the thin trail of smoke fading into the wind being the only indication of where he had just been standing.

Out of thin air Rozmer appeared inside the complex. Remaining phased, he would be visible yet physically not there as he hovered an inch or two above the ground. There would be no sound of breathing, no sense of something in the room only his appearance and the very real and tangible smoke leaving his cigarette would betray him. In front of him with their back turned was a person in a hazmat suit and before them an array of monitors which they seemed intently focused on. This is gonna be fun Rozmer thought to himself as he silently floated forward. Turning in midair he floated with his back parallel to the ground his head passing effortlessly and harmlessly through the man's back and out his chest as though it were moving through nothing at all. Which his neck, head and shoulders through he finally spoke.

Looks like you've been busy he said abruptly, smoke puffing from his mouth with every word. What exactly are we watching? he asked, rotating his body so thy now his stomach faced the floor for inside The Lost. His eyes scanned the screens coming to rest a monitor displaying a familiar form in a large room. He couldn't see the face but the form looked familiar. Not that that said much, so many faces from so many realities were familiar to him that this person could have been anyone. Resigning to wait and watch Rozmer continued to float there, his body sticking out halfway from the front and back of the other man in the room. It didn't take long for his curiosity to pay off.

The man on the screen fell to his knees and two kinds of energy came flowing off of his body. That certainly doesn't look good he mumbled through his cigarette, eyes bulging as they stayed glued to the screen. Suddenly a portal burst open in the room and a red-headed woman in futuristic Victorian garb came stumbling out. Her face was in the direction of the camera and Rozmer's jaw dropped as he looked at her. Immediately he planted his feet on the floor, standing straight up and facing the other man in the room with him. What the hell is going on here?!

Simultaneously, another Rozmer appeared inside the chamber where the Interdimensional interloper and the mystery man stood. This Rozmer had no cigarette in his mouth and stiff with his arms crossed, eyes shifting scolding my between the two of them. So he started, with the tone of an upset parent Either of you care to explain to me what exactly you're doing here?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 62
Registration date : 2014-08-13

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