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The Shipment At The Docks - Open

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Knight Royals August 3rd 2016, 1:12 pm

The time struck two in the morning and ten of Knight's mobsters scattered around the docks and walking aisle by aisle, with the giant ship crates being 25ft in height and width fitting that role. At the edge of the docks is where a giant yacht was just 10ft from the docks and three sturdy planks being the bridge from the docks to the boat. Two official law enforcement officers stood at the docks and playing the role as bouncers as they were on Knight's payroll. The boat and party on the Yact was just a false advertisement on what was going on. Officially ten party goers pretending to dance and mingle with one another as they each carried pistols on their waistline just ready to fire. Within the interior of the ship, Knight playing pool with two law enforcement officers who were on one team, while Knight and his mobster being on the other team. Knight was winning the game and one of the law enforcement officers speaking to him.

"So when exactly are we going to take off in the ocean?"

Knight replying back as he finished his glass of wine.

"One of my guys is bringing the shipment. We don't leave until he arrives."

Knight looking at the security cameras of one individual approaching the two uniformed officers and holding a shipment of goods. After confirmation of Knight recognizing his face, Knight speaks into his microphone and tells the officer to let him in.

The man entering the boat with the shipment as Knight looks away from the security cameras and speaking to the officers.

"Alright, now we are ready to go."
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Ultragal August 3rd 2016, 2:22 pm

Jayne Bas Chava (my heroine's "secret identity") was checking her smartphone while she was having breakfast in her home in the southwestern U S A.  As was her morning routine, she was looking at a video stream of the day's news. New York City's famous Central Park Zoo was expecting its latest addition: a male white rhino. The zoo already had a female one.  They were hoping the two rhinos would mate. White rhinos are an endangered species, so the zoo was looking forward to a baby white rhino.  Maybe even the rarest kind: twin baby white rhinos.

The newscaster said the male rhino would arrive by boat.  Jayne felt it was important for her to catch that boat. She had her Medicine Woman costume in a tiny pouch which was stored in a secret compartment of her fanny pack.  Jayne wanted to personally make sure that the male white rhino would be treated well. Medicine Woman would intervene, if needed.

Jayne booked a flight to New York City via her smartphone's travel app.  She got a confirmation and an "e-ticket".  She owned a moped (I know...that's very "retro" Smile.  She rode it to the airport closest to her home.  

When she finally arrived at the ticket counter,after securing her moped, she presented both the confirmation and the "e-ticket" to the "outgoing flights" clerk, a young lady in her early 20s.  She input all the relevant data, then told Jayne that she was cleared.

Several hours later, the plane landed in Kennedy Airport. Jayne walked out of the plane, then bought  a tourist guide.  She read it until she found the directions to get to the docks. She hailed a taxi and asked the driver to take her to the docks.

When Jayne arrived at the  docks, she paid for the taxi.  The driver sped off.  Jayne walked along the docks like a tourist. Hopefully, that wouldn't attract any attention to her.  

The first thing she saw was a classy-looking yacht. She walked towards the yacht.  For some reason, she got this feeling that something was going on.  Of course, Jayne didn't know what that "something" was.  

She walked as close to the yacht as she dared. That uneasy feeling stayed with her. Jayne was on her guard as she approached even closer to the big, fancy ship.

((OOC: Neither Jayne nor Medicine Woman have any kind of psychic powers. Not even telekinesis. "Something" is just bothering her. Nothing more. ))

Last edited by Ultragal on August 3rd 2016, 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added a comment at the bottom of the thread.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Kid Kronos August 3rd 2016, 7:00 pm


At the Docks**********

      "It's Zuri... they're apparently accusing her of being involved with this new family that emerged." Jean said as he quickly put his phone away and looked to the young man next to him. The young man was just sitting there, running his hands through his hair and staring ahead intently.

  "Working with them? No. It's her fault they're even an issue, yeah. But No. Not working with them." He said calmly as he continued to stare forward.

  "I'm thinking we should call for backup." Jean said before he was startled by the young man scoffing at him.

 "Pfffsht. Why? let's just storm them." He offered, of course Jean was more than surprised at the stupid suggestion from an otherwise generally intelligent young man.

"I won't even entertain that." He replied as he took off his jacket and handed it to the boy, standing up and removing his pants to reveal a wet-suit and walking off towards the water, some rope in hand.

 "Woah. Jean. Hey man, where you goin'? Crazy chink." He asked as he was left there. "Dude, please tell me you don't always wear a wet-suit..." He commented as he dropped it, shaking his head and cringing as he watched Jean swim off towards the boat, hidden perfectly within the darkness.  The young man, however simply stalled and waited around for a few minutes before going to check on his friend, but as he began to move, the yacht began to shift; it was departing!  

   Giovanni ran as fast as he could, but he wouldn't be able to reach the boat in time, especially not if he was expecting to run into any resistance.

  "HEY! WAIT! Faaaaa!!!" He yelled before spinning around and growling, starting to stare off at the yacht and wondering how on earth he was going to follow after it.

The Shipment At The Docks - Open Kidkha10
Kid Kronos
Kid Kronos

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Quote : "Even criminals should have class."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2015-12-24

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Knight Royals August 3rd 2016, 9:43 pm

Right away one of the law enforcement uniformed officer walking over to her as he spotted her from his line of sight. Upon approaching her and obscuring her view of the yacht, he spoke to her with a respectable yet serious tone of voice.

"Excuse me miss, but this area is restricted for tonight. This is a private property and any signs of trespassing can lead to an arrest. Will give you this verbal warning."

The other officer watched the situation and kept his guard on high alert as he placed his right hand on his right hip that held his 9mm. He watched the situation and mainly what the girl would due and was ready to draw his gun and fire the moment she tried anything. The other ten mobsters who were roaming the aisles earlier stopped in their tracks and watched her from a distance as they also placed their hand to where their pistols were concealed as well.

The Yacht began moving into the ocean and departure was already taking place as the once sturdy planks began to drop to the ocean at the same time. Within the interior of the yacht, Knight and the other three individuals with him began talking about their lives. Knight having a glimpse of the security cameras and noticing one individual being stopped and spoken too by the officer.

The other security cameras also capturing two individuals coming their way towards the direction of the yacht and being faintly undetectable. Knight squinting his eyes and speaking to himself underneath his breath.

"Just what the hell is that.. the water is splashing... appears to be something lurking in the waters.."

Knight turing to look to the officers and his mobster companion and speaking to them.

"We may have trouble.. everyone act as calm and caution as possible, will radio everyone on the boat to be on the alert."

After relaying the information to the ten mobsters onboard, he began to button up his suit and fix his tie as he placed his hand within his coat pocket and holding his 9mm as he leaned against the wall and far away from the entrance of the room.

The two officers and the mobster continued to look into the security cameras that seriously needed to be updated. Knight sighed to himself as he can't just have one party without a problem coming his way. A knock came at the door, and the mobster with the shipment approached, dropping the box on the table, carrying a bunch of rare gems and artifacts from a museum. The mobster speaking to Knight with a smirk on his face as he approached him face to face.

"Me and the boys stole this from a museum, we couldn't go to the grand museum like you requested boss due to the many cops around that area."

Knight chuckling at what he just said and placing his hand on the mobster's shoulder. An unexpected head butt impacted the mobster's nose, causing it to break and causing him to drop to the ground as he lays flat on his back. Before the mobster could reach his gun, the officer approaching the mobster and pointing his gun to his head. The mobster replying back in anger.

"We got the items that you asked for.. rare gems and artifacts."

Knight replying back as he steps on the mobster's throat and aims his own 9mm at his head from a distance.

"You understand that I pay you good money to go to the right place that I choose. To get the specific gems and artifacts that I requested that will sell in the market for a lot. What you are giving me here is second rate. You failed me again Tony.. its a shame."

With that being said, his silence pistol was fired, the bullet entering Tony's forehead and entering the brain. The corpse just laying there as Knight leaned up against the wall and placed his pistol back in his suit pocket as the officer went back to his station. Knight speaking underneath his breath in a sigh.

"Can't trust no one..."

Knight Royals
Knight Royals

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Registration date : 2016-07-31

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Ultragal August 4th 2016, 11:43 am

Jayne raised her hands when the gun-wielding mobster approached her.  Raising her hands served two purposes: (1) To show the mobster she's not armed and (2) to prove to the gunman that she'd comply peacefully.  "My apologies, sir.  I didn't know this was a private dock.  I guess I just got lost.  Please, would you be so kind as to tell me where the docks are for international shipments?"  

Jayne didn't dare tell the mobster about the male white rhino arriving from India on one of India's ships.  The male's gun probably wouldn't hurt the white rhino because most rhinos have very thick skin. ((OOC: See Wikipedia and put "white rhino" (without the quote marks) in the "search" box.  The result should be a picture and an article about white rhinos. The article will probably mention the thick skin.))

Jayne did worry, though, that if the gunman fired the gun, the male white rhino would probably panic and run.  She had to prevent that, because there was the risk that the animal might be hit or killed if he would run through heavy traffic, endangering his species even more.  She had to get to that boat from India.

Last edited by Ultragal on August 4th 2016, 11:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected a typo.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

Status :

Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : New York State
Age : 66
Job : Office work/clerical/occasional multitasking
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Kid Kronos August 5th 2016, 4:09 pm

Jean was careful, he was precise. He was the type of person who thought about the repercussions of his actions. Of course even the greats would slip up sometimes; and Jean hardly considered himself anywhere in their league. He began his infiltration of the boat relatively easily, throwing the rope over the railing and grabbing the other side as it fell through back to him. With his physical condition moving quickly wasn't an issue. Stealth, on the other hand, was the issue on his mind. Jean's head was on a swivel, eyes taking in everything as he stood up, jumping a small bit and swinging his legs around the railings.

Noticing one of the cameras he rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. Well he had been seen, there wasn't anything that could be done about it now. How he reacted, on the other hand was a different story. His mind began processing the best solution for his incoming problems. He estimated there to be close to twenty armed people upon the ship; providing that the guest themselves weren't armed. Of course the guests were only here for one of two reasons.... they were either involved with the illegal activities or they were good "incentive" for a hero to keep out of the ongoing business deals. It was an effective set-up. These men may not have been of the same allegiances; but Jean could not argue their effectiveness.

Making his way over to the camera he gave a small wave before reaching up and unplugging the back of the outdated camera. It would be simple seconds before they came to find him; he had to move rather quickly. There had been the sound of feet against the wooden decks; the comments and murmurs of party goers and a muffled voice after a truly quiet slice through the air in a not so distant room. Jean's head tilted slightly upon hearing the noise; as in his profession it had been one he heard all to frequently. He quietly slipped through the shadows; likely to lose any of the immediate threats to his plan. Of course what his plan was could probably (and probably was) entirely different.

Reaching into his wet-suit and , Jean made a few arrangements with his on-person equipment. Equipment being primarily his cellphone and a dark black combat knife that he withdrew and held at the ready while he continued to stalk within the shadows, slowly closing in on where he needed to be.

*******At the docks

Giovanni had just watched Jean swim off and attach himself to a yacht while giving absolutely no indication of there even being a plan. Needless enough to say Giovanni was both confused and totally over caring about what happened tonight. He sighed, a small mist able to be seen as his breath danced before his mouth and dissipated across the night sky. With a simple sigh and turning around, Giovanni became ever aware of a security guard that had stopped a girl. the girl was somewhere around his age, give or take a year or so; her skin was a strange hue of rose and copper blended perfectly together with hair the color of charcoal to make the difference "Pop" even more.

Giovanni found himself wandering in that direction; if for no other reason than to see what exactly was about to unfold. That and the chance to knock out a cop was ALWAYS something he'd take the time for. As surely as a kid came to a baseball player for an autograph, Giovanni saw cops as the guys that just came to him to get a swift kick in the teeth. If he managed to help someone else out in the process; Great! If someone else got offended in the process; Great!

"Woah now, I 'm actually here about a Rhino too. Apparently it was- uh. Had to be moved from it's habitat." Giovanni said as he crept up and stepped around the side of the officer and leaned on the wall by the animal-enthused young woman. Giovanni put on his best smile, took off his hat and looked to the officer with a nod. "But if you want to arrest my friend and I here I'm sure you'll be hearing from out lawyers...possibly some cleaners." He offered the conversation up as if it were a funny coincidence and that there had been some kind of mistake in everything that happened. Of course the thinly veiled threat wasn't as easily lost as Giovanni had thought it was.

The Shipment At The Docks - Open Kidkha10
Kid Kronos
Kid Kronos

Status :

Quote : "Even criminals should have class."

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2015-12-24

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Ultragal August 7th 2016, 8:23 pm

Jayne lowered her arms. She relaxed a little. Giovanni sees a Native American woman facing him. She's not drop-dead-gorgeous like a supermodel. She just has a wholesome-looking-girl-next door appearance. Attractive, but not enough for a male to get a "rise" from her (Heh. A little tongue-in-cheek humor there.).

"I take it you heard about the male white rhino the same way I did: From a streaming newsfeed?" Not knowing what kind of guy Giovanni is, she didn't show him the news video which she'd saved on her smartphone. "Yes, he was moved from his natural habitat. The Central Park Zoo negotiated with India for him. The zoo's authorities are hoping he'll mate with the female they already have.

They're 'critically endangered', so if they mate successfully, there'll be a baby white rhino. Better yet, maybe even twins. Twins are extremely rare. But, if that happens and there's a twin of each gender, they're chance of survival might the very least.

Unfortunately, the ship from India is already late. It's roughly a 3-day voyage by boat. Today is the 4th day. I know, because I did research about India.

I hope nothing happened to that boat. There's always a possibility that the yacht which just sailed away might delay it further. I must catch up with it before it interferes with India's ship, if that's what might happen."

Jayne had just given Giovanni a chance to prove his intentions. If he helps her, she wouldn't need her alter ego: Medicine Woman. If he doesn't, she'd find a way to make sure the next person he sees is an AmerInd warrior straight out of the Old West. (No, she's not that old. Just giving an idea of how she looks.)
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Knight Royals August 8th 2016, 12:59 pm

The officer heard everything they had to say and being confused about the species of a white rhino and having no prior knowledge being informed from his employer, he decided to hold his microphone button which is located on his upper right shoulder in concealment. Knight overhearing the conversation as well as he starts to fold his arms across his chest. Knight also noticing that the same individual who was just on the ship and who just pulled the camera out of commission, is the same individual who stands in front of the officer and the other individual. Knight speaking to the officer with the microphone attached to the surface table of the security cameras.

"I don't know anything about this white rhino species, but that man that stands next to the girl was just on our ship and he removed our camera. I want the both of them taken out now. We won't be going towards our destination after all."

The Yact still continuing to go straight forward and being far away from the dock. Knight now speaking into his microphone and having his ten mobsters stop dancing and start patrolling the entire boat and securing the majority of the ship. Knight left the security room and headed straight towards the bottom part of the ships interior, now being at the location on where his submarine is located at. One engineer stood next to the submarine and polishing the ship while also finishing up the ships engine. The engineer spotting Knight and speaking to him as he wipes his hands with his hand rag.

"Mr Royals, strange seeing you here, I wasn't expecting your arrival here until two hours."

Knight removing his expensive suit, and stripping down to diving equipment and having the mask just hang around his neck and his goggles just above his eyes. Knight also having a shoulder leather bag over his chest and carrying the stolen rare gems and other artifacts that his mobster had found at the museum. Knight now speaking back to the engineer as he boards the ship.

"I'm going to be going now. Since we have trouble up above, will be taking the submarine to arrive at the docks on the other side of the city and return to my mansion with the goods."

The scenery changing to the security room with one mobster and two officers. The monster wearing bullet proof vest, navy blue fatigues, and a black solid plated mask which only shows his eyes. The mask also having a giant red x on his face, representing that he is now the leader of the ship while Knight is away.

Red X speaking into the microphone and speaking to the two officers who are with the intruders.  "Get rid of them now."

The two officers drawing out their guns, while the ten mobsters who were originally stationed to walk the docks, immediately rushed over to the two individuals and all twelve of them began firing at these two individuals, hoping the bullets would penetrate them. While this scenery was taking place, Knight swimming deep in the waters in his submarine and being 20ft below from the Yact and heading straight to his destination as he stands at the pilot section of the submarine. The submarine itself is 10ft in length and width. Chuckling to himself as he folds his arms across his chest while speeding up the submarine to go 70mph.
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Ultragal August 8th 2016, 6:11 pm

Jayne ducks under and to the side of the flying bullets. Taking advantage of the situation, she removes a pouch from a secret compartment in her fanny pack. In a few moments, and hoping no one notices, she changes into her costume (made of doeskin, so the color is brownish-tan, just like a doe's natural color). She rolls a little more sideways, and then get back on her feet. Her bow and arrow is in her hand.

Medicine Woman shoots one arrow after another in quick succession. She's trying to jam the guns, hoping she might be able to stop the rain of bullets. Centuries before the Pilgrims, the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock and even Columbus' discovery of America, American Indians were---and still are---the best archers. It's this experience she draws from with her archery skill.

If that Giovanni guy survives the bullets, she has an arrow for him, too. He had betrayed her. He might get the justice he deserves.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Knight Royals August 11th 2016, 2:02 pm

The ten mobsters who opened fired, met their fate with arrows heading towards their hand. Some of the arrows missed and actually impacted flammable canisters nearby, which exploded and caused half of the mobsters being killed by the explosion. The other half took their run in fear. The two officers having their guns disarmed from them and receiving heavy injury to their hand, they dive into the water to catch up to the ship.

A sniper on top of the Yacht took aim to these two officers and opened fire, ending their lives with two bullets to their skulls. The sniper viewing the two individuals from a distance and just chuckled as he was ready for anything.

The scenery changing to Knight arriving at the other docks and rising to the surface with his submarine standing next to the docks. Knight getting out of the submarine, with his two mobsters awaiting his arrival and handing him a brand new suit as he entered his white limo and headed back to his mansion while changing in the car. He finally arrives at his mansion and taking his travel to his bedroom, as he throws his shipment on his bed, and heads to the bathroom to take a shower.

The scenery changes to the leader of the Yacht group and wearing his red x black mask as he grabs his submachine gun and was ready for war.
Knight Royals
Knight Royals

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Ultragal August 11th 2016, 3:22 pm

Despite their obviously evil intentions, Medicine Woman felt terrible about all those men who were killed. She didn't know that a sniper was watching her every move. She found an area in her present location that was dark due to a broken streetlight. She changed back into her civilian clothes.

Now as Jayne again, she started looking for someone who might be able to find India's boat and communicate with its crew. She had to find out whatever she could about the male white rhino. Hopefully, he was OK and there might still be hope for the future of his species.
A Sweet Cinnamon Roll

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Quote : "To be good, kind, and fair will always triumph over evil, being ruthless/cruel, and being a tyrant/dictator."

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The Shipment At The Docks - Open Empty Re: The Shipment At The Docks - Open

Post by Knight Royals August 11th 2016, 10:14 pm

The yacht fading into the distance as the red x leader headed straight to the next docks. The skies turning gray and forming as one as heavy rain starts to pour.
Knight finishing up his shower along with a shave as he enjoys the rest of his day by giving it several orders to other mobsters before heading to bed. The red x leader finally arriving at the other docks and the mobsters and two officers heading off the Yact and heading home as well.

Knight taking his eight hour nap with several mobsters around his bedroom quarters just posting around and just starting their shift.

Knight Royals
Knight Royals

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