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Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos)

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Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos) Empty Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos)

Post by Kid Kronos June 10th 2017, 3:39 pm

Kid Kronos

"Wait you waste time? That's the worst crime of all!"

The Bio

Real Name: Unknown
Alias Name: Ethan Miles
Hero Name: Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos)
Title: "The Time Traveler"
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: estimated at 13 years
Gender: Male
Race: Metahuman
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 4'7
Weight: 110 lbs.
Blood type:

The Looks

 Kid Kronos/Khaos have a suit of armor that seems to be constant of linked together rings of a deep grey metal that goes up the entirety of his body, blue tights and a big black star of chaos with a maroon-purple glow of color that radiates from the center of his chest, the black arrows expanding to each cardinal and sub-cardinal direction in equal length.  The tips of the arrows seem to glow with the same color as the center of the star's inner circle, causing the triangular parts of the arrows to become a blueish tinge when interacting with the power source.  The suit itself is highly resembles that of "Khaos" a vigilante from the year 20XX, whose only major difference was a pair of sunglasses and a oddly blue trench coat over the metallic linked suit. Ethan also wears a metallic headband beneath his brown hair that is all brushed to the heavy left, the visor itself having a semii-transparent lense over the one eye, and fastening on over an ear.


Kid Kronos Sketch:

The Personality

 Ethan is a very jovial individual. He's the first to crack a joke at almost anything, he prefers puns (much to the dismay of almost everyone around him) and tends to have an almost crippling lack of experience with the world around him. Ethan's a highly intellectual individual, although is almost crippled and hopeless when dealing with the modern world, as the modern world is his past. Ethan retains a social awkwardness and seems to be incredibly naïve when it comes to believing others.

The Story

The would-be hero "Kid Kronos" comes form a distant future. A future where humanity is at the brink of extinction and metahumans are the most common-place individuals found within society. In this distant future it is quite almost utopian. The metahuman population has molded similarly to human society, although humans are quite often looked at as exotic rarities, even knowing one is considered a unique experience.

  Within this future the metahuman powered population have almost entirely reigned in crime back to a domestic level. So much so in fact that there is only a single, tyrannical name that is known within the whispers of shadows. One lone villain that has outlasted them all. One terrible foe that has even thrived under the new law, and has kept his reign of terror so successful that even the metahumans fear him.

  But they are but one villain, and the world around them thrives despite their terror and intellect. This world is the 27th century, and the world has never been healthier. Despite the peace that was brought, the lone villain continued to grow in power, and perhaps even one day his plans may be fulfilled by another. However time was not in his favor, and the world around him began to become far more dangerous for the villainous games he played. But the villain remained ever so confident. This villain would continue to strive for the domination he so craved, and if he could no achieve it then he would pass it on to his posterity.

  His posterity, however, wanted nothing to do with his father's plans. His son would rather read articles of old heroes and watch the news where the little crime that still happened ended in mostly futile effort as heroic police force and peacekeepers swarmed from all over the globe, like antibodies snuffing out a lone cancer cell. His child, wanted to be a hero, down to his very core. He had a rough life. His father would harden him, have him beaten, starve him and "temper" him for the most difficult things life had to throw at him.

  The details remain fuzzy, however, this child made a plan. If he wanted to be a hero he needed to find a way to make that happen. While watching the news, he learned that a hero known as "Captain Yesterday" had foiled a plot that his father had hatched a day in the future. The child became elated and his mind began to put things together. As his father began building a time machine to combat this "Captain Yesterday", the boy waited for his chance.

  The day before his father was to use the machine, the boy and a friend of his snuck through the mansion, stealing the equipment from his father's laboratory and making a break for the time machine. His father was quick in pursuit, however it was too late, and the boy escaped. As he frantically attempted to punch in the date, the time machine malfunction and set course for the time "20XX", causing him to crash in a strange, isolated time perilous centuries behind in technology and social reform.

  Now he live here, keeping his secrets to himself and not sharing them with anyone as he and his friend try to find a way to live in this crazy, chaotic world they once called their past.

The Priority

1. Agility .1
2. Endurance .2
3. Reaction .3
4. Strength .4

The Powers

Non-Powered: Despite having a meta-gene, Ethan has never shown or displayed any form of superpower. His meta-gene has been labeled "benign".

The Weaknesses

Itemized Ignorance: Ethan is reliant on the weaponry and items that he has stolen from his father. Being that the technology is advanced and not in any way designed by Ethan, he is unsure as to how these items work or their purposes. That being said, it's to be expected that he doesn't actually know the function of certain weapons, or have access to many of their functions. It could also be expected that the hands of such technology in the hands of an untrained and uneducated person could be quite catastrophic.  

Anger: Ethan suffers from something called "Dissociative Rage". This mental condition commonly manifests in one of two separate ways. The first is relatively common, he simply gets angry and "snaps out" or becomes physically and verbally aggressive without the ability to control himself, this leads to drastic and possibly even dangerous and reckless things being prompted without actually thinking through. The second form of this anger is very similar, but he instead "blacks out" and is unable to recall their actions after a certain extent of time. Ethan, unfortunately, can experience this condition in both forms and when he experiences them, he is known to be quite violent and volatile.

Mortal Weakness: If you can kill a human, you can kill Ethan.

Temporal Misconceptions: The society that Ethan has grown up around is much different from the modern day, and there are certain thing that he quite honestly doesn't understand. An example is that he is uncertain the use of particular items that have long since vanished from his society. Watches are a prime example of one such object. His misconceptions of the past have also given him the illusion of grandeur and adventure, which causes him to become easily excited and more reckless and foolhardy.

Integrated Systems: Ethan's nervous system is hooked into his implant. A Technopath or a highly intellectual person with the mind to decipher and decrypt the technology could hack the implant and bypass the A.I to cause a series of effects. They could paralyze Ethan, they could shut down parts of his body or cause stimulation throughout his body that isn't actually there. They could even puppet his movements and control him. The A.I will eventually adapt, but the damages could prove fatal, and the more intelligent the hacker the longer it will take. The less severe the effects on Ethan the less the A.I will actively prioritize expulsion of the interloper.

Kid Kronos' Kit

S.T.A-R Gloves

D.A.S.H Modules

C-O.S.M.I.C Armor

Kid Kronos' Krew


The Fluff

Forethought: Ethan is whimsical, but he is intelligent. The progression of society gives hi a higher level of education in contrast to most people his age. This is of course book smarts, when it comes to "street smarts" or common sense he is horribly lacking.

Vilify: Ethan is the child of a notorious and heavily successful (yet overly campy) villain. A villain so successful that they are actually the last known villain of their time, and have incredibly successes. Despite Ethan's desire to be a hero, his lack of metagene forced his father to be "creative" in teaching him how to defend himself. Over the years of abuse and his father beating him, Ethan learned to defend himself proficiently in hand to hand for a young man.

Tick-Tock: Ethan has an obsession with time, but not only that he is technically immune to the effects of an individual's impact on the time-stream. That being said, if there is an alteration or a change in the time-stream. Ethan is capable of recognizing it and potentially fixing it...or making it worse. It also makes him partially immune to temporal manipulation or temporal stasis (plot only)

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Kid Kronos
Kid Kronos

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Quote : "Even criminals should have class."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2015-12-24

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Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos) Empty Re: Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos)

Post by Chellizard June 13th 2017, 2:19 pm

Approved and moved.

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Kid Kronos (Kid Khaos) JiLqjv0
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Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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