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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 29th 2016, 7:52 pm

"Even if I don't stay everything will be ok"

Kolson has been working undercover for 3 weeks now, working his way into the gangs organization. The Main Event Mafia, The Main Event Mafia was a pretty popular gang in LA. They've recently emerged this year with heavy drugs being pumped into the community along with corruption they are not what the LAPD is wanting to deal with. Kolson was hired to get closer and closer to the head honcho Rollins. Rollins is the huge and powerful leader of The Main Event Mafia. He has been moving in, and taking over enemy territory at an alarming pace. So much so that a hit was put out on him, and it was Kolson's job to take him out.

The Bullet Club, a group of highly skilled Meta's who take on different assassin for higher jobs. This is Kolson first big assignment for The Bullet Club, and he's really excited to take it on. He even got a cool code name "Mirage" he liked the ring of it.

Kolson was doing his usual thing since being initiated into the gang keeping watch, a rather boring task in his opinion but he had to earn his keep. He's warned the Main Event Mafia organization of several attempts be enemy and rivals gangs foiling there plots, and giving Kolson more and more credibility. Rollins has noticed this and decided to send Kolson on a suicide mission you see he was wary of Kolson and highly suspected him of being a mole, but he wasn't exactly sure so this mission would def test Kolson loyalty as he sent him after one of his former partners in Ambrose.

I want you to deliver this to the new guy and make sure that he knows to either finish the mission or don't come back.

Understood sir.

Tonight Kolson was being promoted to move in on the rival's gangs territory. Kolson didn't like killing for no reason, but he did like the money so things were wonderfully complicated. He also saw this as a chance to get closer to Rollins, as it was Rollins who trusted Kolson with the mission. Kolson knew he couldn't disappoint, and he didnt plan too.

Alright, boys this is the spot. (Kolson checks his watch 2:45 a.m, most everyone should be tired or asleep) Alright once we go down the alley we take out the guards and find our way inside. From there we find Ambrose and kidnap him ALIVE

Yes sir!

Lets move. (Kolson was surging with energy as he activated his Psycho Boost ability, he felt his psychic abilities being awaken he wasn't sure if he would need to use his powers for this mission but he'd rather be safe than sorry)  

Last edited by Day Dreamer on July 29th 2016, 9:07 pm; edited 3 times in total
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 29th 2016, 8:06 pm

Dusker sat on the roof and waited for a opportunity to strike at the Lost guns gang.

Someone had paid him to come and take down the gang for stealing  and general harassment of the public around the LA area. Once he finished these guys off he was gonna make his way over to the MEM's hideout and take out them too. he didn't need to but if he did he was sure that someone would give him more money.
"Look at these guys, they think that they're actual mobsters." he giggled as he watched threw the hole in the warehouses roof. he then jumped down and landed without making noise. 'First take out the thugs and then move to the don...' he thought as he sneaked around on the ground.

He walked behind one of the thugs and knocked him out before hitting him in the head with the handle of one of his Beretta's. 'One down' he thought as the ware house doors started to open...  
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 29th 2016, 8:56 pm

As Kolson and the grunts made there way down the alley the sound of boots creeping on top of the concrete were barely audible, the entire team dressed in black from head to toe including ski masks. Kolson decided to wear a bullet proof vest under his black under armor top. It made his muscles bulge which Kolson kind of liked. He liked to look nice just incase he died it would at least be stylish in his opinion.

Kolson and the team slowed down and Kolson decided to use his powers to pull both of the guards towards them. As Kolson used his powers of attraction on the unsuspecting guards. They started to freak out because they were moving over their own will. The struggled and yelled but no help came. Kolson brought them both closer to him and punched them both knocking them out cold.

Tie them up and get them out of here, I'm going to move ahead.

He ordered the grunts to tie them up and dump them in the dumpster. They tied them up and duct tape there mouths before dumping them into the trash getting them out of the way. No casualties yet, Kolson liked it this way.

Kolson continued to walk with his custom gold and black Colt 1911 with a silencer in front of him, and his Colt 45 at his waist. He waited until his men were done before he pressed on the door to open it up.
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 29th 2016, 9:11 pm

A guy carrying a colt walked in to the ware house with a few other guys behind him. They where all dressed in black and Tyler (Tyler's the guy behind the mask) clocked onto them the second they walked into the warehouse

'They're with the Main Event Mafia' he thought with a grin. 'Lucky me!' he thought as he stayed in the shadows and continued to watch over them.
After a few minutes of waiting Dusker's boredom took over him and he finally jumped out and shot two of the MEM thugs in the knee cap. "Surprise!" he giggled as he jumped into cover with a smirk on his face. the smirk was masked by the half mask he wears.

He then shot out the lights. "If any of you guys have powers now would be the time to start using them!" he shouted from the darkness...
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 29th 2016, 9:50 pm

As Kolson and his gang walk into the warehouse they don't see anyone Kolson find's this to be strange.

No one's guarding the inside and no one came outside even after the commotion we caused... Be on your (and before Kolson could finish his sentence two of his teammates were shot. The group of 4 now down too two.

Two of Kolson grunt's were taken down before he could even do anything about it. Kolson was not exactly happy about that; that's when he heard someone speak after two more shots took out the lights. Kolson ducks behind some boxes nearest him, and thinks of how to turn this situation in his favor.

"If any of you guys have powers now would be the time to start using them!"

Immediately Kolson, thought this had to be a setup, how else would the rival gang know that Kolson a meta was coming and at this time. Kolson also figured that a challenge was a challenge and he wasn't about to back down.

And if we don't have powers? Will you continue to hide in the shadows? (Kolson said baiting whoever he was talking too. With one hand Kolson held his gun, while in the other hand he used his powers of attraction to try to fill around in the dark, he didnt have as much range as he would had he been using two hands but he didnt want to let his guard down)
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 29th 2016, 10:20 pm

Dusker laughed at the guys obvious  attempted at trying to draw him out "Yeah the whole calling me out so that I attack you thing isn't gonna work on me!" he shouted from behind a couple of boxes. 'Really? That's like the oldest trick in the book!' he thought.

"You guys have been terrorizing the people and I intend to stop you by any means necessary. After all if I take down the MEM then I'll  get way more money than if I was to just take down these chumps..." he explained as he aimed at the guy with the colt.

"Hey coltie, I have a clear shot on you!" he exclaimed before firing at his knee. The muzzle flash reveling his  location to the Colt guy and the other two thugs. Once he shot he ran behind a couple of boxes.

'This is gonna be real fun!' he thought as he planned his next move...
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 29th 2016, 11:51 pm

Kolson listened to Dusker laugh and he instinctively moved his hand in that direction.

"You guys have been terrorizing the people and I intend to stop you by any means necessary. After all if I take down the MEM then I'll get way more money than if I was to just take down these chumps..."

Kolson started to feel around when he heard him talk even more locating him give or take.

"Hey coltie, I have a clear shot on you!"

Kolson then used his power of repeal, A light flashed from where Duskar shot and Kolson curved the bullet making it miss him.

Kolson began to shoot rounds in the last known location he knew Duskar was.

Get your flashlights out looks like we're playing hide and seek boys. (Both men agreed and clipped on a flashlight to the top of there guns surveying the warehouse.)

The gun fire however alerted, Ambrose he started to pack up his things and grab his weapon of choice for the trouble that had arrived.

Come out, come out where ever you are! (Kolson stands behind his teammates who are flashing there lights around Kolson is putting up a kind of forcefield of repealing energy where he will try and grab bullets that comes towards them, but he has to take it down when they are shooting.
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 30th 2016, 4:30 am

The guy who Dusker shot at shouted out to the thugs to put on their flashlights, confirming to Dusker that he wasn't dead. 'Flashlights? Okay' he thought as he moved himself to a vantage point.

Once at the vantage point Dusker  shot the other two thugs in the knee caps before  again moving so that he didn't compromise his position.

"You guys are such amateurs you know that? most people would of at least tried the stealthy approach before attacking the front." Dusker said as he looked up at the main room of the ware house. it's clear that the leader of the lost guns was in there.

'I'm coming after you later.' he thought as he moved behind the colt guy and made a shadow construct of  a fist. he then swung at the guy. 'this should get him!' he thought as he punched....
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 30th 2016, 11:28 am

And just as Kolson thought; the guy decided to shoot them. However before he would, the cocky assassin would speak before he acted. Kolson picked up on this flaw the first two times he shot at his team so the sacrifices that were made were not in vain.  

Kolson shot immediately in the direction of the voice , shots be fired off at the same time Kolson tried his best to protect his teammates, but he also needed to get closer to his enemy.

As the bullets came in contact with Kolson's gravitational pull he tried his best to curve the bullets. Only one curved fully grazing his teammates. Kolson clinched his teeth...

Perfect. (Kolson made his way to where he heard the bullets and voice come from gracefully floating using his powers to carry himself in the air. Kolson also shot rounds out as he landed on the ground more so in front of where he was sure the sound his enemy was coming from.

Suddenly Kolson felt something behind him, he used his reaction to try and dodge the shadowy fist, with the speed of his on body reaction had Kolson on the ground. "ahh" Kolson let out a pretty audible noise.. Kolson looked up and saw his enemy for the first time barely...

That's when flashlights directed to the sound of Kolson. Which illuminated the area where he and Dusker stood.

Are you sure we're the amateurs loud mouth? (Kolson said as he pointed his gun in the direction of his enemy with a smile.) Now anything else to say? (Kolson notices that this guy before him he wore black and white combat armor along with a black mask Kolson didn't know if he wanted to shoot him, or take him shopping however Kolson needed to worry about how this freak was going to act) Ambrose is my mission you, and everything else is just extra. (Kolson watches him for any sudden movements knowing that talking instead of acting is a rookie mistake. Something he just taught his enemy) I can tell you're new to this stuff why don't you go home now and try again next week or better yet why don't you use your talents to try and figure out a different path kid.

Kolson didn't really know what to expect next he was in point blank range but he was also on the ground he had a few options on how to get away if he tried to shoot at him again. Why couldn't this just be another easy mission?
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 30th 2016, 11:48 am

As he swung his construct the guy with the colt dodged out of the way. the guy then put Dusker in his sights. 'Oh crap baskets.' he thought as the guy shined his flashlight on him, revealing him. then the guy with the colt started to go on a tangent.

"Are you sure we're the amateurs loud mouth? Now anything else to say? Ambrose is my mission you, and everything else is just extra.  I can tell you're new to this stuff why don't you go home now and try again next week or better yet why don't you use your talents to try and figure out a different path kid. "

Dusker  looked at the guy with a confused look. "What do you mean he was yours? I got paid to kill him!" he argued as he looked around for any possible ways out of this mess. "what do you mean new? I've been doing this for a year now!" he said before calming down for a second and asking "Who contracted you?" the reason he asked this was simple. If they where contracted by different people then he'd be able to make a deal. they team up to kill him and get their individual reward...
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 30th 2016, 12:10 pm


I want this place surrounded I want everyone fucking here. I don't know whose downstairs but i hear gunshots and none of my security is responding on the walkie talkies. I have my machine gun at my door for anyone who even thinks of coming in here though. (the voice on the other line says something and clicks)

Kolson listened to his enemy, well at least he wasn't as trigger happy as Kolson initially thought. A year this kid really is cocky, Kolson been in the game for 2 years now and he still considers himself a little wet behind the ears. He actually reminds him of himself.

"Who contracted you?"

Kolson heard the question, he wasn't going to tell him the truth who did this kid think he was his mother? Well Kolson doesn't actually know who his mother is so that expression he never really understood. That must be really bad for people who don't have mothers oh shit he's day dreaming.

Well I was sent by the LAPD on an under cover mission, so you just shot some honest hardworking federal agents in the kneecaps ouch. Good thing science has so many breakthroughs. (Kolson smirked) Also I'm supposed to bring him back alive...


Vehicles can be heard outside... a lot of them and doors slamming, and people talking.

And I'd like to thank the rookie for starting the gun show alerting our enemy of entry. Invest in a silencer... A round of applause boys? (Kolson claps but his teammates are nervous and you can tell by the way the light is shaking.) Well it looks like we have company... (Kolson says as he slowly gets up from off of the ground watching Dusker the entire time)

The two men upstairs holding the flashlights hear the men right outside it's only a matter of time before they storm the place. Kolson looks at his watch 3 a.m Beyond past his bed time.

I'll take your lead rookie.
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 30th 2016, 12:45 pm

As he waited for the guy to tell him who he was contracted by he checked his watch 'Wow it's late, nearly 3am' he thought to himself as the guy broke out of his day dream and spoke up.

"Well I was sent by the LAPD on an under cover mission, so you just shot some honest hardworking federal agents in the kneecaps ouch. Good thing science has so many breakthroughs. Also I'm supposed to bring him back alive..." The guy said. Dusker then talked to one of the "agents" on the floor. "Sorry about that mister smith!" he giggled lightly.

Then at that moment the sound of cars pulling up to the warehouse could be heard.

Colt guy started to speak again about how he should of used his silencers so he replied with a disheveled tone. "I'll have you know that my silencers are both broken! I took this job so that I could buy some new ones." he explained but know wasn't the time for arguing.

The thugs outside where about to storm in when the guy said that he was gonna follow his lead. "Right!" he smirked as he dragged them both into the shadows and created a bubble around them, therefore hiding the both of them.

"Don't make any sudden movements or noises, got it." he whispered as the thugs stormed threw the door. "We wait for an opportunity to strike."
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 30th 2016, 2:26 pm

"Right!" Duster let out an enthusiastic reply. Kolson wondered what he had up his sleeve. Kolson was then drug inside of a bubble it was dark in appearance a shadow bubble? Kolson felt like he had jet leg from the way he was pulled.

I wonder if this is how people feel when I grab them? ouch! (Kolson looked around and wanted to touch the bubble to see if it would pop or something.

"Don't make any sudden movements or noises, got it." Duster exclaimed.

Kolson froze in place, he didn't want to fuck anything up. SO for now he followed orders. His two men turned off there flashlights and hid/set up behind boxes they planned on mowing down whoever got to close.

The door suddenly busted open with thugs with guns all filing in looking for the targets (Kolson and Dusker) The thugs were all wearing an assortment of outfits holding an array off different types of guns. Kolson was kind of nervous that he was leaving all of his trust with some guy he just met. Why was he trust this dude who not even thirty minutes ago was trying to kill him. A common enemy makes the best of allies i guess.

Come out. come out where ever you are! (He lets out a round into the ceiling) You're hiding in the dark you think that's scary? Well we're the boogeymen and were going to find you!
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Dusker July 30th 2016, 2:49 pm

As they waited in the bubble the doors of the warehouse suddenly swung open and around twenty thugs stormed into the ware house. they were all dressed differently to one another and were also carrying a variety of guns.

"3 AK-47's, 5 MP9's, 2 MAC 10's, 5 Beretta's and a few guys carrying bats." he listed as he started to plan out his attack.

"First we go around to the back corner of the ware house and take out the first few stealthily. Then we get the jump on the guys with the AK's and the MAC 10's And the last part should be easy enough to figure out by yourself." he said with a nod.

He then creeped over to the the corner of the room and took two of the guys with MP9s, lowering there forces by ten percent.

He then looked at the colt guy and told him "Go over there and get in cover." as he pointed over to some nearby boxes and crates...
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When It's Dark Out (Dusker)  Empty Re: When It's Dark Out (Dusker)

Post by Day Dreamer July 30th 2016, 3:13 pm

"First we go around to the back corner of the ware house and take out the first few stealthily. Then we get the jump on the guys with the AK's and the MAC 10's And the last part should be easy enough to figure out by yourself." Dusker explained.

Kolson nodded looking over the enemies trying to figure out how exactly to go about the raid.

"Go over there, and get in cover" Dusker said while Kolson face palmed has the kid not learned anything about talking.

Shots rang out as Kolson made his way to cover, he knew the kid made would be alright handling that. Kolson moved swiftly as he debated his next move to the back of the warehouse to try and take some of these guys out. Kolson put his gun down and reached into his pocket this was getting stressful he then popped a pill to help calm his nerves. As he swallowed the pill a smile crept across his face. He looked up and saw one of the thugs and reached his hand and pulled him down crashing to the ground with a thud.

Another thug ran over to where his friend was just standing confused on how he fell over before Kolson set up for round number 2.
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