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New York Meetings (Red)

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan July 18th 2016, 5:04 pm

The city of New York is much like the rest of the world, in order to be stronger, it has to be torn down to be rebuilt stronger. That is the only way for the world to be better, more evolved.... God knows the patriarchs of the world wont back down their power and selfish blinded ideals. Many leaders of the world have hate and fear for metahumans. Why? Maybe cause they're scared, or maybe it's because they're jealous. When it came to the genetic lottery, they didn't exactly hit the jackpot. In order to move forward on the path of the future, you need to get rid of any hindrances. Rafe had followed this idea with every decision he's ever made, and so far, it's worked. He had been working on a secret operation, something that may changed the world in the blink of an eye. Will it work? Perhaps, but for the time being, it wasn't ready.

Rafe had been in his office looking over schematics for various projects his R&D team had been working on, and fixed any minor errors there might of been, recalculating mathematical errors and such. Rafe sat as he did so, he then remembered that he was scheduled for several meetings that evening, and it would appear he had a few minutes to work on what he was working until one of his meetings start. Of course he used the computer hands free, it connected to his implants inside his head for wireless use where every command was given through his brain. The schematics he was working on was cloaking devices for different uses, they were making great progress, however Rafe wanted to make sure it was perfected for his suit. It wouldn't be for awhile until it would be able to be used on his suit, at least for now. Hopefully the progress keeps moving at the pace it has been.

(Crappy starter is crappy starter)

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red July 18th 2016, 6:13 pm

Children children, always trying to make their mark. It seemed some super genius twenty something year old appeared everyday, with a company and set of complicated ideals to boot. Well, they were annoying. They tended to get in your way, especelly when you were trying to monopolize the industry of science and technology in an area. Their arrogance knew no limits, even if there had been plenty of others before much more innovative and much more intelligent then they. No, these people were not equal with Lucius, they were plebs trying desperately to climb the food chain. He had been the only one that had actually made any progress on the ideals he spouted, he was one of the few men of action on this planet. Rafe Craven was just another talker, another entry level super genius trying to change the world. Too bad Lucius would have to get rid of him.

The big thing here was Lucius couldn't have someone like that in New York, it would just split up the influence his companies and labs would have on the region. It would draw attention and make him slightly less popular. He was trying to show the world that they could be people of the future, they could be as advanced as Belarus. The other innovators were just rivals that slowed him down, and they had been mostly removed. Mostly.

Rafe would get a call in his lab/office, wherever it was he hung out. It would go straight through, bypassing any kind of secretary line or the like. Once picked up, the man would get quite the surprise.

"Mr. Craven, it's such an honor to finally speak with you. This is Lucius Alba." Lucius said, a tone to his voice that wasn't all that friendly. Given Red's reputation, Craven could reasonably assume this wasn't to welcome him into the big leagues of New York. Besides Lucius' popularity as Head of Rise and Prime Minister of Belarus, it was known he had pioneered modern technology in this city for more then a decade before. It was his terf as far as science went.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan July 18th 2016, 7:04 pm

The phone rang, interestingly enough it came through with an unknown number, and seemingly bypassed the secretary. Interesting... Rafe answered the phone and received a greeting from a voice he hadn't heard before, he ran an audio algorithm that pulled the mans voice through the system. Prime minister of Belarus, scientist, involved with multiple conspiracies, etc. He read the information through his cybernetic eyes. He responded, "Mr. Alba.. Quite interesting for you to give me a call unexpectedly.", he smirked, "Surely it's not because you want to take me on a date, so let's cut to the chase, we're both smart men here, tell me what it is you want."

Rafe wasn't big for small talk, a trait he had been given by his father. Rafe was practically raised to be a business man, it was kinda like making a turkey fat before thanksgiving. He was being primed for running a business. Rafe knew that Lucius didn't appear to be one that did friendly calls out of the blue, at least from the information had pulled. It appeared that Lucius was a technological innovator himself, and been in the business for longer as well.

Rafe began to make connections, and concluded that he must either feel threatened, or pissed off, due to the fact of how far Craven Inc had spread, and how fast it has as well. Either way, this wasn't a friendly call. Rafe didn't bother tracing the call or even trying to, he knew that Lucius would inevitably come to him, sooner or later.

He knew people like Lucius tend to believe that they're above everyone, more superior and such. Typically it's because of the mindset they have, did it bother Rafe? Not really, it thought it was tactically an advantage of them to think you're of little significance, or however they may feel. Eventually it comes to bite them in the ass if they judge incorrectly. Rafe was going to allow it all play out, see what Lucius wanted, and where he stood.

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red July 18th 2016, 9:02 pm

"Well, you see, i have an offer for you. More of a threat, if I'm to be honest. I want you to shut down Craven Inc, move all resources to one of my subsidiaries, and run the sector as you do now. The only difference really, is the name on the sign. Don't comply, and get swallowed up." Lucius said frankly. He wasn't going to allude anything, so he was glad Rafe was to the point, at the very least. He however probably wasn't so keen on having his company stripped from him.

"We're both smart men, as you say. So, take a look at the chessboard. I own the industry in the area. The parts i don't own officially are still at my call, because they know going against me would be their ruin. I'm not making a power grab, Craven, I'm simply uniting intelligent minds for a single purpose. Do you care about progress? Because if you do, partnering with me will bring you closer to that. Going against me, well that will just waste your talent." Lucius said. He was riding in a limo through downtown New York, going to Rafe's building. He had all the paperwork in hand, everything that was needed to get the deal done. He was just hoping he could conclude it before he got there. He was after all a busy man.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan July 18th 2016, 11:17 pm

Rafe sat in his chair and smiled at the man's words, "New York is but a small piece on the chess board, while you're busy staring at the pawn, you fail to see the queen and king thriving behind the scenes getting ready to put you in checkmate.", he continued, obviously amused by the man, in a respectful way, the man was trying to make such a powerplay that really wouldn't effect Rafe's company in any way at all, New York wouldn't be a huge loss, but still a loss. Rafe wasn't one to take orders or follow someone else's lead, so forfeiting his empire wouldn't be an option, the majority of his resources and company was behind the scenes, off the grid and impossible to find by any means what so ever, not even the most intelligent super minds would be capable of finding it.

"I see you have a strong want for the New York district, you say you want to unite intelligent people, but they way you go about it is childish. I've seen the same mentality in one of my board members son, they want it all and don't see sharing or compromising as a option.", Rafe then glanced out the window of his office, "I'll allow you to come here and see me in person, we'll discuss a possible partnership in my New York division, then we'll go from there, my people will show you in with the upmost courtesy. I do look forward to this... Progress you talk about.", the phone would be hung up, and Rafe would be sitting in his chair behind his desk waiting while he poured two glasses of whiskey, he then chuckled to himself, the thought of a movie scene came across his mind where a meeting would happen between two people and the one that poured the drink ended up poisoning the other, he of course, thought that was stupid.

Last edited by Horigan on July 24th 2016, 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red July 18th 2016, 11:44 pm

"Are you trying to say i don't see the big picture? Mister Craven, if i may direct your attention to the assets i have in over twenty US cities, and the office i hold in my country of Belarus, long may it live. Compared to me, you have no King or Queen." Lucius said. He was either ignorant to the degree he had no idea who Red was, or he was simply trying to make Lucius seem stupid. Regardless, he only served to show his pride. Rafe wouldn't cave easily, even if he didn't really care about New York. Lucius knew his type well.

"A strong want? No. A simple matter of upkeep. One must pay attention to their pawns, or they may find the entire game over in a few moves. I'll see you soon." Lucius said before hanging up. He was about ten minutes out, and was looking forward to seeing the little upstart. Red just hoped he wouldn't have to get political.

Eventually, he would arrive, stepping out of the limo and adjusting his suit. He had a few gadgets on him for safety reasons, but other then that was unarmed. At his side stood the fully armored Captain Edward Victus, and the pair soon made their way to the entrance. He did hope the Rafe wouldn't take offense to the security, Lucius was after all a man with many enemies.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan July 19th 2016, 12:59 am

Rafe had made preparations for Lucius's arrival, he made sure that his arrival would be greeted by a young blonde woman, she'd say with a cheerful attitude, "Mr. Craven is pleased to hear that you're hear, if you'd follow me I'll take you to his office.", she would sport a clean business outfit, guiding the two men to their destination. Meanwhile Rafe had made sure a cart of treats and snacks was near his desk and where the man would be seated. Rafe had his suit accessible nearby, and weapons ready underneath his desk. The office also had many defensive measures, just in case. Rafe did hope it wouldn't come down to his using any of it.

He changed into a all black three piece suit, sporting an orange tie. He'd compliment it all with his black oxfords, he even styled his hair, slicking it back. The camera system then caught the arrival of the man himself. Rafe had noticed that Lucius had brought some muscle along with, presumably for protection, and/or for intimidation. It didn't really change anything, it just proved that this man was cautious, and showed that he may have enemies, which was duly noted.

The blonde woman would have led them straight to his office, smiling as she did so, she'd open the door and let them in and exiting afterwards, closing the door behind herself. Rafe would smirk sitting in his office chair, gesturing to the seats in front of himself,
"Please, do sit.", pushing the glass of whiskey forward and the snack cart would be nearby the two.

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red July 25th 2016, 2:50 am

A decent little building, but nothing like Lucius' own labs. Maybe it was his pretentious side talking, but he wasn't all that impressed. Sure there was some interesting things here and there, but nothing that would make him stop and look. Perhaps this company was really nothing to worry about......

Lucius, however, wasn't one to take chances. This person had opened up in a city Red had pioneered some of the biggest advances in science and technology in, ever. So yes, it was sentimental, especelly considering he did all those great things with his late fiance. Rafe would have to come into an agreement to work under Lucius, or he would have to come down in flames.

Eventually they made it to the office, and Lucius didn't speak until the secretary left, ignoring the 'please, sit' until he knew she had completely closed the door. It wasn't that he was worried of people listening, he wasn't. This was just no place for her. Captain Victus stood by the door, while Red himself finally took a seat at Rafe's desk.

"You seem to be caught up in a desire to, perhaps, maintain your pride? Bowing to me, well that just isn't in your nature, now is it?" Lucius said, taking a candy from the bowl sitting on the desk. He popped it in his mouth and sucked on it awhile, the remnants of a smirk still prominent on his face.

"That said, do enlighten me on how you believe to have any choice in the matter." Lucius said. There wasn't any real negotiation here, that was a formality. If Rafe were smart, he would role with it.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan August 26th 2016, 11:36 pm

Rafe had a smile over his face, this meeting was sure going to be interesting. Lucius was a element of personality that was unusual to Rafe. To Rafe, it reflected himself in many ways, scary thought that the two may be more alike than either would like to. "You see, I'm sure you knew that I wouldn't submit that easily, otherwise you wouldn't of come all this way, now would you?" The smile still sat across his face, almost sinister like. Rafe then got out of his chair and turned to look out his office window. "You know, my father always told me, 'Son, life is really simple, but we, as people, decide to make it complicated.', what do you think that means?" Rafe glanced at Lucius briefly.

Before Lucius could get the chance to answer Rafe continued, "I ask that rhetorically, I don't expect you to actually answer, however, I like to think that the statement was always so peculiar, the statement makes us question what it means exactly, making it even more complicated than before, but of course you could see it as black and white, taking it as it is said, making you an simpleton."

Rafe then turned fully back to Lucius with his hands in his pockets,
"You must understand that it isn't pride that makes me decline your offer, or anything of the like, it's purely against what I am trying to accomplish." he then begins to pace a little behind his desk, "You may ask, what exactly am I trying to accomplish, I answer to you with only one word.", he then pauses for a few moments and the window behind him become opaque and the room darkens slightly and a holographic screen appears where the window was and video footage could be seen. "The future."

The videos would be of various metahumans, evil and good, some saving lives, others ending them. Rafe then speaks further, "I know enough about you to know that you can relate to what I'm going at, Mr. Prime minister. So here's my offer.", he smiled and sat back down in a hurry and extended his hand for a handshake, "I will not bow down to you, however, since you love New York so much, I'm willing to offer you 49.9% of the company in the New York region, and this only applies here, in return you give open door access to whatever information I need on metahumans and the like, and I will return the favour, your typical trade negotiationmathe time comes, we'll be on the same side fighting for the same cause."

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red August 28th 2016, 2:12 am

It was fun to see children trying to wear big boy pants. Lucius could respect the fact the man was still maintaining what little cards he had, but Rafe was fighting an up hill battle. He seemed to go on and on about some quote that had little relevance. The issue here wasn't simplicity or complexity, the issue was a man not wanting to work under another that was in a better position to achieve both of their goals.

"The future? Son, the future will come to you, you need only wait." Lucius said calmly after hearing the man out. He grabbed a flask from his suit pocket, uncapped it, then took a sip.

"I can see a man in front of me that's hungry....... Brilliant, resourceful, and passionate....... But, you're also young and untempered. I've been after a dream of a better future since i was a boy. I've built so much, yet the world is still on a collision course with disaster. I've seen it with my own eyes." Lucius said, referencing his little trip to the future which lost him his powers. Rafe didn't know about that, but he didn't need to for the point to get across.

"I understand you want your legacy, your perfect little future. You won't get it, not alone. Why do you think i started my organization? It was to bring together those of a like mind. We all seek to build a better world, and we can't each do it on our own. Neither can you. Rafe, do you want to Rise, or do you want to see everything you ever worked for slowly taken away from you as you're isolated from the world?" Lucius asked, concluding his little speech. The man's answer would decide the fate of this meeting.

There was really no reason to deny it. You become a subsidiarity of Rise, one of the most powerful organizations in the world, or you stay in the minor leagues. Anyone could make out the right answer.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Horigan August 28th 2016, 9:03 pm

Rafe gazed at the man and listened to his words, he was partially right, bringing together the like minded for one just cause can be effective. However, unless this is a alliance of people pooling their resources and ends up resembling more of a monarchy, Rafe wasn't having it. He smiled, "You know, I like you, you're arrogant, but very respectfully arrogant, if that makes sense of course.", Rafe kpept his half smile up and continued, "Lucius, I'm sure a man like you has kids, probably even a wife, as hard as it would be to balance such a life, but either way, you should be able to relate to what I'm about to say."

Rafe reached for a drink infront of him, taking a sip from the glass, "My father left me the remnants of his company, it would be disrespectful of me to just give it away, so I'm going to make you a final offer that you can decide to take."

He glanced at Lucius and began to speak directly to him, looking into his eyes, "I'll join your cause, but I wont serve under you, or anyone for that matter, but a partner, I'll cooperate with your operations and such to the best of my ability. I was born to lead, not follow, I'm sure you can understand that."

New York Meetings (Red) O8uHNOF

Status :

Quote : "A man who views the world at fifty as he did at twenty, has wasted thirty years of his life."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : New York, USA
Job : CEO of Craven Inc
Registration date : 2016-07-15

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New York Meetings (Red) Empty Re: New York Meetings (Red)

Post by Red August 29th 2016, 10:20 pm

Lucius' smile slowly turned to a slight sneer. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but Rafe was quite stubborn it would seem. Red reached into his jacket, pulling out a rather expensive looking phone. He set the device on the desk, then sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Scan your thumb, and type the number of shares which you desire to transfer to me. In this case, it would be 49.9% of them, yes?" Lucius said. He had a few friends at the exchange that would get this done in a breeze, there was no need to write up a bunch of paperwork.

"After that....... This building will be under the protection of my organization. You'll be able to conduct business, even the shady kind, with other members, and you'll be able to request aid when needed, if you return the favor." Lucius said, making sure he outlined just what was happening here before Rafe made his decision.

Prepare to execute He would type into the phone once he got it back. A swift deal with no bumps, as of yet anyway..........


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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