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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Empty The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

Post by Humanity December 16th 2015, 10:51 pm

A little hum, a little giggle as the estranged and ever eccentric Eldritch being made his way through the lab, his cane not clicking as it hit the ground, but obvious weight being placed upon it. As he hobbled he seemed to take an interest, looking over some of the nearby scenery. This was it, the belly of the beast. Or perhaps it might be better suited to call this the nest of the beast. Samhain had never truly seen something so strange such as this. For an Eldritch that was truly saying something about the good Doctor and his character. Of course there was nothing but general pitch black, but all of that was easily changed when Samhain decided to "bestow" a nice bio-luminescent power to a nearby creature. Though in retrospect he wasn't sure that was the best course of action...

Dirty carpet torn and frayed into sheer concrete floor, cracked and chipped as there were several large crates, each one given about ten foot by ten foot. Though it wasn't until Samhain came to walking through a cube that he saw what exactly what was of most interest. There, readily available was a quite obviously pregnant "woman", if she could even be called as such any longer. This woman was more akin to a child-making factory rather than an actual person...a position she did quite well it would seem, especially when Samhain stepped forward and couldn't help but notice the large hole underneath the bed of spider-silk the overgrown brood mother rest upon. Looking down all he could see were these creatures, scuttling and flicking through the water quickly as they seemed to easily acclimated themselves to the watery hole. Though swimming was not the only luxury these creatures enjoyed, just off to the side several off them were rending and tearing at the flesh of their deceased siblings, cannibalizing them and putting better use of their un-utilized resources.

Stepping back Samhain placed a hand over his mouth, trying to fight the huge grin that had happened onto his face. He was in shock, truly. Of course his shock was accompanied by a little fit of hysterical giggling and a bright red face as he couldn't find time to breathe, despite the function being somewhat pointless for him. He actually couldn't help doubling over as his laughter suddenly burst forth, from pointless little jubilant giggle to a hearty full force laugh. His laugh even echoed throughout the entire den as a hand came down and cradled his stomach. Immediately there were several alerts to this, the most primary one being what appeared to be a form of caretaker for the brood mother, another creature that just made Samhain's laughter increase, not in volume but in quantity, honestly he sounded absolutely insane at the moment, a manic fool in the devil's den.

The alarmed creature in question was a concoction of a horror story, the Human centipede spider edition. Three women thrown together, forcibly amalgamated as a horrific crime against nature while spider-like arms and legs, six a piece. The Arachnid-Human hybrid was properly armed with a pouch, the pouch filled with even more infantile creatures, similar to the ones in the pool beneath their dearest mother. The droned attempted to attack Samhain, but it ended in futility as he simply vanished from them after he took a step back and reappeared outside of the box, right beside the door leading out of the main chamber.

"ehheheheh... Ah this is quite a tourist trap." Was all the thick accented eldritch could say as he broke into tears, something about this all was entirely too amusing for him. There was a stark and primal beauty, a horror that only someone like him could appreciate...though perhaps even he knew that this was what one might have morally considered wrong. Regardless, he had come searching for the doctor, and got far more than he bargained for. Now all he had to do was wait for the good doctor to come to him.


The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Empty Re: The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

Post by Thorgron December 27th 2015, 12:35 am

Without a care Dressler would open the large metal door to one of his den's. From time to time he felt it necessary to check in on his progeny. Some of course would need to be culled, their abilities not quite developed enough to prove survivable. His breeding pools were only the first of a long series of tests as to their genetic viability. But upon opening the vault-like doors, he heard something other than the insectile skittering of his wet-nurses. There was a sharp and violent cackling from inside the den. Someone was here, someone had discovered his work. Primal instinct took over Dressler's usually calculating mind. His muscles tensed in his body as a ripple pulsed across his body priming itself for whatever transformation may be necessary.

Slamming the secondary door open his eyes would adjust to the light and lock on to the man in a suit doubled over in laughter. Who are you!? he would growl out in anger, further ripples shaking down his skin. Explain yourself, NOW! His mouth taking on the form of a mangled maw, somewhere between a great white and a nile crocodile.

The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Empty Re: The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

Post by Humanity December 28th 2015, 6:13 pm

Samhain just continued to laugh, though it died down into an eventual sigh of relief before looking to the enraged Dressler and holding up a hand as if silently asking for a moment to compose himself. With a clear of his throat and a slight chuckle escaping from it's choked back confines Samhain was finally able to give the good doctor the appropriate answer to his questions. Or what he deemed to be appropriate, if Dressler believes do was a different story mind you.

 "Hoooo... Doctor Dressler, I presume?" Samhain asked in his typical Scottish accent, not really taking a moment for a response, though Dressler's body had already began it's incredible metamorphosis into the ever cluster of creatures. It had it's own charm and awesome, yet horrifically grotesque beauty to it, a testimony to the Doctor's current... "den" as it were. "Wondrous, though my apologies. My name is Castor Gael. I suppose you could say that I'm a business man of sorts... I hope you can forgive my intrusion , though you are quite the difficult man to find. This is one of the only places to guarantee a running in." Samhain said before extending a hand, keeping the other on his cane. Samhain himself knew full well that he was safe, though informing the morphing man that he couldn't be harmed was something to certainly be seen more of as a challenge than a tid bit of information. Confrontation, as amusing as it was, was not the intention of today's visit. As the hand suggested it was a social call, or rather a business tip of sorts.  He had no mind on Dressler doing anything less than losing his cool and trying to devour him, though he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.


The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Empty Re: The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

Post by Thorgron December 30th 2015, 9:54 pm

To say that Dressler was caught of guard would be a serious understatement. This man stood in a suit dressed to the nines as though he were out for a night of theatre in the middle of his den with no fear or disgust at all. Beyond that, he had somehow found Dressler in one of his spawning dens, a place that should have been secret to all. Even further, he knew his name. All that compounded meant that whoever this man, this Casteor Gael was, they already knew far too much. This one man was a liability and a serious threat to the entire operation that Dressler had now been building for months. If people found out, if the public knew what he was doing, now, at a time before his brood had a chance to get a foothold in the world in could ruin everything. He could already see it, masses of crazed lunatics to scared to see the brilliance of his work storming the dens and trying to kill his progeny. It would most likely fail, but the chaos would mean major setbacks.

This man had to be eliminated. But first, Dressler needed to find out what he knew. Perhaps it was less of a disaster scenario as he'd thought. Maybe the man had only known of this den. Maybe it was dumb luck and most importantly, maybe he hadn't told anyone yet. Were that the case this would be a simple matter to handle. But it all hinged on that one fact.

Receding back to a more human form, Dressler would quickly dust off his coat before assuming a more formal stance. Extending a hand Dressler would take the one he'd been offered. Up to this point Castor had been some what of a mystery. On a first glance Dressler could glean nothing from his genetics, not even so much as what coded for his eye color. But a hand shake he thought should do the trick. As their flesh made contact he expected the usual damn break of information to flood his mind but still nothing. Not so much as a chromosome came in. It was as though the man were conjured out of thin air and pixy dust. That simply couldn't be the case. Perhaps this was an illusion, the work of some metahuman tampering with his mind. It could explain the knowledge he possessed but not how he found Dressler in the first place. Or maybe it was physical, just simply lacking genes, some sort of construct. All of it one big mystery and with every second he shook the man's hand everything lead to one question. What are you?

It was blunt and to the point. Dressler did not want to mess with this thing whatever it was and he wanted answers now. I can see you found this place easy enough and seem to know an awful lot about me. You even walk among my creations without fear. So tell me Mr. Gael. What exactly is it that you want from me?

The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Pbucket
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Empty Re: The last of a dying breed... [Dressler]

Post by Humanity January 3rd 2016, 12:36 am

"Pfft, Fear? This isn't frightening. This is actually rather exciting. This is change. I, personally am quite a big fan of change. Interesting to watch. Most people say it's because I'm a Lawyer. I digress-" Samhain said cheerfully, though either misunderstanding what it was Dressler was asking, or completely neglecting it. "Less about me and more about what I want. Well what I want is nothing more than to see if you might be interested in meeting a rather...interesting human being. By interesting I mean they have similar views to one such as you. Just a little different way of doing thins since they can't really do...well this." Samhain said motioning to the area around them before reaching into his suit jacket's inner pocket and pulling a compact disc from within. With that he handed it to Dressler.

"I just so happened to do some creeping, watched as he was tortured and how he escaped from the most secured mind-controlling establishment in the criminal underworld. There was a point of dialogue that made me think that you two would have a great chat over tea...or what have you." Samhain said with a slight smirk before walking to the side, a hand on his cane. "I really must be off. I have other people that I'd much rather annoy. I left my business card in there though. Feel free to stop by anytime." He said, though the business card was nothing more than for that of a pawn shop, one that Dressler had likely passed by many times before hand. Of course Dressler couldn't physically stop Samhain, though the "man" was more than happy to hold a moment if something more needed to be said or asked. Regardless he'd leave Dressler to watch the contents of the disc, or to investigate the card, or look into this "subject" in other mediums.


The last of a dying breed... [Dressler] Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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