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Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed)

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Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed) Empty Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed)

Post by Sakka September 24th 2015, 10:12 pm

The day was slow, Jordan had been training the entire day, visiting a private and secluded training warehouse created for meta humans. The rules were simple, everyone trains, no fights, mind your own business. Those rules seemed to work, since Jordan and his newly formed training partner Stryker, also known by his real name, that being Miles. Jordan had been training with Miles to do physical hand to hand combat, mostly to teach himself to not have to rely on his powers too much. Considering the background Miles has and how skilled he was to begin with, Jordan was able to hold his own in training against him and actually put up a good fight. At the same time Jordan would exercise and keep himself in shape for cardio and keep a good balance of muscle mass.

Jordan had opened a portal right in the middle of the warehouse and portal-ed back to his apartment and closed it behind him, immediately heading for the shower. He did his regular routine of washing himself, that being his hair and body and exited the bathroom with a towel. After drying himself he went ahead and put leisure clothes on and had a late night snack, that being a frozen burrito. After finishing it off and watching a bit of TV, he headed straight to bed and dozed off quickly, the day had been long and tiring. So this rest was long over due.

Morning came around and Jordan woke up on his own, as he hated alarm clocks and since he didn't have a schedule, so it didn't matter when he woke up really.. Upon waking up he looked over at his phone next to his bed on the night stand and saw a text message. The sender was anonymous and the message read, 'Colin's is in the hospital, Chicago.'. After reading it, Jordan jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed in jeans and a grey t-shirt, throwing a zip up hoodie on as well. He then put on his shoes and opened a portal. He hopped in and exited out in the hospitals bathroom. Jordan then exited the public bathroom and walked through the a hall way where medical rooms where patients were lined the hallway. As he walked he peered into each window until he saw Colin, his brother.

Quickly he opened the door and entered into the patient room, seeing Colin in the hospital bed, he looks and noticed that his arm is gone, worryingly he exclaimed, "W-w-what happened Colin! How many times have I told you? You aren't super man, you aren't invincible, why didn't you call me if you needed help!?", Jordan knew he was asking and saying a lot of things, but he his mind was racing too fast, he was angry with Colin, but also sad, conflicting emotions made him come off like some kind of parent that just found out their child was doing drugs.


Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Location : Canada
Job : Courier
Registration date : 2015-09-22

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Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed) Empty Re: Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed)

Post by The Bolt September 26th 2015, 3:17 pm

Even when it felt as if it were slowing down to a crawl, time would pass as it always did. It appeared that a single act of misguided heroism had lead to a loss that he was not so ready for, involving a certain limb being violently torn from him. There was that phantom tingling sensation as if his body could not quite get with the program of not having two arms anymore. The fact that he was alive was more than anything a surprise to Colin, but then again it appeared that Travis had his ways. His eyes would dart towards the male sitting in the chair and silently looking at him. Travis appeared to be deep within thought, snapping out of it once he took notice that Colin was looking at him. "You're up again. Feeling any better now Colin?" he asked with a slightly worried tone

"Well...would probably feel better with two arms but yeah." Colin noted with a slight smirk, trying to make light of the situation. Perhaps he was trying to improve his own mood which was in the abysmal levels at the moment. He could tell he likely was still in Chicago, though perhaps Travis had pulled a few strings to actually let him be in the room unless it was just visiting hours. His statement didn't really seem to sit humorously with Travis like it did with Colin, but then again perhaps he was just stressed after having to hear that something like this happened. Something else would have been said to him but it appeared that his sibling burst through the door rather quickly, which might have had something to do with that portal power of theirs.

As expected they shouted something at him once taking note of the lack of a left arm. Colin just winced, taking it considering that it was his fault for letting it happen in the first place. That then made him wonder where his suit was, but then again maybe Travis made sure to put it somewhere safe. "I...i'm sorry." He muttered almost pathetically, feeling over the stump that was one an arm with his free arm. Likely trying to remind himself that he did not have an arm. "I thought I had things under control, but before I knew it my...arm was gone." Which was true enough, but then again it was also an excuse within its own right.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed) Empty Re: Brothers in Arms (Vanguard, Closed)

Post by Sakka September 26th 2015, 8:36 pm

Jordan began to pace the room, gazing at the walls as he did so, calming himself down shortly while taking everything his younger brother was saying in. The idea of someone doing this to his brother was daunting to even think about. Looking around he sighed and looked at Travis, "Thank you for keeping him safe, I'll have to try and repay you somehow later on.", afterwards Jordan went closer to his younger brothers hospital bed and asked, "Who did this?"

Jordan began to roll his sweater sleeve back and began to type a few things on a wrist computer. "I'm not one to take action for revenge, but justice should be served in one way or another.", afterwards he kept typing and lowered his arm looking at Colin. The whole thing seemed unreal to Jordan, almost like a dream. The thought of his brother being fatally injured really messed with Jordan's head. All they had nowadays was each other, all three of them. Even though neither Jordan or Colin see Liam that often, which of course, is unfortunate.


Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Location : Canada
Job : Courier
Registration date : 2015-09-22

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