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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl] Empty Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

Post by Atlas July 15th 2015, 5:24 pm

You could call this one of Nearo's many adventures into the human world, because it sort of was one of them minus any sort of dragon slaying. Mostly because there were no dragons to slay and so he chose pizza instead. Because pizza was great and Nearo liked to it it, so that sort of explained itself. Regardless here he was walking through the city of Chicago, a slice of pizza in one hand and a borrowed I-Pod in the other. Honestly he was still learning how the little thing worked, but apparently it played music so he figured that much out. The kind of music playing was an interesting kind of music, so he found himself just sort of bobbing his head along as it played. Sure people looked at him strange, but not like they could tell him to stop enjoying himself, that was just how they worked apparently.

It might have been the fact he was a tall muscular guy, that usually made people think twice about messing with you. Taking a bite out of aforementioned pizza, he took a deep whiff of the air which smelt if something was on fire. Things weren't supposed to be in fire as far as he knew, which meant that something was going on. Maybe that was just him imagining it, or maybe someone was burning something. Then came the question of why someone would be burning something and if he could find out the case. If something was burning, he would have to check that out right now. So with food still in hand, he ducked into the nearest alleyway as anyone would do and sort of ran with his nose guiding him. The closer he got to there, the more it smelt like something was burning and the more his nostrils found the whole smell offensive.

What he came upon was what looked like a great flame raging through an office building, windows belching smoke as the flames continued to consume. It wouldn't make sense for someone to set something on fire, atleast not without something in mind so he would have to find out what exactly was causing all of the chaos. Clothing would rip as he began to rapidly shift into a more useful form for this, despite the fact that...well fire was bad. Curiosity tended to override common sense at times and so he went with it. Within a few seconds he went from a human looking male of around 6'2 to a chitanous alien creature with a barbed tail, deadly looking claws and overall he looked scary. Upon finding a better vantage point he took notice of a figure considerably shorter than him unleashing torrents of flames into the air, some of them blue and some of them the more common orange.

A low hiss rippled from the creatures mouth as it prepared to survey the situation. For some reason some short looking guy was burning down a building, and so he surveyed the situation for now.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl] Empty Re: Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

Post by The Pale Kestrl July 15th 2015, 5:49 pm

Chicago, the Windy City. It was certainly big, bigger than where Tristan had grown up. But not particularly windy, even up on the edge of a block of flats it was only slightly breezy. Rather disappointing really he mused to himself. Still, it was a change of scenery. Just the thing Tristan wanted right now. A little adventure, see the world, meet new people. Having been cut off from the world for so long, it makes you loose perspective.

Tristan didn't really know why he'd chosen America first. Some of the people back in the compound had been American. Nat had talked it up a storm during the brief periods that they weren't battling for their lives , and anything that made someone that infatuated was usually worth seeing. He gently dangled his legs over the side of the building, taking in the city for a second before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a tourist guide he'd grabbed on the way it. Where to go first? he thought has his eyes dragged over the leaflet Navy Pier sounds nice enough, but I did see enough of the sea on the flight over here

Then something shifted, the cities energy current changed. He felt an increase in thermal energy, a substantial spike a few blocks away. Something about the energy didn't feel right at all. Stuffing the leaflet back in his bag he took the rucksack off and left it on the roof, just by the entry door.

Walking back to the edge of the roof he moved from a run, to a jog and then a run as he jumped from the roof. He left himself fall for a second, let the wind rush past, and then he leveled out. He took off toward the energy spike, flying forward and surrounded by a field of energy. He cleared the intervening blocks before coming to a stop in front of another office tower. An office tower that was on fire.

Floating less then a block away Tristan watched as great goats of flame burst from the building. Edging in closer Tristan tried to locate the source of the fire, he soon found it in the form of a man. He fired his own brand of flames out and around the building. A pyrokientic, these guys just can't keep the fire to themselves

Glowing brighter from the extra energy Tristan tried to find a way to deal with the fire wielder before he brought the building down.
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl] Empty Re: Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

Post by Atlas July 15th 2015, 11:30 pm

The were-alien watched from above as something transpired below him, letting a low hissing breath release from its maw while considering what to do with the pyro below. Of course he could do something like not bother with them at all, but there were also people within the building that were suffering due to the actions of the person burning the building. So many decision but the whole moral compass thing compelled him to try something out, maybe he could make the fire starter put the fire out. That was until he caught sight of someone zooming through the air, getting an idea and wondering if it would actually work. First he could have to deal with the pyro and something that would be easy enough once things were thought out.

Crawling down from the side of the building that he was perched upon, Nearo's claws would dig into the material to keep him from falling down. One could describe it more as wall crawling than anything else, though he could not do it nearly as fast as he could run. This involved a lot of sneaking and things of that nature, which was something he could do rather well, Those strange vehicles with the loud sirens were on their way, and that meant guns. Not that he could be hurt by them, but they were really annoying with those loud bangs that they made. Maybe this strange energy being would be able to help them out with the conflict, or they would get in his way. Honestly, the only real reason he was doing this was to avoid having any humans die.

Once he was at a certain spot, he would propel himself from the building at an angel, sure that the masked man creating fire did not see him. However a pillar of earth rose, meeting Nearo as a large portion was ripped from it, yet he ended up being stopped from his attack. ”Woah...what the hell is that?” The pryo questioned, interested in what happen as someone else rise from a hole within the earth.

”I dunno, but I guess we should beat them up.” They were dressed similar to the pyro, but a little larger built.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 294
Registration date : 2015-01-29

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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl] Empty Re: Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

Post by The Pale Kestrl July 16th 2015, 5:28 pm

Tristan had to duck to the side, avoiding a sudden torus of flame that burst out of the building. The whole place was becoming more unstable by the second, chances are it wouldn't be long before the superstructure gave  way. Edging toward the building he tried to find a way close to the pyro when something caught his eye. Off on the other side of the office block something jumped down from the edge of another block and leapt across to another foothold. Tristan only saw it for a few seconds before it was obscured by smoke. Whatever it was it wasn't something Tristan had ever seen before.

Trying to shake the mystery beast from his mind as best he could Tristan turned back to the problem at hand. A second later he saw a huge pillar of earth rise from the ground, a man appearing from it soon after. Over the inferno Tristan couldn't make out what was being said but from the way the two were acting and dressed he could see that they were working together.

Both the pyro and the earth mover begun to talk and Tristan moved forward quickly, dodging through the errant flames to stand behind the pair. He raised his hand, letting the energy stored in his body flow into his hand causing it to light up with the pent in energy.

"Ok guys!" he shouted over the blaze "How about we put the fire out and talk this one out?"
The Pale Kestrl
The Pale Kestrl

Status :

Quote : "Impressive toys you have there boy. But your playing in the big leagues now" Felix "Reave" Black

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Location : did I get here?
Age : 28
Job : Roguish Traveller
Humor : Well, the worlds a pretty funny place
Registration date : 2015-07-12

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Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl] Empty Re: Such villainy, very evil, much nefarious [Kestrl]

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