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Villainy ain't easy

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 1:05 pm

Leaping from building to building, Psycho barely avoided the gunfire from the policemen on the street below. Normally it wasn't his style to just run away from a fight, especially one where he would come out the clear victor, but after having his first bag of cash burst from the automatic weapon fire from the SWAT team he refused to lose his last remaining bag...

Not long before had Psycho decided it would have been a good idea to try and rob a bank, apparently that's what lots of other villains did, so he thought he may as well try it himself. He grabbed some random person off the street with his tentacles and lifting him so he was hovering about fifty feet or so off the ground, up close to where Psycho stood from atop a building. When Psycho asked him where the nearest bank was, the man spilled his guts (figuratively of course) and pointed frantically to a nearby building with the word 'BANK' clearly imprinted on it. Slightly embarrassed by the whole thing, he chuckled sheepishly and apologized to the man...just before dropping him to the ground, where he quickly began spilling his guts, only this time literally. It was a pity, had Psycho been able to read the man might of lived. He shrugged before dropping down to the ground and promptly entering the establishment. As expected, people panicked at the sight of him and the guards of the bank immediately began opening fire on him. This didn't sit well with Psycho at all, who quickly slaughtered them. When he tried demand the money from the female bank teller, she wasn't much help. She kept screaming and crying, begging for her life. Psycho didn't really know what to do at this point, so he just killed her and looked around for the money he was supposed to be getting. Finding nothing except a big metal door, Psycho could only guess something good was behind it.

The Vault door didn't really stand a chance against his tentacles which had ripped it from the wall, and Psycho was met with a beautiful The piles of money were more than Psycho could count and he could only guess that there must have been at least five hundred dollars in there (Yes he's really that idiotic). When he tried to collect his newly found fortune, he quickly realized that there was only so much he could carry by hand. Looking around like a mad man, not really caring for the irony of a mad man looking around like one, he found an empty duffel bag and a schoolbag, which was generously donated to him by a small child who lay dead on the floor in the bank, huddled together with it's equally dead mother. Stuffing the bags as much as he could, he tried to leave the now deserted bank only to be met with the sight of several police cars and swat vans blocking his exit outside. After about ten seconds of would be fighting, He found that if he didn't get away soon he'd lose all of the money.

...Back with Psycho, who had just escaped his pursuers. Smiling, Psycho gave a loud and content sigh as he was sure he was safe from the police on the building he now stood on, a fair distance from the bank and any sound of sirens. He felt pleased with himself, like what he had done was his right of passage into villainy. He let a smile grace his face, revealing his mouth and his oh so pointed teeth, as he raised his right arm which carried the bag to inspect his prize. What he saw killed his joy. The bag was torn apart by bullet holes and what was left of the money in the bag was completely useless and destroyed. Just then did he let out a blood curdling howl of rage.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 7th 2011, 1:32 pm

The underground Chicago headquarters for Sector Six were quiet as Natalia was the only one there as usual. While pacing up and down the white hallway the alarm rang. She rushed over to see what was going on. The Computer monitor showed a some kind of mutant killing some guy. She grumbled as she ran towards her car, "They can't just leave people alone for once?" She clicked a button on her glasses to make the roof slide back so she could get in. The car drove gracefully up the ramp and out of the abandoned warehouse that sat above it. Spinning around the corner to the on ramp towards the bank he was in front of she did a quick weapons check. "All good." She said after flipping out all the weapons on the car, probably frightening some, but that wasn't important right now. She turned the corner and now sat in front of the bank. The creature wasn't there any longer but soon after she exited the car a loud howl came from on of the above buildings. She made her way to the ground below the one opposite. Aiming her gauntlet at the ledge, she fired a grappling hook to get herself up. Once on the roof, she faced the freak on the other building. She aimed her pistol with the specialized heavy damage bullets at his chest. The thing looked tough but she wasn't sure if these would affect him or not.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 1:58 pm

Psycho, still fuming about the whole wasted bank robbery thing, began to look around frantically for something worth destroying, his breathing erratic and heavy. His head snapped from one direction to the next, looking for something he could tear apart with his bare hands...and tentacles, but that's beside the point. Just then he caught sight of something rather odd, well not odd compared to himself, but still out of the ordinary. A red headed woman, roughly five and a half feet tall, wearing an rather interesting costume was pointing a gun straight at him. Suddenly, his anger forgotten, a very disturbing smile found it's way to his lips.

"Maybe today won't be such a waste after all..." He said aloud to himself with an evil glint in his eyes. His long over sized tongue reached out between his sharpened fangs and whipped around a little in the air before retreating back into his mouth.

"Hello..." Psycho said loudly over to the woman on the other building. Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell he had something very dark and twisted on his mind at the moment.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 7th 2011, 2:26 pm

Natalia rolled her eyes when when the sick little thing said, "Hello." This guy was definitely twisted. "First, Wipe any sick thoughts you have out of your head now. Second, I recommend you either give up now and face the consequences or I put a bullet through your head. She bluffed, she wasn't a fan of killing people. Mind you if it was her last option she would. She wasn't sure what to do next and ran over various scenarios in her head.

If he jumps at me I'll shoot him. If he stays there and surrenders I'll cuff him. Those were the two that came to mind at the moment. "You have Thirty Seconds to decide." She told him, gun still aimed for his chest. She didn't have any records of this thing yet, so this was going to be unpredictable. Something Natalia didn't like.

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Number of posts : 476
Age : 26
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 2:43 pm

The woman's reaction to Psycho had turned his sick smile turned into a sly grin.

"Oh...You're no fun..." He spoke with feigned disappointment, things would get interesting soon, of that he was certain. He tilted his head to the side and gave her another look over. Yeah, he was definitely certain of that. Taking a few steps forward, closer to the edge of the building and closer to her, Psycho raised his hands above his head, like what the policemen before had been shouting at him to do.

"Alright, you got me. I give up." He spoke, with the same sly smile that he had earlier.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 7th 2011, 2:52 pm

This guy just gave Natalia a sick feeling in her stomach. He was no different than a normal person at this point. Well, a normal person who was twisted and had a sick, sick mind. And that looked like, well, Natalia didn't know what he looked like. So, definitely not a normal person."Turn around." Natalia ordered coldly. She knew this was a trick. No Criminal, normal or super, was going to give up that easy. She shot the ground a few centimeters from his right foot. "Turn around freak." She repeated.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 3:17 pm

Psycho jumped back when the shot was fired, startled and angered by the sudden show of aggression from the woman.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH!? I SHOULD FU...." Psycho had managed to stop himself from finishing his little outburst and calmed down almost immediately.

"Ahem...You only needed to need to get violent on me now..." He spoke, once again with his voice having it's previous twisted tone to it. He then turned around, his back now to the woman.

"Be gentle with me..." He spoke with a tone of playfulness, his toothy grin growing even larger than before.

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Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 7th 2011, 4:37 pm

Natalia was unimpressed by his screams. "With punk like you one can never be sure." She told him when he told her there was no need to get violent. The man's twisted nature was coming out through his voice.

Despite her better judgement she approached him, she always had her hidden blades ready in case. She Pulled out her handcuffs "Any tricks and you'll be sorry." She told him before getting a bit closer. She now stood about three feet away from him, uncertain about this. Most put up a fight but he isn't, something is definitely wrong, "Why so easy?" She asked as she got even closer, ready to snap the handcuffs on him.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 7th 2011, 5:05 pm

For a second Psycho's smile dropped slightly at being called a punk in a moment of false depression, but quickly went back to being as sadistically dark and evil as usual. He heard her approaching him, but didn't do anything until she asked why he was surrendering so easily, he thought to himself, Why am I surrendering? At first it was just on a whim, wondering what would happen if he were arrested, in truth he didn't really know, but then a new thought entered his mind. If physically possible, Psycho's deranged smile grew exponentially and a wave of what can only be described as pure malevolence washed out from him. Several spiked tentacles burst out of his back, aimed directly at a the mysterious woman, and then started thrashing around wildly. All the while Psycho was laughing maniacally.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 9th 2011, 1:05 pm

Natalia dived to the side, out of the way of the spikes flying at her. "Nice trick." She said as she charged at him, sliding under his legs and jumping up in front of him. She backflipped to avoid any attacks he might throw at her. She Shot at his shoulder with her Glock pistol, all she had to do was wound him. Okay, I don't think I was trained to fight people who launch spikes out of their backs. And that is what will make this interesting. She thought to herself as she stood ready for an attack from this vile beast. She wasn't sure what to do besides shoot at it, it seemed like the punch would have no effect. This wasn't the sort of fight that she was used to. Usually the guy was fast or strong or could control something but this guy was strong, durable and could shoot spikes out of his back. Maybe she could trick him into doing something, he didn't seem like the brightest of creatures.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 9th 2011, 3:41 pm

Psycho's laughter died down almost immediately as he saw the woman sliding underneath him and jumping up in front of him, having expected her to have a few new holes in her chest after his attack. His smile still present, Psycho lashed out with the large claw on his right hand at the red headed woman, only to strike the air as she back flipped to escape his attack. He had almost no time to react when she swiftly took aim and countered with her firearm. He was stumbled back as the bullet fired from the woman's glock pistol struck him the shoulder. On instinct, his right hand reached up to the newly created wound, only putting some mild pressure on it. Moving his hand away after a second, he noticed that there was even more damage done to him than he first believed. Normally guns would do almost nothing to him and he could just laugh off what little pain he was given, but this gun actually hurt. It hurt a lot. Despite being a major sadist, enjoying the pain and misery of others as much as any other villain, he far from enjoys his own pain and even if he was used to such injuries, it doesn't mean he was any less aggravated when he happened to get hit by such an attack. A vicious animalistic growl escaped his lips as he clenched his teeth tightly and his glowing green eyes narrowed painfully at the woman, pure anger and hate clearly evident in his stare.

"You..." He spoke lowly, half growling. "You just made a big mistake you little bitch!" His old playful and twisted tone lost, and in it's place was a much darker and enraged one. After taking in a long deep breathe, Psycho released a furious roar as he morphed both of his arms into blades and charged at her, his spiked tentacles flailing randomly behind him. As he got in range, he began lashing out in a feral manner at the girl, with one strike after enough with his bladed arms, screaming the word 'Die!' after ever attempt.

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Number of posts : 59
Registration date : 2011-08-23

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Mockingbird October 10th 2011, 5:38 pm

"Nice." She said rolling her eyes when he called her a bitch, "I've been called worse things by people more powerful than you. They say it right after they're caught. Now, time for you to meet the same fate." She informed him before he let out a roar and charged at her with blades instead of arms. "Haven't seen that before." She noted before she dived to the side to avoid an attack by his arms. During the dive she felt a spike from one of its tentacles scrape her shoulder. it tore through the fabric and left a cut. Thankfully it wasn't deep. "You could just save yourself some time and effort and just give up." She said before firing another bullet at him, this time at his foot. She made sure she was a fair distance away before taking another shot, this time at his arm. If this was successful she would be have him hopping around on one foot or holding his arm. Or maybe he would be on the floor crying out in pain. Any of those worked for her. "I said it once, and I'll say it again. Would you like to surrender and save yourself further injury or would you like to continue this pointless fight until you have as many holes as swiss cheese. Either way, I'm bringing you in."

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho October 10th 2011, 6:45 pm

Psycho's foot was barely grazed by yet another bullet fired from the, still as of yet, unidentified woman's strangely powerful firearm. Had Psycho been standing prone, the bullet would have most definitely went right through his foot, but luckily for him he had been moving around just enough for him to have unintentionally dodged the possibly crippling shot. The woman spoke, but Psycho paid no attention to her words, he was too focused on his goal of slicing her head in two and eating the remains. Stumbling back slightly after the shot was fired, the surprise of the close contact to his foot startling him, Psycho turned back to face the woman once more, but was annoyed by the fact she was quickly putting distance between them both once again. Snarling, he prepared to charge at her only to be caught off guard by a sharp pain in his arm and a loud bang. His facial expression contorting into one of pain, he jerked his neck to the side and his undamaged arm reached up to take grip of the pained area. Inspecting the wound, he found yet another bullet hole, this time just about his elbow. Psycho's head snapped back up to the heroin who was quickly becoming Psycho's least favorite person. He glared dangerously at her and if looks could kill, she'd be dead a thousand times over already. His goal was clear, get the girl, kill the girl and destroy those infernal guns of hers. Now all he had to do was make it a reality and he would be happy. He was snarling animalistically just before unleashing another angered, yet slightly pained, roar at the girl. Letting his rage take control once more, he used his impressive superhuman strength to send him flying into the air and down to where the woman was standing, crashing down to the ground with great force, enough to break right through the roof and into the floors below.

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

Post by Psycho November 27th 2011, 3:58 pm

[Topic now dead and buried]

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Villainy ain't easy Empty Re: Villainy ain't easy

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