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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Stabbykinz January 25th 2016, 12:11 am

With the concert having been evacuated, and not a soul around to watch the food vendors' stands, Tony patrolled the various stands, grabbing his fill of food amidst the commotion on stage. His attention drifted over the 'fight' every now and then with huge disinterest, just so that he could watch over Naomi. Really, he couldn't call this much of a fight.

Decked out in his scrap-plating and costume, he wasn't really planning on jumping into the fray unless Naomi's life was in danger. But her powers seemed rather...broad. Flexible. Seemingly without definition or limit thus far. That and...really, he didn't hold any interest in beating up or killing full-blown heroes. It wasn't his style, and it sure as hell wasn't going to make Japan any safer. When Naomi had left, it didn't take him long to figure out why, judging where she had gone off to.

With his mouth piece off, he munched away at hotdog, dressed in mustard and ketchup. This obsession with Tyuki, her band, and her...apparent posse of super heroes, which was her band and herself included. It wasn't even murderous or hateful. It seemed more...cartoon-ish. Formulaic. A check to scratch off her list of Saturday Morning rendition of villainy. Was she even trying? Maybe she just wasn't capable of that same rage that he was. That killing intent. The revelry in the brutality, the high of the bloodlust. Or, more to the point, maybe this was just an ego boost for her. Something to make her feel important. Relevant.

The latter made more sense as he heard her cackle, and cringed forcibly. This really did remind him all too much of those cheesy cartoons. Yet at the same time, he wondered how she came to choose this particular path in life. She was already a successful comic book artist. He finished his hotdog, and mused that perhaps she wanted to create her own story, with more than just inks and paints. Still, what a terrible way of going about it. But Tony could only chuckle softly as the din continued.

This was coming from the guy who only knew how to paint with red.


Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Chellizard March 6th 2016, 12:37 am

Tyuki's hands touched her temples, and then waved out next to her head while she mouthed 'what.' She repeated this motion a few times. She had no idea what the hell was going on, and her hand motions added to that fact.

The rest of her band was already making their way off of the stage by now, but the one issue among it all was the girl with bright white hair.

"Look, I have no idea if I pissed you off or something, but seriously lady, can you just bugger off?" Tyuki shouted up to Naomi, then making her way toward Bliss.


"HOW DARE YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" Naomi screamed alike to an upset toddler.

"I am NOT done with you Eclipse!" She said, pointing a finger. As she did, a wall formed in front of Tyuki, forcing her to stop in her tracks. Then four more walls and a roof surrounded the heroine.

"If you can figure out this riddle, I'll let you go. No one can help you. If they do, I make the walls shrink around you!" Naomi said, smirking with confidence filling her to the brim.


Tyuki thought it over for a few moments, and then decided the best way was to punch herself out.

The moral side of her hero self decided it was the cheaters way to do it. Then again, Bliss taught her to do better than the average hero.

"Well, are you going to tell me the riddle or what?" Tyuki asked, looking through the semi transparent walls around of her.


Naomi laughed, and wagged her finger.

"I wanted you to feel anticipation! But fine, here you go." She cleared her throat and floated down closer to the box.

"What's dumber than a box of rocks, and always gets kidnapped?" Naomi asked, grinning alike to a Cheshire.

-My DeviantArt-
Nagasaki - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Bliss March 6th 2016, 3:15 pm

"Everything is bad and getting worse. Everyone, stop asking questions and leave!" Most everything once resembling a stage now resembled a trash dump. A nice trash dump where rich people threw away their stuff far from the trash dumps of the poor people, but still, a trash dump.

"Who put you in charge?" Bonnie pointed two arms towards Bliss.

"I voted for fake Yui!" The guitar strap around Kyrie's neck held both pieces of the shattered guitar in order.

Most of Yui's bass remained in tact, but it was also dug into Bonnie's drum kit and buried under the entirety of the stage. "I wanted to vote for myself, but thought fake me is more qualified." Ripples of water ran down Yui's face from the high pitched frequency of Kyrie's voice.

"That's a question! Stop asking questions! Those are dumb answers! Stop being dumb!" Bliss tried her worst to make everyone better.

"Bliss, you've reached your yelling limit for today, or did you forget about the exact change incident at the frozen yogurt stand?" Ashley tried to pick the lock on Tsukimi's handcuffs with a nail file while Tsukimi tried to reach into her pocket for the keys.

"This is an emergency and in emergencies, I am contractually allowed to yell all I want."

"You added that into the contract after I signed it-"

"Shady! You are shady!" Tsukimi worked the key into the lock and sprang her hands before cuffing herself to Ashley and throwing the key down a drain. "I am placing you under arrest for being shady!"

"That's not a crime!" A piece of flooring cracked under the weight of Bliss' foot. "I'm putting you under arrest for thinking handcuffs make you able to arrest people! And why are you handcuffed to someone who isn't even me!"

"She goes where you go. I go where you go now."

"Yeah, I figured that out too. It's pretty solid logic." Ashley held up her locked hand. "We need to get out and- oh Tyuki is getting kidnapped."

"Tyuki!" The lock on the handcuffs opened once more and the cuff levitated towards Bliss. Spotting the only thing that looked evil enough to be throwing things and trapping Tyuki in glass boxes. "People who put other people in glass houses shouldn't- well, I don't a conclusion to that, but I can do this." Telekinetic force flung the handcuffs towards Naomi to try and cuff her hands behind a pillar. Bliss would try to rip the box apart to save Tyuki, noticing the others had left the stage area, pitting Bliss and Tyuki on their own.


Mitsy's Boutique


Nagasaki - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Stabbykinz March 8th 2016, 12:09 am

Followed by the cracking of the stage after a colossal tremor, a gauntlet reached out and tore the cuffs out of the air by the chain, rendering the cuffs useless. There Tony was, in his bloodstained costume, coming to the rescue. He smelled of death and viscera, a fresh kill? Maybe, but he didn't seem to be doing too much at the moment. His head slowly turned to Naomi.

"...Are we done here? Really didn't want to have to put myself out here like this. 'Cause now people know that I'm a thing, and people are going to wonder why I'm covered in blood, and how many people of killed, buncha bullshit I really don't feel like dealing with tonight."

He let the cuffs drop, a huff pouring out the mouth of his unsettling mask. He scooped up Naomi in one arm, hefting her over her shoulder.

"Sorry about that, ladies. Just wanted to say, you've got a good thing going, the band more than the, hero stuff, but I guess that helps, too. You know, you might to pull in more fans by setting up a charity event. I hear the suicide rates are still pretty high."

...What was this sentimental shit Tony was pulling out of his ass?

"Never know, maybe some of your fans need help. They look up to you. Anyways, enough ramblings of a psychopath covered in dried blood, later shitlords."

With a bound and a punch, the masked renegade made his exit with his interest slung over his shoulder, punching a hole out of the concert walls as he made his daring escape. Using his raw super strength, he jaunted away into the night with-...actually, now that he thought about it, did Naomi even have a title?

...Come to think of it, he didn't have one either, did he?

"...Nice going, Dreamcast. I think I saw one of them shit their pants. Shame they didn't wear their brown pants." It was hard to tell whether or not he was being serious, he sounded utterly exhausted.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2015-09-17

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Chellizard March 29th 2016, 1:26 am

Tyuki could feel her stress levels rising. Literally, she was hyperventilating. Add one more thing to her list of fears - small spaces.

The walls weren't that intimidating at first, but coupling it with all the loud noises around of her, and the fact that the walls were closing in more and more as she tripped over the answer to the riddle in frustration, it was getting really intimidating.

"I.. I.. WHAT? I.. PFFBT!" She started breathing faster and faster, her vision was getting hazy, and her head was spinning.

Or she was spinning. She couldn't tell.

Tyuki was snapped out of her freak-out-mode when Bliss came up to the box and started beating it up.

It wasn't until Tyuki saw this that she realized one thing: she was way stronger than average people!!

Stretching her arms, the box snapped under the pressure and fizzled into a sparkly plum colored dust on the stage. The dust then slowly dissipated.

"Everyone needs to SHUT UP. It's TOO LOUD!" Tyuki was so annoyed that she didn't even see the guy grab Naomi and run!
Naomi was just about to jump for joy until Tyuki gave up trying.

"Awwe! Why give up now?!" She asked, clenching her hand. The walls of the box started to come in closer and closer around of the winged heroine.

Unbeknownst to Naomi, Bliss was in action now. The woman was coming for her, aiming to handcuff her mid air. It wouldn't have been hard at all, especially considering the way Naomi was posed, her hands just dangling in the air in front of her.

Lucky for her, Jacket came in at the perfect moment, snatching the cuffs from the air. This would have been fine, had he not also snatched Naomi.


She started beating him on the back, and kicking her legs. Except, they didn't move. Her mind had not caught up to the fact that the sudden surprise left her back in her normal paraplegic state.

Tyuki would normally enjoy advice, or tips from people, but the fact that this guy knew that Tyuki was also Eclipse made her really uneasy.

"Uh... thanks?" She said, just as he ran off with the weird floating box making villain.

"Bliss... I want to take a bath." She whined, looking around at all the chaos and broken band equipment.

-My DeviantArt-
Nagasaki - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Bliss March 31st 2016, 12:31 am

The sole microphone left on the stage tore from the stand and slammed into Bliss' waiting hands. Once the microphone fell within her tightened grip, she brought it up to her mouth. "Bad bitches like me is hard to come by. " Bliss dropped that shit like a bad habit. "Baths sound good. You kinda smell right now, but there are more important things right now. First of all, we probably need to find Chelle because there is like a thousand percent chance she is the devil, or it might be someone else, but who cares. You have to guitar battle him. Also, don't wrack up billions of dollars worth of damage or I lose my company. Also, Jules is your manager now. I'm going to go ahead and just say shut up before you say anything. Oh, and I'm not walking out of this place, so you better start growing wings."

"Everyone grab the most expensive thing you can, we need to make sure we don't leave behind anything we can't sell. We need to make money to cover charges, so we will probably be having a bake sale to pay for the damages, okay?" Ashley picked up a guitar and threw it over her shoulder while picking up an amp. "Whoever makes the most money can get a vacation! To wherever me and Bliss decide to send you." Ashley leaned in for a whisper to the band. "I'll put in more say."

"Who is responsible for this debacle!" Tsukimi wrapped chords around her shoulder as she picked up a snare drum. "There are many people who seem to be-"

Ashley held back her storm of impatience as she ushered the three girls into pack mules. "Grab stuff. Let's leave. Okay?"


Mitsy's Boutique


Nagasaki - Page 2 D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

Post by Chellizard March 31st 2016, 1:06 am

"You can't just mic drop an empty stadium, Bliss."

Tyuki just stood there in front of Bliss, kind of just in awe. The woman just mic-dropped an empty stadium. Tyuki could hear sirens off in the distance, but for now the stadium was empty. It was vacated so quickly, and it didn't help that Tyuki barely noticed anything with all the chaos going on.

"Sometimes I wonder if keeping the band together is a wise thing to do..." She muttered under her breath and then just shook her head. Bliss came up to her and just started speaking and going on and on.

At first, Tyuki wanted to drown it all out, but the sudden mention of Jules being the band manager, and then something about guitar battling the devil, and her Aunt Chelle being that devil. It just all made her head spin.

Tyuki's wings unfolded from behind her back and she grabbed a mic chord and used it to secure everyone's waists together.

"Everyone, hold on and don't let go." She said, securing the last bit of the mic chord around of her own waist. Her strength could handle this, right?

She hoped so.

Tyuki just stood there for a few seconds and pointed at Tsukimi.

"Are we keeping her, Bliss?" she asked, raising her brow lightly. The edge of her tuxedo mask rose with the quirk of her brow.

-My DeviantArt-
Nagasaki - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Nagasaki - Page 2 Empty Re: Nagasaki

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