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Decay [Tsxero]

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 7th 2015, 3:27 am

The hunger of an abyssal incarnate was endless, a dull throbbing that permeated through his being with each breath that he needlessly drew, almost out of habit than anything else. A reminder that he lived, and with it a new purpose that he had given himself. To protect the countless souls that depended upon his existence, one that had become so bound with The Abyss that perhaps it would he could never be unbound from it. Hyperion sat upon his throne, lost within a thought process that could have gone on until the realm itself collapsed. Sheiara stood before him, hands upon her hips as she made a low couching sound attempting to catch his attention. ”I have the information you were looking for.” She noted producing a scroll with a flourish, taking a few steps forward before flinging the scroll onto his lap.

Hyperion blinked, looking to the female with an almost blank stare before turning to the scroll and sighing, picking it up and undoing the red ribbon that bound it. Tossed to the floor, he would return attention back to the scroll and scan over it. Information on the location of a powerful artifact that would perhaps help remedy a problem that he had been dealing with for a small while,  though the pain that this problem brought was enough for him to want a solution quickly. ”Well now, as efficient as always.” Hyperion noted with an almost amused tone, though he knew that Sheiara was perhaps the most useful of his allies, which was why he kept her within that lofty position of her, and that whole ass kicking deal. His eyes scanned to the black blades hanging at her waist, deadly weapons that could cut through even the most durable of flesh, as well as other things.

”I like to stay useful My Lord.” One could sense that she was being somewhat mocking when saying the title. This drew a scoff from Hyperion, as he reclined within his seat and looked up to the female ti'taen, who always seemed to find a way into everything. ”Do you think this will really work?” She would ask, looking around as if checking for another. What she was looking for Hyperion did not know, but there was no one in the area listening, as far as he was aware. The great lack jewel that hung above the throne glistened with a strange iridescence, hiding the dark truth that the gleam showed.

”To be honest I have no clue, but it's better than doing nothing at all.” His voice held more vigor than before, though that was easy considering his prior tone. Perhaps it was that or something else, but a small smirk formed along her lips as Hyperion rose from his throne. ”Looks like can get to the hunt.” Hyperion noted adjusting a wrinkle from his leather jacket.

”Try to keep up old man.” Sheiara noted with a wink, extending a hand outward, taking hold of a strand of grey hair that stood out within dark brown and softly yanking at it. Hyperion grumbled as she withdrew her hand, rubbing his slightly sore scalp while keeping the glare upon the female. Then with a wave of his right hand, a tear would appear within the air and both stepped through it. Chicago was the place that he was going to, and something about that place had a nostalgic feel to it.

Upon stepping out, he could feel the cold wind blowing against his face and sending a shiver up his spine. He hated the cold, no matter what name he went by, and now being split into three pieces, he remembered why he argued against such a stupid idea. ”The human world doesn't change much.” he noted, dressed in the leather jacket, dark colored jeans and same colored shoes. Within an instant the presence of death would spread out, any person within a block feeling a cold shudder that transcended the weather. Despite how warm he had tried to make the clothing, it still seemed that he was cold upon feeling the wind. Removing a pair of shades from his pocket, he placed them over his glowing silver eyes, perhaps to avoid having any unwanted attention drawn to him. Sheiara decided to dress similarly, making sure to hide the glowing markings along her form, much like Hyperion had done.

Where they were heading was a rather rickety looking warehouse, a goliath spattered with red rust that looked down upon the two beings approaching it. An unimposing building but a building that held something Hyperion required.

The Hales could get over some lost goods.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 7th 2015, 11:49 pm

"I never got why the humans tried to ware these things." He mused aloud as he leaned against the fence and wrapped his humanoid fingers through the sporadic holes. He leaned against the fence and looked into the warehouse before rationalizing that it couldn't really be a house that the humans tried to ware. It must have been more of a storage or assembly facility of sorts. There were a lot of signs for that. Rust, coldness, a little sprinkle of rain too. It was a relatively strange place. He found himself staring a little more than he probably should have. Unfortunately he felt no compulsion to go into the warehouse or reveal himself to be anything more than human. He yawned as his mind began to drift to his odd little life he had established in this world. He spent more time here than he did at home most nights. The alley behind him was aloud with the sounds of a mugging in progress. Tsxero didn't mind it though, it wasn't anything he was the type to prevent. He just assumed they were playing around or something like their little human children did.

"Human kids have it so easy..." Tsxero said as he reached down and slipped his hand into a small package of cookies. They were a package that he liberated from the hands of a beach-ball built human child. He did not need them, he had more calories than he knew what to do with. Had he been a child of his people then the beach-ball shaped boy would have been caged and stargev to a more managable size. His size and sheer ability to consume resources was a hindrance to the survival of the people, and he needed to be properly adjusted to fit his purpose within his people. Tsxero had no such authority over humankind however.... so he did the next best thing. He plundered pudgy cookies. Tsxero hadn't eaten all day either, so he would most certainly be putting the calories to better use so it was okay.... right?

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 8th 2015, 12:11 am

”I'm a little surprised a prestigious magical family would hide their wares here.” Hyperion noted, breath becoming a small white cloud as it slipped coldly between his lips. His own musing something to keep the air from growing stale with silence, but then again not as if he expected anyone else beyond Sheiara to respond. Honestly he wasn't even expecting a response, but then again that woman had ways of going beyond expectations.

”It's genius when you think about it. Not like many would consider something so mundane as a place for Arianna Hale of all people to hold her artifacts.” There could have been many other places for one to hold their powerful trinkets, but then again he was not one to argue. This woman had a large amount of experience, and while he held a tad more, hers was true experience while his was something gleaned through The Abyss. All it took was a twist of the handle for the doorway to open, joints creaking loudly as the entrance yawned before him. Darkness was what spanned beyond them, though all Sheiara did was reach outwards and flick a switch to illuminate the room.

The lights would flicker, spreading light across the warehouse as Hyperion examined the area with a cursory glance. An unnatural chill flowed through the building, perhaps colder than the natural one and sending Hyperion into a temporary spell of shivering. This was definitely the location of something interesting, yet what that something was he would find out. ”Now, if I were a powerful sorceress, where would I place a hidden passage?” He muttered to himself as a black fog slowly began to gather within and around the warehouse.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 8th 2015, 2:23 pm

Oh cool... the lights turned on. Someone must be in there. It's too bad, that means people are working and Tsxero can't sneak in and look around the place. Of course he always could go fro a bite to eat. Too many people probably, he didn't need that kind of publicity. Tsxero hummed as he contemplated the nature of his existence, and he decided that curiosity killed the cat and thusly he made the only logical decision there....

 He was gonna kill this curiosity fucker. It was a perfectly good ca and Tsxero was gonna eat it. Now he can't because of curiosity. Time to leave no corner unturned and no beam left unseen by his weird ass alien eyes.

  Tsxero crawled over the fence and started his haste towards the warehouse. He quickly entered by climbing the side of the structure silently and skillfully, only to move through an open window and find that instead of a hustle and bustle of people there was one...maybe two or three? He didn't see or hear too many people running about, which was cool. He wasn't in the same danger he thought he was. Maybe a little more, but the poor idiot didn't know that.

 He kept to the shadows and blinked when he noted that this one lady had some serious tribal ink. Like it was almost repulsive. In his people she would have the layers of skin removed and more appropriate tattoos put in place. Like flowing lines and spiral dementia tattooing. She would be more intimidating an defective that way. That wasn't the right word was it? Probably not, who cares though. Bitch has got some ink. The other one had salt and pepper hair, a couple grey blotting throughout it. What was he old? Or just greying really young? Meh, whatever, Tsxero didn't care. He quietly began to snoop about the area, keeping to the upper tier that was still partially shrouded in darkness.

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 8th 2015, 4:53 pm

”Perhaps here.” Sheiara suggested, before humming disappointingly with a frown. ”Nope, nothing here.” So the search would have to continue, even though they had no idea how something like this worked. Maybe if the female had decided to actually get more information, they would not be walking around like idiots. Hyperion however seemed to be having any easier time, though having an easier time in wandering around aimlessly was not exactly too hard. What he found was a small rune well hidden behind something, though the origin of the rune itself was rather vague. It took a a few seconds of thought to remember that, Hyperion muttering something as a wall seemed to fade away in a small puff of mist.

Despite the fact that on the otherside of the wall was likely an alleyway, this entrance seemed to lead into a seemingly dark hallway. ”I think I found something.” Hyperion noted, motioning almost patronizingly towards the revealed entrance, and garnering an annoyed sigh from Sheiara.

”Illusory wall, looks like something i've encountered before. I'm surprised these Hales even know what they are.” She muttered with a genuinely surprised tone, looking down into the dark hallway, before producing a small sphere of clear crystal.

”Okay, you make sure no one's following, I'll move on ahead.” Hyperion noted, taking the glowing sphere and stepping into the darkness, while Sheiara rolled her eyes and turned upon her heels.

”On it.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 9th 2015, 2:18 pm

Illusionary walls. Pffft even Tsxero knew what those were. Those were walls that were illusions but solid until struck. Tsxero had played Dark souls and was well aware of what the human tricks. What he was wondering about thous, was why were the hailing people using these walls? Wouldn't they just splat on them and then fall through the wall. Unless they were somehow using these walls to safely land and then platform their way down to safety! That must be what they're doing! Good Job Tsxero! You're putting it all together now! He thought to himself happily, smirking as he watched one of the people disappear into the darkness. Oh it must have been a hallway. Tsxero neglected the fact that this type of wall in this situation would be of no use to hailing people, and remained blissfully ignorant to the fact he was a total retard.

The woman seemed to be looking about now, as if looking for motion. He should probably not be seen. Yeah it might be awkward. She'd probably slap him and call him a perv or something for stalking her. Or she might call those people in the blue suits that taste like failure and sugar. Yuck. He silently moved around the edges of the large warehouse, parkour winning maneuvers to keep him form being detected...or at least he hoped. Then, when he was in position....he vanished. He quickly moved through and then into the hallway of darkness. Little did he know he'd very likely run into the person's back as he had no means of seeing anything but a light. A very weird light that distracted him and...yeah they were probably going to collide and roll ass over tea kettle here.

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 9th 2015, 2:42 pm

What was with people and endless dark hallways? Did they think it added some kind of air of mystery to their secret things? Because honestly it was rather annoying to someone like Hyperion, who wanted to steal all of them....okay that made sense. Soon enough likely he would be privy to Sheiara and her witticisms once again, which beat the hell out of boring and silent darkness now that he had time to think about it. ”Hopefully this isn't one of those endless hallways these magical types have these days.” He murmured to himself, not quite aware of the thing moving towards him, which meant it colliding with him did not go well at all. Something collided with Hyperion, sending him pitching forward as the light continued to flutter a few feet ahead of him.

The Abyssal incarnate let out a low annoyed sound as he landed on his knees, catching himself with one hand . ”What the hell was that for?” He growled, expecting it to have been Sheiara, turning around to see....not her. He paused, blinking a couple of seconds as if confused by what he was looking at, before shaking that away and reacting properly. ”What the hell are you? Some kind of monster that's supposed bite off my face or something?” He demanded still irate about the whole being bumped into thing. ”You look like you're from some kind of bad sci fi horror movie I saw once, except less fake.” He noted moving to his feet, and brushing off any dust that may have clung.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 10th 2015, 7:13 pm

Somehow Tsxero running at speeds that seemed to emulate him vanishing and then colliding with someone didn't absolutely floor them. Apparently physics was broken, but Tsxero wouldn't complain. Mostly because he was so dumbfounded that this thing wasn't floored and that it somehow stopped him when it didn't feel that durable. It honestly looked just like one of those fleshy peoples that broke easier than his people's toothpicks. The little thing had a temper though, boy oh boy. It was it's fault anyway! Seriously, it's smaller than him and it was moving slow. Tsxero noted that the thing was angered, and he was fine with being civil, until the man made a comment that everyone except the mundane human said. They said about him looking like a bad Sci-fi alien, which made the ever derpy were-alien just as angry. Seriously, why is he being so judgmental.

  "You look like a little bitch who steals lightning and has a creepy cousin! Logan Lerman wannabe. " Tsxero hissed, the gurgling voice very similar to a Reikling of Skyrim. "Why the grey hairs? Being a wall flower that stressful?" He snapped before forcing his way past and then continuing down the hall at his full speed. Mach 3 burned his skin a little, but he'd live. He was really pissed about that comment. It probably wouldn't anger him that much if people actually explained but No, they just out and said it. Little bitch took a tone with him to. Tsxero decided that next time he'd probably just roar it to death, or eat it or something. He was still hungry after all. He was doing everything he could to reach the end of this hallway though, hoping to find something delicious on the other side.

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 10th 2015, 8:01 pm

Creepy cousins....did he even have any cousins? Hyperion had actually absorbed the whole sentence, but his mind somewhat wandered off around the time he said something about cousins, and he wondered if he actuallly had any. Granted, he found it difficult to even understand what the thing was saying with the gurgling voice, though the comparison to Logan Lerman came as it always did, or did once or twice. Something about the gray heairs, and it was off, a loud boom exuding from the movement that threw Hyperion to the ground once again, though this time was a little more painful. ”Probably off to hunt down Ripley or something.” He muttered annoyed, pushing himself off of the ground and grunting. Where it was hopeing to run though he had no clue, as it would likely not find anything for a long while, or maybe it would kill whateevr guardian there was at the end of this.

”I wonder if human copyright will catch up with it one day.” Sheiara noted with a low chuckle, stepping around Hyperion and smirking.

The darkhallway would stretch on for less than a second for the alien moving at its speed, bfore abruptly ending and leading out into a large, open room with around three passage ways that branched out, though where they went one could only hope to guess. There was nothing seemingly at the end of this, until the floor began to twist and contort, hands of concrete reaching upwards, formed of the very floor as indistinct figures would rise. Vaguely humanoid inshape, they would open large mouths with teeth like daggers ans release a guttural roar, three in total, as one would raise a fist and slam it down. Not superhumanly fast, but the force behind it enough to damage nonetheless.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 10th 2015, 9:12 pm

So now it was strange humanoid stone creatures? Fine by Tsxero. He quickly waited fr the slow things to approach before using superios skill and far superior speed to maneuver out of the way ant with his terrile talons he'd close in and claw at their arm and throat. A twist and a powerful kick he'd try and finish that one off before leaping and latching on to another trying to take it down and then claw the hell out of it. Tsxero found himself now focusing on a final target, one he'd use the same tactic as the first, avoid it's swing then close in after it swings and shred the bitch. He could probably destroy these things with minimal effort. After all he was on par with them (7 Dur was told to me) less than him using 25% of his strength, so if he hit there's no reason he shouldn't decimate them. The problem was hitting them. When he was finished, regardless the outcome he's look around a moment and wait, wanting to understand what those were and why they had done as they did. It's not like he did anything to deserve it. Well he ran over Logan Lerman but that's another story entirely.

"O-f. Off. Offici-ally done. Here." Tsxero stammered and stuttered as he gurgled the words out, his eyes narrowing as he looked every which way. Wait a minute...which was the way out again?

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 10th 2015, 10:26 pm

With little effort the alien creature tore apart the guardians, reducing them to rubble as they fell to the ground and released large plumes of dust. ”Well now, this beast sure knows how to fight.” She muttered with an amused tone, stepping from the shadows of the way that the thing had come in, runic markings glwing a pleasant red color. ”Now, what are you?” She would question, with a motion of his wrist producing a single black blade formed of ann unknown material.

”Now now, no need to start any sort of conflict.” Hyperion stated, placing a hand before the female and stepping ahead of her, looking over the destroyed golems. From Sheirara had witnessed, this thing was something they would not want to trifle with, as it would likely be able to give them a lot of trouble. Well, that being untilt he doorway they had enetered through rapidly closed , wall sliding down into place and leaving them with one less entrance. ”I...really do hate these magical types.” Hyperion muttered with a sigh, glaring at the sealed entrance way before turning to the alien.

”Well now, there goes the exit.” He said with a wry smirk, looking to the alien and then to the remaining hallways. ”So where does that leave us?” He wasn't asking anyone really, approaching the middle of three passageways.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 11th 2015, 11:26 pm

Oh well so apparently now he was trapped here with these guys. Fantastic. Have you ever tried to cage the Tasmanian devil? The cartoon one anyway. Never works does it? Well how well did they think it was gonna work now!? Tsxero snarled at the wall that closed. He made a motion to Michael and the tattooed chick. "Please. Move. Please." He said in broken wording. He'd wait a moment for them to oblige his request, but if after a couple minutes they refused to move it was gonna be a fierce game of red rover. Tsxero charged the wall and hoped for the best. Of course he'd need to be careful, make himself aerodynamic to resist most damages should the worst come to pass, which eh had a sinking feeling it would.

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 12th 2015, 12:34 am

Hyperion blinked, the thing croaking something about them moving, and so he would do that while Sheiara would follow along. Something told him that they would not want to be standing in its way, which was an intelligent move once the thought about it. The thing would move at that high speed of its, one that seemed to even make Sheiara slow, as Hyperion could barely keep track of its movements. It took less than a second for it to collide with the wall that had repalced the exit, a resounding boom filling the room as it would bounce of, leaving a nasty looking scuff on the wall but nothing else. Perhaps if it kept on for a good day or so the wall would give, but they did not have time for that. ” okay?” Hyperion would question after half a minute of silence, arching an eyebrow as he looked to the alien.

”I actually thought he might have broken it, but...I was mistaken.” Sheiara noted with a shrug. ”Looks like you'll be stuck with us, until we find an alternate route.”

”Yay.” Hyperion said with mock enthusiasm, rolling his eyes and sighing. ”While I would normally be against such methods, I think picking a random path might work.” So he chose one and would walk it.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by The Doctor January 12th 2015, 9:32 pm

Tsxero hit the wall, of course he attacked it with a twisting motion, allowing him to suffer minimal recoul as he simply bounched off the wall. He landed on his ass before transforming back into his humanoid form and glaring at the wall. Apparently his strength wasn't all it was cracked up to be. He could hardly hit anyone with the shift in gravity, Hell he couldn't even kill a member of the Master race. he could crush a fucking jumbo jet but for some reason he could still miraculously do nothing. Maybe he should have taken that geneticist's offer... telekinetic strength may have been a bit better. Oh well, he can't help he was born this useless. He'd suck it up and move on...well, he'd suck it up and forget he was useless at all and gthen probably go punch something nad make it's head explode from the sheer force.

Tsxero looked up at the strange people and rubbed his eyes. he was in a white wife-beater, his tribal tattoos around his triceps and torn up brown khakis. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head while looking at his fist, bright red but not swollen or obviously damaged. "Uh..yeah I think. I'm pissed and hardly able to keep myself in this form, but I'll live.... Feel bad for the next thing I run into though." He snarled before shooting up to his feet and brushing himself off. "Speaking of, sorry about that back there. Didn't expect to run into anyone and the...sci-fi comment is pretty much like calling one of your dark humans a bunch of pussy-ass niggers with no testis whose mothers you mated with to steal their drug secrets." He said very matter of factly, perhaps providing insight to just how much of an insult and stereotype it was. Well it was hopefully enlightening at least. The woman had said about an alternate route but Tsxero didn't pay attention. Well he did, but it didn't appear as though eh did. He was busy looking about and trying to find a new way out.

"Well this is a pickle. I need to get out of here. I'm hungry and those little baked things I took from the beach-ball shaped child weren't as high in calories as I believed... I need to get out of here. Any ideas people of Titan?" He was in the middle of asking, but the man was already in motion saying about taking a random path. That never ended well. Oh well, he'd probably end up just as useless on this path as any other.

Decay [Tsxero] The_do10
The Doctor
The Doctor
A Drunk Homosexual

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 162
Job : I'm a Doctor
Humor : "People remember me for being the creature with the child armor...I regret nothing."
Registration date : 2014-07-09

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Decay [Tsxero] Empty Re: Decay [Tsxero]

Post by Samael Christensen January 14th 2015, 3:27 am

The alien collided with the wall, falling flat on its asss, before turning into what looked like some manne rof human. ”Well that's quite the surprise.” Hyperion muttered, raising a single eyebrow confused by the sudden shift.

”I like this form better. Less snarly and more....comely.”

”While i'm not inclined to argue with that, we have more important matters to attend to.” Hyperion noted, gazing into the darkness that yawned within the corridors, one of them strangely enough droawing his attention more than the others. The male snarled, saying something about feeling sorry for the next thing that ran into him, and then explained why he had gotten go huffy. ”I don't understand any of what you said, but i'm going to nod and pretend to understand.” All Sheiara did was chuckle, and roll her eyes, perhaps amused by Hyperions statement.

”Come have a name right?”

”Of course he has a name, everyone does.” As he would lead them along the hallway, which eventually lead them to....a strange looking location, a platform floating over a landscape with crystalinne structures floating around through the air.

”Well, this is interesting.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Registration date : 2012-08-21

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