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The Mennanites (OPEN)

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The Mennanites (OPEN) Empty The Mennanites (OPEN)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 14th 2014, 10:28 pm

Off in the state of Pennsylvania or hero comes to the conclusion he is not a hero, but a crased killer who destroys pointless things and people and has no clue he lost his memory a long time ago. If he had his memories he would be a different person, but skipping the point...

Coronel was making his way to New york onfoot. He had passed threw many of the states from his time down in Georgia. There was probably a clear trail of blood where ever he went so how the police nor the army was on his trail he did not know. It was like picking dirt off the ground describing how easy it was for him to hide even though he had pictures posted in every contry even the one that had no goverment and stived to lived with and without his presence.

He had finally made it to the crapy state no one ever talks about or holds anything in. Why you ask? Because of the retarded people who live here. Say the Amish or the people just like the amish that use energy, or the people who uses everything in society called human beings. What a disgrace. But lucky for them Coronel was here to change the numbers for this state. With more people dead and gone the more popular people could come and the more this state would flurish in fame.

Coronel wonders up to a city hearing about a tour. It would traved 20 miles west and would show all historical marks like the mennonites population, and the great ways of the outdoors and how those failures live in what we call life. With no haste it came to Coronel's attention to turn left and head west. Sure it was a slight detour, but it would be fun.

So making his way down town, walking fast and singing he finally made it to city limits and continued for another 18.8 miles until he come to a sign. Welcome to all visitors! We hope you enjoy your stay and that you live by our customs while you are holding yourself in our village. Thank you- Town head........... Well they wont expect this one out of the blue nor will they think I am welcome when I walk in. As Coronel make his way into the village he looks around as he sees houses hidden in the woods and some spaced in prairies. It seemed private as if no one was allowed out here, but at the same time it willed Coronel's heart. He looked around at the beautiful surrounding filling his heart with more and more LUST to kill EVERYTHING in a 100 mile radius give or take 50 more miles.

He made hbis way down their dirt road as he strepped into a building. He was welcomed by the towns folk as they thought he was touring there and it would have appeared they did not know who he was. Pour people.... Coronel would change this for them. He turned around not giving any speach and made his was down the steps. He walked out into the middle of the road as a carrage was coming through. He thus greeted again and he asked "Have you ever seen a horse's head come flying out their ass? With no hesitation he place his hand on the horses face and in half a second the head was pushed through it's own body, out of its butt and it destroyed half of the cart making it impossible to be worked again. The guy then fell off since there was a shift in the cart. Cornel started laughing as he held out his hand towards the guy and squeezed. As he did the people came out of the building and the guy's body was squeezed with a force of 500 tons. The force made blood allign the streets. It was the telekenetic shile that made the blood stay off of Coronel.
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Mennanites (OPEN) Empty Re: The Mennanites (OPEN)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 7th 2014, 9:59 am

(((The person I made the topic for did not post so if anyone can get their character in to this situation feel free to join))) (1-3 People)

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 31
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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The Mennanites (OPEN) Empty Re: The Mennanites (OPEN)

Post by youngmoney171 November 7th 2014, 4:02 pm

Damonte was in Pennsylvania for only a day or two. He was only walking on a strange road that was leading him to a town. He didn't know what town he was walking towards and didn't care. He just felt it was important. A while later he crossed the city limits and walked another 5 miles. In town he decided to get about a bite to eat. He was feeling particularly hungry.

He walked into a local McDonald's and ordered a Big Mac and a large fry. As he was eating his phone rang. He didn't answer.

Without a doubt, he left the restaurant. He was walking towards the downtown area and overheard a group of visitors talking about a tour. It would show a lot of historical sights of the town. He decided he would care if it showed him who killed his grandfather. It had been 13 years later and it still was a touchy subject.

Damonte saw a shady type of guy who seemed who could do some really mischievous deeds. He decided to tail (but from a safe distance so he wouldn't attract attention to himself). A long time later, he saw the guy make a horse's head go through its butt.

He decided to jump in. It took him along time to put his costume on. With amazing agility, he jumped in between the guy and the horses, just as people were fleeing a building. "It's the Static Spider, bitch", he said. "What's your name."


Status :

Quote : With great power, come great responsibilty

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2014-11-01

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The Mennanites (OPEN) Empty Re: The Mennanites (OPEN)

Post by Gemini November 7th 2014, 5:38 pm

[[Young Money, before you can post to topics you need to get your character Static Spider approved.

Unfortunately most of the staff who can approve things are busy at the moment so you'll have to wait a few days at the most. Your post is void until your character is reviewed and accepted. Sorry.]]
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 111
Humor : You relieved or satisfied a demand or feeling all over my face
Registration date : 2013-09-22

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