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A trip to the country side(Ink)

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 4th 2014, 10:55 pm

After two days of running Envy made it to Kansas or what is known as the country side.
She didn't really have much of a reason to be there other then explore what this world had to offer. As she runs country side she leaves a path of bodies with her family's emblem carved into her victims body death or alive. This was so his bother Chris Mason can find her so they can have their battle to the death. Coming up to a alley way entrance, she finds a homeless person grabbing her leg and and holding a cup up. He got a pissed off look in her eyes and grabbed her sword. She then stabbed right though his chest and then carved her family's emblem in his chest of the circle with lighting bolt going though it. Many people on the street saw this and ran away in fear and a person called the cops. Two police cars zoomed down the street and stopped in front of her. There were four cops in total this will be easy. They started firing at her, but she easily dodges the bullets and cuts down the cops to size. But there was one female cop backing away in fear of her.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 12:04 am

Elsewhere in the city, Pan sits on the swing of the playground outside of Shelly's (12) elementary school. In her lap is a little panda teddy bear and in her mouth is a Popsicle.  She looks out over the long stretch of grass down the hill behind the school.  It's Field Day and the children have all finished a Three-Legged Race. Moments later, Shelly marches up the hill to her and sits in the swing at her side. "Pan, what are you doing here?"

"Did Shelly do good in her race?" Pan asks.

"I came in last," Shelly says.

Pan tilts her head. She reaches into her pocket and hands Shelly a lollipop. "Shelly feel better?" Shelly takes the candy with a half smile. The school alarm sounds and both girls turn back to the building. "What's that?"

"The school bell. It isn't time to go in, yet," Shelly says. "Stay here, on the playground. I'll be back when school's over and we can go to your hideaway after, okay?"

Pan nods as her friend disappears into the school doors. Not an hour later, cars begin to pull up in front of the school, along with buses. Children begin leaving and Pan watches as parents frantically rush their kids into their vehicles. "Ev'ryone's going so fast," she says. Soon Shelly emerges through the double doors, being walked to her parents' station wagon. Pan gets up from the swing and follows. She approaches the car as Shelly father closes the back door to go sit in the driver's seat. "Hi, Shelly's Dad."

Shelly's father, Earl, jumps and collects himself, grabbing hold of the car door. "Christ. Pan, what are you doing here?"

"She came to watch Field Day, daddy," Shelly says from the back seat. "She doesn't know what's going on."

"Some maniac is causing problems further out in town. Their sending kids home with their families."

Pan stares blankly into Earl's eyes and cocks her head. Then she looks down at Shelly through the window. "Okay. Bye."

As the family leaves, Pan follows in long leaps, making sure to stay hidden. Soon they arrive further into the city on their way home, where this speedster was wreaking havoc.
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Location : Orlando, FL
Age : 30
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 9:18 am

Envy ran at superspeed at the cop and slash her at superspeed. The female cop fell to the ground dead and bloody. Envy then took her gun and another from one from another cop. She grabbed as 8 clips from the dead cops not counting the ones in the guns she had now. She smiled at the work she did not knowing someone was watching her.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 9:57 am

Shelly peers though the car window, looking around at all the crashed vehicles and bodies lying around in the street. Her eyes shift up to the front of the car as her father sighs. "This just...who would have thought? In our quiet little town?" Earl says.

"Early, look out!" he wife, Claire, shouts.

Early slams on the breaks as a body hits the hood of the car. Pan lands on a nearby rooftop after an enormous leap. She watches over the ledge to find Shelly and her family's car in the midst of the chaos.
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Location : Orlando, FL
Age : 30
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 11:32 am

Envy heard the sound of a car breaking and turned to look behind her. She saw that the body of a cop she killed hit a hood of a car belonging to a family. She walked over
To the car and shot five rounds into the hood.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 11:40 am

Claire screams as the bullets sound off. Shelly curls in the back seat. Suddenly there is an even louder thud and the entire car seems to jump. Shelly peaks back through the front window. Pan stands, crouching, on the hood between Envy and the family in the car. "Bad lady leave Shelly alone!" she growls.
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Age : 30
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 12:03 pm

Envy was shocked by this new arrival the almost destroyed the family's car. Envy gave a evil smile knowing this was another hero type. She ran back a few feet and shot the remaining bullets from he duel wield gums into pan.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 12:11 pm

Pan holds out her arms to cover the car window as much as she can. Bullets bounce off of her skin like marbles thrown by a toddler. When the bullets stop, she hops down from the car's hood, tears the hood cover off, and throws it like a frisbee at Envy, with the strength of an elephant. The sheet of metal slices through the air at crippling speed towards the speedster.
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Number of posts : 127
Location : Orlando, FL
Age : 30
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 12:15 pm

Envy dodged the Hoodie of the car with ease and ran towards Pan. She then ran circles around pan at top speed to cut off oxygen while shooting another clip in to her.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 12:26 pm

Pan holds up her arms. As the oxygen begins leaving her lungs, she seals off her airways, holding her breath. Then she stomps down on the street, hard. She kicks up a small shockwave with the intent of tripping the girl up, which should send her flying, given her speed. "Lady better leave," she says.

"Shelly, Claire, out of the car," Earl says.

"Early-" Claire protests.

"It isn't safe, here. The only way we're getting out of this is to take the risk to get away from here."

Claire looks back to her trembling daughter in the back seat. Soon the family emerges from the vehicle. They begin to rush away as Pan occupies the speedster.
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Location : Orlando, FL
Age : 30
Job : Comic Book Writer, Web Video Producer, College Student
Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 12:47 pm

As Envy was running around her, she was mean with a shock wave sending her flying. Lucky for her she recovered quick enough to see the building she was heading towards and was able I run on it and down it towards Pan. Even though she recovered for the wave she had a few scratches on her. As She came up to Pan she quickly ran behind her an vibrated her hand at superspeed so she can virbrate it through her chest and grab her heart.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 9:21 pm

Shelly hugs Pan's teddy tight to her chest as her parents guide her off to safety. She looks over her shoulder. In the distance, Pan leaps clean down the street, landing on someone else's vacated vehicle. She growls at the speedster, tearing a door from the car beneath her and then one from the car beside her, slinging them both in the speedster's direction.

Over the scene, a news helicopter watches. The fight plays out over screens across the county. The "Panda Girl," Mezzoton Grove's Ankle-Biters' Avengers, squaring off against an unidentified speedster.

"I already told Running-Lady! Run AWAY!" Pan growls, bearing a couple of her fangs.
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 9:38 pm

Failing to get into her chest, Envy saw the doors coming at her and sliding under one of them and side stepping the other one. He then ran at top speed towards Pan hoping to break the sound barrier when passing her, so she can get hit by the sonic boom, while emptying a clip into Pan's head
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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Ink September 5th 2014, 9:48 pm

The bullet bounces from Pan's skull and Pan plants herself in the street like a tank, covering her ears at the sound of the boom. As Envy draws near, Pan grabs hold of the nearest car and swings it around at her like a baseball bat, with the full intention of sending her for a home run. "Running Lady's leaving! NOW!"
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Registration date : 2014-03-22

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A trip to the country side(Ink) Empty Re: A trip to the country side(Ink)

Post by Bonjove September 5th 2014, 9:56 pm

As Envy drew near the panda girl took a car and used it as a baseball bat. Envy ducked at the last second avoiding the attack."Limbo time."
She then ran around her hoping to shot the gas tank of the car so it would blow in Pan's hands.
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