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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Khemia August 2nd 2014, 9:57 pm

Khemia looked out above the city as his eyes darted back and forth. The moon gleamed in the night sky as it tugged on his black tang top. He form was quite compact but well built as his long black dreads swing in the wind, the red parts fluttering as if they had a mind of their own. He smiled as he saw some trouble brewing in a circle of commoners huddling together in their small ghetto games.

"Mufuckin niggas gamblin, always causing trouble." His more urban nature and attitude awoken suddenly as his red eyes sparked to life. He shook his head as the circle begin to move with a new life.

Yelling and a barrage or cursing followed as soon enough a fight broke out. Soon more screaming and even a child like screaming broke out. Suddenly Khemia could not watch anymore he jumped and he jumped high. An soon enough his body was engulfed with enough will that it made any normal human stop and watch the falling red thing in the sky. Soon enough many begin to back up pointing into the sky as he came down even faster.

"Aye dawg what the fuck is that?? One man said to another as the red dot got closer.

Soon enough he circle cleared out even more as he begin to get dangerously close to the ground for well at least the more common folk. More screaming ensued as he got within a few hundred feet and it became painfully obviously we was going to land feet first and at this range they would be able to make out what he was. A shoe less man flying through the air covering in an abundance of a red good like substance. He bounced off the ground as it puzzled everyone as to why he bounced back up then down and finally came to a small bounce then a stop.

He looked around at them as the goo was absorbed into his skin his red eyes locked with almost everyone around him as they pierced their very soul.

"Will yall stop being typical niggas for once. Always fucking fighting and arguing over money." Khemia looked around as a bottle was hurled his way. Of course he caught it and crushed it in his bar hands sprinkling the glass dust at his feet then promptly stepping on it to crush it more.

One voice in particular went "Oh shit!" as he did so. He smiled looking in the direction of the bottle as a man in a black hoody and jeans stepped forward.

"What nigga you think you the only tough on out here?? Get off my block for I beat yo ass." The man in the hoody said waving his hand around extra hard for emphasis. This made Khemia scoff rather loudly as he bent off following the scoff with a loud rude laugh in the mans face.

This angered the man in the black hoody (lets call him Black) Black looked at Khemia as he vanished before the crowds eyes. A burst of wind begin to pick up around them specifically around Khemia. No one would of guess that Black was an extra fast meta. Khemia however did not care as black arched in for a spontaneous punch Khemia pushed his fist out making black run straight into it. This launched Black back and Khemia did not even budge. His eyes sparkled with a rather boredom even more insult to Blacks injuries.

Black stood up out of fear as he reached into his front pocket hoody grabbing out a semi automatic weapon pointing it towards Khemia in a sideways like manner.

"What now nigga?!?! Huh??!?! What now?!?!" Black yelled loudly.

Khemia looked at his nails as he exhaled on them and rubbed them against his nails, he then helded them in the air in the light as he stared at them blankly. The enraged black pulled the trigger as Khemia snapped left in a blur launching forward his right hand outstretched as he caught all the bullets fired while proceeding forward and in an even quicker process everything was over. Black layed slumped on Khemia's arm. Khemia's arm pushed all the way through blacks chest cavity elbow deep. Khemia looked around as everyone watched in horror he unwrapped his hand as all the bullets fell to the ground with a small chink chink sound. Blacks body went limp and then slowly started to unheat as his face went pale. His hoody dropped from his face revealing an abundance of facial hair. No body loved this man, no body even wanted this man. But somehow they were crying spilling tears for his dead boy. Khemia dropped his hand as black fell off his arm leaving Khemia's arm stained with blood. A small tear fell from Khemia's eye but he held his head down as the unseen tear fell to Blacks jacket unnoticed. IN a shaky voice Khemia spoke once and once only.

"Anybody else want to die tonight??" With that everyone scatter quicker than mice as Khemia just stood there. The night got utterly silently as he just stood there his bloody arm shaking

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2014-07-28

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Geo August 2nd 2014, 10:26 pm

A boy with a book in his hands. That's all Geo Maison was to the citizens around him that attempted to push past him. It was only natural for them to be in a hurry...this was the worst time of the night to be out basking in the moonlight. They wanted to get home to avoid the crooks, gang members, and hoodlums. However, that's precisely what Geo was looking for tonight. You see, meta humans are an interesting species. They do not want to be noticed during the day, so they use their powers during the night more often. What did Geo want with these meta humans? Well, he wanted to observe, of course.

Mr. Maison was dressed in a less than flashy attire, all the more to not attract attention to himself. His black t-shirt was covered by a gray, long sleeved jacket with many different pockets. His pants and shoes were worn out from walking through the dirty streets, but he didn't care much. He ran a soft hand through his curly black hair, scanning the book intently as he walked along. It was unknown just how he was walking and reading without crashing into a wall or getting hit by an incoming car.

"What now nigga?! Huh?! What now!?" A man's voice and the sound of a gun firing, then a scream, and...then nothing. Even to him, a telepath, the man's mental voice just stopped. Another death...but, it wasn't the man who had been shot at who had been killed, he could sense that much. Geo closed the book he was reading on genetics and placed it in his inside jacket pocket, then altered his path into the alleyway next to him. There seemed to be a group of people who were watching the death of the man, and a boy screaming and shouting at them from the inside of the circle.

"Anybody else want to die tonight?!" Then the rest scattered, except for Geo. He stood there, his arms crossed and his head slightly tilted. He was examining the murder scene right before Khemia's eyes without even acknowledging that the meta would notice him. It was a bit rude to some, but Geo believed that it would be best not to say anything at this moment. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a notebook and pen, where he kept notes of his observations, and began jotting down notes of what had happened. The sound of the scribbling pen on paper was loud in the silence of the night.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Chase2000 August 2nd 2014, 10:58 pm

Chase was on a roof eating Ramen, just people watching. well, more like he was looking at the outlines of people. That's all he could do since he was experimented on. Thats all. Outlines. Multiple outlines of trees, buildings, and people. He then took his last slurp of ramen before tossing it off the roof. he saw the outline of the bowl fall until he heard it break. He decided to get out of their before some people started looking up at him. Chase started flying over the town just relaxing when he suddenly saw another person on the roof looking down at some hoodlums. Chase was wondering why was he evne on the roof, until he jumped off. Chase then got wide eyed and landed on the roof. and saw, somehow, the man (Khemia btw) was on the ground perfectly ok. At one point the man crushed a bottle with his bare hand. "What the hell? Whats with that guy?" Chase asked himself. He then saw a Weapon ge pointed at Khemia. "Okay, I think I should step-" He then saw Khemia move to the right pretty fast. he then saw Khemia kill the guy. Chase once again got wide eyed when he saw everybody running away. Chase, himself jumped off the roof, landed, and got right in Khemia's face and said "What the hell was that?"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Vile August 2nd 2014, 11:26 pm

Smooth bare feet touched the damp concrete of Chicago's roads. These feet were attached to incredible legs which were dressed with plant life. At the hips, a large maple leaf covered the 'front door' while a wooden branch curled along her buttox and up her spine, however, her bust remained exposed. Her arms swayed perfectly, and ivy ran through striking ginger locks and weaved through the air, creating an alluring and beautiful effects. Her face matched everything else - beautiful, alluring... dangerous. Thistle had always hated the night. There was so little sun and she had to rely on her plants for vision more than she'd like too.

Behind the mysterious and mighty looking female, came a chaotic spurt of growth. Wherever her feet touched the floor, grass grew and spread outwards. From this grass came a truely astounding variety of flora. From Roses to oak trees, they simply began to grow in the middle of the street. Vines curled around lamposts, and crushed, causing the bulbs to explode. Anyone who was still walking around at this hour and had not fled from the sight disapeared almost as soon as the growth overtook them. They barely had time to scream. Wooden limbs had began growing along the sides of buildings, and Chicago was starting to look like a real urban jungle. However, Thistle glorious display was interrupted by gunshots, and then a sharp scream. "Well... that was quick." She'd assumed that it was the first of many attempts to try and repel her rampage, and from the sounds of it - it had ended hilarious.

In the allyway that the gunshots had originated from, vines and ivy curled around the corner and immediately covered the ground - and started to slither up the buildings, breaking through some windows in the process. The gangsters and hoods looks shocked at first but then, from around the corner, came Thistle. With her flawless face, exposed chest and imposing stance, she was enough to strike both fear and lust into the hearts of most men. Around her feet, grew nettles and thorns, which slowly curled around her ankles. "Well, well well...' she closed her eyes, leaning her head to the left before flicking her eyes open, creating a sternly seducting stare. 'What ever have we here." She chuckled, and allowed a hand to rest politely on her collar bone, giving her a surpirsingly regal appearance. The ivy in her hair allowed it to curled around her wrist. A purple tongue slid across purple lips, and then a wicked smile filled her face.

Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Maxresdefault
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 184
Location : Chicago
Job : SHRP Champ
Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Khemia August 3rd 2014, 1:23 am

Khemia looked around at the abundance of meta-humans the rage in him boiled up as his eyes fluttered with tears.

" I told you all to leave!!!! Now!!!!" He lashed out at the closes person to him and that was simple chase.
The dirt around him shifted as he lashed his fist back with a blur and sent it forward into the mans chest. The punch was so fast and rather loud flushing from the interacting of their flesh that a loud thud would resound. Khemia angered used his full force behind the punc h and his full speed his small compacted, fist packing 30 or so tons with 200mph flying straight into ones chest would do a bit of damage and surely send the man or rather boy flying.

He crouched as he looked back at the others holding his fist.

" I said leave now." His voice was stern and harsh as he spoke.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2014-07-28

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Geo August 3rd 2014, 1:33 am

The boy writing down notes looked up from his notepad, taking a mental note that further documenting would upset the subject even further. He also noted the appearance of two other who could seem to fly, and another that...oh.

Geo's face flushed a deep red color that he hoped couldn't be seen as his eyes fell upon the graceful, and very visible, curves of the woman who had just entered. He stuffed the notepad in his jacket pocket and looked away for a moment to recollect his thoughts...surely he could at least make out some words for now. He'd also have to make sure to be focused in case the initial subject became too unstable. He wanted to see what would happen, but that didn't mean that he was going to be stupid about it.

"Ahem...sorry for my rudeness. I am Geo Maison, a professor working on the metahuman genome. Hmm...interesting. Ehm...would you mind all telling me your names?"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2014-06-13

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Chase2000 August 3rd 2014, 3:16 am

Chase, seeing what he just saw, knew he was the kind of guy to punch before saying anything. Thinking this, When Chase asked him what his deal was, Chase immediately flew back a couple feet. Turns out, he was right. He saw Khemia throw a punch. "Okay, so I see your not really the talking type." Chase told himself. He then saw a couple of outlines appear. "Okay... just a couple more people. No big deal." Chase once again told himself. "Ahem...sorry for my rudeness. I am Geo Maison, a professor working on the metahuman genome. Hmm...interesting. Ehm...would you mind all telling me your names?" Chase then turned to see one more outline by itself. "Oh jeez." Chase said. Chase then decided to turn his upper arm into a electric sword. "This should be fun." Chase mumbled to himself looking at everybody one more time.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 18
Registration date : 2013-06-14

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Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas. Empty Re: Unfortunate Meeting of the Metas.

Post by Khemia August 9th 2014, 4:22 pm

Rp Closed ended done over finished

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2014-07-28

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