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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 10th 2014, 9:47 pm

Jason did keep on running. He didn't ben hesitate after the bullet hit him. Even when that goat thingy made another weird as transformation. When the teeth shot out at him, Jason let his body relax. This was going to be easy, just relax.

The teeth did hit him. Least they would have if he was realt there. Jason gave into his fire form, ignoring the very ground on fire, lighting the place up like a bonfire. The attack simply passed through his body as he phased. Coming out the other side, Jason landed and caused a small circle of flames around him.

And had clear shot of both bodies of the shadow creature. Shoving out in both direction with his hands from his core, Jason launche twin fireballs the size of trucks at both targets. Jason wasn't holding back anymore and was making these some of his hottests and fastest flames possible. They werent the lightning fast strike that had gotten the man earlier, but there were pretty damn close. The man may have doused the normal lights but Jason was already throwing around enough fire to see by

Last edited by Ace_ on July 11th 2014, 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 10th 2014, 11:17 pm

How exciting kagaro thought.. As his attack just phased thru ace.. This man is so very interesting.. Direct attacks arnt going to work it seems.. Then Ill have to cheat.. Even as ace phased the shadow on the ground had continued to grow.. As he moved kagaro moved, within the ameba, gliding back from Ace.. As ace pulled his fist to his chest Kagaro stomach jumped into his chest.. He pulled in into a sphere and crouched as fast as he could while hardening the shadows around him as much as he could, which wasn't fast enough.. The TRUCK SIZED, fire balls launched out from aces fist.. He was close though, so it didn't need to be fast.. It was going to hit him, Kagaro panicked.. The explosion was powerful the blasts thunderous.. One leaving a crater in the ground opening into the sewers.. The other one hit Kagaro almost square but a little to the left.. He had managed to harden enough of the shadows to cushion the blast, almost.. Kagaro came flying out the other side a little to the left of ace.. Do to the concussive force of the blast.. A bit of the shadows still clung to him smoking from the heat.. Its were most of the damage came from.. That gave kagaro an idea.. Before he could skid across the ground for very long, he used the shadows to stand him up right and halt his backward travel.. Kagaro crouched in a feral stance still floating within shadows.. He was smiling very large.. A black fog formed very quickly in the street so thick that even Aces light couldn't penetrate.. Before he lost sight of him he judged ace was twenty feet away now.. No matter, he thought.. The fog reached the tops of the buildings but was only about fifty yards wide along the street.. Kagaro glided to his right, while sending out a shock wave thru out the shadow on the ground.. It was like pulling the carpet out from underneath aces feet.. Except with enough force to throw him several yards..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 11th 2014, 8:50 pm

Jason grinned as he got a lucky blow on the guy. That was a lot of power he had been packing behind it. Whatever the hell happened, Jason had sent the guy flying. Did't look quite crisp enough though. Jason would just have to turn up the heat even more then. He fell into his guard stance as he began to wait for the guy to appear... only for a black fog to start showing up. That wasn't good. Jason began to back up a bit then the ground started to shake.

"What the hell..."

A ripple came through the ground... no the shadows coating the ground! It was like a wave. Jason tried to ride it but it was to much. He lost his balance and was sent skidding along the ground. He sprung back on to his hands then to his feet and formed fire underneath his feet. He rocketed out of the blasted fog, coming to just the edge of the fog. Jason couldn't see just how far it stretched from his spot on the street but he had gone at least 15 yards or so to get out of it. He backed up a little more so he was a good 5 yards away from it.

"That all you got? Good... My turn"

Jason clapped his hands together just once as he began to gather energy. He watched the fog from his edge of it, ready for anything.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 11th 2014, 9:07 pm

Unfortunately ace was on fire or he would have breathed in the fog, Kagaro would have had him then.. Kagaro couldn't see ace but he could hear him take off in flight.. So he thinned the fog ever so slightly only enough to see a dim light in all the darkness.. Ace being the brightest at night would be the first thing to be spotted.. Kagaro focused for a moment to judge the correct spot to do this.. Even though his opponent was on fire creating so much light.. He was only fifteen feet away from the fog.. The shadows are soundless as the whole fog began to stir under Kagaros intense focus, now on his power.. Fog stretched around ace roiling as if in a boil.. and then after about ten seconds suddenly stilled.. a thin tendril extend from the fog at a exact angle that it would appear as nothing more then a speck if looked at head on.. From the side a black line in the distance it was so small.. Unless you reached out to touch it, it was hard to know it was right in front of you.. This one was underneath ace a little behind him.. It reached up quickly, and with sudden swiftness it lashed out like a whip thickening as it went.. All silently.. With suddenness it would go for Aces throat to yank him down with as much force as it could, all the while thickening..

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 11th 2014, 9:20 pm

Jason was waiting, compressing more and more energy as he watched the fog. This was going to be his strongest attack yet... if only he had a target! The calm was damn worrying to Ace so he loosened up his form again, ready to phase through another strike. He was about to attack when he felt some movement behind him. Eye widening, he turned but would have been to slow. the whip like atatck sailed striaght at his neck. And nearly got him. When It came into contact with his skin, Jason let go of his form once more. It sailed straight through him and he reformed a faction of second later and jumped backwards.

"Damn him......"

Jason couldn't help it now, he had stored to much energy. He punched forward as his fist turned into fire. He muttered to himself

"Fire Fist"

And unleashed a massive torrrent of fire. It filled up the entire street and pushed forward faster then any bullet. Jason didn't know how far this fog went but this fire would continue on well longer then a football field.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 11th 2014, 9:45 pm

Thank god he yelled his attack out like some anime character.. Kagaro luckily forms constructs with his mind.. That entire time he had been focusing his mind ready for such a event.. tho the scope of his attack was daunting.. It would have over powered any one if they hadn't had all there will focused as much as kagaro.. True he couldn't respond fast but the fog resisted the fire.. For just a moment.. That moment was all Kagaro needed to teleport into the sewers under five feet of material.. Burned and enraged.. crouching in the running sewer smoke filling the small chamber.. Kagaro was enraged to a extreme.. He had third degree burns on all his extremities, his face and his head.. Luckily he always wore his shadows in combat.. They kept him alive..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 11th 2014, 9:52 pm

Jason walked in the now cleared out street. There were small fire burning on some of the buildings, but with a wave of his hand he pulled the fires back to him and into a ball. Jason looked around for a second, wondering where the hell this guy could have gone. Jason didn't think he had fried him, villains never went down that easy. He kept on looking till he spotted the crater he had made earlier. Jason paused... Thats where he would have gone if he had been in a pickle. Jason raised his hand shoulder level then snapped his fingers. He sent of a medium strength fire ball about the size of a base ball at the sewer line. once it got in the line though it would explode outwards in a fiery eruption


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 11th 2014, 10:02 pm

Kagaro could see the light from the fire ball as it came into the sewer.. Luckily it was up stream.. This guy is so predictable, kagaro thought.. Now I know his MO.. Kagaro was gunna think small.. At the same time he built a ramp To guide the explosion over him and up.. Deflecting the damage.. Kagaro then glided down the sewer.. Casting his shadows as he went covering the street once more..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 11th 2014, 10:11 pm

"Oh no, not this time dick."

Jason sprinted to the whole as he left a trail of fire to help counter the shadows on the ground. That guy wanted to stay in the sewer? That was just playing into Jason's hand. Jason got right next to the whole  and punched striaght down, unleashing a powerful torrent of fire down the pipe in both directions. The pipe only served to concentrate the fire so its effect would be even stronger then before. The heat alone would be intolerable to most people, as it caused the water to evaporate on contact

"Fine, stay in there!"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 11th 2014, 10:29 pm

As ace ran the water continued to build up.. Kagaro grinned thank you.. Even if ace cast fire as he ran it only made the shadows retreat from him but in the confines of the tunnel.. His power didn't retreat as ace approached the tunnels entrance, the waters movement helped protect the shadows from his light.. So when Kagaro built his wall, for ace had fallen for his trap.. He only had to keep the other one up.. and build a wall on the opposite side of the sewer.. All that power all that fire.. Instead of allowing his wall to crumble he used the force of the fire to rocket him back deeper into the sewer..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Ace_ July 11th 2014, 10:58 pm

Jason sat down tired, there ws no way he could pump more fire into it without collapsing the entire sewerline. He didn't know if this guy was still breathing, but Jason wasn't willing to chace after him even further. Too much destruction had already been had. Jason began to look around and start repairing the damage caused by them both. Luclky, it was only the street that had been really damaged, the crater in the sewer pipe doing most of it. Should be an easy fix for the meta humans the gov used to repair damage.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2014-06-19

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

Post by Dragonflizzle July 12th 2014, 11:47 am

Hot smoking and enraged.. kagaro panted deep in the sewer line.. "I will get my revenge".. Kagaros wounds will heal in a few days.. If not in hours.. Growling Kagaro stumbled further down the tunnel.. to his next act..

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Ended

Post by Dragonflizzle July 12th 2014, 12:07 pm


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 77
Registration date : 2014-06-28

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Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Candle in the Night (Closed for DragonFizzle)

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