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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Samael Christensen June 14th 2014, 2:50 pm

”Large wolf sighting near Tampa Bay Florida.” Aaron noted, as his eyes scanned over an internet article, dull brown orbs moving from one end of a sentence to the next. Some people had stated to have seen a demon, a being in red armor wielding a strange demonic sword, but even in a world of metahumans that was impossible. The thought made the male scoff as he reclined within his seat, turning to Ryan who was sitting in his own chair and sighing lightly at a small picture held within his hand. It was sad really how sad he looked, but more sad as in bad than sad as in the emotion. ”You act like you're never going to see him again.” Aaron added tapping away on the keyboard of the laptop, still looking for more information upon this mystery animal.

”What if I don't? What if we never return to our time, and I somehow manage to change things and...mess everything up?” Ryan said worriedly, chewing on his lower lip lightly as he blinked a couple of times and placed the image down on the table. It was one of him, smiling widely with one arm over a dark brown haired male who seemed to be rolling his eyes, which were indigo in color.

”You will.” Aaron said with a certain air of assurance, pressing a single key as the printer began to make a whirring noise, paper being processed loudly. ”Now stop worrying over that and lets get to work on more important matters, like this.” he added pulling the printed paper from the printer and sliding it to Ryan. It smelt of warm paper, the black ink that was etched upon the paper fresh, as if a touch would smeer it.

”Large wolf? Do you think it's who I think it is?” Ryan asked blinking a few times incredulously and then smirking widely as if this were the best break they could have gotten. ”We're gonna check this out aren't we?” He would asked looking to to Aaron wand waiting for some manner of confirmation. The male cocked an eyebrow, and looked to him for a moment before nodding.

”Well if we want to get back to where we came from, then we have to look into this anyway.” He admitted shrugging and closing the laptop cover slowly, looking over to his twin for a moment as if gauging him. ”Alright, I guess we should get moving.” He noted standing to his feet and loudly popping his shoulder.

”Get going where?” Brandon asked peering into the room, dressed in only a pair of gym shorts and ruffling up the blond hair atop his head lightly.

”We're checkin out a lead. We'll probably be back in like a day or....uum two dad.” Ryan noted with a small amount of excitement, Brandon smiling lightly and nodding. ”Unless you wanna tag along or somethin.”

'I would loooove to guys, but I have somethin planned with Niall and I would hate to skip out on him.” Brandon said with a wide grin making sure to not sound as if he were ditching them. Aaron rolled his eyes, but that did not decrease the smirk.

”Try not to wreck the house you two.” He said with a chuckle as Brandon nodded with a sheepish smile before ducking out of the room. 'Alright, lets get movin.” He added standing to his feet, Ryan slipping the picture into his wallet and following after Aaron.

How they reached the city from Chicago was by a private jet owned by the Hales, Ryan mostly napping on the way there while his brother was busy worrying what they would do once they encountered this mysterious wolf. The flight itself lasted for around eight hours, Ryan snoring loudly until he coughed and lurched awake with the sunlight peering through the window by the seat that he was sleeping in, with a thin blanket set over him. He grumbled lightly, smirking at Aaron who was still reading over something and mumbling lowly to himself about werewolves or something along those lines. They had landed, Aaron standing to his feet as he walked out of the plane and looked to the blue sky, one hand shielding his eyes as he sighed. ”Alright, where do we go next?” He asked licking his lips and turning to Aaron who was workin on his shirt, buttoning it up all of the way and his wings rustled underneath his shirt.

”From what I heard it was on the outskirts of the city, though occasionally people have sighted it within the city as well.” Aaron noted reading off a paper and looking up.

"Alright, lets start by lookin the last place it was sighted.” Ryan noted and within minutes they were in a large park, with the occasional spread of bushes and trees, the sun still high within the sky as Ryan’s eyes took an unearthly glow, scanning for something. What he caught was a strange dark energy, one that was familiar in many ways and one that he could not ignore, as he darted off towards the source. Which was a large black wolf that was trailing through a trail, blood flowing from its muzzle, along with a severed arm clenched within its mouth.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Re: Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Blacklight June 23rd 2014, 8:07 pm

Rick was starting to acclimatise to the US; every now and then he would miss home a little bit but altogether he was getting used to life over here and was starting to consider making the move permanent. Of course there was his dad back in the UK, which was always going to be a really hard factor to leave behind, after all he was still such a huge part of Rick’s life. This wasn’t the only factor of course, Rick had always wanted to be a detective and he currently had a job at Scotland Yard! That was an absolute dream for him, but ever since the whole superhero thing had started, it had been tricky. Only yesterday the chief had been on the phone telling him that he had to come back soon as he was required for some ongoing cases. There was plenty of reason for him to stay in the UK and they all made a lot of sense, but a voice in the back of his head kept telling him he would be needed more here and it was impossible to drown out.

This particular sunny day he had found himself in Tampa Bay, Florida. Gorgeous blue skies filled the sky as Rick kicked back on a bench and soaked up the light. He was wearing a basic grey t-shirt and some denim knee length shorts, a souvenir baseball cap with I❤NY emblazoned on it sat loosely on his head. He was spending an hour or so admiring the beautiful scenery, as well as some of the finer females Florida had to offer. On the bench next to him was a newspaper of sorts that had just been left by a previous occupant for anybody to enjoy. On the front cover was an artist rendition of the rumoured “Wolf-man” that had been sighted not to far away from the park Rick was currently in. He couldn’t help but muster a little laugh at the image, a large, dark, snarling beast with devilishly red eyes staring out of the front page. He had always heard stories of mythical beasts and monsters, but had never really put much thought into them. He wasn’t a great believer in anything like that, but ever since his world started getting crazy he tried to keep a relatively open mind.

Standing up from the bench he decided to try and clear his head for a bit, this was kind of a vacation after all. He walked closer to the edge of the pond in front of him and looked around for the ducks that you could guarantee would inhabit a pond like this. The strange thing was that he couldn’t see any of them. Not a single duck, in fact he’d barely seen any wildlife at all. Confused, he took a step back from the waters edge and at first thought he had stepped in dogs mess, but on closer observation realised it was a thick blood-like substance. Probably left by a dog or a fox, but he thought checking it out might not be the worst idea. Discretely he emitted a faint UV glow from his right palm that revealed a significant amount of residue around the initial patch of blood he had found. It was too public and open to change into his costume so he pulled his cap down a bit and proceeded very subtly. There was a trail of blood droplets that he could follow across the park to a secluded trail on one of the far sides. There were no people around this side of the park, so if there was an issue Rick could deal with it fairly swiftly and covertly, with absolutely no risk of civilian casualties in the mix.

As he made a move towards the trail he saw two kids approaching the secluded area, they were in the late teens and even from this distance it was easy to tell they were twins. They were looking very inquisitively into it and were definitely going to venture further in when given chance, probably heard the rumours and wanted to get a look at a real life werewolf!
‘Please god,’ he thought ‘Don’t let it be a bloody werewolf’
With his cap pulled firmly on to his head, hopefully disguising him at least a little bit, he charged onto the trail ahead of the teens to get between them and whatever had caught their attention. The large black beast was mere feet away from him, blood dripping from a limb trapped in its nightmarish maw.
“Alright guys, you’ve had your fun but now you really need to leave!” he shouted back to them, “Don’t worry, I got this!”
A large glowing sword began to form in his hands, casting a violet light over the beast and ground. Spinning it in his hands he slashed at the Wolf’s chest with poor placement, cutting the beast but hardly even wounding it. Leaning towards him it let out a mighty roar in his face, as he held his ground steadily.
“Ah shit” he mumbled to himself, upon realising he may have just pissed the monster off, rather than achieve anything useful.
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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Re: Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Samael Christensen June 23rd 2014, 9:06 pm

Ryan blinked, hearing the sound of someone calling to them and saying that was over. He did not recall having any fun, which somewhat confused the male as he turned towards the source of the noise and cocked his head to the side. 'no...I think you need to leave.” Ryan stated simply, glaring slightly at the male as if his implications were rather annoying, and they were. If he knew how powerful the ethereal was, then maybe he would have spoken differently but he did look rather....unimposing. Okay, Ryan was the least imposing thing that had ever live and his twin was about the same, though he had lean muscle that was more prevalent than for Ryan. Within an instant the male would produce a glowing sword and then attack the wolf, drawing a small cut along its chest as the thing growled and began to take a few steps back.

So they were dealing with some kind of metahuman? ”Awwww looks like you hurt my little pet.” A voice tutted, Ryans head snapping to what looked like a male standing atop a tree, smirking to himself as he watched the little display. He shook his head as the wolf would slink away from the metahumans and then trot over to the tree, the small amount of blood matting in his fur. It let out a low growl at Blacklight, but would not move without the permission of the male that was looking down upon them. 'So it seems that the Hale brats came along with me in that little time warp.” he chuckled, pissing Ryan off slightly, though Aaron kept his cool. A cannon would form from his back, one that seemed to have some manner of missile launcher forming ethereal construct and within an instant one would fire out, though the male held a hand out, and the attack stopped.

Rziel chuckled to himself as the ethereal energy that formed the weapon would formed into a sphere that formed about his outstretched hand and then withn a flick it would be sent back at the three, hitting the ground and sending Ryan and Aaron flying into a tree.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Re: Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Blacklight June 24th 2014, 9:05 am

The beast had growled from the impact but had not advanced and made an attack as he had anticipated. Instead it took a few steps back away from him as if it were being controlled from somewhere else. The boys had still not left and seemed to be unafraid of the massive snarling beast that stood before them. Something gave Rick the horrible feeling that they had something to do with what was going on here. Suddenly a male’s voice interrupted the occasion from atop a tree, a boy referring to the monster as his ‘pet’… great. The wolf began to walk toward the tree that the male was standing on snarling deeply at Rick as it passed incredibly close to him, he could feel the warmth of it’s breath with the growl.

The new male began speaking to the two boys as if though he knew him, clearly Blacklight had stumbled upon an old feud of some sort. One of the teens stepped forward, clearly unhappy to see the new individual, forming a large cannon like device at his back, firing a large blast directly at the tree-bound male. However, with a simple gesture he stopped it midair whilst chuckling to himself; clearly he was enjoying himself for some unknown reason. He then reverted the attack launching it directly at the ground between Blacklight and the twins. With lightning quick reactions Blacklight dived out of the way, only being caught by the edge of the blast. Looking around he could see that the two boys had been blasted off their feet and in to a nearby tree by the attack.

He jumped back up to his feet with his blade still held readily in his right hand. Reaching into a pocket with his left he pulled out his mask and placed it on his face, throwing his cap to the bushes so it would no longer be in his way. Fighting in shorts and a T-shirt wasn’t entirely practical, but Rick didn’t want to take himself out of the situation for a split second, as that was usually when things went bad! He turned back to the twins hoping to try and make some sort of sense out of everything, especially the large wolf thing.
“I get the feeling I’m in the middle of something here, so would somebody tell me what the hell is going on?”

Last edited by Dissonance on June 24th 2014, 5:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Misunderstood the original post!)
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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Re: Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Samael Christensen July 3rd 2014, 5:15 am

Ryan muttered an angry curse under his breath as he looked up to the condescending male within the tree, one that would only keep his arms crossed and look down upon them with that holier than thou attitude. The hero that had joined them asked what the hell was going on and that was something that he was unsure that he could explain. ”Interesting, the hero wants to know more.” Raziel noted amused, smirking lightly as he looked over those that stood against him and then down to the wolf. ”Shael, take on a more suitable form.” He ordered with that calm tone, the wolf nodding and then beginning to shift dramatically; from wolf to more humanoid form, with tan skin standing around 4'3 and curious eyes. His mouth was stained with blood, a twelve year old in appearance dressed in a pair of camo shorts, a black t-shirt and with a tan jacket.

”The demon wolf is a little kid?” Ryan found himself wondering out loud, confused at the twist that was transpiring. Aaron however did not have anything to stay, just narrowing his eyes upon the ethereal that looked down upon the two ethereals and the one that had transformed. ”This changes nothing....and everything.” He muttered with wide eyes as the child Ethereal would look over the three heroes, raziel laughing to himself as if this were some manner of private joke that only he was enjoying.

”So, what do I do now?” Shael would ask looking up to raziel, who would shrug.

”Beat them up.” he ordered as the wolf child would not, teeth within his mouth becoming sharp and within an instant he charged, moving at inhumans speeds as his arms became large bats that were aimed to knock down Blacklight as well as Ryan, slamming into the male and sending him flying through a tree.

Shael Grid:
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1] Empty Re: Corruptions in my blood [Open to 1]

Post by Blacklight July 5th 2014, 6:52 pm

The man in the tree had seemed quite amused by Blacklight's confusion, smirking and commenting on the matter. He instructed the wolf yet again and he began to transform, Blacklight's sensed a possible opportunity to take out the man behind the wolf and end this while thing before it had chance to get any worse. He had his sword still held by his side but transformed it into a billy club like weapon as he wouldn't want to risk killing the man. As the transformation completed he felt a mixture of confusion and horror. Stood before him was a kid who doubtfully even in his teens, yet his face was still painted with blood from the vicious attacks he had previously carried out.

'Have I just attacked a kid' he thought at first, he was fairly new to the realm of the occult and other such magic so the rules of werewolves perplexed him. 'I don't think I attacked a kid... He was a giant wolf thing! There's no way that counts. Right?'
He was still lost in his own thoughts when he was smashed by the kids transformed arms, rocketing him backward off of his feet. He was stopped quite suddenly by a tree which cracked under the pressure from the impact. This was going to be a hard battle for him, there was no way that he would be able to hurt this other individual knowing that he was only a kid. Maybe he could try and trap him somehow but this didn't feel like his battle.

On the other hand he began to wonder if maybe there was more to the other guy, maybe that was where he should be focusing his energy. After all the child was doing nothing without being directly ordered from the man above, stop the orders; stop the attack.

Falling to his knees from the tree he was quick to stand up to his feet again and block a follow up blow from the creature with his club, with a split second glance he found his target and kicked off of the tree behind him over the creatures head and launched the club towards the man in the tree. He spiralled in the air and landed in a defensive stance on one knee, with a freshly formed shield strapped to his right arm.
"Now are you going to man up or am I going to have to call child protection?" He asked the man with a mock condescending look on his face. He double checked over his shoulder and rethought his remark.
"Or maybe animal control's a better fit!"

((Sorry for lack of colour, iPad is impossible!))
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