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Reclaiming the Block [Open]

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Danger June 15th 2014, 2:08 am

The good thing about spiders is you can always find their lairs by the layers of webs lining the walls. The bad thing happened when they moved away from the lairs to hunt. Amethyst kept a light illuminating from the tip of her staff as they moved through the damp sewers, just her, Mykel, and Sam. Of course, Ame never stopped to look back and keep tabs on the marching order, but with the night they started with, a trek through the sewers seemed much easier.

When skittering and chitinous chirping drowned out the ambient sounds of the sewer, Ame knew she needed a flask of the explosive stuff. She hoped to corner one in its lair. Set fire to the hole and just get her poison then and there, but more spiders in the area collapsed the once stable structures and created their own passages.

One creature burst from the wall, trying to catch Ame in its jaws. She turned to have the spider catch her wand through its head. Several muscle spasms moved the creature before it finally went lifeless. Ame pulled the wand free while a second spider tried to begin wrapping her legs in webbing. Ame threw her wand into its head and muttered the incantations of a binding spell to wrap the spider up in a brilliant light. The wrapping barely got around, so a quick step freed her from the creature flung across the room.

While a peace existed, Ame dripped some of the poison from the fang of the dead spider into a flask. She waited for Mykel to drive off the remaining spiders, but the time draining took too long. Maybe the spiders would continue their advance if they thought they could capture more food. Whatever their plans, Ame finally decided to simply pull the tooth out of the spider's mouth and put it in her bag. "Mykel! Let's get out of here." She turned to run back to try and find Sam, but she could find no trace of her. "Sam! Sam!" Ame yelled throughout the sewers, not knowing if that tactic would harm them in the future.

Four large men crawled through a hole leading down from a well lit exit. Each man carried a large sack and some rope. "I hate coming down here; how did we get stuck with this job."

"Boss says we come down here and find if the spiders got us fun. We find anyone, we take em back to boss back at the warehouse." The party would start searching for anything the spiders left behind, armed with a few crowbars and a stun gun just in case things got hairy down in the dangers of the sewer..


Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames June 16th 2014, 11:43 pm

As the abundance of sound was brought to a mere whisper he knew climbing the stairs would lead to the defiles of this retched city. He could only picture some growtest fat man sitting on his seat of porcalen glass doing the worst number 2 in there life. Uuhhh! As I walk through these damn tunnles I just keep getting worse apon worse image of things that would make me hate this even more than I already do. One reason we were given sidewalks so we would not have to be in here in this run down litteral shit hole. He continued down see a bundle of small webs then it cut off as if someone been doing a good bit of cleaning. Then the webs were bigger and so were the spiders.

It took the other girl a little time and while she was at work Mykel was burning incoming spiders and purifying the walls of the nasty fesis of man. The smell was not better but he knew the extream heat was sure to burn every discusting trace of excretes. As the other girl got done she took a quick jog off with the vile and also went to go find Sam. He turned around and lit the place into a big inferno knowing everyone was safe. Spiders became deep fried in seconds.

He turned and started running behind hollering Sam's name multiple times so she could hear him and for all of them to get out of there. He held up his hand and a white fire burned really bright making a excellent torch. Can't get no better than this when it comes to high out-puts of light. Mykel only said this to get his mind concentrated one things besides filth.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by kinkajoublue June 17th 2014, 10:27 pm

Sam fumed in the darkness of the rough burlap sack. The fight with the spider had gone south quickly, as she was barely able to throw it off of herself. Shooting again and again, she couldn’t seem to land a hit, until again the spider had her pinned under itself. Suddenly, two hooks embedded themselves into a set of the spider’s eyes. It screeched and spasmed, the current from the Taser coursing through the chitin. Still being gripped by the spider, the electricity transferred into Sam as well, following the spider’s lead.

As she lay exhausted, she felt rough hands separate her from her assailant. Turning to give thanks, she was promptly punched in the jaw. Cussing, she made a feeble attempt to run, but, now dazed from the hit, she only stumbled a few steps before being grabbed again. Dragged along, she felt herself lifted off the ground. Looking down, she had seen the bag where she was now residing, prompting a much more frantic, if equally unsuccessful, mad dash away from the kidnappers. Spreading her wings, she tried in vain to make herself unstuffable, but stuffed away she was, and slung onto one of the kidnapper’s shoulders.

How the hell am I getting out of this? Sam thought, trying to make herself more comfortable. Hey maybe I’ve still got my, oh, nope they took my guns. Damn. She searched her mana pool, but she was too spent to do anything useful. So she sulked. God, it was stupid to wander away from Ame and Mykel. Then she heard it. Or rather them. Ame and Mykel shouting, and she, none to gently, felt her kidnappers begin to run.

*flits around your head* Fear me!
Moth: Grid Quick Ref:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
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Registration date : 2014-05-28

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Danger June 18th 2014, 12:51 am

Amethyst did not know why finding their partner took so much more effort than finding spiders. If she got lost in the sewers she probably found a way out, or found a deadly batch of spiders. "Yeah we need to keep looking." Ame fixed her hat and kept the light from her wand illuminating the darkness. In between her thoughts she picked up on the sound of hurried feet. Desperately fast, multiple hurried feet. "Maybe someone found her and is taking her to safety?" Ame tried more to convince herself more than anyone else. "Or, maybe we should follow those sounds."

Winding through sewers did not come with an easy way. You could take a path for a few meters and run into a maintenance shaft covered with spider webs and turn around to see the other side closed up with pipes heading to the surface. Ame never fell out of pursuit, because those pipes surrounding her kept letting her know where the rush of men headed off to.

She hoped Mykel did not get separated from her, but in the frantic chase she could not tell. Finally Ame saw a literal light at the end of the tunnel heading up. She took off after it, but halfway down the path an outstretched arm clotheslined her and sent her to the ground. Someone much larger reached down and grabbed the wand, shining it in her face. The loss of air from the blow kept Ame from speaking a spell to save her. "I think we got another."


Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames June 18th 2014, 12:11 pm

As he was running down through sewers he could see brinks of light from the out side since the man holes that covered the entrance had small holes in them. It gave little light but he had to use his own sorce just to be able to take a foot intothe dark. He ran by the ledge coming on to ground then back on to a ledge where there would be more discusting water.

He was following behind Ame keeping pace a couple meters back when suddenlly he seen her light stationary in one spot being turned and flikered around. As he spread up dousing his light there was a few omineous shadows. He lurked around the corner And seen a few guys tieing up the girls. "Well this is just great" he thought to himself. He seen a couple guns and bars and bats just laying around.

He was about to jump the corner and qickly pull them all into the water, but as he was prepared he felt a small pop on the back of his head. He looked around as everything started to spin and his eyes roled back as he smacked the ground. He came to when he noticed he was tied up against a water pipe.

What should we do with them, they have seen too much.

I know let me get a few things and we will move the girls with us as playmates and we will kill the kid and throw him in the water.

"They best not other wise the police will arrive to a bunch of people plastered on the wall for their fatal attempt" Mykel thought. Using his air abilities he cut their ropes, but some what help their hands together so the woul not move them out as soon as they were free. They could break the grip of his air when they want, but he just did not want the men to know.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by kinkajoublue June 21st 2014, 8:47 pm

Sam felt herself thrown onto the ground, and to her dismay saw Ame thrown down beside her.  Based on what the kidnappers said, they were obviously connected to the thugs in the alleyway.  What the hell was in this “warehouse” anyway?  No time to think about that right now, especially when the men started talking about keeping them as playmates.  She shuddered.  Then anger, bubbling like the magma in a volcano, began to surface.  Clenching her jaw and tightening her fists, she fought down her violent impulse; she wasn’t sure she could win this round.

She edged close to Ame and Mykel, and keeping her voice to a barely audible whisper, spoke.  “What do you think we should do?  I think there are only the two of them, if we can just get out of these ropes we’ll be fine.  That, or we can run.  Now that we’re out in the open— “, She cut her voice off as one of the men stepped close.  Hanging her head, she waited until he wandered back to his partner.  ”Now that we’re out in the open, we could fly away.  I could probably carry Ame.  These damn ropes . . .”

Suddenly, she felt the ropes binding her hands sever, and a nod from Mykel set her to her feet.  Now was the time to act.

*flits around your head* Fear me!
Moth: Grid Quick Ref:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Probably goofing off
Age : 28
Registration date : 2014-05-28

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Danger June 23rd 2014, 4:18 pm

At least they found Sam. Amethyst sat back against the crate with her hands and ankles tied together. "I think we need to figure out where we are." The access passage from the sewer was locked up tight, but given where those men took them, Ame decided they did her a favor. "I guess we needed to find this place anyways. Once we get out, we finish what we started." Ame tried pulling her hands out from the ropes, but only succeeded in giving herself a good case of rope burn. "I could use a little..." Before she could even finish her statement, the ropes dropped down to her waist. "Thank you."

While Ame lacked the skills for direct fighting, she more than made up for it with a slew of spells for disorienting. The room flashed with a bright light to throw off the sight of the guards. Ame removed the rope and jumped to her feet, offering a hand to Sam to get her up. If Mykel needed any help, she would reach down to try to get him some help as well.

Ame would throw her light bind to incapacitate the guard next to her satchel of potions and make her way to grab a green bottle. Popping the top of the bottle, a hiss of gas poured out a horrible aroma. Ame threw the bottle towards the largest concentration of guards to break them up into a more suitable situation to deal with. "Cover you knows." Ame said, with tears from the horrible stench starting to swell up.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by Mykel Thames June 23rd 2014, 4:39 pm

Mykel was over annoyed with these guys. He was still thinking of what they said about the three. Use them as playmates how dispickable. He looked over at the girls and shook his head and blushed. "God damn Mykel pull your thoughts together. You are a hero not a hormone crazy teen." He snapped back to the guys and his anger as the gas she threw soon became still. It did not alter a bit and did not spread. He was holding the air still as every person in the tunnle was lifted except the two girls.

With a look of anger on his face the men floated over to the water and was pushed to the bottom. As soon as he turned his power off of them they popped back to the top. Throw me in the damn water, as if I would kill before that happens. He watched as they were swept away by the current. He looked up as he saw a man hole. With a swing of his hand the man hole blew open with a tramendous force. The cover came back down stabbing into the ground next to the hole. He started climbing up as he wonder which warehouse distric the men were talking about.

As he was free of the hole he turned around to help the other two out. Sorry for all of that. I should have used my power from the beggening so that would not have happened. He appolagized for his carelessness and reached down a hand to help them out of the hole.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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Reclaiming the Block [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Block [Open]

Post by kinkajoublue June 30th 2014, 10:49 am

[Sorry about the wait, guys. Life got a little bit crazy. On the bright side, now I’ve officially graduated high school.]

For a moment, Sam was frozen with indecision. These men who wanted to take her as a ‘playmate’ scared her, more than any loon with a gun could. Every fiber was screaming at her to run, get away, don’t let them hurt you, but she couldn’t move. She watched as Ame and Mykel thrashed the thugs, urging herself to do something, anything. Suddenly, she felt something snap. Who the hell were these people? Who did they think they were? Ants, that’s what. She flung herself at the nearest goon, letting all four of her fists fly. She didn’t care how much he screamed, she was a ball of righteous fury. Just as the man was trying to crawl away, she grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him up.

“Listen here, you slimy, good-for-nothing pig. I have had it with your gang’s bullshit, and ya know what? I’m gonna make every last one of you pay. You all keep talking about this warehouse, dontcha? Well keep talking, ‘cause I need to know where it is to blow it to kingdom come. Now talk!”

“I got nothin’ to say to a punk like you,” the thug spat back, blood oozing from his lip.

Sam hauled him over to the side of the embankment, the murky waters flowing below. She plunged the man’s head down, holding him there. Dragging him back up after a time, she commanded him to talk again.

“The fuck, lady!? That’s shitwater!”

“That’s the point.” Down he went again.

After another dunking, the mook, spitting and cursing, finally said, “All right! All right, I’ll talk! The warehouse—“ he sputtered and coughed, “—It’s, it’s five blocks south, ten blocks west from here, across from a Denny’s. It’s been un-owned since God knows how long, just please, please let me go.”

She hoisted him back into the air. “Not on your life.” Grabbing her pistol from his belt, she shot into his shoulder, and flung him into the sewer main. If he survives this, she thought, then the big guy upstairs must see something in him, ‘cause I don’t. Turning back to her compatriots, she said, “Well, let’s finish this fight. We’ve gotten this far, no point stopping now.”

*flits around your head* Fear me!
Moth: Grid Quick Ref:

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 13
Location : Probably goofing off
Age : 28
Registration date : 2014-05-28

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