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Far far away (open)

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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 19th 2014, 1:07 pm

"Even a creature as evil as Profound Darkness couldn't possibly survive without its black heart." Gryz stated, when suddenly a scream came from the crowd as something leech like crawled out of the water and engulfed a bystander, deteriorating the persons flesh until nothing but bone remained.

"Not Possible!" The bear cried out in despair, as two more leeches crawled from the ocean. Once again, he grabbed for his halberd instinctively and charged towards the three leeches which were attempting to feast on more of the planets inhabitants. However, before he could reach them something else jumped out of the water and went to strike at Gryz with its sword.

Using his Halberd, he blocked the attack with the pole of his weapon which forced the two into a bind. The creatures sword began to glow with purple energy as the mighty oak pole gave way to the swords might and struck at Gryz who stepped backward to avoid a fatal wound to his chest. The blade sheered into his breast plate but did not cut through, smoke slowly billowing from the cut. Holding the blade of his Halberd like an axe in one hand and drawing his short sword from its sheath he prepared himself for a second strike.

The leeches were endangering the indigenous life of the planet, and the Dark Force before him wouldn't allow him to pass. "Colt, your titanium will protect you from those leeches. you-" The dark force attacked Gryz again, who blocked with his short sword and quickly slashed at the creature gut with his axe. Gryz was exhausted, tired and injured. Normally he could take on an army but this particular enemy was stronger than usual. "-Save your people, i will hold off this abomination!"

The Leech

Dark Force

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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 19th 2014, 9:31 pm

Before flying towards the leeches Colton looked worriedly towards Gryz as the strange creature cut into him but he knew he had to kill the strange things emerging from the water first before he could help the alien.

Flying as fast as he could towards the leech that had just eaten the bystander coming around and throwing a punch towards the thing's head smashing its eye. As the leech crumpled towards the ground leaking fluids Colton sped towards the other two leeches which were chasing a crowd of people down the river. He grabbed them and tossed them away from the river into a empty shop before landing. When he landed the two leeches rushed out of the store with surprising speed and attached themselves to his body. Though they couldn't eat through his metal skin they were starting to sprout swords trying to slice through his skin. He silently thanked that their blades couldn't slice into his skin before smashing his fist into the eye of one of the leeches that had attached itself to his leg. After crushing the leech on his leg Colton pulled the last one of his shoulder holding it in the air before punching straight through its eye. After making sure that no other creatures had appeared he sped towards the last spot he had seen Gryz hoping that the alien was still alive.

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 24th 2014, 5:56 pm

The Titanium Colt slaughtered the three leeches with brutal but effective skill. Gryz admired that but couldn't let his guard down for a second less he want to lose his own life. That sudden thought though, to die against this creature caused Gryz to hesitate blocking an attack which resulted in his arm being sliced. 'Colt could finish him...I could just simply let my guard down and the fighting can finally be over. After all, there is nothing left for me.' Gryz slowed down, his fighting becoming sluggish as he barely deflected the brutal attacks the Dark force brought down on him. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the people of the planet he was on once again, and he could see it in their eyes. The same fear his people had when Profound Darkness first appeared on his planet many years ago. He remember his pledge. To protect those who could not protect themselves, no matter the cost. This was not his world, but this was his enemy and he brought it to them.

With a thunderous roar, Gryz skills sharpened again as if the bear was suddenly rejuvenated. No longer being forced back, gryz stood his ground as he out matched the Dark Forces swords man ship and unleashed a fiery of ferocious attacks. One final clash between their swords, the Dark forces sword arm breaking under gryz might who then lifted his axe up high and planted it with a loud thud into the creatures 'skull'. The body fell limp and dropped to the ground as Gryz let out heavy breaths of exhaustion. "...return to the darkness for whence you came." Gryz stated, as the body of the creature deteriorated into the air.

He turned and saw Colt who was victorious over the leeches, the bear gave him an approving nod. "You handled yourself like a Knight today. I would be honored if you and I could be friends." Gryz went to take a step, but fell to the sandy beach from exhaustion. He had battled in the heart of Profound Darkness, had traveled a great distance to a strange new world where he nearly drowned and battled against a strong adversary. He had to rest, but surely was no safe where he was.

Far far away (open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 26th 2014, 1:34 am

Colton had just reached the area when Gryz had sent his axe into where thing's head should be saying, "Sure the two of us can be friends I can teach-" He stopped mid sentence when Gryz fell to the ground and moved quickly to the alien's side saying quietly, "Whoa, you're going to want to take it easy for a little while. Why don't you let me carry you to somewhere you can rest." Colton then reached his arms out meaning to carry Gryz to an area with medical attention.

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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by XxRedxX May 26th 2014, 2:42 am

"Yes, someplace i can rest." Gryz was weak but with Colts assistance he was able to get onto his four paws. "Lead the way, i trust you will take me somewhere that my wounds may be treated." He gestured his nose towards the cut on his arm which bleed a crimson red. "I have had far worse but if left untreated I am afraid I may lose to much blood and parish." Gryz would follow Colt but not before taking one last look back at the ocean which were calm. He took a deep breath of sea air and exhaled. The stench of Darkness was gone, for now, but it may not be the last time he sees the darkness. Deep down in the bears gut, he could feel that Profound darkness was still alive. Hiding and preparing for a new war on this new planet.

"Tell me Colt, what do you call this planet we are on?" He asked, turning his head from the sea and following the metal man.

Far far away (open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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Far far away (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Far far away (open)

Post by wwesvrfan215 May 29th 2014, 8:19 pm

"This planet is called Earth Gryz." Colton said to him while leading him towards the area Colton assumed had medical attention for bears which might be enough for Gryz, a zoo. "You seem to be very strong from what I saw of your fight with that dark being. I'm surprised you can walk after taking that cut." Colton said indicating the slash on Gryz's arm. While leading Gryz towards athe nearest zoo he could find Colton began to think about the moment the bear like alien had gotten cut, he had noticed a moment hesitation. It made Colton slightly uneasy thinking if Gryz was scared of something like that then he feared what would happen if another one of those things came through and started attacking other places around the world.

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-04-20

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