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Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen April 30th 2014, 8:00 pm

The energy rose like a mushroom cloud into the air, shockwave tearing through the air and bringing with it a thousand glittering shards of glass. Standing amidst the destruction was a single male, silver eyes glowing with energy and body ringed with a bright grey aura. When he spoke, his voice reverberated through the air as if amplified through some manner of artificial means. ”Really, that the best you got?” The tone was condescending as a burst of energy seemed to fizzle out against the aura of grey, male descending and landing softly upon the ground. Against him stood a vast host, metahumans and many others in an attempt to stop the menace. Even with the numbers standing against him, he was unshakable, looking down upon those that stood against him as another joined him by his side, large wolf with bloodlust within its eyes, growling lowly at the many standing against them.

”Could you….take out a few of them for me?” The male would request of the wolf and without question it rushed the massive host, and with that blood would begin to paint the streets.

Limbs would be sent flying through the air, blood spurting about in a macabre display, some finding themselves being blinded by the sudden influx of crimson fluid. The rampage would continue until the wolf encountered the ethereal know as Ryan Hale, biting deeply into his arm and nearly removing the arm. A weapon of energy appeared with his hand, one in the shape of an axe as he aimed to slam it down onto the monsters head, thought that only drew a yelp and spurt of blood as it withdrew its teeth and jumped back. Its dark fur was painted with deep red, returning to the side of the powerful male that simply watched over the carnage, blood painting the streets that were slowly being destroyed by the monumental battle.

”So is this the best you people have to offer? Really, I am totally impressed.” He noted sarcastically, rolling his eyes as gathering energy within his right hand. ”Well as fun as this whole…thing was, I’ve grown bored.” With a wave of his hand, a great burst of energy was unleashed upon the forces opposing him. However it was within this moment that something happened, as a great transparent field formed over the forces and something happened after that, a great explosion rippling out from that point, as space seemed to buckle under the pressure of the event. A great tearing sound emanated from the point and following that was a boom as the energy spread out, destroying everything that it touched. Yet everything grew black, followed by a great disorienting feeling.
The next thing that Ryan knew, he was falling, faster and faster, the wind whipping past his hair as he seemed to fall only faster. In a moment he slammed into something, the sound of metal bending under the strain reaching his ears along with shattering glass, followed by the sound of concrete shattering nearbye. A low groan issued from the male, as he pushed himself from the wreckage of the car that had buckled under the pressure of his body slamming into it. ”O…ow, that fucking hurt.” He muttered rivulets of dark blood running down from the large bite wounds that dug into his flesh, the arm barely responding to any sort of attempt to move it.

”I can’t even feel my legs.” Another male voice noted, rolling over from the crater that had formed.

”I do not believe you.” Ryan muttered letting himself fall against the ruined car, grumbling lightly to himself as he rolled off of the car and fell to the ground with a small thud.

”Yupp, can still feel them.” The twin muttered tapping his leg to make sure before yawning loudly, the black wings specked with a few red feathers arrayed out beneath him.

”Do ya think we won?” Ryan muttered feeling the coldness of rain falling against his face, sighing lightly.

”I dunno, but I do hear…sirens. Might have hit my head.” He muttered, yet there was indeed the sound of sirens and that meant the police. Ryan muttered a curse as he attempted to move, yet nothing came of that.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Artemis May 1st 2014, 10:53 pm

Milla had been at home for around a month now. And so far she had kept her powers secret. With she personally thought was awesome, but there was always the chance someone figured out and didn't mention it to her. But regardless Milla felt like she needed some space from the mansion. She really didn't have much time away from the mansion by herself recently. Whenever she left it was with her family or she was meeting up with old friends from the magical community, who like her in the past, had no magical powers. The only difference being that she had some now. So she dressed herself up in the nicest dress she could find. It used to belong to one of her older siblings yet it fit really well. It was a long sleek black dress with crimson red embroidery. It had a long slit down the left side to make walking easier. With a nice pair of tall black heels and a small clutch purse she thought she looked rather nice. She put some make up on and went on her way.

Now she was sitting at a balcony table at a high end restaurant. A hour and a half had past. She was used to taking care of herself and not spending money. She forgot how much luxury her life originally held. Like the fact that reservation wait times usually didn't mean a thing. Anyway was she was actually near the end of her meal, she was just waiting for the waiter to return with her card. The food was good but Milla forgot how small the portions at fancy restaurants were. She was still kind of hungry. Milla sighed, she would probably have to find something at the mansion, but she hated to ask the chiefs for things late at night. Milla zoned out, debating on what to do, but was shortly snapped out of it by a large flash of light and what sounded like an explosion. Milla's head perked up towards the direction of the light, wondering what happened. The waiter returned with her card and she grabbed it and ran off to see what caused it.

Somehow Milla got there before the police. In fact the whole street seemed rather empty. Maybe because it sounded like an explosion people wanted to get away. But there was no evidence of an explosion. In fact the most damage was a heavily smashed car, with two people near it. Emerging from the shadows of an ally Milla approached the two. She could handle herself. Although they seemed to be to dazed to notice her right away. Milla walked to the one that had really bloody arm.

"Alright kid this might hurt but I need to see how bad this cut is." said Milla. If she hadn't been noticed before she had made herself known now. Milla knelt by the kid and opened her handbag and pulled out a handkerchief. She cursed mental about having to get blood on it but she needed to see how bad it was. She dabbed at the wound, cleaning the area around it. Although to her surprise, it wasn't a cut, but rather very deep bite marks.

"What happened to you?" Milla asked curiously, debating on bring this boy to the mansion for healing. Cop sirens could be heard, and they where getting louder by the second.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen May 2nd 2014, 11:43 pm

Ryan groaned, letting fingers run over the large bite wounds that decorated his arm, one’s large enough that he felt as if he could fit his finger into them. The sound of footsteps caught his ears, Ryan grunting as more blood would spurt from the wound from the movement as he looked upwards towards the one that was approaching them. Bright blue eyes narrowed upon the blurry figure, as she seemed to come into focus and the face that he saw was rather familiar; but younger. A smirk formed upon his lips as he pushed himself onto his side and grunted to himself. ”Hey Aunt Milla, fancy meeting you here.” The male grunted as she seemed to work at the wounds that adorned his arm, grimacing as she touched it. His pink sleeveless top was soaked in blood and the light blue shorts as well, more of the liquid oozing from the wounds.

”Aunt Milla? Wow.” Aaron muttered letting the large wings fold onto his back and decrease exponentially in size, making it easier to sit up as he looked to the female that was aiding his twin with his rather nasty wounds. With the blood removed from the wound, one could even see the white of the bone beneath, though all Ryan had to do was pressing his hand against the arm and then a bright light began to emanate from the wound itself. The ethereal light would fill the alley way as the flesh began to mend, cracks within bones sealing, muscles and nerves restitching and flesh beginning to form over the bite.

’Yeah, its aunt Milla, but…she looks younger than I remember.” Ryan noted as he stood to his feet, arm still soaked within blood. ”Oh yeah, I got attacked by that…huuuuge wolf thing, nearly bit my arm off.” He said holding arms to the side as if to show the size of the wolf and letting the u in huge draw out.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Artemis May 3rd 2014, 12:51 am

Well to say Milla was shocked would be putting it lightly. She was expecting resistance and having to drag them to the mansion or a hospital. Except what happened was that they called her Aunt Milla. Milla couldn't help but blink, looking dumbfounded. She did learn she was an aunt. And that the mom was Misha Caster, who Milla hated with almost every fiber of her being. But that was a different story all together.

"Sorry Kid, The only nephew I have like barely a year old." said Milla a bit surprised and weirded out.

"Although I want to know how you know my name." said Milla, darting her head around. The Police where getting closer and since no one was really hurt, it wouldn't hurt anything if they left.

"Come on you two, lets get going, we can head to my place. We can get you patched up..." Milla was now looking at the kids arm, which was now almost fully healed.

"Well, we can get you new clothes. Come on." Milla went over the boy's story in her head. They way they acted made it seem like they knew her. Yet Milla never even seen them before. She was interested, she wanted to know more. Thankfully it didn't take to long to run to the mansion, although Milla had to take her heels off while running. She opened the front door and yelled through the halls.

"Hey Mom! Can you meet me in the parlor room? There is something that is making no sense. Also can you grab two shirts from Brandon's room. It will make sense when you get here." yelled Milla, her voice echoing through the halls. She could only hope her mom heard them as she motioned for the boys to follow her. She still needed to seem like she was powerless, which is why she called her mom. Also because maybe her mother could figure this out.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen May 3rd 2014, 5:58 am

Ryan looked over Mills confused for a moment, something about what she had said giving him reason to be worried, seeing as how usually his aunt was one of the first people to recognize him. A single eyebrow rose, looking into her eyes as he attempted to figure out what she was talking about. ”A year old? I dunno what you’re talking about Aunt Milla, I am not one year old.” He noted a little confused as to why she was acting like that, though before he could really inquire further about anything, the police seemed to be coming closer and so they moved from the scene. Aaron was without a shirt, wings still clinging to his back as they seemed to be hiding within the darkness save for the specks of red.

With the trouble that was approaching, the three would be running towards the Hale mansion, though it was all a rush really. Moving through the protective field that held around the front yard, one that would not really go up unless there was a threat within the immediate area. Arianna immediately knew the people that had entered her mansion, even if everyone else was unsure. The Hale matron rose from her study, hearing Milla’s voice reverberated through the halls, asking her to meet somewhere and bring shirts with her.

Ryan and Aaron would only follow behind Milla, looking about the house curiously, as if it were the first time that they had seen the place. The mansion was rather different, far different than the one that they had grown up in but something about it still reminded them of home. The two would be lead into the parlor room, where the two would sit down upon some of the chairs and look to the female they had known as their aunt, curiously almost. Soon enough, the blond female would walk into the room, holding two shirts within her right hand. ”So, what do we have here?” She would ask, looking to the two males and then the female within the room.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Artemis May 3rd 2014, 9:53 pm

Milla looked at the two boys while waiting for her mom to arrive. She couldn't help but keeping her looking towards the door looking for her mom. But the more Milla looked at one of the twins the more he kinda of looked like Brandon. But that was impossible. It felt like an awkward eternity before her Mom showed up and asked what was going on. Milla took two seconds debating if she should joke about her Mom jokingly wondering when she would bring anyone home, but in the end decided not two.

"Well it might be hard to believe. But remember how I said I wanted to have a night to myself? Well I just got finished eating when there was a really brightly and an explosion sound. I was curious so I walked towards it. And before you say anything, yeah I know it was stupid because I can't exactly protect myself but I did bring a protection relic." said Milla pulling a small stone out of her purse to show her mom before putting it back.

"Anyway I somehow got there before the police and fire department and all that was there was a crushed car and these two. This one over here had a badly wounded arm but I guess he has some sort of powers. This other one over wings does have wings though." said Milla, pointing to the respected twin.

"But the part that made me bring them here was that they keep calling me Aunt Milla, even before tried to introduce myself."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen May 8th 2014, 9:07 pm

Arianna considered what Milla was saying, looking from Ryan to his twin. Something about them was familiar, yet she could not quite place it at the moment, eyes scanning over facial features and things of that nature. The twin upon hearing mention of wings let his flex outwards, feathery appendages made visible with a single mental command; large black ones specked with red feathers. The possibilities of who the two were swept through her mind, yet she would not make any assumptions yet, as the sight of the blood that soaked Ryan’s shirt caught her eyes. ”They called you…aunt?”That was quite the conundrum indeed, unless she were either dealing with some form of anomalies of time travelers. Both seemed equally likely, though the fact that one of them looked like Brandon made the latter seem likely; yet she was unsure why Milla did not notice that much yet.

Ryan’s eyes seemed to be following something along the wall, not really even paying attention as of something else had grabbed his interest, until his gaze paused upon something. ”Well I don’t recognize the two, so…I have no answers for you.” Arianna admitted, which caused Aaron to let out a small sigh, the ethereal looking from one woman to another, as if wondering what they had gotten themselves into.

”You sure you don’t recognize us?” The black winged male questioned, appendages folding back over his back. She would consider this for another moment.

”You two look strangely familiar, I admit that.”Arianna muttered rubbing her chin thoughtfully. ”But that can’t quite be possible….not as of yet anyway.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Artemis May 15th 2014, 7:14 pm

"One of them looks like Brandon..." said Milla, finally saying it. It had been on her mind and part of her wondered if she was just seeing things. But this way she could find out if she was just seeing thing.

"I'm not the only one that sees it, right mom?" asked Milla really going out on a limb here. But it was worth a shot.

"Either way one of them looks like one of us and since I'm obviously not the parents that only leaves a few options. But I can't make sense of it. My oldest nephew is barely a year old. The only thing I am thinking that could make any sort of sense would be time travel, but isn't that still a concept that has yet to be proven? I haven't read any books or anything of documented time travelers. I think there is more documentation on imaginary currents of magic then time travel." said Milla. She was honestly confused. And if this made her mother confused as well that slightly worried her.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Let's do the time warp again [invite only] Empty Re: Let's do the time warp again [invite only]

Post by Samael Christensen May 15th 2014, 8:11 pm

’No, you’re right, he does look like Brandon.” Arianna admitted, considering the males appearance for a moment, crossing arms over her chest as she hummed to herself. ”I was also considering time travel myself.” Arianna muttered, rubbing her chin lightly as she looked over the two, Ryan crossing arms over his chest as Aaron simply reclined in his seat and hummed something to himself.

”Who looks like me?” Brandon’s voice seemed to question as the blond male leaned into the door, cocking an eyebrow and looking over everyone sitting around in the room. ”I dunno, this kid looks kinda like Niall.” He noted, Ryan taking note of Brandon and his eyes widening, as if he had seen someone familiar.

’Wow dad, you’re looking….um younger.” Ryan noted, chuckling lightly to himself and not really catching on to the fact that he was….well in the past.

”Dad? I don’t remember being a dad….wait, yeah I do.” Brandon mused to himself as Arianna rubbed the bridge of her nose.

”Well that explains….alot.” Ryan’s twin muttered, wings twitching ever so lightly as a small black feather fell from it and to the ground. ”and it explains the bright flash of light….I think.” Something about that statement caught Arianna’s attention.

”Flash of light?”

”Yeah, Chicago was being attacked by this ethereal named Raziel and his giant wolf pet. Then there was an explosion and….apaprantly that somehow sent us back in time.”
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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