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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo February 8th 2014, 9:57 pm

”Sounds as if you think you could defeat me.” she oozed confidently, shards along the Dragon's head began to glimmer, light slowly slithering from the gems encrusted on it's scales. Her fingers danced through the air for a few seconds before a staff manifested in her hand, a jewel stabbed into the top. From the look on Michael's face, he could feel something. He didn't wish to admit that he was nothing more than a mere human so he pulled a concentrated face; pretending that he could sense it as well.

She didn't seem that impressive. OOoooohhh a woman with a stick, was he meant to be scared? His grandmother Hilde had a stick and she was more fearsome than this glowing gal. Michael raised his blade, pointing it at her neck. There was a dark look on his face, one that suggested that he had more planned for her than the general ass kicking. But her death was optional, the only one in this incounter who had to die was the dragon; if it was really as dangerous as it's stories made it seem.

The dragon began to awaken, it's large tail siwshing and knocking down a lump of gold. Oh, think of the devil. Spellstone thought internally, his legs and arms entering a slightly more hostile stance. The beast growled and snuffed out a vicious vapor from it's nostiles. As if responding to Spellstone's more offensive standing it too adjusted it's body so that it looked ready to lunge at any given second. All the while the glowing body of the woman reflected of the dragon's golden plating - spreading the light to the ceiling while dancing like a flock of faeries. He was admiring the lovely lightshow above them, before he snapped back to reality.

The Dragon's jaw parted, a horrifyingly hot beam of steam streamed from it's throat, ready to cook the pair of them alive. However, Spellstone thrust both his hands at the floor while the Spellstone flickered dark green. The floor beneath them opened up and the pair were sent falling through it, and out of the wall behind the drake. Trying to re-adjust his vertigo after transitioning from standing horizontally to flying vertically. He used flight in order to allow himself to float into an upwards positon. "Wow... I feel... Wow." Spellstone whispered, clutching onto his head. He should try and avoid doing that in the future.

He turned and looked to Michael through his greeny-blue eyes to check that he wasn't suffering too much from the transition. If they were lucky, neither the Woman nor the Dragon could hear them.

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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt February 9th 2014, 6:43 pm

The transition from their current standing position to another was disorienting, and yet Michael knew that he would have to get used to it, his head swimming. Yet they were out of the way of the powerful attack that would have killed them, hot steam that seemed to even reduce the gold lining the floor into glowing puddles. For a moment the metallic dragon was lost, unable to find the ethereal that had only moments ago caught its interest, grumbling lowly while Michael adjusted to his temporarily dizzied senses. Turning to Spellstone, Michael considered their situation for a moment, a low sigh issuing from his mouth. So it seemed that his ally had used some kind of teleportation magic and that had bought them enough time to regroup.

Perhaps enough time to at least take down the mage that was adding to the danger of the draconic being, which was deadly within its own right, id the stories held any truth. Spellstone turned to him as if looking for some sort of direction and all Michael could offer him was…nothing at the moment, his mind was still reeling over the possibilities. The woman seemed a little annoyed, a bright light gathering around the tip of her staff and then ascending into the sky, before building up and then something happened. Within an instant the oreb burst into many smaller ones that rained down upon the entire room yet seemed to hit an invisible barrier around the dragon and mage. So no worries of friendly fire upon their end? Concentrating a powerful burst of dark ethereal within his hand, Michael fired it at the draconic golem and a  loud boom emanated from where it struck. The thing roared loudly as its tails flung against another pile. Along with that came a strange shard firing form that tail, Michael turning to the side as it flew past him.
The Bolt
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo February 18th 2014, 11:01 am

After Michael turned up a blank for ideas, and then the glowing midgit decided to do something remotely intimidating, things were starting to actually get quite fun. Allowing himself to land back on the floor, Spellstone raised an eyebrow to all the glowing orbs gently fallings down from the sky - and causing explosions were they landed. "Oh wonderful; Holy hand grenades." Spellstone laughed, before standing up. He pointing his hand towards the sky, open palm before the Spellstone began to spark and scream with electricity. A purple and white lightning bolt continously streamed from the oval shaped stone and into his hand, before it darted towards each of the orbs, using Spellstone as a Nexus. Spellstone's eyes widened, he just realised something. Oh dear lord how could he have never seen this before. Turning to Michael with his teeth gritted; "M-Michael!" he yelled, over the sound of the lightning crackling and smashing into all of the orbs causing each of them to detonate in the sky. "W-would you say this is quite a shock?" after that the serious tone he had disipated into laughter, and the lightning finally stopped, only a few of the golden balls descending from the air. Michael lunged out with his own attack to which the dragon reacted violently, swishing it's tail. Everything was a blur.

Before he knew it, Spellstone was suspended on the wall by his cape which was now draping him a good 7 feet from the ground. Some debris must of came from the dragon and hit his cape. And now he was here. He kicked and grunted continously until he sloped against the wall again. "Ok now this 'is' a shock." he sighed, before holding a hand over his head. With a single electrical sweep his cape was cut off and he fell to the floor; landing with a tumble and the crystal smashed next to him, causing him to scamper aside. Oof. Ow. Standing up, his hands still flared with the power of zeus. He readied himself for the dragon and the witch's next move.  
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt February 20th 2014, 7:22 pm

Spellstone was pinned to the wall by one of the dragons strange projectiles, cutting through his cape and then simply dangling him where he was. Michael turned to him for a moment before turning his attention back upon the draconic creature that was railing from the damage done to its golden plating. A large bit of it was blown away, scorching forming around the impact and a few droplets of molten gold would slowly slide from the wound and hiss upon contact with the ground. ”Yeah…shocking.” Michael muttered with a roll of his eyes, twirling the strange blade that was still within his hand, correcting his stance within the air. His eyes seemed to morph, taking on a strange and archaic look that radiated with pure power. Seven sigils within each pupil, six arrayed around it and one radiating from within the pupil itself.

”Well, look what we have here.” The female muttered irises glowing a bright gold, brighter than the molten gold that was dripping from the carapace of the dragon. From beneath the hide one could see the course of energy that was flowing beneath it like bright blue blood, slightly leaking out from where the damage was done. It growled lowly looking for whatever had damaged it, and the gem like eyes fell upon the make that had harmed it, the ethereal and titan king. It seemed that it was not too pleased with what he had done, but that was not quite important at the moment, he was only here to deal with the problem at hand. Directing Soul Slayer toward the dragon, it would open its maw and then unleash what looked like a stream of steam from its mouth once again.

A powerful grey barrier formed between the two and this assault, bisecting the attack that would cascade around it and slam into the wall with an immense amount of heat. With a dramatic wave of his hand, the shield would concave and then begin to bore through the steam attack that was aimed upon them, until it collided with the maw of the dragon, who immediately slammed its mouth shut. A loud boom emanated from that attack and caused the dragon to careen out of control as the sorceress was forced to abandon ship so to speak and then land upon a nearby mountain of gold. Open to attack, it would seem.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo February 23rd 2014, 2:16 pm

Whenever the dragon monster turned around, and began to expel seemingly endless amounts of steam at Michael who seemed more than capable of protecting himself from it, Spellstone saw an opportunity. Floating into the air, he lay his body out flat and allowed himself to move through the green portal that was glowing on the wall. After passing through that, his figure arose behind the dragon and he flickered both his hands to the air above him, orange lights beginning to spill from the Spellstone.

The light boiled and then reached a climax, before dissipating in a matter of a second. Spellstone's figure levitated 3 feet of the ground and 5 glowing orange orbs swirled around his body, humming excitedly. Throwing his fingers towards the dragon the orbs squealed and then weaved through the air and tried to attach themselves to the sorceress on the top as well as the golden plated dragon. If they managed to attach they would scream loudly before exploding with concussive mana.

After he fired them, he allowed his arms to fold over and the red cloak to dance around behind his back, albeit remarkably less impressive since it was sliced in half but the effect was still present. "Do you need any help, Michael?" he called out, keeping a close eye on the Dragon and Woman's movements. He didn't want to be caught off guard again.
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt February 28th 2014, 6:11 pm

Spellstone began an assault of his own, unleashing what appeared to be strange orbs that were all aimed towards the female and the dragon. While the dragon would not move away from the strange orbs, the female had a different plan entirely, beginning to glow a bright light as she disappeared within an instant. Appearing behind Michael, she swung with the glowing staff, a trail of light following where the weapon arced. With an instant to react, the ethereal brought his own blade up to defend, a loud pinging sound echoing out from the clash. At that moment the orbs that clung to the dragon would let out a resounding boom, light flashing brightly from it as the dragon seemed to barely notice what he went off against it. Jewel like eyes would narrow, as the large monstrosity would turn upon the two, revealing powerful fangs within the mechanical mouth.

Again the woman would disappear within a flash, appearing on the dragon with the staff still pointed at the two. ”This is going nowhere.” Michael thought to himself considering his options for a moment, and then realizing there were not many really. Sure they could just try to assault the thing they were fighting, but he was not really sure how powerful the mage really was. Around the tip of the staff a powerful orb of energy began to form, glowing brighter than any other light that was within the cavernous room, and within an instant it was fired off at the two, large enough that it was nearly inescapable. Without really even needing to think, Michael extended an arm forward as his clothing seemed to shift. Fabric would warp, turning from the color that it was to something else, red like freshly spilt blood as that seemed to spread over the Ethereals body.

Two dark eyes peered out from the chest plate and what seemed like a small bit of cape would taper off from the waist, adding a certain regality to it. The Void Armor would form, save for the helmet section. One second the powerful blast was heading towards them, and then within that moment what appeared to be a void would open up ahead of his outstretched hand. The beam was assimilated into that void, until nothing remained but a small bit that was then promptly negated as well. “That the best you go?” Michael pondered outloud left hand still laying loosely at his side, fingers curled around the hilt of his weapon. He turned to Spellstone with a rather confident grin, then returned that looked to the dragon and the woman. Something within her expression ahd changed however, as if the armor alone was more than enough to scare her.

”Now I see.” She muttered darkly, raising the staff within her hand higher into the air, then slamming the bottom into the back of the dragon. Within an instant the hole that had been melted into the armor would instantly meld itself back back together, as if no damage had ever been done. ”Raziel’s pawn has come to play.” She whispered cool leaping from the back of the dragon as something strange seemed to happen. ”Why am I not surprised? Her voice grew, greater than one could expect from such a weak body. As if two voices spoke as one, a deep rumbling male voice and then the one they had come to know from the sorceress. ”So he seeks to gain even more power, the fool. Using babes to carry out his will too.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo April 4th 2014, 10:19 pm

Spellstone both audibly and silently cursed whenever his mana bombs did little more than create a scuff on the Dragon's body. Fingers curled into fists, and he once began to summon telekinetic energy towards his hands. He was about to mess this dragon up, but it appeared that when the sorceress failed in some brief scuffle with Michael: she had grown bored. Spellstone's tattered cloak swirled through the air behind him while he flew to Titan's side; with their powers combined surely they could finally defeat these two. He'd hardly known them for 15 minutes and he already had a superhumanly large disliking for them. The dragon was a dragon who wanted to kill him and the sorceress knows too much. Both of them should qualify for the dislike category.

The woman stood up on top of the dragon's scales, aiming her magical stick directly at the pair. Slowly a spectrum or bright sorcery began to expand from the staff's tip. Spellstone's eyes widened in a mixture of awe and fear, before his body began to levitate backwards. The telekinetic power still orbited his palms and he was ready to use it if he needed to. When the orb had reached it's climax and been fired, He turned away and closed his eyes - finding it both daunting and difficult to look at. He braced himself for a lot of pain.

He didn't know why though; for all he knew this was it. He was going to die in the sewers fighting a witch and a dragon made of gold with some sexy guy he knew little to nothing about. Sovngarde will accept him with open arms he thought, before smirking - ready to party with war heroes for all eternity. He'd had a good life, despite how short it had been. He saved some lives that would have been ended if he hadn't have taken the Spellstone away from his family who couldn't see it's awesome potential. Wait hang on... the Spellstone does have awesome potential. He had it!

Spellstone turned around to face the orb of death, telekinesis ready to strike out and push that orb right back into the sorceress bitch who decided she'd face the wielder of the Spellstone. But of course; someone had already stolen his thunder. Some heroic figure stood in shiny red armour, who's arm was dangling to the side had stepped between him and Michael and pretty much just saved their ass. Wait... where is Micha-... Are you serious. It's him? What the hell. He clapped for the impressive show on both the Sorceress and Michael's sides.  It was quite a pretty display.

"You got any over tricks I should know about, Titan?" he called over, jokingly. "Because so far all of yours seem pretty cool." The telekinetic power was still flurrying around his hand. Maybe he'd actually get to use it soon.
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt April 4th 2014, 11:44 pm

Michael had been forced to use the void armor, but it wasn’t as if the benefits of the armor itself were gone permanently, only until it refueled itself once again. Still, that the female knew about Raziel confused Michael somewhat, as if he suspected that he was really just being sent out to deal with the ethereal beings  enemies while he sat back in Valhalla, like the lazy ass that he was. Red fingers coated in the powerful red armor curled up into a fist as he glared at the woman, and then turned to the male that was helping him. His ally considered what he did some kind of trick, though he had yet to see what the power of his ethereal energy could offer him, no, he was nowhere close to done at this point and soon enough the dragon would be slain.

The sorceress seemed to get on edge upon seeing that Michael bore the strange armor gifted to him by Raziel, as if something about it were reason to be cautious. ”I think its time we get rid of this hag.” Michael mused out loud with a grin, turning to Joshua was if seeing if he agreed on that. His own energy began to flare up around the male a she prepared to end this battle with one decisive blow, and hopefully using the power that the male standing beside him wielded, they would end this in one go. The female would point her staff towards him, and began to draw a large amount of power, his eyes began to burn as he could see the flow of power from the dragon to the female.

So she was drawing upon energy from the dragon to fuel this spell? If that were the case then all they had to do was attack the dragon while she was doing this spell of hers. A great amount of black energy tinged with red would form around the staff, beginning to crack the very material that formed it, the energy so palpable that even someone with no magical sense whatsoever could feel it. ’hey, I’ll deal with this spell. When I give the word I want you to throw your most powerful spell at the dragon, hold nothing back.” Michael muttered drawing a large amount of ethereal energy around his outstretched hands, forming what one could assume would be a full powered blast.

The large red blast came outwards him, and so he retaliated with a burst of his own. ”Now!” Michael roared over the sound of the two attacks meeting, hoping that Spellstone would be able to do as he asked and attack.
The Bolt
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Lingo April 5th 2014, 12:30 am

"I think it's time we get rid of this hag" Michael mused, much to Spellstone's relief. He was getting annoyed with this lady as she never seemed to know when she was beaten. He took a readied stance, and narrowed his greeny-blue eyes at the spectacle atop the reptile's head. The witch was draining some kind of magical power from the dragon, in order to charge some form of magical blasts or spell; whatever it was he felt it. And the spellstone was lit up like a light in the magic's presence. Whatever it was, it was powerful; extremely so. Spellstone turned his gaze to Michael, expecting to hear some kind of master plan. And the response he got was simple enough. So simple that it sounded genius. Beat the hell out of that dragon. Spellstone looked at his hands briefly and tried to think - of alll the spells he knew what was the strongest? Hmmm...

He looked up, with a fire of inspiration in his eyes, before the pupil began to spill outwards; consuming the greeny blue iris' and the vivid white outline. The pitch black orbs seemed to glow with a bright purple sheen, creating an eerie and quite frankly awesome effect. Both of his hands were thrust forward and the telekinetic energy dissipated. Spellstone turned to Michael and spoke in a tone that made it seem like there was lightning riding on his throat. "You might want to create some form of protection!" He splutttered, before what appeared to be two very fine tornadoes lashed out from the Spellstone and began swirling around his hands. Purple lightning was spilling from the maelstrom, and was starting to dart from Spellstone's finger tips. Before things got out of his grasp, he thrust both his hands into the air above the dragon, and the tornadoes swirled towards the never-ending tunnel above it: Followed swiftly by the lightning bolts. They merged together and began to form a swirling, pitch black cloud which oozed lightning from it's pores.

Rain began to fall over the scene, and when examined you could see that the rain was infact a purple hue, similar to the lightning. The Mana Maelstrom which had formed above the dragon began to send massive lightning streaks from it's celestial body, which slashed right across it's back - causing the concrete it hit to glow with a bright orange hue. Tornadoes had started to lift up debris and threw the boulders in random directions. Spellstone had to duck to avoid being smashed in half by a particularly large chunk. His hands were still aimed at the twisting abyss of clouds above the witch and her dragon, and were growing larger the longer he maintained this focus. More lightning shot out of it, and the rain increased in ferocity. This was only the beginning. The rain gathered in a puddle beneath the dragon's feet was shot by a bolt of lightning and sent bolts stabbing around it's body like daggers made out of hate, while more streaks from the cloud criss-crossed it's back with a seemingly never-ending torrent of the weather's wrath.

He knew he'd pay for doing this however; he could tell the moment he'd cast it. The Spellstone was draining his life force to fuel it so once it was over he was out of the fight. Not that there should be much of a fight after this spell. He should give it a name. The messer upper. Meh, it'd do. His shredded cloak looked as if it was having some form of epileptic fit in the incredibly strong winds that were filling the room. The lightning coming from his hands had mutated into an orb around each hand - allowing Spellstone to maintain the storm. It was at it's full potential, all he could do now was try not to get hit (like skill interruption in dragon age X]) and hope to hell that Michael didn't get killed by it. That'd suck - big time.
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt April 5th 2014, 2:38 pm

The ultima energy began to form around his hand, cracking the very armor that was meant to protect him. It seemed that the energy that he was wielding had begun to become too great to truly control, though it made sense considering that he was not quite mastered within its use. Wind began to swirl around the male as the energy began to condense into an orb that swirled around his hands, swirling faster and faster as it became more volatile. He needed to have enough energy to counter the attack shot at him, and Michael was unsure if he could actually pull something like that off, considering the immense energy behind the attack that the female was forming. Spellstone had said something about needing to create some kind of protection, but he did not have the time or ability to do so, not if he wanted to do this thing right.

Grey energy would crackle from his eyes like electricity as the orb would let out a sound before firing off to meet with the one that the sorceress was forming. The two energies would meet with a deafening boom, as a shockwave seemed to emanate from the point of impact, going outwards until it seemed to collapse upon the energy that Michael was releasing, energy that was perhaps incalculable to a novice but even he had his limits. The ethereal was no god and he did not have the impressive power source that was the draconic being, no, he only had his small body to conduct the energy from the etherium. So it started off as the blast seemingly equal, but one could see that he was losing, Michael’s energy was nowhere as powerful as the woman’s in the long run, just a dying candle.

A low curse escaped from Michael’s lips as he dumped more energy into his attack, causing the armor around his hands to crack and then shattered as the flesh began to tear and bleed. Blood intermingled with the ultima and began to hiss, sputtering before turning into an acrid black smoke that rose ever higher. Lightning would flash around him, yet it did not bother Michael much, so long as it didn’t hit him. Even with the excess energy, it seemed that his foe had done the same thing, until the dragon was impacted by the lighting attacks. This gave him more leeway with the struggle of two ancient energies, until something happened that Michael did not quite expect, then something happened that made everything so much more difficult. Something was caught up within the maelstrom of the storm created by Spellstone, and a small bit of rubble slammed into the armor around his gut with amazing force.

Michael let out a small grunt as the armor around that area began to crack, the crack spreading outwards as blood welled up around that point, oozing out in a sickening frequency. Some of the blood spurted from his mouth as his own attack was weakened and Michael found himself being impacted by the woman’s attack, energy slamming into an impromptu shield that only served to avoid any deadly damage as the armor around his torso region was torn away and he was thrown against a wall with a hard thud and fell to the ground, or rather fell before managing to stop himself. However it seemed that she was significantly weakened by the assault upon the dragon, who was taking major damage from everything that was hitting it, metallic skin beginning to melt as it let out roars of immense pain. It was dying and the woman was in the midst of the storm, trying to deflect the lighting strikes and things of that nature, but eventually it caught up with her as one of the bolts struck the woman and reduced her to a smoldering corpse.
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by Thistle April 5th 2014, 5:21 pm

Michael's arms had flickered and moved, he was conjuring some of the powers he seemed to wield so expertly, while the formidable storm kept the dragon pinned down. All was going well until a rock flew past Spellstone and knocked Michael out of his peripheral vision. He was about to stop the storm and turn around to assist him but then he remembered that if he did this dragon would end them both. Michael would be alright. But then... he couldn't survive getting stabbed. Nah, I'm sure it's different this time. The witch atop the dragon was using her staff to deflect the lightning that came towards her but as it's intensity grew - her's didn't. When a bolt of lightning consumed her figure her silhouette could be seen, before it disintegrated with a fading scream and when the bolt was gone so was she. Well... mostly. There was some ash in the air.

The dragon let out at roar at it's seemingly dead mistress, lifting it's head upwards to screech at the swirling mass of clouds. It felt it's back burning from the lightning that had been streaking along it, and Spellstone could see the red hot glow. However whenever it parted it's lips Spellstone threw both his arms downwards with a roar of his own. The clouds quickly pulled into a metre wide sphere above the dragon's head and channelled a near-godly stream of lightning right into it's open maw. The lightning incinerated it's teeth, and the monstrous reptile threw it's head back - it's lower jaw breaking off in the process. Then the clouds turned into what appeared to be a serpent of some kind and forced itself into the dragons melting and unusable mouth. The clouds began erupting with the lightning once more and it's effects were immense.

The first signs of damage could be heard - the beast's attempted screaming and the sounds of thunder coming from it's stomach. Then it could be seen - the dragon's eyes exploded, replaced by nothing but glowing orbs of purple light and dragon blood. It staggered around, spotlights of purple exploding from it's body in various locations. Purple veins spread over it's visible flesh. There was a silent climax before the light turned into a bright purple flare: When it faded the dragon's golden armour was spread around the room with no flesh left. The golden coins that were on the floor around it had been melted into small rivers and the air was surprisingly quiet but unsurprisingly dusty.

When the beast had exploded, the force of it had sent Spellstone into the sewer wall before he fell atop a piece of the dragon's headgear. It was the length of his body and didn't exactly break his fall. Infact it only succeeded in breaking two of his ribs. His pitch black eyes reseeded, his eye's whites being revealed and then his blue and green iris'. His hands found their way to his ribs, and cradled them gently - eyes closing over into a state of unconsciousness... "That... was... awesome..." his head rolled to the side, and snoring rolled from his head.
Post Mate
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Quote : i got beat up by elaine once

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Location : Ireland.
Age : 27
Job : I wish.
Humor : Did you hear about the dwarf's joke? It fell short.
Registration date : 2013-03-15

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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

Post by The Bolt April 5th 2014, 5:53 pm

The taste of iron filled his mouth as the blood bubbled from between his clenched teeth, vision blurring ever so slightly as Michael watched the ends of the dragon with a silent relish. Even within his weakened form, Michael could keep consciousness, holding a hand over the wound caused by the rock that had sailed through both armor and flesh. A few chips of the solid red armor would fall away, revealing the painful red flesh underneath, a few stream of blood running down his body. As soon as the attack was done, the male would float down next to him as the dragon began to fall apart, Michael drawing upon the small amount of ethereal energy left within him and channeling it to heal the male that had used up so much energy to slay the dragon, leaving himself barely enough for himself.

”Damn, what was I thinking?” He muttered to himself spitting a thick globule of blood onto the floor. Drawing upon what energy that remained, Michael fixed over any wounds that remained upon him, though it was mostly keeping him from dying. He would not die, but that did not mean that he would be able to stay conscious for long, so the male would have to bring the guy out of here before they both collapse onto the ground. Drawing up the last of his strength, Michael created the Abyssal portal, one that would lead him to a place that he could barely remember, the small hovel that Joshua called home, dragging the male along with him as he went. The nether lashed out at him, as if sensing that he was nearing death, yet he would not allow it to claim him. Stepping shakily through the portal, Michael tossed the male on the bed and then fell against the wall, grunting as a lance of pain ran through his side.

”Dammit, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this weak in my life.” Michael muttered as the void armor became the clothing that he wore when he arrived, the shirt for the most part torn apart, revealing the torso underneath. Luckily his shorts were intact, save for the frayed hems, arms crossing over his stomach as he took a deep breath of the air, looking to the unconscious male laid out on the bed with a wry smirk. ”Lucky you, if that was anyone else I would have left them to die.” He muttered eyes fluttering closed, as Michael slipped into unconsciousness.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone] - Page 3 Empty Re: The Scourge of The Abyss [Spellstone]

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