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Lych Followers: The Watcher and The Black Rose

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Lych Followers: The Watcher and The Black Rose Empty Lych Followers: The Watcher and The Black Rose

Post by Zodiac October 29th 2013, 7:23 pm

The Watcher


Real Name: Lourishna, Huginn and Muninn
Renegade Name: The Watcher
Title: "The Watcher" "Harbinger of Death" "Death's Murder" "The Four Eyed Raven" "The Four Wings of Death" “Name the Mad”
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: Unknown
Gender: Presumed Male
Race: Raven
Hair: Feathers
Eye Color: Blue, when not covered
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 20 lbs.
Blood type: Black Ichor


The Watcher's True Form:

Alignment Rationale

   Chaotic good characters are defined by their actions and compelled to do what they perceive to be right, regardless of what law or morals may dictate. Often times these characters are the ones who say "Screw the rules, I'm doing what's right." or that "An unjust law is no law at all." The trick behind these characters is which part of their alignment is more prevalent. Are they more good than chaotic, or more chaotic than good? In the case of Lourishna, he qualifies as the Archtype of Balance Seeker. Balance Seekers believe in doing good things, and in their own freedom they opt to do good things, regardless of what the law of the land would proclaim. All the same, Balance Seekers hold a grudging, and at times healthy respect for those that adhere to the laws. Balance Seekers are aware that they, in their own freedom/chaos, have elected to do good, but they are capable of recognizing that laws are required, as there are many whom would not do as they have chosen to do.

   Lourishna also identifies with the tropes such as Why isn't it attacking? As it discerns itself and it's role specifically in contrast to that of it's "Master". Just because The Lych desires to kill someone, does not mean Lourishna is willing to partake of the bloodshed. Furthermore, Lourishna is more than aware it is a dark thing to behold, but Dark is nor Evil. Despite it's creepy appearance and it's four wings and mummified shroud, it is a sweetheart and a friend of life. But above all Lourishna seems to be an embodiment of the trope Our Cryptids are more mysterious. due to it's association to the Creator Deity and Trickster of the Kwakwaka'wakw, Coast Salish, Koyukons, and Inuit peoples. In addition it can break itself apart and become two different beings, both of which sit with The Lych in a way similar to that of the Norse Mythos' Odin had his pet ravens. One ancient story told on Haida Gwaii tells about how Raven helped to bring the Sun, Moon, Stars, Fresh Water, and Fire to the world, and Lourishna seems to fit the description of all of these creatures. Including a hostility to any whom carry Prometheu's Pyre.

The Legacy

 Lourishna, The Four Winged Raven is a patient beast that seems to be devoid of all hostility, save for the rare few whom may have been marked by the Ti'tian Prometheus. Lourishna seems to act as if it were but a humble raven with the oddity of having two additional wings. Of course Lourishna can split himself into two, and these two ravens bicker and fight akin to siblings, and will often times argue for the affection of those present. Despite it's continual façade of being an ordinary Raven, Lourishna is in fact highly intelligent and will utilize many opportunities in order to prove this to others.

  While Loruishna is a very sweet, and smart creature, it can be excessively petty, as can it's divided forms Huginn and Muninn.

     The history of Lourishna is a point of controversy. For as long as there has been a Lych, there has been The Watcher. For as long as there has been a Watcher, there has been Lourishna. Many are quick to point that the bird has had three masters in it's near incalculable lifetime. It has served The Lych, it has served The Archon and it has served Psyche/Yamm under the guise of Azrael. Each and every time, Lourishna has served one, specific purpose. To provide companionship and gather knowledge.

  Regardless what you might believe, regardless what he would tell you. The important thing to remember about Lourishna has always been, and always will be...he doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Lourishna was not from here, and did not deserve to be here. Lourishna wandered here, brought here by an outside force. A guiding hand.

What is that hand? What brought him here? Nothing. Nothing at all.

   Lourishna has, from the beginning, been a creature that was touched by something beyond that of the existential force. It was spoken to by something different than that of The Archon Energy when creation was made. Lourishna heeded the call and set forth to obey. Lourishna has followed and molded itself after that which had called it. The great empty, the nothingness. The void. Even in such a way that it tricked The Lych into cleaving him in half, just as The Void had in the beginning, and birthing a friend for it to bicker with and love. But the truth to it's history remains fragmented.

    All that is truly known is that Lourishna serves the Lych's master, and by extension was placed under the command of The Lych. It eventually went to serve it's beloved friend and the Lych's son for a while, guiding him through the Lych's curse when he temporarily inherited it from his father. Then, when The Lych returned and reclaimed his curse, Lourishna's allegiances were exposed, and it was forced to leave it's life behind. Now it continues to relay information between The Lych and his chosen disciples, as they continue their work to deliver The Eternal Promise that the void whispered to Lourishna at the dawn of time.    

The Powers

  Ravenheart: Lourisehna’s physical form is similar to that of The Lych, though seemingly opposing. During the daylight hours and when in the light, Lourishna appears to be a normal Raven, though closer inspection (or obvious when he isn’t pressing them together to try hiding them) Raven. In the moonlight the whispering aura of it’s master manifest the veiled wrappings that appear on his head. His body is able to grow much larger, up to twenty feet and is physically much more durable than what one might expect. If damage would be considered lethal, it causes Lourishna to turn into dust and fade away to be reformed by it’s master at a later time. Lourishna is also Panesiac and smarter than any other raven, capable of even establishing a telepathic link with individuals.

 The Watcher: Lourishna is known as “The Watcher”. Lourishna has the power to detect and “see” or experience anywhere in moonlight as if he himself were there. This is regarded as a sense of true-sight. Anything he sees is capable of being shared, or excluded from others he has connected with through a telepathic link.

 The Trickster: Lourishna is known to the natives as The Trickster creator. Characterized by his blue fire that causes illusions/hallucinations and burns/freezes at varying temperatures.
 Never One...: Lourishna has lived a life deadset to try and become more like it’s master. As such it tricked The Lych into cutting it in two, right down the middle allowing it to create a separate version of itself before both versions flew off and served under another just as hungry for knowledge as they were. Lourishna is able to break itself apart and become two separate creatures. Huginn and Muninn together both have the same powers as Lourishna, though each actual body is individually limited.

The Weakness

Forced Guardianship: If anyone brings an offering to Lourishna, he is obligated to protect him with all of the might that he can possibly muster. Offerings must be of something that is shiny and covered in the heart-blood of a sentient being. Lourishna feels closer to certain kinds of people, and so they may beseech him with an offering of any kind that their culture prescribes in tradition. This extends to Native Americans, Inuit and several other peoples.

Leave no Trace: Lourishna MUST (when not under Forced Guardianship or Beseeched) do everything in it’s power to make no physical actions against those that live within the existential world.

Beseeched: If a person beseeches Lourishna for Guidance, assistance with survival or another task, they are immediately linked into his telepathic mind, regardless of his desires for them to be there or not.

Sanctified Existence: Lourishna becomes physically harmed when attempting to use his powers as The Watcher to peer into a place sanctified by the Judeo-Christian or Islamic faith. Lourishna then loses control over his telepathic power and cannot keep a connection. This is surprisingly easy to do, as his power does not allow him to “stop” just before hand.

Petty Birdy: Lourishna despises when people treat him like a mindless animal, or say things like “pretty birdy” or treat him like a pet, or less than metahuman. He is known for randomly attacking strangers up to 8 months after they have slighted him in some way. His petty nature and desire for revenge feed his trickster soul, and he is willing to play the long game.  

Azrael’s Blade: While Azrael’s blade is known for being able to stop those with regeneration, and ending the lives of immortals, the mere sight of the blade, or reference to the blade causes Lourishna’s physical being to burn away, eventually causing him to pass out or even die.  

Twice the Suffering: Huginn and Muninn both feel the same pain as the other feels. If Muninn’s eye is cut out, Huginn will feel as though his eye was cut out. Even though when one died the other simply returns to being Lourishna, the damages from the dead brother remains.  

Soul-Seeker: Lourishna seeks the souls of the departed in order to guide them to their inevitable end. This is an obligation to his master, as well as to The Lych and a duty he holds to the highest esteem. This is it’s reason for being, and it takes it very seriously. It is exploitable.

The power of The Soul: Lourishna is actually able to be defeated most easily by the power of the soul. This is a power inherent to all things with souls. When Lourishna appears to someone and tries to tell them that their time has come, anyone with enough willpower to live is able to repel him and cause him increased harm. Undead who have retained their souls are particularly effective with this.

Nothing Matters, The Wolf and The Raven: Lourishna is tied to another creature of darkness with bright blue eyes and a ghostly fire. Lourishna is obligated to serve the will of this creature, no matter what it desires. To resist the desire is to cause Lourishna physical harm and eventually death.  

The Line of Fire: Lourishna is not capable of knowing which temperature his fire will burn or freeze at, or which one it will do.    

I went into the light...: Lourishna finds itself attracted to bright and shiny things. When flying, if there are unusual lights or sparkles, Lourishna will subconsciously dive directly towards it. Bug-zappers are the bane of his existence.

Philosophy: That big brain is a curse at times. Lourishna loves to talk, discuss and speak of philosophical ideologies and their all encompassing wasting of time as little people like him and you try to evaluate and give meaning to an otherwise pointless existence.

The Mechanics

The Shroud: Lourishna has a foggy bandaging that manifests over his eyes and wraps around him when he is revealed in the moonlight for what he truly is.

Finality-Bound: Lourishna is not immortal, but he is destined to see the finality of this universe and the next, a promise that his master has kept thus far. Lourishna has not compromised on his mission to achieve balance within all existences everywhere and ensure harmony.

It's my jam!: Lourishna has a very, very bad habit of assigning theme-songs to people.

The Equipment

  None required.

Physical Priority

1 : Agility : 1
2 : Endurance : 2
3 : Reaction : 3
4 : Strength : 4


  • Lourishna’s origins actually stem from another universe.
  • Louisiana's master appears as a black wolf like creature with reptilian/draconic features, as well as ties to the pale, ghostly blue color as Lourishna.
  • Lourishna is not able to be detected as a supernatural being, and is a blind spot to even people with True Sight, who simply see a raven with a “fuzzy” aura of a small person around it.
  • Lourishna believes they were present at the beginning of the world, and credits that to Native American beliefs that he was the creator. He was separated into Huginn and Muninn along the time of the the Vikings, and due to his overuse of his telepathic powers during the time of ancient greece he had earned ravens their association to prophecy. Yet for all he believes he influenced history, he cannot be sure he had at all, arguing that it is unsure if it even exists.
  • Lourishna seems to despise turbans for reasons unknown...
  • Lourishna often times calls people by incorrect names, and recalls them as being named something else. This is a mistake, being as he recalls everything that he has ever seen, heard or thought he has often times seen people whom have looked identical and they have been named otherwise.
  • Lourishna is a music enthusiast, enjoying all kinds and even headbanging when appropriate
  • Lourishna claims that The Eternal Promise was a response given to him when he asked "The One That Never Was" why it allowed the genesis of all things.
  • The application for Lourishna contains "The Vow" in the different sections. Each section references a different person allied with his master. By my watchful eye we seek. By his blade we reap. Under the shadow of HIM we loom. As we watch the Eternal Promise bloom.

The Black Rose
The Mother of Monsters


Real Name: Helena Echidna Collin
Renegade Name: Echidna, The Black Rose
Title: “The Mother of Monsters”, “Lady Death”, "The Black Rose of Death”, “The Prodigal Daughter”
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Void
Previous Race: Ethereal
Hair: Black
Left Eye Color: Red
Right Eye Color: Purple
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 145 lbs.
Blood type: Ethereal Energy



Alignment Rationale

    True Neutral characters tend to be complicated individuals. Mostly because they seem to be in a category of their own, doing their own thing. That being said, it becomes quite obvious why Helena belongs with this category. Once a villains she fits the more tropish term of What have I done? leading her to a view of morality that is Orange and Blue Morality. She also in her trip and return seems to have adopted a more Mysterious Stranger vibe as she seems to be campaigning and assisting heroes and villains alike to accomplish the goal she desires.

The Legacy

  The Black Rose is primarily known for her secretive agenda as well as her love and understanding of the Earth and all of it’s creatures. She is known as “The Mother of Monsters” because of her communion with the Earth and it’s most secretive creations. Primarily that of the Cryptids. The Black Rose is a manipulative and very strong willed woman without any shred of sympathy for the fate of mankind. Despite her cold exterior and her hardened and callous ways, she is truly a woman of few values and only desires to be free. Free for her and her children to live upon the earth in harmony where she no longer needs to hide who or what she is.

   She has moments of softness, and moments of joy, she is not the heartless monster she shows herself to be. In many ways, she is worse. In many ways, she is all bark and no bite. The only universal truth is that anyone who harms the Earth, or anyone who harms her babies are certainly going to see a Black Rose on their grave.

    The Prodigal daughter. Usurper. Lady Death. The Black Rose. Mommy. Many names for Helena Collin, though the one that rings the most true is “Mother of Monsters” and “Mistress of Secrets”. Helena is the child of Ouroboros and Sean Collin, though her exponential growth was indicative of Ouroboros’ preferential treatment towards his daughter. From a young age she had been taken in by The Lych in attempts to learn and understand the concept of Death and it’s significance to the sanctity of life. Being that she had once upon a time been known as a “Pure Ethereal” her powers had focused upon the powers of life and safeguarding.

   Many years later, after having been forgotten due to her unexpected journey through time, Helena returned but this time her power had become dark and shrouded in mystery to even the most knowledgeable. She vowed to The Lych that she would renounce her life as Lady Death and serve The Eternal Promise providing she be reunited with her lost lover. The Lych agreed, saying that even if it be in Death, they would be reunited.

   Throughout time, Helena and her Lover had birthed many creatures, these creatures and monster becoming known as “Cyrptids” and have been elusive and unseen. There are many children she has not introduced yet to this world and many she still has yet to have. But her love of this beautiful world, and her distaste for humanity and all that they do definitely drive her to her goals.

The Powers

 The Black Rose: Helena has the power to “talk” with nature and commune with it, beseeching it for protection and guidance. This is not a manipulation, rather a conversation between the elements of nature and herself. As The Black Rose, she has the power to create hybrid roses that are the color black. When she hands a rose to an individual they are shrouded in her mystery, making her immune to mind control, telepathy and any form of extra sensory. Helena is able to transfer messages through these roses, causing any whom she wishes to pass a message to to hear her voice or see visions of what she wished to share with them if the roses are smelled.

The Mother of Monsters: Helena has given birth to several creatures of horrific origin. Their existence is still beloved by nature, despite humanity’s views of them and their attempts to kill her babies. Her children are all known as cryptids. (Summoning Power/RP Mech)

Beautiful Agony: The Black Rose is a deadly adversary with a unique physiology. While she is unharmed to most things that cause deathly damages by human means, she is easily damaged by metahumans, though her combat skills have made her formidable for even them.

The Weakness

Forced Vow: The Black Rose is compelled to keep a secret when she is told it. Her word is her vow and it cannot be broken. If she tells a lie, or makes a liar of herself, her body naturally inflicts wounds upon itself.

Protect the Children: Helena is very protective of her children and will rush to aid them regardless of anything else. Whatever the objective is, it is never as valuable as the life of her children.

Guilt: Helena deals with a great deal of guilt from her life prior to the time-stream. Her guilt actually causes her to forcibly make efforts to avoid any actions that will cause mass destruction, even if it is to serve The Eternal Promise. She would deny it, but there is a part of her that can still sympathize with her victims.

Sucker for Love: The Black Rose would do anything for love, and that can be a problem. She views love as the only thing that makes Humans even slightly redeemable. She is unable to break apart love unless it directly endangers nature.

Animal Friend!: Helena, despite her ties to death, is a very loving and caring fired of animals everywhere. Animals being willing to come up to her and play with her makes her more invested in them, and makes them more appealing in leverage.

Soul-Seeker: The Black Rose seeks the souls of the departed in order to guide them to their inevitable end. This is an obligation to her grandfather and master. If there are souls stranded or lost she is obligated to go after them at all costs.

The power of The Soul: Secrets are The Black Rose’s specialty, mostly because secrets are tied down to the symbol of what the black rose has been for ages. If someone spills a secret, The Black Rose becomes wracked with physical pain that can be horrifically distracting.

I went into the light...: The Black Rose’s powers are not nearly as effective during the daytime. When the sun is out, she requires twice the energy to do anything she requires, placing her in opposition to most plant life.

The Mechanics

The Mother of Monsters: Helena has given birth to several creatures of horrific origin. Their existence is still beloved by nature, despite humanity’s views of them and their attempts to kill her babies. Her children are all known as cryptids. (Summoning Power/RP Mech)

Bed of Roses: Helena wakes up in a garden, secluded away from the world if she is to expire or die. This causes many issues as she loses parts of her memory each time this happens.

Lois Lane: While she despises this analogy, Helena is a Lois Lane to her lover, and they would do anything to save her.

The Minions/Cryptds

Old Shuck:
Spring-Heeled Jack:


Physical Priority

1 : Reaction : 1
2 : Strength : 2
3 : Endurance : 3
4 : Agility : 4


  • Helena and her lover fulfill a prophecy of the joining of two blood lines. This union has happened two other times.

  • Helena’s first born “Old Shuck” is actually the reincarnated soul of her brother’s friend “Abra”

  • Helena is allergic to Holy Oil or rather “Anointing Oil”. It causes her skin to break out in hives.

  • Helena is known to practice several traditions from many cultures. Including Native American, Indian, Japanese and Celtic.

  • Helena has a penchant for breaking mirrors. Mostly because she does not see the same reflection that everyone else does.

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Mega Poster!

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Lych Followers: The Watcher and The Black Rose Empty Re: Lych Followers: The Watcher and The Black Rose

Post by Arcana October 29th 2013, 7:33 pm

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