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Surprise withdraw

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Surprise withdraw  Empty Surprise withdraw

Post by Hyperion September 9th 2013, 6:41 pm

Tiana sat awkwardly on the large transit bus, tan legs crossed over one another as she had a small iPod plugged into her ears, and a strange sort of trance music pumping through it. While her money was useless in this world, she had found that her talents had proven useful in more ways than simply allowing her to talk to technology, and that included machines that spat out currency with simple nudging. Soon enough the young alien had enough for a new pair of clothing, a ticket on one of those things that the humans called a bus as well as an Ipod loaded with all sorts of music. Even however was not too happy with the young girl stealing, if only because she was likely to get caught with how the race was beginning to change towards those not like the rest. Some people even ventured to bother the girl about who she was and where her parents, were, seeing as she was still young, even by whatever he races standards were.

Still, she thought of excuses easy enough, and with some access to this internet she had heard about from Even, they found a nice place for Tiana to hole up for now. Her ship was beyond repair, and if the “crackpots” of the internet know anything, the governing body of this province would be on it soon enough. So here she was on a transit bus heading for what Eve had said to be nearly half way across this country, and if that was so, this would use the rest of the money she had gained through use of her own powers, or stealing as humans called it. All she had left was a single dollar bill, crisp and mostly new, though perhaps she could see a few wrinkles within the paper.  Tiana adjusted the collar of her lose white t-shirt, which had begun to sag, and cover one shoulder less than the other. It somewhat matched her slightly tight black shorts, which rose only a few inches above her knees.

Roads would move by, and all she did was watch them do so, not another thought within her super computer of a mind, except perhaps what she would do once she reached this city. Leaving the ship behind was hard, but then again it wasn't as if the thing belonged to her, and any useful hardware was mostly trashed,e except for components to maintenance droids that she deposited into a small black backpack along with clothes that now sat on her lap. She could see what looked like the starts of a city in the distance, his sparse outskirts that would give way to a greater place, and Tiana was looking forward to what new sights would await her. Eve had no feelings positive or negative towards this venture, but perhaps it was because she did not care really how great this city was. Soon enough the bus stopped, and the young alien stepped off with her only possessions carried within a backpack, as well as the clothes on her body.

She would dart out of the small station amongst the taller people, and make her way into the crowds. So many humans dressed so differently than what she had seen in Kansas, and all of them looked so stressed. While she was busy taking in the wonders, the high building and perhaps even the small shops hugged by sidewalk.”Eve, what do you think we should do first?” She inquired of the Ai held within the small device at her hip, though for now a response would come in through the headphones of her Ipod which was now linked to the artificial intelligence.

”You haven't eaten in nearly twenty four Earth hours, and that could prove detrimental to you body.” The voice said in return through her stark white headphones, though with a certain mechanical edge to the English that Eve spoke. ”Though to do so, you would need currency, which you have little of at the moment.” That was perhaps something that she had forgotten, but then again Tiana could simply find another money machine at those things called banks. First of course she would have to find a bank within the city, and that would be a little hard since most of the buildings did not look like the small ones from where she came from. The young female with the messy red hair would then search around the city, weaving through the crowds, and trying to keep suspicion off of herself, even if that was  alittle hard.

It took a good hour, and perhaps some rests until she found the large building that had the combination of letters she was looking for, and with a nice ATM out front too. Tiana skipped up to it, making sure that no one else was around, and telling the cameras to ignore her, omit the image of her from its feed. They would chatter at her for a bit, but what she wanted was done. Tiana placed her small palm against the Atm, gave it a command, and a torrent of twenty dollar bills spilled from the slot, around fifty six in total, some fluttering to the ground as the young female reached down and picked them up. This should keep her going for a week or two, maybe three if she used it right.

"Jackpot." She muttered using a phrase that the alien had heard once before.
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Surprise withdraw  Empty Re: Surprise withdraw

Post by Samify September 9th 2013, 7:37 pm

Sam was on another one of his walks, he generally did it when it was a warm sunny day, who would want to walk out in the rain. With his signature red and black hoodie and pendant around his neck, he left his apartment and wandered around the city to see if anything interesting was happening. He walked past several shops and peaked through the windows to see if anything was on sale, he visited his favorite park and chucked a British penny into the fountain as he normally did, the scent of a variety of flowers filled his nostrils and all of the many colours were a wonder on the eyes.

Sam would stop from time to time whenever someone needed some help, he would hold things for people as they maneuvered around their inventory, he would hold ladders for people who were climbing them to clean windows or fix roofs. He walked by the bank when he saw a young girl picking up money off of the ground around an ATM, there was more of a chance of it being someone else's unless she was some kind of rich child that he doesn't know. Sam was wary at first, but he did not see any adults nearby, so it must have belonged to her, he ventured over beside her and started helping her pick up the money off of the ground, luckily it was not too windy otherwise it would have been a much longer chase. The girl looked cautious of him, as if she didn't really trust him at first, but when he extended his hand full of cash, she seemed quite happy to take it from him, "Is this all of yours?" he asked, still wary of the situation.
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Surprise withdraw  Empty Re: Surprise withdraw

Post by Hyperion September 9th 2013, 7:52 pm

Tiana looked warily at the male that had come to help her, or so it seemed. Why he was helping the young alien was unknown, though she was unsure if he even really knew who she was or anything. The male asked if all of this money was hers, and she looked up him, and for a moment considered saying that it was not, but that would get her nowhere in this situation. ”Yupp, its totally all mine.” She said with a grin shoving the bills into the small pocket on the outside of her backpack before zipping it up. This guy was being nosy for sure, and nothing good could come from it in the long run. He looked human, so that meant she was dealing with more of the strange creatures that placed themselves as dominant on this planet.

She could have had Eve scan him for something but then again, who he was did not matter to Tiana, unless he could help her in some way. With the money, the Xenotian could easily just make a run for it, and hope the guy wasn't fast or anything.”I suggest you try and make as much distance between the male as possible.” Eve issued through her headphones, though Tiana was perhaps a little curious now. She had not gotten a real chance to really learn more about humanity, and this young male could do just that, though perhaps calling him young was not the right term, seeing as he was a lot older looking than her.

”Well, thank you for helping me with my little.......dilemma.” Even with his knowledge of English, she felt limited by the vocabulary of the one that she assimilated the language from, and this Australian accent was slightly annoying. ”Mister.......errrrrm.”

Shael Atterrius
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Surprise withdraw  Empty Re: Surprise withdraw

Post by Samify September 9th 2013, 8:16 pm

"Lock, Sam Lock" he replied, why this girl wanted to know his name was strange, Sam assumed this would just be a one time encounter where he would give a helping hand, but it appeared this girl wanted an actual conversation with him. Sam noticed the Australian accent the girl had and the questions in his head multiplied, why was a young girl grabbing a lot of money off of the ground with no parents near her, and from what it sounds like, she was from Australia as well. "That's an interesting accent you have there, I've always wanted to go to Australia, I hear it's pretty warm over there this time of year, that must have been where you got your tan from, am I right?" he asked, Sam had taken a quick glance earlier and had noticed the difference in skin colour between the two of them, Sam has lived in Los Angeles for a few months now and he took regular walks outside in the Sun and he has only just started a tan, this girl seemed further ahead than him on that scale.

Sam had asked the question, but after noticing that she had earphones in, she probably could not even hear him anyway, Sam thought it to be slightly rude and that he would have to repeat himself in a few seconds time, but maybe she just had it on pause for the time being.
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 481
Location : UK
Age : 29
Humor : Drinking Tea and Eating Crumpets
Registration date : 2013-07-16

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