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The Unicorns and The Wasp

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Samael Christensen September 10th 2013, 10:09 pm

Brandon felt them, heavy and dense against his back as they moved through pained mental commands. Clumsy limbs hugging his back as they seemed to shake off small drops of blood, which fell against the ground soundlessly, though hew knew that his back was fine. Dark brown orbs would scan over what he could of the wings, and his mouth hung open in stupefied awe. The first person to speak about this was Niall, and Brandon could hear incredulity within his voice, and did he hear an edge of fear? His words froze within his throat, and Brandon had nothing he could say except for a few awkward words. 'I......I....guess I am.” The wings moved awkwardly once again, bringing up some dust with their movement. Why had he grown wings now of all times? Before when Niall did the spell, he had gotten like a boost to something, but now this was happening of all things, and he felt as if Niall did not trust him now.

He wanted to rip them off of his back, but the thoughts of the pain deterred him well enough. He tried to move the wings, and they responded, though perhaps with only a weak flap, a single movement that showed they were his, not some cruel joke; not an illusion. Would Aaron know anything about this, or maybe his mom? At this moment, Brandon felt like a child worrying about their first pimple, or even their voice cracking. No, he was scared, perhaps wondering what had happened to his body and why it was happening. He could feel a wave of weakness run through his body, especially his back and then pass. His thoughts snapped back into focus, Niall letting out a light chuckle before charging the missiles, and then there was an explosion, and he was gone. Well, that was not all of the missles, the other three slammed hard into his body and sent the Hale flying through the air with all of the grace of an epileptic chicken.

His wings flapped uselessly, and in an instant he slammed hard into the ground, and damn did his chest hurt like hell. Brandon felt over it, and....there was blood. It was a minute, almost unnoticeable amount but he could feel the thick moisture on his palm. 'Great...I have wings and I can't even fucking use them.” The Hale grumbled to himself pulling himself from the ground and letting out a disappointed sigh.

Samael Christensen

Number of posts : 903
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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Elena Vexus September 10th 2013, 10:40 pm

She could tell something had shifted with the boy. Something about his friend growing wings did not seem to sit right with him. Elena would need to use this to her advantage. Her missiles closed in rapidly, and right before they struck the boy he disappeared. She could not tell how or where to, even with her multitude of cameras in the area. The Hale boy did not perform as skillfully. The three missiles aimed at him were a direct hit and sent him flying back. Though his durability still prevailed as she saw him get up. She would need to try harder.
In the next moment, the boy who had dematerialized reappeared right behind her and give snark taunt. Vexus turned her head slightly and the yellow extension from the back of her helmet went to ensnare the boy, but unfortunately to no avail. Whatever form he had entered seemed to prevent him from any physical contact. Elena cursed under hear breath and took off to the sky to put some distance between them. It did not appear that either of them could fly, or at least have not figured it out yet so having the higher ground should prove to be a beneficial move.

She could see the both of them being a couple hundred feet in the air and with the cannon on her left arm fired a shot of Technorganic Matter at each of them. She did not intend to hit them, expecting them to be able to doge such an attack. Upon coming into contact with whatever the Technorganic Matter touched, it would grow and morph into a some-what sentient beast. On either sides of the battle field huge humanoid like creatures formed from the ground. They stood almost seven and a half feet tall and weighted nearly a ton. Despite their size and weight they were extremely fast due to the supernatural enhancements given to them by the technomatter fused into their bodies.
The one closest to the Hale child began to approach him quickly aiming to kill, or fatally wound. As for the other one, it would have to wait until the boy returned to this plane of existence before it was able to do damage. However, due to their primitive intelligence levels it would try to attack him anyways.
Vexus hovered high above the scene watching carefully as her minions did her bidding. It did not seem like the duo was fairing to well against Vexus' mechanical province. This was a very fitting test of her suit's abilities, as she had not yet used it in a combat setting. There were still some limits that she could push, and a couple of weapons to utilize. One in particular she was eager to try on these defense prone children.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Zodiac September 11th 2013, 12:21 am

      So she’s in the sky. Great. As if this day weren’t annoying enough. Well, it’s not like she had mini nukes, so that’s a plus side. On the other hand however, he had decided with two earth golems suddenly here, he should let himself physically reconstruct, considering that he needed to help the black-winged wonder. He watched as the golem with its primitive power as it tried to unleash fury upon him. Niall just sit there grinning, positioning himself in a place where he needed to be. He could wait this out, or he could actually do something about it. Nah…Brandon was okay, and Niall could keep this up…just a little longer anyway…

(Yes this post is short...yes it is bad...but I have no idea what the Hell is going on at the basically this is just a post to not impeed progress Razz)
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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Samael Christensen September 11th 2013, 2:22 pm

Okay, Brandon would have to pick up the pace if he didn't want his ass thrown around the battle field like a ragdoll any longer. For someone with his strength, it seemed like he was getting beaten down more than he was doing the beating. Even if all of her weapons seemed to be nearly useless against his tough hide, it was starting to take its toll and soon enough he might actually be getting hurt, which was not a good thing at all. He had to get his damn wings working, but how exactly could he do that when he was both under fire, and had never flown  with wings in his entire life. Once again he would try to regain control of his wings, perhaps forcing them to do as he wanted and bring him up in the air, though Vexus would give little time for figuring his own physiology out. Something was launched from her left arm, and the Hale moved out of the way as it struck the ground.

However, instead of nothing happening like any missed attack, something happened. The ground began to twist into a metallic substance before taking life and a more bestial form. He didn't really have a chance to react as the thing slammed a metallic fist into his face, and Brandon was slamming into the ground with a large amount of force, and damn did that hurt. That however did not end the rather brutal rampage, as the thing only slammed its tail into his body. So this thing was aiming to kill him? Even if that were the case, it would have taken much more than its blows to actually do the job, but this was a good start. His wings instinctively curled over his body, and protected him mostly from the hail of strikes that came at lighting speeds.

It was in this moment that he realized that his body was getting really sore. Sure these were not mortal blows, but they still took their toll when rained down on him with such intensity, and with the regard of a beast. It would feel not remorse, and show no mercy. With this speed, and the obvious primal skill, Brandon knew that he was heavily out matched by the thing that was trying to kill him, and their strength was close to even. How the hell could he do this now? Hell, now his wings were starting to hurt, and soon it was likely something would get broken in them. He needed to get this thing off of him, and stop the painful blows, but how? If they were glorified golems, Brandon would need to find a way to destroy it, perhaps removed whatever was powering it. If it had a core, he would need to destroy it.

His wings flexed violently forward, and slammed into the thing with full force, though that only knocked it back a few feet. By the time Brandon was on his feet, it had moved and savagely struck him again, and he was sent flying through the air.

Last edited by Brandon Hale on September 11th 2013, 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Elena Vexus September 11th 2013, 7:47 pm

Elena couldn't help but smile behind her mask. The Hale boy was being pummeled to a pulp, and once this other kid returned to this plane of existence he would receive the same treatment. It would only be a matter of time until both of them had met their match. And even still yet she had tricks up her sleeve. The two of them should have minded to their own businesses. Vexus was no intending on killing anyone with her attack on the city, it was just to move her construction movement forward. Now it seemed like these two would perish at her hands.
She continued to float high above the action looking down, waiting for something more to happen. Her mindless technorganic beasts were doing their job at attacking the two, or at least one of them were. The other had not found much success nor would he if the boy remained intangible. SHe figured he would have to eventually come to if he wanted to help the newly winged friend of his. The extra extensions to his body seemed to be rather troublesome, as to be expected from suddenly sprouting wings. Vexus would be safe in the air, even if the awkward bird-man did figure out how to fly it would not be a problem to ground the lowly earth rat.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Zodiac September 11th 2013, 10:59 pm

      Niall had to just watch, Brandon getting clobbered, and there was nothing he could do. Rather nothing he would do…but why the hell not? Brandon was always the one who managed to make him feel better, the one who actually meant something to him. Hell, Brandon was the best thing to happen to him, especially concerning the whole Zell incident. Niall was responsible for the destruction of the Hale manor, he was responsible for the things that happened to Arianna and Aaron. If he hadn’t been with Brandon, or if he hadn’t existed, then none of this would be happening to Brandon right now.
      Niall’s stomach knotted and he dropped to his knees. The pain was unbearable, as if his emotions had manifested in into physical pain, relentlessly tormenting him for his lack of action. Someone he loved…the person he loved, he was getting beaten to a pulp…and he did nothing about it? But if he returned to the plane of existence…he would…get hurt too. His body began to tremble, he wanted to cry, but no tears would fall. His hand clenched, the gloved fingers digging into terra firma beneath him. He closed his eyes and his breath quivered as he exhaled. His shaking became tremors, and He brought his left arm up the shaking was so violent, his breathing so unsettled. HE was hurting…and not just metaphorically…he was in pain. His knotted stomach…his aching heart… everything was just so uncertain anymore. Niall was useless here…he could do nothing. He would have to watch it happen…he had to watch…
…Brandon die...
      His entire body froze over, no more tremors, no more shaking. His left hand was placed on his mask, sweat-soaked bangs from his once spiked hair were in between the gloved fingers, and it seemed as if Niall were frozen solid, converted to the same stone as the mindless minion striking at him. His left arm pulsated, sending a shock through him. His sorrow…he fear…his…hunger.
   Hunger. It soon replaced all other emotions, save one…primal protection. There was no anger, no fear and no remorse. There was only the hunger, the desire for nothing more than a feat to sate the never ending gluttony that had come over the blonde boy. His canines were unnaturally sharp, however not really noticeable to the normal man or woman, as they had not increased in length. His eyes coursed with an odd ethereal energy, one that had never coursed through Niall before. His left arm was in total pain. It was as if one placed galvanized nails, five inches long, and hammered them into the arm. Niall wanted to cry out in pain, but he couldn’t. Then it were as if one poured a class of lemon juice into it, allowing the ravaged tissue to soak in the burning sensation. The Pain was so intense that it actually forced Niall back onto the plain of existence. Time all around him seemed to slow. He saw some of Brandon’s blood falling, ever so slowly. He felt the Golem’s rock arm brush his cheek as it drew its arm back. In a matter of moments…the rock creature would crush his skill…kill him. He’d be dead, and he wasn’t sure he would get another chance to come back like he did before. He was going to die…and so was Brandon…This was it…they’d lost.
    ”RAH!” Niall screamed, his left arm stuck out, intercepting the rock Golems punch. His body may not have been as durable as Brandon’s, but he could take a hit. The shock waver racked his body, and sent an oscillation through him, and the area on the ground where the punch would have hit send out a ripple of dust from the force that Niall had not absorbed. His arm began to give under strength. With his right arm, he pulled off the mask slowly, watching Brandon’s blood. His eyes narrowed, glowing with Ethereal energy. His left arm…the one currently holding the fist of the golem…it began to peel. At first it would appear to be simply a consequence of such force upon his arm, but it did not stop. Evidentially, the skin on his arm had split and “torn at the seams” for lack of a better word. Muscles were exposed as the skin peeled away, curling up his shoulder like wallpaper. The Muscles rippled, on a molecular level, the proteins that synthesized and maintained the muscles began to denature and come apart, becoming so weak that they were breaking and snapping from the sheer gravity of Earth. But as the skin peeled away, and the muscle unraveled, the mortal components disappearing into the atmosphere. Left behind was an arm of pure energy. The center of it was a sea green-blue bright neon like in color while it radiated into pure white and then faded into a sickly bile yellow. Niall dug his hand made of pure energy into the rock, sending large Ethereal cracks throughout the arm, and then the entire body of the Golem. There was a lash of energy and the golem exploded, drained of it’s energy down to the fibers of its existence. Niall stood up, revealing that now the four tendrils he had lost had completely recovered, and he no longer showed any sign of wear or tear. As he stood a large draconian wing of pure Ethereal energy unfurled from his body, stemming from his shoulder blade. Niall stood upright and glared at the other Golem. Niall began walking towards the golem, and without any hesitation, his ethereal energy activated, and he warped directly between the golem and Brandon. Niall held out his hand, wide open as if he were reaching for the golem. Instead a pulsation of ethereal energy triggered and the rock creature was to be propelled back. Niall looked over his shoulder and gave a little chuckle before holding his Ethereal thumb up, and with a snap of his fingers, Brandon was basked in Ethereal light, his wounds and clothing would soon knit closed, and Niall and Brandon both would appear entirely unscathed and as if combat hadn’t even initiated yet.
     ”Dying is MY job.” Niall playfully teased Brandon, his voice echoing as if an angelic chorus spoke along side him.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Samael Christensen September 11th 2013, 11:30 pm

If Brandon ended up being sent through the air anymore, he would trademark it. His head was spinning when he collided with the ground, and earth compact seemed to shatter upon landing, and that only added to the pain that was shooting through his body. His limbs would not comply, they would only lay sorely at his side while the thing would only continue to beat him down like before. Still, part of his mind wondered if Niall were okay, even while this thing rained down upon his such painful, and potentially fatal wounds that were beginning to break the skin. He could taste the blood welling up in his mouth as the appendage that resembled a tail wrapped around Brandon's throat and lifted him up, before slamming him hard against the ground. Brandon needed to move, stop these painful blows from killing him, as his head was slammed further into the ground.

One hand seemed to move against his well, and the cruel tail slammed against the palm and stop, though with a loud shockwave. Brandon felt himself get punched further into the ground, and his fingers kept a tight grip upon the limb, perhaps trying to keep the thing from moving anywhere, though it stomped hard on his leg, and did so multiple times until he felt a large amount of pain shoot through the limb. It was then that he had to let go of the tail, though that still did not stop the rain of painful blows, as he felt his body growing weaker, and weaker. Brandon with all of his strength tucked in his legs, and lashed out with a speed that he was unaware that he possessed, and sent the thing flying through the air, and rolling a few meters after colliding with the ground. With that he collapsed, and just lay there, more than tired.

He knew the thing would rise again, and continue to attack until The Hale was dead. Brandon would have to accept it, he would have to give in. So he closed his eyes, took weak to move and waited for the end, or atleast something like that. However, what he heard was a voice, one that he wasn't expecting to hear, not int this scenario anyway; it was Niall. His voice sounded different though, as if he were not the only one speaking, and with that Brandon was surprised.

His eyes snapped open, and clear as day was the Irish boy in the flesh, and he had something strange going on with that arm of his. Brandon could not help but stare in awe at what was happening before him, as if he were in a dream. What had happened, and where was his arm? It wasn't flesh, but something else entirely, something that wasn't human. Neither Niall or Brandon were human, so that made them a little equal now. He did not even realize it until the feeling came back into his body, but he was....being healed. His limbs were feeling light, leg that once hurt like hell was already feeling better. Brandon pressed his hands against the ground and pushed himself up. He even had a wing made of the energy that made up his arm, as well as composed the strange spell craft he used.

”Well it sounds like you're out of a job.” He pulled himself from the small crater and stood to his feet, cracking his knuckles loudly as the wings seemed to stretch out widely. He felt like he was unbeatable now, as if there was no way that the golem could hope to harm him now. The golem roared or atleast seemed to look like it was, but Brandon was ready this time when it charged. With all of his speed he moved, gripping the fist, and slammed a foot into the things knee with all of his force as it shattered like rock, and with a full force palm to the chin, he removed its head which flew into the sky like a rocket. He then rained blows upon the golem, which in turn did so, though it was soon reduced to a pile of stones. ”Well that’s that.” Brandon said blowing on his knuckles, as any wound he received during that tussle simply healed.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Elena Vexus September 12th 2013, 10:07 pm

How very disappointing.
The intangible boy returned to this plan of existence, but with a great power that she had not expected. Instead of her powered enhanced rock beasts giving him the same treatment that the Hale was receiving, he dished out a force that not only impressed but fascinated Vexus. He quickly and efficiently overpowered her creations reducing them to nothing. The Technorganic Matter within them dissipated into the air as it was destroyed. She began her decent back down to the ground as she watched him move over to his partner and assist him.
With his assistance, the Hale boy was ale to overpower the golem as well. It seems like a large amount of energy was emanating from his left arm. It was the same strange energy which she could not identify, and not only was it destroying her golems, she could see that it was now reversing the damage that had been caused to the Hale child. What sort of sorcery was this? Such versatile powers. She needed to know more about this power. Only just now discovering this was shocking to her. A deeper investigation would be absolutely necessary. Whether she took this boy's body alive or dead would be up to him mostly.

Vexus touched down gracefully and glared at the recovering duo from behind her mask's visor. Now what? She had exhausted most of her arsenal, it can be used again, but they would be able to counter it having seeing it already. They were not use the utilization of her Celestial Eye, figuring that to just be a waste of energy. She did not need these two dead, and come to think of it seeing the relationship between the two it would only be a matter of time until she found them again. The Hale Family were a benefactor to her Genesis Vivification Movement, so it would be no trouble at all for her to find this one. And in finding this one, she would undoubtedly come across this boy of his with the strange energy. Elena will have to go the more subtle of routes in capturing this kid. At a time when he is least expecting and doesn't have the brute of a boyfriend around to thwart her efforts. It was time for her to be on her way.
Vexus brought up both her hands and aimed it at the two, the missiles she had fired previous launched again, but this time all ten were sent away. Five for the Hale, five for his partner. This attack would hopefully provide enough of a distraction to the duo to allow Vexus to make a swift escape. She turned away from them and took off to the sky again, this time with no intent of returning to the fray.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Zodiac September 12th 2013, 10:58 pm

      Niall’s eyes went form their glowing Ethereal color to a fire red and his arm turned a sickly purple color. An arena of darkness covered the area, blocking off Miss Mechina from her escape route. They were all enveloped in utter darkness, there was no sense of direction, no longer anything worth seeing other than the other contents of the dome, that being Miss Mechina, Brandon Hale and Niall. His arm returned to it’s normal color, and the only thing that could be heard were sounds of deep rumblings and cracklings. From the sky, who knows how high up, fell four Monoliths, each one with the exact same shape, the exact same side, and each one aligned directly in each cardinal direction. Attempting to escape form the area was nearly a death sentence to even the toughest of meta humans. Niall began walking forward, and as he began to walk, the ground around the monoliths began to crack, bleeding ethereal energies into the area. With Niall’s ability to manipulate the energy, the cracks al began to shatter the ground, angling them and with a roar, the energies began to illuminate the area, and beams of Ethereal energy shot through the sky, colliding with the dark barriers that isolated them. The Sky was no longer safe, but Niall’s plan was not to harm her with the beams, oh no, he had something entirely different in mind. The beams shot out and persisted, and if the woman were bright enough, perhaps she could see that she had been corralled back to them. Niall continued to walk, and with each step he took, the ground cracked even more, Ethereal energy rushing to meet him, directly in the center.
    Niall Knelt on one knee, the direct center of the blackened zone. His one Ethereal wing flapped, propelling him up into the air Niall reached the top of his height, and he threw his arm forward. Wrapped in Ethereal energy, Niall propelled himself to the ground, his hand making contact. From him, exploding outward was a large Ethereal sphere, rotating clockwise and as it descended counter-clockwise, acting as a blender in attempts to shred any form of life in the vicinity. The Sphere would only grow, and the ripping motions become more powerful until eventually the sphere would shove any living thing into the barrier of darkness, and between the rock and the hard place they would be absolutely annihilated. Or that was the plan at least.
     Niall had set this up perfectly, Brandon’s healing, the ability to control Ethereal energy. But his arm…that was something he could never have planned. It was just coincidence. No…it was more than that…it was…fate maybe? Niall himself began to wonder. Luck was not a part of his life…it was like the drunken father than ran out on him, except with him being an orphan. Despite his terrible luck, he seemed to have everything fall into place all at once. The black barrier of darkness suddenly turned into a sickly pale purple, and exploded with the Ethereal energy the sphere had placed on it. From the wreckage, Niall would be seen in the center, as if he were untouched, everything around him was dead, the ground was barren and destroyed, dug up and shattered while trees had been uprooted and disintegrated into nothingness. Niall coughed and went back to his knee, the surge of energy leaving him proving draining to him. The Ethereal monoliths would glow once more and suddenly there was a harsh drawn out noise, as the Monoliths withdrew the ethereal energy from the cracks in the ground. With the energy absorbed form the ground, the monoliths dissolved, and a mist of the energy began to fall upon the now destroyed land. As the mist of ethereal energy began to touch the ground, it healed over, regenerated the earth, removing all evidence that the power had even been used to begin with. Soon, Animals began to restructure and resume their lives as if they had been unaffected, birds appeared from thin air. Life had literally been restored to the area. The only ones who would not receive the glorious effects of the ethereal mists, are the ones whom were locked in combat. Niall felt a tear roll down his face as he looked over his shoulder to see if Brandon had made it. He cursed himself, not thinking that he could have even damaged him. However he had already used his Ethereal energy to give him regeneration, so perhaps he would be fine, if not…then Niall would have to live with himself…for as little time as he would have left.
      ”By blood begun…” Niall said with heaving breathing and panting. ”By blood…undone.” He said as he rose to his feet, the six ethereal tendrils loosely flowing behind him, his wing furled up around him as a defense mechanism, and His eyes returned to their normal ethereal color. He stood up, feeling a littler more refreshed. Brandon didn’t leave his mind for a second, he knew that he had to be alive…and he knew that he had a large explanation to give, but not now. Now was the time to see if Miss Mechina managed to save her smug-self. Niall wished that she had somehow escaped, or maybe even got obliterated in the ethereal assault. He wanted nothing more than to go home…or in his case back out on the streets…trying to avoid Arianna, Aaron and anyone else other than Brandon. Then he thought of the fact that this woman tried to hurt Brandon crossed his mind and…Suddenly... it was okay if she survived…
      …Because he was just getting started with her
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Samael Christensen September 13th 2013, 9:32 pm

The head of the golem came down only a few seconds later and collided loudly with the earth below his feet, before it crumbled into smaller pieces. So the rock monsters were destroyed, but that did not meant that they had beaten the mecha monstrosity that had seemed to be trying to kill them, and was failing horribly. He kicked on of the small pieces of the strange earth creation, and watched it sail far away, before skittering across the ground, until it finally landed and sat there. All they needed to do now was defeat the robot lady, and she was.....trying to escape. Brandon felt an anger well up within him, or rather it was agitation, one that he could scarcely control now. However, before he could go into pursuit, there was the sound of something tearing through the very earth and then darkness.

His sense seemed to dull, as the darkness grew oppressive, his his heartbeat skyrocketed. Yet he could hear it, a loud rumbling like that of the growling of a beast, coupled with ominous crackling. Part of him wanted to run, escape the darkness that only seemed to creep over his skin, to drain away all courage and leave him with cold fear. His muscles began to spasm, yet he managed to keep himself from doing any unnecessary movements, even if his body seemed to reject the idea of being near such malevolent energy. What caught him offguard the most was an explosion that slammed against his, it hit him from every angle and sent jolts of immense pain through his body. He could not scream, not could he cry, only suffer.

Wounds ripped open, only to seal themselves shut slowly, and the process repeated itself within this moment. The process repeated itself around what felt like five times or so. In the next moment it ended, and everything around him appeared to be in ruin, and he collapsed. Rivulets of blood poured down his forehead, and the rest of his body, even as the Ethereal energy began to repair the damage, it would take a little longer than a few seconds to repair what had been done. Everything wavered, and then it all went to black, and everything seemed to suspend in blackness for a moment.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Elena Vexus September 13th 2013, 11:06 pm

Unnecessarily persistant. Elena truly believed that this boy wished death upon not only himself, but the Hale child as well. As she tried to leave them in what would have appeared to be peace, he violently lashed out. Vexus backed up as a massive pillar of stone fell from the sky setting itself within the earth. Elena turned and saw the same event happen in three different corners around the three of them. They began to pour energy into the ground, cracking it. Still yet she was impressed by the capabilities of the magical energy as the boy manipulated it. The area bean to darken, and all light was banished within this dome that was being created. It was no use trying to utilize her night vision, as there was absolutely no light for it to pick up anyways. This was bad.
Her helmet was able to provide vague outlines of bodies, but they were highly obscured by the pure energy that was being whisked around. Her defensive discs were still active, so all she could do was brace herself for impact and hope that it held up. A force struck her and pushed her up against the wall of the dome, she could feel it shredding and tearing at her defense mercilessly. Her barrier was barely holding up, and eventually shattered under the onslaught of energy. And by sheer luck the force that had been attacking her ceased. It would take a significant amount of time to repair this defense with everything that went into it.

The darkness lifted and Vexus stood strong, with only a few minor scratches on her armor. The land around them had been destroyed. Indiscriminately obliterating anything it had touched. The level of destruction was almost awe-inspiring. What power this boy held, and what progress she would be able to make with it. Just as she prepared to make her move forward, the monoliths which had descended before the attack had been initiated dissolved into nothing spreading a regenerative mist across everything that had been annihilated.
Amazing. Simply unbelievable. Before her eyes, time was being rewritten. Anything and everything that had been erased by this energy was being restored. All plant and animal life had returned as if nothing happened. Incredible. How was such a feat even possible? The curiosity that boiled in her blood pushed her further in this fight than she probably should have gone. There was a surge of energy in her head and the Celestial Eye was activated.

The robotic figure stood unmoving as she looked at this boy. He was powerful indeed, however his strength was primitive and unrefined. If he ever received proper training, the abilities he possessed would render him near unstoppable. She needed to cripple his progress, or else it would not be easy to capture him in the future. It seemed that what she had planned may result in the death of the Hale. He did not seem to have faired through the boy's attack as well as she had, however he was disposable. There would be other methods to get close to this boy. This would not be the last encounter they had with Elena Vexus... Assuming, that is, they survive...

"You have showcased an ability of which I have not witnessed before."
She said, in a very robotic and camouflaged voice.
"Allow me to now return the favor..."

Vexus slowly raised her right arm and spread her hand, her palm pointing towards the two of them. The earth began to shake, the magnitude began to increase until the vibrations that filled the entire area were audible. From all directions around Vexus what appeared to be a silver metallic sand began to manifest itself. First as small sparkles in the air but quickly gathering and condensing in front of her hand. The rate at which the strange material was multiplying could not be calculated. Elena launched the condensed ball forward at the two unfortunate souls in the form of a wave. As it traveled through the air it continued to multiply and grow in size, twisting and bending in on itself until it had become an overpowering torrent of neigh unstoppable matter. The tidal crashed forward aiming to sweep the two into the near ocean of unknown elements that Vexus had just created. It would undulate and move itself creating powerful currents that greatly restricted their movements. The viscosity of the material made it also extremely difficult to move through.
Vexus switched the power increase that her suit provided her to enhance her Technomatter prowess(+2ABI) in order to prepare herself for her next move. While the sea of silver raged, Elena released one of her Bx3 bombs into it. Keeping it concealed, it made its way towards the both them where it would reveal itself right before detonating. Upon its explosion, Vexus would dematerialize herself into the technomatter in order to avoid any damage.

The blast would completely level the battle field and then some, basically reversing anything and everything that had been fixed from the last attack. Nothing would be left in the area and once the dust settled Vexus would reassemble. She deactivated the eye, causing every trace of the strange matter to evaporate completely. Elena remained and waited patiently to see the toll of her technological assault.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Zodiac September 14th 2013, 12:35 am

      Niall had so many things to do, but only so much time. He went over to Brandon who seemed to be passed out, or at least hurt because of Niall. Niall’s heart sank, and the energy left his eyes for a moment, sparking a rage within him. How could he hurt Brandon like that? The Ethereal light he was still cloaked in would keep him from death, and soon it would be as if nothing happened. But still…to know that this…THING had been able to cause so much damage, that he had been able to devastate everything around him so much. It was terrible. What the hell was this energy!? Zell had always said that the energy his body produced was a thing to fear and that needed to be kept secret…but Niall never understood…not until Niall wielded the power as well. He looked up at Miss Mechinca, she needed some repairs, Niall didn’t need a hyper-analytical brain to tell that. But apparently she was still alive. Niall was left to wonder how it was possible, but it didn’t matter, He had to make this woman pay.

      She was one step ahead though. He hand was moving in the air, and immediately Niall’s only thought was Brandon’s safety. He erected an Ethereal bubble shield around Brandon, and began to over towards Brandon as fast as he could. There was a rush of over-powering currents through the air, the power Miss Mechina held was something beyond what Niall had anticipated, but what she could do was not Niall’s concern, Brandon’s safety was the only thing he worried about. The Torrent began to sweep him up, but he knew he needed to protect Brandon, and nothing could change that. Using his power to manipulate ethereal energy, he manipulated his arm made of the powerful energy and extended it out like elastic, grabbing onto Brandon, With Brandon in his grasp he pulled and closed the distance between them. Niall’s tendrils began to wrap around Brandon, acting as a defensive shell. The Tendrils left no part of Brandon exposed, meanwhile Niall’s ethereal wing also closed in, and with the assistance of his power to command the energy, Niall’s wing slightly expanded, but only enough to be tucked around Brandon. Brandon had not one, not two and not three, but four lines of Niall’s strongest defenses, not including the Hale’s natural tough-skin. Brandon would live, and that was at the very least. Niall however was another story. While he was certainly tough, he was nowhere near as tough as his bruiser boyfriend, much to his dismay at this point. The only defense he had was the natural defense he had, and the ethereal bubble that he pulled himself into in order to defend Brandon. Niall had no idea what to expect, the torrent was not the worst of it, but he knew nothing of the pain that would follow.

       There was an explosion. A flash of beautiful and brilliant light and then there was fire. With fire was heat, shrapnel, sheer concussive force and debris. Niall for only a second saw everything that the ethereal had just reconstructed die, and rip away, destroyed in a deadly force of fire. Niall saw it all for a second. He didn’t know how long he would hold out against such force, it was as if the maw of Hell opened itself upon Miss Mechina’s command, and the fires had come to claim the spoils. But Niall wouldn’t let that happen…not to Brandon. Everything he was…it was all invested into defending Brandon…he would have to survive another way. As the fire charred him, blackening and blistering the skin, while oxygen began to sap away. The smell of burning flesh, and the sound of Niall’s agonizing pain. Sin singed away, leaving only gashes and burns, and where blood would have come from any other human, only energy seeped. The wounds illuminated, and multiplied, Niall was hardly recognizable. His bubble barrier had been easily overcome, hardly anything worth even putting up. Niall had believed it to be his death sentence, but that was okay…Brandon would live.

     The smoke would clear, leaving nothing more than a ruined area, Niall’s morbidly destroyed physiology on the ground, no longer even looking like a human, rather a charred creature from a horror film. His wing was nearly gone, only a stub remained. Niall’s arm touched the ground, and slowly the arm began to devour the essence of the ground, turning it ashen grey under his hand. At this rate Niall was defeated, and he was not likely to rise up again for some time. His body began to slowly reconstruct itself from the essence devoured by the arm, but it would not be fast enough to join in the battle, or to stop a retreating party. Niall looked up at Brandon, seeing his condition. Brandon was going to be fine...he knew it…but he worried for himself now.

      ”Told…you…it’s…my…job.” Niall said with a chuckle, weakly as his head went into the dirt. He was still breathing, but he was utterly and totally defeated  
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Samael Christensen September 14th 2013, 1:11 am

All he knew was darkness, something cold and perhaps inviting. His limbs were like heavy steel, far beyond his ability to lift and all Brandon could do was lay there and curse his own powerlessness. His eyes were even too weak to open, but without sight he could tell that Niall's energy was rebuilding any flesh that was damaged, though if it was enough he could not tell. Yet, he enjoyed the healing warmth, one that wrapped around his entire body, and made the pain that came with the dark spell melt away, chasing away such dark energy with that pure energy once again. Soon enough, when he felt his body fall against the ground once, again, that was when his body found enough strength to open his eyes and perhaps see what had happened while his body was so weak. All he could see was Niall, or something that he had to assume was Niall, with skin burnt beyond anything he had seen before and slowly repairing itself.

That bitch had hurt him so bad, and Brandon could do nothing but lay down like the weakling that he was. All he could feel was absolute frustration, one that welled up within his body and threatened to spill out in the form of bitter tears, but he couldn't. One arm weakly moved to lift him up, and succeeded for a few inches, until he fell down once again, and with that came pain. How could his body be feeling so much pain? He was made of much tougher stuff than that, and yet here he was on the ground, languishing in his pain. "Dammit.” He cursed haggardly under his breath, feeling his muscles slowly regaining their strength, though he knew that he would not do too much fighting within his condition. Not when he was so pathetically weak, and his foe was still untouched, as if Niall's attack had done almost nothing to that damn armor, or perhaps what was inside of it.

Still, he could see that Niall was hurt, that he needed help and there was no one that could help him. He needed to get up, grab Niall and try to get the hell out of here, even if that meant running instead of using these large clumsy wings that had sprouted from his back, which still lay rather clumsily at his side. ”What have you done to yourself, and your mate? Its sad how you always leap head first into conflicts, like a moth into the flame.” He could hear it, boots stepping through the ashes of the battlefield. ”But I should not be surprised, you always make the most idiotic of mistakes, but I guess that's why.....nevermind.” He knew that voice, haughty with a certain degree of malevolent warmth. A necromancer with no peer, even compared to his sister.

The woman had seemed to come out of nowhere, a vision in the wastes that were created. Stylish and functional top with a skirt, with hair that fell neatly down her shoulders, and piercing green eyes.”No time to waste though, you two need medical attention immediately, and I don't think I am qualified in giving you that.” With a snap of her fingers three large golems made of bleached bones rose from the ground, as if by magic and two lifted the downed males, while she allowed the third to carry her, not even warranting Vexus a glance. "I have the cargo now, so..." She touched the other golems beside her and in an instant they were gone, in what can only be described as a veil of shadows.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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The Unicorns and The Wasp - Page 2 Empty Re: The Unicorns and The Wasp

Post by Elena Vexus September 16th 2013, 10:41 pm

The damage had been done. The land was scarred and her targets had been taught a lesson. The boy with the strange powers seemed to had sacrificed himself in order to protect the Hale child. An impressive display of devotion no doubt, but at what cost? Neither of them were in any sort of moving condition, but they were still alive. One more so than the other. Elena slowly began to make her way over to claim her bounty, the ideas that she had of the experiments that she had to perform were almost overflowing. Which to do first, second, third, so on and so forth. But her dreams were quickly cut short.

A woman appeared. Vexus has not sensed her prior, so she must have used some sort of teleportation device or 'spell' rather. She was apparently talking to herself or the two individuals she had just destroyed, more than likely knowing them personally and coming to their aid. But when had then sent out a distress call? Yet again, it must have been magic other wise she would have been able to detect the signal. How very annoying. Be though as it may, this new woman would not pose any sort of new problem to Vexus.
She swiftly displayed more of her magical abilities by summoning golems composed of bleach white bones. Impressive, but they would be annihilated. The three beasts picked up the bodies she intended on collecting and the woman who had summoned them. Elena raised a hand preparing to fire off more of her missiles to destroy this person, but before she could lock on they were shrouded in a veil of shadows, and all life signatures had disappeared. Vexus let out a sigh. It was disappointing to not have captured what she worked for, however she was patient and knew that It would not be long until she saw them again. Elena lowered her arm and took off to the sky, flying over the small area where her missiles had initially landed seeing what damage they had caused. Unfortunately it did not seem like she had not caused enough. This affair was all for nothing. She caught sight of a pedestrian looking up at her, but when they went to grab the attention of someone else, she had already disassembled into the wind.

(Exit Topic)

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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