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A relaxing day

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A relaxing day Empty A relaxing day

Post by Mykel Thames July 27th 2013, 11:52 pm

Exploring around looking to see who is on the streets. But no matter where Mykel looked it was blank. No villainous evil doers to cause trouble in this city. Hmm? Was it something about today or was it quiescence that no one wanted to come out. He pondered the streets to make sure his thoughts was true. All he seen was animals and then a few people walking and others driving. This was boring and he did not know what to do unless he found something.

He started his search when he stumbled across a building that had massage therapy on the sign near the road. Thinking to his self he was going to relax today unless something else happened. Looking around at the building he walked up to the front door and opened it. The bells tied to the door jingled letting them know he was there. The people looked Korean so he wondered if he should test his speaking or just go in with English. He decided English first then if they did not speak it he would try something else. He wanted the right thing without any mess ups. After their conversation and luckily they spoke English he was showed to a back room to where he was instructed to lay down.

He was into getting the massage but after he was done he did not know what to do next. It was early in the day and he all the time he needed so it was just the need in looking for things to do.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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A relaxing day Empty Re: A relaxing day

Post by Augsp July 28th 2013, 12:59 am

The bell at the door jingled as a blonde girl stepped inside the shop. The people waiting for their turns looked up. The woman at the front desk abruptly brightened.
"Lily, sweet, you're finally here!" the woman beamed.
Lily smiled back. "Sorry. had a rough time with the grammar exercise mom gave me,"
"Well, lucky you finished in time," a woman called her name and she got up. The room she were led to was already serene with the different kinds of oils and scents. She could smell chamomile and something like lemon. She got into the bed they gave her and looked round. It seemed that someone else was getting the massage with her in the room as well. A boy, by the looks of it.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 23
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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A relaxing day Empty Re: A relaxing day

Post by Mykel Thames August 23rd 2013, 7:05 pm

As his massage continued a girl or woman who looked young appeared into the room. She did not see him until she was at the table. He was now confused. He did not know the same gender could get a massage together especially if they did not know each other. He did not want to be rood and ask the random question other wise she might switch rooms. He smiled at her a laid back down in the face cushion. So how are you. You look young, so how old are you?

Since she was in here why not make conversation. Communication and massage are both good, plus the scented candles and oil lightened up the mood tension that would be caused in this situation. He was glad he was not like other meta humans other wise he could not enjoy the essence of the aroma. Most of them had a high durability and could not sit back and enjoy simple candles. He smiled as he knew he was luck. He did not mind the mix gender spa but as he thought into it he wondered if the bath was also mixed. His face turned red in thought. His face was down so no one could tell and he immediately snapped to knowing he should not be thinking such things.

He was in a small towel so it was hard to cover things up. It was a pain, but luckily he did not have to roll over. If he did it would be just constant rolling and fixing an aggravating towel. like dropping something and failing to catch it over and over.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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A relaxing day Empty Re: A relaxing day

Post by Augsp August 23rd 2013, 7:22 pm

Maybe all the rooms were full? That must be why the two of them-different genders, really?-were in the same room. Lily buried her head in the pillow and tried to relax. The scented candles helped. It reminded her of her gran's, full of a different scent each day. Last time she'd went, it had smelled like gingerbread houses.

The person's words were quite suprising to Lily. She never really talked to anyone here, except for the attendants.Her age, huh? Lily only smiled back at him.

“I'm thirteen and a half,”
She said, head turning to see the boy better.

Hi! I'm Augsp, but you can call me Aug, or sp or plain Augsp!

---Droplet ---Bloom ---COMING SOON---
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 23
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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A relaxing day Empty Re: A relaxing day

Post by Mykel Thames September 1st 2013, 3:28 am

He figure the girl was young but not that young. She did look like she would be in jr. high so it would make a good conversation if he would go down the boring road of school. He looked up at her and the answer she gave was a smile while she was massaged. She then said she was 13 and he laughed a little. Well that is nice to know. He smiled as he turned away and place his face into the pillow.  His treatment was almost done and he would go sit in the spa's pool.

He liked the feeling of this treatment. After fighting he gets all stressed and his body starts to cramp up and needs to be unknotted. If he was a cat he would be purring right now. He could only enjoy how well the day was going. No cops knowing where he was even tho he was not bad, no villains popping up and no one needing small help.  As the person patted his back he stretched until something popped. He could almost small asleep with them doing this.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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