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Existentialism of Adaptation

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Chellizard September 17th 2013, 6:44 pm

The tendril's were cast away from Uzma after Ame sent a bright light toward her. The tendrils were only subdued long enough for Uzma to breathe and position her hand between them, and her throat. It gave her that needed inch to regain proper oxygen levels. She breathed in deeply, and kept her eyes on Ame as she ran into the room. The shield would not break unless Uzma decided for it, to, or until Uzma ascended. But, the time was nearing.

"You'll pay for that," barked the chaotic witch just after Ame destroyed one of her replicas.

However, the one still standing in the room grabbed Ame by the ankles, forcing her to stand still. Uzma focused all of the energy she could to keep the shield up against the fire ball that the witch threw toward Amethyst. However, Uzma felt as if she was about to reach her breaking point. The tendrils were cutting off circulation to her feet, her hands, and constricting around of her abdomen. She felt the wound from earlier writhe in pain, a throbbing feeling stabbing through her solar plexus. She let out a grunt in protest, and kept her hand and all of her strength against the tendril aiming to choke her to death.

Uzma's eyes closed, so she missed Ame being saved by the shield, but the shield dissipated. There was no way Uzma could hold on in her feeble human form any longer. There was just no way. She did not even have to command her body this time. First, her skin became stark white and lines crawled across her flesh. Dark black lines that caused heavy contrast to her skin. Her eyes became a brighter green, and instead of hair and ears, she had tendrils that attached to her spinal column. Her skin was now extremely tough. The tendrils were barely a tickle now. Uzma did not possess an insane amount of strength, no. But, she did have the full use of her extraterrestrial gifts.

Coating her fists in the cosmic energy, she ripped the tendrils off of her. She then turned, a ball of the energy forming in her hand, and she pushed it into the Triumvirate replica's face. The ball expanded and forced this being into a puddle of sticky black ooze like the other. All Uzma could think about was the Wizard of Oz.

"Serves you right," she said, stepping away from the puddle and into the room.

Now to take down the other one. Still wearing the yellow bikini, she felt a little silly, but she did not care. She was ready to kick some more ass.

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Bliss September 18th 2013, 1:24 am

"Everything sounds so violent behind us.  Is our side winning?"  

"I think Ame is dead."

"We need to help her."

"Ame are you dead?"  Elaine yelled across the sanctuary turned battlefield.  

"We don't want her dead."  Speaking in unison for the two departed manifestations she once controlled but now lingered in some state of death, the witch stepped towards Elaine.  She tightened the bindings around Elaine and Imena to begin constricting against their torsos and legs.  The pressure would force the air from their lungs all the while beginning to break their ribs.  "I have so many interesting hosts to choose from, but I feel both of you failed the test of interest."  Both girls grimaced as they could feel their bones ache.  The smell of sulfur hung in the air while the shadows began to lose their corporeal form and fade into an ethereal existence.  The witch held a strong command as she began to execute her prisoners.  Life trickling away could reinvigorate the control over her shadows she lost in the flask attacks and the energy onslaught of the alien girl.  

A shining beacon of light shot through the witch and penetrated between Elaine and Imena.  "Rumors of my death may have greatly been exaggerated."  With new found freedom and a bathing suit cut to more contemporary standards by tendrils and fire, Ame held onto her magical prowess in the face of adversity.

"I can feel move my arms a little."  Imena squirmed her hands out of the shadowy bindings only to feel the wrappings fall onto her lap.  

"Yeah I got my hands lose like ten minutes ago; I just wanted to see where you were going when I asked if what you were thinking of was rectangle in shape."  Standing in confidence, Elaine looked on and prepared for her next set of actions.  Guns solved most problems in the world, but maybe Elaine would without guns this time around.  "Imena, go find my guns.  Ame, take her from the front and I'll get her from behind."

"Right."  Nodding her head in agreement with her inclusion in a plan, Ame felt a confidence swell inside of her.  She could take down this witch.

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Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Chellizard January 19th 2014, 3:34 am

Uzma rose a brow just after Amethyst showed what she was capable of.

"Damn... Think you could do that again?" long, uneven strides closed the gap between herself and the other girls. Each step was careful not to land in the black ooze puddle of the witch doppelganger. She wanted to shout 'girl power!' and then go in hard and strong, defeating this witch once and for all. But that did not seem the best strategy at this point.

The pools of ooze started to snake across the floor and come together into a bigger pile of gross. Uzma watched skeptically.

"I... think that's a bad sign..." her voice inclined in pitch and worry as she watched the ooze.

It started to form into the witch -which had disappeared as soon as Ame had shot her with that light beam- but here she stood. Perfectly fine!

"Uh.." there was no real time to react. Uzma had to do something, and fast!

Imena was off trying to get Elaine's guns. Elaine was doing whatever, and Ame was nodding about the plan that Elaine had come up with. Uzma was going to add in her own two cents, but instead she took the initiative.

Rearing a fist, she moved forward and slammed an iridescent energy shielded fist toward the witch. Tendril's lashed out and grabbed hold of Uzma's arm. The pain that raced through Uzma had her scream out. She writhed to her knees, but the ground was ripped from under her while the tendril's lifted her to only throw her toward the wall. The shield around of her hand expanded all the way around of her just before impact. It hurt, but the shield dampened the blow.

She slid down the wall and sat there for a few moments in a daze.

-My DeviantArt-
Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Danger January 22nd 2014, 1:45 am

Elaine darted in as Uzma flew across the room. Following on the momentum of the throw, the tendril scooped down and grabbed Elaine by the leg. A quick motion tore her from her equilibrium and flung her to the other side of the chamber. With a little piece of the tendril still latched on to her ankle, Elaine hanged from the side of the wall with her shoulders falling in line with her arms stretched towards the ground. All of her wiggling left the little piece of dark magic as strong as the resolve of the sorceress to destroy the interlopers around her.

"Any more ideas?" A blast of energy shot towards Amethyst, breaking through her barrier and slicing a gash into her thigh. The witch smiled at her own interjection and corralled her hand to bring forward an ever materializing black ball. Darkness wrapped around her interlocking fingers and began to canvass the room. It leaped out to wrap up Uzma to keep her from causing anymore commotion while she was down and sought out the Timestream Technomancer suspiciously missing from the action. Content with the leg injury inflicted on Ame, the witch merely locked her gaze down upon her without sending out the material to leech energy from her, but Uzma interested her greatly and the disappearance of the other girl could not go without investigation.

Screaming through the adjacent chamber she found herself being pulled from, Imena held fast to the gadgets she recovered just before the snare of the dark matter wrestled her ankle. "Elaine, catch!" A poor throw landed the pistol just below Elaine's grasp and patience threshold.last of

Trying to grow her fingers with only her will, Elaine could only watch as her guns sat dormant beneath her. "Learn to throw moron!"

"I'm sorry!"

Elaine's brow softened. "Aw, your accent is so adorable."

A shot of light escaped from Ame's injured position and launched towards the witch. Switching her mind to the far left form, the entity watched as the light wrapped up the middle form. Following the conscious mind, the ball of dark material floated over, still sucking life from those attached to it. Ame ducked to the side to miss an incoming blast shooting directly towards her and came out just in front of Imena who found herself suspended in the air over a large opening portal. "Elaine!"

"Shut up!" Pressing her foot against the wall, Elaine forced herself up and began to attempt to run along the side of the wall. With the small amount of motion gained, Elaine felt herself phase from existence and move away from the wall. The tendril still grasped onto her ankle, but she could move. And with her first move, she grabbed her guns. Now she launched forward with a barrage of bullets aiming for the tendril connecting the bound mid witch and the one controlling the ball. Each bullet ripped through the substance, separating the substance keeping the witch in unison.

Before the final bullet could finalize the destruction, the ball moved under control to the far side. With the sudden movement, it would throw Uzma towards Elaine to try and lasso her to Uzma to keep her array of bullets under control. Ame erected a barrier over the portal to the dismay of Triumvirate. Grasping a vial from her bag, Ame tossed the explosive concoction towards the malicious creature. Darting in defense of its master, the ball engulfed the plasma vial as Ame snapped her fingers to ignite the plasma. The explosion stayed internal, but the results reverberated as the ball burst into nothingness.

The shadows lost grip on Imena. She plummeted in freefall towards the portal as Ame moved to catch her, forgetting about her prior wound. Her hobbled form merely fell face planted as Imena continued to fall. The cold hand of the dark witch reached down to grab Ame by the scruff of her neck with a dead smile and tossed her towards the portal to meet the same fate as the English woman screaming a greeting towards the portal. Contrite in victory, the witch looked upon her fallen forms and still knew she could win this fight.

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Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Chellizard January 26th 2014, 12:17 am

All off the chaos and the black matter that formed in the witch's hand, and the bullets sent Uzma's mind alight with ideas. The noise that reverberated around of the room, however, numbed Uzma's mind and she was lost in her thoughts. That is until she was flung head long into Elaine, knocking both women down. The portal was inviting Ame and Imena with Triumvirate smiling from the edge of it. But, Uzma was not going to let this woman win.

"Ascend..!" she commanded herself, and a bright white light erupted from her chest and wrapped around of her in wide, flat tendrils. The wraps covered her from head to toe, and she lifted from the ground. Any tendril's touching her cowered in fear, seemingly hissing before scampering back to the witch.

The light faded, and Uzma was no longer in the room. A white, from head to toe, alien figure stood now with an odd shaped head, and no real eye brows.

"I am going to make you wish you hadn't even been born; but first, I need to save two damsel's." and so Uzma dove toward the portal.

She was not the strongest in the world, but her cosmic energy was capable of grabbing and lifting the two girls from the portal with ease. Two iridescent shields wrapped around of Imena and Ame, then the two bubbles bounced against each other and became a larger bubble. It float up and out of the portal and dumped the two girls next to Elaine.

Uzma then cupped her hands at her middle, and pushed them forward. A beam of iridescent energy erupted from her hands, sending the high concentration toward the nearest witch. The smile on her face was wiped away instantly.

She was not going to win this battle.

-My DeviantArt-
Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Danger January 26th 2014, 3:09 am

Right before reaching a realm full of white lights and clouded disillusions, a luminescent flash of energy grabbed Imena and Amethyst as they plummeted further into the portal. Force shot through their bodies as every ounce of kinetic energy within their body ran from their stomachs into their toes. An absent screen of pigments faded back into the reality of life.

Amethyst rolled over Imena and brought herself up on her feet. To the surprise of the magician, Elaine placed her pistol back into her holster and readjusted her hat. A burst of energy launched from Uzma's hands, but the dissipation of shadows bore no results of witches. Only Elaine remained. "Where is she?"

The ensuing moments were full of fantastical endeavors and something about a time travel werewolf. The exact details of the departure of the witch now remained in the minds of Elaine and Spirit Corgi, and one of them was a being incapable of speaking with humans in the material world and the other was a corgi. Even though details remained blurry, the absence of the malevolent witch proved beneficial for the quartet of heroes. "Why is there a black lady here?"

"I think you..."

"Elaine has been replaced with a racist robot!" Grabbing a flask from Ame's pouch Imena smashed the bottle over Elaine's head.

"Cowgirls can't be robots!" Elaine grabbed her head and made tense eye contact with Imena before Ame pulled Imena back. "That makes you a racist."

"Don't worry Amethyst, I will kill the imposter."

"Aw, you say things so adorably."

"Elaine isn't a robot, but she is a racist..."

"I just want to know why the black lady turns white and then black again; it's like she's rock music after TV on the Radio."

"I'm sorry I tried to stab you; since we just fought something constructed of hatred I assumed the witch replaced..."

"Nope, that racism just comes from our own construct of pure hatred."

"I stopped listening after you said racism and talking without her accent. Hey black lady, why are you here? Why do you become white when becoming a beacon of power? That's racist."

"It is kind of racist." Imena tied her wrap around her waist while she waited for someone to take control of answering Elaine.

"I met her upstairs and she punched things and stole a bikini. Seemed about average for our luck." Amethyst let her shoulders fall down as quickly as the discourse.

"Hey black lady? Why are you here?"

"I'm going to look for a way out." Amethyst started walking towards where the dimensional rifts had existed a few minutes before. "Imena, come be crazy over here."

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Chellizard January 27th 2014, 1:07 am

Falling to one knee, the witch was seemingly defeated. That blast of cosmic energy had nearly drained Uzma completely. She felt her form shrink back to normal, and when she looked at her hands, she noticed they were back to the warm mocha tone. The yellow bikini with black polka dots was a bit dirty now, but she wasn't harmed or anything. She pulled her attention from herself and looked up to the other three women in the room. Standing up completely, a brow shot up curiously when racism was mentioned.

"Wait a minute, I-..."

Cut off.

Try again, she told herself.

"Wait just a minute..!" and she was cut off again.

She threw her hands up defeated, and rolled her eyes around in her head. Annoyed was one way to describe her mood, the other was amused. This cowgirl was crazy. Uzma placed a hand on her hip and cocked her head in the opposing direction to add to her sassy demeanor.

"Hey yellow lady, why are you here?" she jabbed a finger at Elaine, offering a scowl on her face. She flicked her attention to Amethyst and Imena as they walked to find a way out of this weird room.

-My DeviantArt-
Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5017
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Danger January 30th 2014, 2:33 am

"You may be new to this type of thing, but I'm here to make sure everything goes smoothly and ends appropriately." Elaine fixed her hat while she picked up one of the derelict tendrils and tossed it against the wall.

"I think this odd automation opens the door, but I don't know how to get it working." As the background noise sounded in the distance, Imena went to work on the devices surroundings the room. A skillful application upon an established deduction would lead her hand, or at least she hoped it went out in that order.

"Elaine, did that witch drop anything after you killed her?" Amethyst stepped back towards Uzma and Elaine to try to gain a little clarity into what transpired.

"I didn't kill her. That bitch was crazy."

"So, this isn't over." Amethyst felt her stomach turn.

"It's moving." The low roar of a rotary motor began to sound as the room began to glow in a dark hue.

"I said I end things appropriately; I never said I ended things appropriately."

"So, she's coming back for us." Ame bumped her head against her palms to try and regain her balance.

"And I'm sure this will end appropriately. We have a black person with us. Do you know how much street cred that gives us in underground occult circles?"

"The door is open." Imena stepped through to test out how the portal process worked.

"So, do we just stay on the lookout for..." Amethyst took a deep breath. "Places with shadows?"

"Those are always dangerous. Just carry a big light with you at all time. Probably UV."

Imena resurfaced from the portal with her skin pale and her arms shivering across her body. "I don't think that is the right portal. Let me try again."

"She lost two of her shadow things, so it's just one of her now. She'll probably try to find other people to occupy like she was planning on doing."

"That's depressing."

More energy coursed through the walls as the portal face in front of Imena shifted. Braving the unknown, Imena stepped through to find her next destination.

"Yeah she's some kind of weird manifestation of shadows who can occupy bodies." Elaine prodded another loose filament of shadow on the ground.

"So we weakened her?"

"It's was more of a me effort, but I'm sure patting yourself on the back is good exercise."

"That isn't it either." Imena stepped back inside before returning to interrupt the ruckus. "I need help finding the exact cooridinates for where this portal goes. I programmed it to work, but I keep skipping to random places on the planet, and not to where we were. Does anyone have anything big they left on the beach we can lock on to?"

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Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 Empty Re: Existentialism of Adaptation

Post by Chellizard February 12th 2014, 11:35 pm

"Dang... thought I got her with that last blast..." she muttered, her head hanging in semi-defeat from today's events.

First she was hurdled through space for god knows how long, and tossed into the Ocean. Then she almost drowns, and has to swim naked to shore. Upon the shore, she has to sneak across the beach and break into a surf shop to steal some form of clothing. She then meets three strange women that all possess some form of odd arcane magic. The blonde one has the ability to make things, from what Uzma could tell. The one with the vintage bathing suit, the one she had became acquainted with the most, used incantations of some sort. The third and final girl had an imaginary friend she bickered with, and was very skilled with a gun.

Oh, and she's more racist than the leader of the KKK in Southern Alabama.

Uzma rose a finger and attempted to butt into the conversation a few times, still being run over by Amethyst and Elaine. An eerie chill raced down Uzma's spine, and the hair on her arms stood up when Imena came through shivering. A cold chill had came with her, and enveloped the room.

"Heyyy now... we all helped take her do--" she stopped speaking when Imena came back through and spoke of big things on the beach, and locking on to them.

"Well..." she started, and thought through on the coordinates that had been flashing on the monitors of her sunken ship.

Once the coordinates came to her mind, she gave them to Imena gladly and waited for the brave blonde to try walking through the odd gate once again.

-My DeviantArt-
Existentialism of Adaptation - Page 2 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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