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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by SuperMeip June 24th 2013, 12:12 am

Yes... of course, was that even a question with Zip? Of course he wanted fries... couldn't they see him... i mean they could hear him at least through this strange talking box thing next to the menu... Yet another of this new worlds many wonders.... 

I mean to be so convenient as to put this speaker out here so big fellas like him who couldn't fit inside the restaurant to order could still get bucketfuls of food! Twas genius... Pure unadulterated genius. I mean, and then these little paleish things... oh yea, humans!, These, humans, had even thought to use the speaker so they didn't have to get out of those magic wheel things.... wait he knew that one too... cars! Yes! 

Such intuitive peoples these little humen. or is it Humani? Whatever the plural was they were just the sweetest things... and shy too, I mean they barely ever talked to him... though he believed their language involved lots of odd screaming so he couldn't really understand it well... that or they just stared at him. 

At least they wrote in English though... "I'll have... six  large quadruple bacon cheeseburgers, three large onion rings and two orders of fries... oh and a large shake!.. wait do you have a size bigger than large? No? I'll just get two then...."

He loved this fast food stuff... yes, he knew right away it was called fast food yet he still messed up the word human. It was amazing how much deliciousness they could pack into such tiny things, he did wish they made bigger food however, and the bags and wrappers always needed more salt. 

He'd come into an odd way of making money since coming to this world... mostly it was thrown at him, followed by a scream sort of sounding like pleading... usually when he tried to sit next to someone on a bench. These people really were to kind. 

And yes, again quiet.... he finally got to the window and the person said nothing as he leaned over to look in, not telling him how much he owed. " Oh.. umm you can just have all of it I guess...", he handed them a pocket full of bills. "Keep whatever is extra for yourself", he smiled as the person shakily handed him two large bags stuffed with food. 

"Thanks so much sir!", he smiled enthusiastically stood up and started to head away, checking his bags for all his f-.... uh oh.... 

He quickly trotted back but there was already a car at the window, so he gently eased toward it and with a very polite, "Excuse me!", he easily pushed the car out of the way and went to talk to the person at the window, but ended up getting a scream from the woman in the car before he could talk. 

Something about him being a monster? 

He quickly turned to quell and assure her "No shh shh it's okay I'm not A.. - oops!", he turned back around to find his tail had bashed in part of the drive though window and now the cashier was screaming too. "Oh i'm sorry it's just you forgot my-", and then he tried to step back only to trip over the car, crushing the front of it (leaving the lady unharmed thankfully"[/color], but warranting more screams and now some running people as he sat up and held up a bag pointing to it. 

"Y... you forgot my... fires... heh"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Epsilon June 24th 2013, 1:36 am

Chicago. A town filled to the brim with statues and masonry of all kind.  Granitoid still couldn't believe its luck. Here, the construct could go practically anywhere without someone noticing the new structure that had appeared behind them. Perhaps here it could finally find another place to protect. A scream echoed behind it. Granitoid turned and noticed a middle-aged woman clutching her purse in terror of the stone construct strutting down the street.

'Same old song.' Granitoid continued down the street, ignoring the woman's screams. Aside from the two of them, the street was strangely empty. Granitoid's insides squirmed. Well, they would have squirmed if the construct had had insides. Much as it was nice to be able to walk around without an entire street screaming at it, 'Something's wrong.' At that moment, a crash sounded in the distance. Granitoid spun on its heel, sprinting past the woman that the construct had frightened earlier, and made its way towards the source of the commotion.

After not too long, Granitoid found where everyone had gone off to. There was a massive crowd gathered around a fast food restaurant.  The small construct hung back, trying unsuccessfully to get a glimpse of the crowd's cause for gathering. With a growl of annoyance, the construct began shoving its way through the crowd. It didn't take long before people started to simply part and allow the strange creature through their midst.

Once Granitoid had managed to reach the front of the masses, it finally got a glimpse of the cause of the commotion. Seated on the hood of a crushed car, holding a bag of greasy fast food, sat what appeared to be a massive whale. 'What in the...' Granitoid's thoughts mirrored the confusion of the crowd behind it. Acting before someone in the crowd could start screaming, Granitoid strode forwards to the whale.

"Time for you to swim on home pal." The construct made to grab the whale's wrist, to try and forcefully assist the whale off the car. If the whale were to resist, 'This thing's twice my size. If it puts these people in danger, then there's nothing they could do about it.'


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Riccto June 24th 2013, 8:20 pm

Campeon was a super hero on a super team. With being a team player there is some sort of PR to come along with it, He had to let the public know he was here to help in the windy city and he had to also help in building up his brand, his recognizably, not for any type of monetary compensation or action figures (although he would be rather flattered if some entrepreneur developed a line of Campeon brand action figures.) It was deterrence, an image and a name that brings hope and keeps the badguys off of the street. Also he wished to have that real super hero look going on, he found it pretty cool.  But sadly he couldn't put together his ideal supersuit before patrol started, so he hits the streets in his proto-super suit. A combination of a simple black spandex shorts and top alongside a dark blue ninja-turtle style cloth mask and dark blue handwraps. It works for Campeon. Atleast he looks kinda like a true-blue superhero. 

He makes his rounds uneventfully, alternating between walking the streets and conversing with people from leaping from rooftop to rooftop, keeping a quiet vigil over the city, making sure that everything is A-OK and everyone is doing good. That and he was getting a handful of comments on his new outfit from some fans that pleased him. So overall today was a good day, that is until he caught the trail of some strange footsteps and some screaming coming from a nearby fast food joint. He walked swiftly onto the scene and what he saw there shocked him. A small stone man attempting to displace a killer whale man from his seat atop a car. and of course the running and screaming people and the handful of people that stick around to shoot video, that is expected.  Campeon takes a deep breath before walking towards the two. He taps the stone man on the shoulder and the whale man on the elbow-ish area. Hoping that got the duo's attention he takes a step back.

"Please seperate." he attempts to state in a loud, but not shouting, forceful voice. He follows this by pointing to the other sides of the parking lot.

Its a lovely day and I hope this is all some type of misunderstanding. Please, would this beautiful day and tasty food dare by marred by confict? Lets just talk
He smiles at the two.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by SuperMeip June 24th 2013, 9:59 pm

"Well sorry I can help you fix that! If you'd just let me expl- well yes your screaming is nice and all, but It's hard to hear me over it...", he began but the human at the window had already ran away, however with all the ones running away, but with each human that ran, seems more showed up. Including one man who would greatly peak his interest. 

He soon felt a poke and blinked, turning his head, finding it hard to turn his rump as he was kind of stuck to the crushed car front. "Ohhh my! hehe well aren't you interesting?! Are you a construct of sorts?!", he curiously poked at the stone man that had just walked up behind him. "Oh just fascinating... did they build you too? These humen are just amazing.. though that one did forget my.. oh yes!", he seemed to have quite the one track mind. Now ignoring the stone man, but planning to come back to him later as he leaned forward looking into the partially collapsed window, still trying to signal someone for his fries, quite politely too. He didn't seem to realize how much damage he was causing, either ignorant or innocent to his size and strength. 

Then there seemed to be another issue... he'd kinda gone into that window a bit too far. Not only was his butt stuck to the front of a car, now he was stuck face first in a service window as well... and then yet another approacher who seemed to stand out walked up and gave his blubbery arm a tap. 

He seemed to request the two to step to the side, but Zip here was in a bit of a situation. "Sorry sir, I'm afraid I can't oblige to your request!" he began but his thick tail started wagging suddenly, hopefull~ not hitting someone on accident as he looked to the side of the window inside. "Ohh! My fries!"

Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Epsilon June 25th 2013, 12:12 am

Granitoid stared at where the whale had poked it. Someone else had done that to it, a long, long time ago. The construct's hands dropped back to its side. 'Help and Protect.' Those three words summed up the entire reason that Granitoid existed, and he wasn't about to fail that again. Granitoid turned its attention back to the whale, only to notice that the whale had gone and tried to lever himself out of the car. The construct opened its mouth to offer assistance, but before it could speak another voice did spoke for it.

The stone that Granitoid was made of grated as the construct turned to look at the person who had tapped it on the shoulder. 'Annelise, if only you could see this...' There stood what could only have been a superhero. A superhero who looked like they'd made their costume out of exercise clothing and a piece of fabric for the mask. Still, this was someone who at least looked human enough to diffuse the screaming situation.

"I've got no quarrel with you," Granitoid addressed the human. The stone construct turned to face the man, crossing its arms as if to say 'I'm not going to cause a problem, but I'm not going where you pointed either'. 'I've been told what to do my entire existence. That can end now.' It was then that the whale did something which caught the constructs attention again.

The whale's tail was thrashing back and forth, and the muffled cries that Granitoid could make out coming from inside the restaurant seemed excited. Granitoid rolled its eyes, and if could have, it would have also given a heavy sigh. The whale had gone and gotten itself stuck in the window. Granitoid turned back to the human, "If you're a hero, help me." The stone construct maneuvered itself so that it could get a grip on the whale's body. "Hey!" Granitoid shouted in hopes that the whale could hear it, "Hold still!" The construct gave the human a meaningful look before reaching out to grab the whale, preparing to pull once the human grabbed the whale as well. If the human didn't grab the whale, then Granitoid would try and pull the whale out by itself, unless the whale specifically stopped it.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Riccto June 25th 2013, 10:02 pm

Campeon beamed at the stone man, and chuckled a bit to himself at how silly the situation is overall. A gruff stone man, an oblivious giant whale accidently jammed into a car windshield hollaring for french fries. Oh yeah, and himself in the proto supersuit. Oh the scene that has been created, a combination of terror filled screams and the chortles of shaky amateur film makers make a distinct sound over the norm hum of the city. These wacky events are starting to become the norm for Campeon but that still doesn't mean that he can't enjoy them.

He smiles and shrugs in a friendly manner at the stone construct Sorry about that, Just gauging the reaction, I wasn't sure if there was some kinda wierd fight going on ya know? Gotta protect the town  and all that. Campeon smiles sincerely before getting down to business, he digs his heels into the pavement before wrapping his hand around the hand of the lodged whale, then when the Granitoid moves he would assist in hopefully yanking the whale from the car window. Hey buddy, stop your thrashing we're going to get ya outta there...Oh. I'm Campeon. And you two are?

El Boriquen

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by SuperMeip June 26th 2013, 4:21 am

Zip was quite happy now, dispite being stuck in a drive though window and a car he'd found his french fries! With a Joyous grin he'd flick his fingers a bit while opening his mouth, transposing the force from the finger flick to just behind the fries as to toss them into his open mouth and swallow happily. "Ahhh so much flavo- yeep!", he squeaked at the end of his sentience as he felt a tuggign at his legs, his fat balling up around the sides of the window as the bricks cracked around him.

"Oh. hmm umm construct? Is that you? I don't believe I saw a nose on you but if there's anyone out there with the ability to smell I suggest they don't stand *pfrrtt* down wind..." , he blushed a bit. "Yea if my hands were free I could help you guys pull out the rest of me... but all I can do now is kinda... wiggle my hands, so ... if you need anything slapped just let me know okay?"

He shouted trying to be helpful though the creaking rubble, of the old order window. And it was though that creaking that he misheard... "Umm well My name is Zip mister, or misses with a really deep voice; Champain, and ... well I don't think it's going to help but If you want me to thrash.., okay!", he smiled and indeed began to thrash about and kick his tubby legs, thinking you told him to thrash instead of don't thrash.

Good news though, the opening was widening, so the building might just collapse and he could just walk out! wait... is that good news?

Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Epsilon June 26th 2013, 2:30 pm

As soon as the human grabbed hold of the whale, Granitoid began pulling. Between the two of them, they managed to actually make headway against the building holding the whale tightly. The human was still talking. "I have been called Granitoid," the construct answered him curtly. It was then that Granitoid felt a rush of air flow past it. 'Odd, there's no breeze.' The construct gave a small half shrug and continued to pull on the whale.

The whale continued to shout things from the other side of the wall. "He keeps this up and the building'll drop from the sound waves," the construct grunted as it labored. Despite the absurdity of the situation, Granitoid couldn't help but feel a certain amount of comfort being back in its element; physical labor to help someone. 'Except this one can move,' no sooner than the thought had popped into Granitoid's head did the whale begin to thrash around.

"Oi!" the construct bellowed as it ducked to avoid the flailing tail, "You wanna not try and kill us!" The creaking of the building was really rising now, and between the flailing limbs that it had to dodge and the concentration required to continue pulling, Granitoid failed to notice the space around the opening widening. "Pull on three!" Granitoid threw the instruction at the human, "One. Two. Three!" On 'three', the construct would give a massive heave that, if the human also pulled at the right time, should provide sufficient force to yank the whale free. Whether or not the building also came down would be a matter left up to the powers of human engineering.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Riccto June 27th 2013, 8:17 pm

Campeon nodded to the curt man of stone, Its a pleasure to meet you both, Champion if its easier for you Zip He stated as he pulled the whale alongside the man of stone, Zip still thrashing despite his statement not to which was having an obviously poor effect on the integrity of the fast food joint, the combination of the displacement of the whale, his thrashing and just the fact he and Granatoid were pulling so hard to get him out, cracks were appearing along the brickwork, it was becoming clear that there was a good chance of this building collapsing as soon as the whale was removed. But Campeon could not permit that, not on his watch.

Metahumans and Superhero's have been getting a bad rep recently, people lambasting good natured hero's for making a mess with there bull-crap and then leaving the average person to pick up the tip and the following mess, thus some people have the growing opinion that there just flat out shouldn't be any heros or that they should be under close watch. Campeon seeks to reverse this trend, He want to show that he is really here to help, not just tussle with villains although that is one of his favorite perks. But now he needs to show he cares. He adjusts his feet so that he is perpendicular to the building, so when Granitoid give the word he pulls with all of his might to pry free the whale. He makes the lurch a full bodied action, with this feet planted, then, as hopefully the whale gets pulled free, Campeon would step back support the building, hopefully preventing it from collapsing.

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by SuperMeip July 2nd 2013, 3:59 pm

"OOooooohhh champion of what? *munch munch munch*", he asked between bites, having found more food in the restaurant... go figure. He was using his force abilities and lots of finger wiggling to bounce it over to his mouth. This wasn't the best time to be eating; most would say. But zip would laugh, it's always a good time to eat!!!

He felt more tugging, deciding to stop thrashing but he couldn't help his thick tail from swaying as he was yanked at, kind of a reflex, so was the gas in a way, I mean, if you mean consistent throughout the day much of the time a reflex. ~~~ "Heh scuse me, but i don't think this building is very structurally sound anymore, I don't think these humen built it with me in mind, I mean that's why the built a drive-thru... right?", he asked as a brick or two fell and bopped him in the nose, this probably wasn't going to end well...

He squeaked again at the final tug, feeling his fat sliiiide out the window slowly as they yanked and pulled and with a pop, he was flung out, hopefully not landing on any civilians... or one of the heros who helped him. "Oh thank you two!!! It was so kind of you to assist me! And i even got my fries! So i guess everyone wins!", he smiled innocently but dumb as a post as the building would start to creak, the ceiling bending as some more bricks fell aside the drive through window.

Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Epsilon July 4th 2013, 11:50 am

Apparently, Granitiod's efforts to remove the whale from the drive-thru were not in vain, seeing as how one minute there was a window full of whale and the next that same mass slid out with a pop. If it'd been paying more attention, Granitoid might have noticed that the human had let go of the whale, meaning that the construct was now applying a lopsided amount of force to Zip. By the time Granitoid had released its hold, the damage had been done. "Gerroffa me you big lug!" the construct growled from underneath the whale. Durable or not, something about having an almost six hundred pound pile of mass on top of you was never comfortable. With some more grumbling, Granitoid dug its fingers into the stone ground and wormed its way out from underneath the whale.

The construct stood, dusting itself off with a sigh of relief that they'd managed to free the whale. It looked around, it seemed that a number of law enforcement officials had arrived on the scene, working to keep the civilian lines back. There were also a large amount of rescue vehicles. The construct peered at the crowd, noticing one common trait among them; they all seemed to be looking at something behind it. Granitoid turned, and for the first time, noticed the structural weakening of the fast food building."Oh boy," it whispered. Running over, Granitoid lent the building its considerable strength, calling out to Zip as it went, "Give us a hand! Or a flipper!"

The building creaked and groaned, still threatening to come down at any moment. "Any ideas?" Granitoid grunted out to Campeon, doing its best to keep the building from collapsing. The construct could only imagine what would happen to them if the humans realized that a giant whale had destroyed one of their buildings. 'Whatever it might be,' Granitoid told itself, 'It probably won't be pretty.' The construct gave the interior of the building a quick look through the hole that was causing it to collapse. "Is everyone out?" it shouted, as much to Campeon and Zip as anyone else in the area. Granitoid wasn't any engineer, but there was a good chance that they wouldn't be able to save the building. If that was the case, then at the very least they could make sure that no one got hurt when it collapsed fully.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Riccto July 7th 2013, 9:43 pm

Campeon grunts under the weight of the creaking building, he attempts to adjust his hands and feet in little motions, fractions of an inch whenever he feels comfortable. He normally has nearly limitless strength and endurance but the roof of a fast food place is heavy and he doesn’t have exactly the best positioning to complete this task of being a pillar. This is probably why people normally didn’t volunteer to be pillars and why this job was outsourced to concrete pillars. Upon hearing Granitoids should he attempts to peer inside the collapsing fast food place. “I think everybodies out ese, but I don’t want to let this building fall down on account of a missed order of fries….Lemme… He attempts to readjust the weight, the sheer weight of the roof cutting into his hands.   He turns his head as far as he can to Zip  A Champion of people who need one..I guess? Campeon looks back to the ground as if he were fishing for an idea swimming in the concrete, then, Lightbulb.   Zip. How about you help out by getting one of those cars, after askin for it of course, and placing it in this hole. Just anything to prevent this thing from falling

El Boriquen

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 61
Job : The Stronkest
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by SuperMeip July 15th 2013, 3:25 pm

Zip sat chewing on another order of large fries as he was given a shout, blinking before swallowing hard, ""Hmm? Car? Oh yea the metallic wheely things, yes okay", he nodded easily lifting a car and pulling it over to the building, about to position it in the hole as instructed when the ceiling began to collapse, a crack running along it suddenly making the orca yelp, holding the car under one arm as he pushed his hand up into empty air but transposed the force of the upward thrust across the bottom of the roof and held it there, holding up the roof from a distance as, while still holding the car under his arm he wiggled his fatty fingers, trying to move some of the bricks around and back into place with little nudges of force without physically touching them. It was all together a lot of work and made him sweat a bit which didn't smell to nice at all as he used his transposition of force powers to hold the roof and try to stabilize it at the same time, but he couldn't transpose forever, he was kinda on a time limit, focusing not tho hold it up but keep his powers going.

"A champion of people who need one.... ", he repeated. "Yea I like that!.. I should have the roof could you take this car from me though... getting sweaty and I don't want to drop it. "

Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Grid_3_semisolid_small

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney
Age : 30
Job : Food Tester
Humor : I am the PunLord
Registration date : 2013-06-23

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

Post by Epsilon July 15th 2013, 6:41 pm

Granitoid gave the interior of the building one last look before accepting Campeon's assessment that everyone had gotten out safely. The construct glared at the roof, silently cursing the fact that it simply wasn't tall enough to be much help hold up the building. With a huff of frustration, Granitoid started picking up pieces of the building that had begun falling off, using them as best it could to reinforce the lower parts of the collapsing building. The construct paid the barest amount of attention to Campeon's answer to Zip's question, but it set Granitoid thinking.

A champion of people who need one? It sounded like helping people. People like Annelise, who couldn't help themselves. Granitoid had been built to help, hadn't it? And Annelise had always wanted to grow up and be a hero. Maybe these people could help the construct find a reason to exist in this new time and place. Maybe there was some reason Granitoid existed beyond being the by product of a paranoid scientist.

Its thoughts were interrupted as Zip came back over with the car. Granitoid saw the whale approach with the car, watched the building take a turn for the worse, and noticed how Zip managed to hold it up without touching it. 'Magic.' It had been centuries since the construct had seen any kind of magic, so the display caught it off guard for a moment. Then Zip spoke. Shaking its stone head, Granitoid marched over and relieved the whale of the car easily, taking it over to the hole Campeon had indicated. "Hope this works!" the construct shouted over the creaking and groaning of the building. Granitoid wedged the car against the ground, shoving the other end into the ceiling with a determined look in its stone eyes.


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Number of posts : 29
Humor : Where is your Gollum now?
Registration date : 2013-06-17

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Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN] Empty Re: Would you like Fries with that? [OPEN]

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