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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by The Black Angel June 9th 2013, 4:58 am

As Saileyra said  “Apparently were both meeting here for more than one reason tonight.” and “Then were both on the same grounds. I’m here to end his life as well.”, the Black Angel simply nodded, as she was taking in her surroundings, as if readying herself for an attack she felt was imminent. The drab bar, was certainly not big on appearances, clearly built to simply quench the thirst of the local blue collar workers. It was a throw back to the speak easy's that dominated Chicago in the prohibition era United States, which embedded the image of the Chicago gangster on the nations consciousness in the 1930's. Prohibition era crime in Chicago truly cementing Chicago's reputation as a hub for crime, both petty and more severe, which lasted up until the present day, attracting the seedy types one would expect throughout the city.

Nevertheless, the Black Angel was happy she'd come to a place that was bigger on drinking then "Broski's trying to score....", as she wasn't in the mood to get hit on, and from the looks of it neither was Saileyra. So she was certainly happy she didn't stumble into a bar frequented by college frat boys, wannabe rock stars, and all deuce bags in between. It wasn't that she didn't like the company of men, just not men like that.... It was in this moment that she truly missed Katsumi, and wished he was here, even though he was likely just another person who'd be hurt from getting to close to her...

The Black Angel's mind drifted to the Lord of the Flies, especially as to how she'd be able to defeat this particular monstrosity, who she knew was coming for her. At best she figured her Glock's would do the trick, at worst..... Well she'd cross that bridge as it came. For now she planned what she'd do if this mysterious "Saileyra" attacked her, or if the Lord of the Flies made a surprise cameo appearance. A nearby pool table would be easy to flip, making good cover for the Black Angel to operate behind, as she'd take a defensive stance at the start of whatever hypothetical attack might be launched against her. The window near the restrooms would make for a good exit, should things get to hot inside the bar.

Shaking her head, and snapping back into the moment and the conversation with the exotic looking operative she'd met previously in Los Angeles, the Black Angel said "Funny running into you again, especially seeing as we're both after the same man.... This town can get to small I swear.....". After taking a final drag from the remnants of her cigarette, the Black Angel smiled and said "The Rippers made the world news I guess....". Then sighed, saying "I'm afraid he's a bit more then you're expecting..... Not some simple psycho with a knife.... Rather a bit more I'm afraid...." with her upper crust English/Hong Kong accent. Looking down, she distantly said "I believe the Ripper, is possessed, likely by the Lord of the Flies whose not of this world.... I wouldn't recommend getting mixed up in this if you can avoid it.... As win or lose, their is going to be a devil to pay....".

She rather enjoyed Saileyra, thinking they seemed to both be kindred spirits of some kind, perhaps even made from the same cloth? It was funny what a difference time and circumstance meant, as a month ago she was ready to do whatever was necessary to defeat Saileyra, who was at that point still unknown, and now here she was enjoying her company. Life was full of these funny little paradox's the Black Angel was finding, and more and more she believed she was coming across people it seemed she was designed to meet, as if their was some predetermined plan for her life, which was up until now still unknown to her. Life seemed out of control for her at times, partially due to her drinking, though also because she felt someone else had taken the wheel and begun to steer her down a more meaningful path.

When Saileyra said “I am the commander of the organization OCEAN. We end people like this man from the face of the earth. Those who threat cities, the balance, they need to die. I am here to do just that. I believe in brothers and sisters in arms, perhaps we can aid each other in this battle." the Black Angel sighed, she was never one to work well with others. She'd led men in combat before, groups of Jades, as well as in her days as "Soldier of Fortune", mostly to mixed results, as she'd never fully trusted anyone but herself. Truth be told she was much more comfortable leveling an enemy compound herself, then marking for an airstrike that may, or may not come. Though she certainly agreed with O.C.E.A.N's founding principles, the Black Angel wasn't ready to give up her mistrust yet, even though she reminded daily by the fact that whatever "Balance" the world had was starting to collapse, one only needing to look at NYC to realize this....

As much as the Black Angel knew she'd need the help, she was determined to finish this by herself, as the Ripper had just made things personnel. A cocky smile crawled across the Black Angel's face as she looked at Saileyra, saying "I certainly respect your organization then.... But I'll be responsible for no one but myself.... Have enough blood on my conscience.... Don't need anymore....", as she began to get up from the bar.

Just as the Black Angel stood, the lights flashed for a moment, before dimming completely, as the sound of a low howl of wind passed by. Their was a stir among the patrons, especially as the door to the outside blew open, revealing no one standing in the doorway. The Black Angel turned to Saileyra, saying only "Well..... He's here....", then taking one of her Glock 9mm's from her holster, began cautiously approaching the doorway. Keeping her aim fixed on the front door, which was now swinging open and shut loudly, the Black Angel slowly walked across the bar, as everyone inside watched the bizarre event with something close to a combination of primal fear and confusion.

Death had come for the Black Angel tonight.... And only one of the two would walk away....

Last edited by The Black Angel on June 17th 2013, 11:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Angel
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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by The Black Angel June 10th 2013, 11:05 am

Downtown Chicago, Chi-Town: Le Pig was everywhere in this fly infested city of Chicago, from asses of horses in the cities many slaughterhouses, to the ventilation shafts of the cities highest buildings, high street stores, and even seedy bars, as the overseer of the Order of the Fly had a special connection with the insects, which allowed him to see what they see. It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for after he'd assumed his true form in this world, the Black Angel, who was apparently the divine champion against him in this great, cosmic game. She was angry, sad, lonely, and vulnerable... She was out for blood, though ultimately however, she'd fall like the others, her eventual death being only slightly more satisfying then the others.

As Le Pig disappeared and became one with the shadows, he began to think "The mere fact she was chosen by.... Them.... As a testament to the fact that they were losing their hold on influencing people towards the path of the Ethos... Never since the War of the Cosmos had their power been so low....". Le Pig had learned much of this "Black Angel" from his time spent killing the seer who'd glimpsed into his plans, and from what he could tell she was nearly as fallen as he was, and that was truly what he'd hated about the ethos leader he'd served countless ages ago.... He picked his favorites....What truly separated him from this woman? She was self serving, vainglorious, a murder, only she was a "Chosen One", while he was cast out with the rest of the Fallen Ones who'd opposed the Ethos. It was a striking paradox, this "Black Angel" spent her life working against divinity, yet she was the Ethos champion.... While he'd served him for countless years, and one mistake and he was cast into dark... It was truly as he said all that time ago "Better to reign in a wasteland than to serve in an Eden.",  in Eden he was an errand boy, in the wasteland he was a god.

On Earth, he could tempt, and every so often corrupt one of "Chosen Ones" to the point he could manifest himself through them, as he'd done with the Ripper. Now, he was here to do the Fallen's work, and throw the city of Chicago into a terror it had never known. All that stood in his way was this pathetic excuse for a champion, who seemed as corruptible as any of this worlds creatures, only most hadn't ended nearly anywhere the amount of life that this "Angel" had. She would be his final victim for the sin of greed, an epitaph  to it, and a warning to the Ethos, that the power of the night was increasing ten fold. He'd show the people of Chicago just how powerless their prayers truly were, when confronted with randomness of ultimate evil.

As Le Pig b crossed the city of Chicago as a dark shadow, the lights eerily dimmed, animals scurried for cover, and a loud howling could be heard in the nigh sky. When reaching Downtown Chicago, Le Pig dark shadow avoided the bright lights of the city, Finally the dark shadow descended upon a small, unremarkable looking building, which no doubt served as a bar, evidence from the dimming neon beer signs. This was where she was, Gods champion, drinking her pain away. Beelzebub laughed a callous laugh, saying to himself "Is it possible he's sunk so low as to think this creature can defeat me?".

As the shadow touched the top of the rooftop, which was by now covered in darkness, Le Pig took his true form,  that of a terrible, giant beast, largely muscled, and well over fifteen feet tall, weighing well north of 3,000 lbs. His head is that of a vicious wild boar, which blazes with deep red eyes, razor sharp tusks and teeth protrude from his massive mouth. His body is seemingly ape like, as he walks upright, which is due to his previous life as a divine entity. Le Pig is gender less, though he's often referred to in the masculine form. He has a great set of wings, his wings making it apparent he was at one time a divine being, though something looks clearly off with them, making it also apparent Le Pig is an evil entity. This gives whoever beholds Le Pig a clear indication to both his gilded past, as well as his damned present and future. His arms are long, and massively muscled, covered with a coat of thick black fur, along with the rest of his body. Le Pig's hands are gigantic, each hand has four ape like fingers, with large claws at the end of each finger. His legs are also ape like, hugely muscled, and with large claws at the end of his feet, which could easily tear a man in two. He stepped towards the ledge of the roof, as a dark mist descended all around the building, looking as if it transported the bar into another world.

Cackling, Le Pig said "Now lets show him he's a terrible mistake.....", and jumped down onto the street.

Last edited by The Black Angel on June 17th 2013, 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Angel

Deviant  - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
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The Black Angel
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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by Saileyra June 11th 2013, 10:29 am

It seemed like the the night would being to burn on, the sound of people leaving, only leaving herself the bartender and the sounds of the shots glasses being pounded away. She counted at least five at this point by her side giving her a sense elation. Yet, as their conversation continued the immune system she had burned away the alcohol and processed the calories for sustainment. Her X.E.T.A biological superiority gave her a resistance to most disease an ability to resist cancer. Licking her lips her fingers pushed aside the files. There was no use for them, no use for them at all when she found a source that could give her more information then she could beckon for. Turning on her seat, she leaned on her arm as her elbow rested on the bar.

Would Angel strike? It made her wonder, she was dangerous, both of them in the same thoughts. Both of them against evil that threatened a city and it’s denizens. Of course, sacrifices would be made, she knew if this Ripper guy came busting into the bar out of nowhere the fucking bartender was done for. She liked him too, he was a nice guy had some talent it was a shame she knew she could not probably do much to help save his life. Her eyes scanned him as he had glanced giving a slight wave and grin. Her stomach churned, she knew she wasn’t a hero she could never protect those whom were normal. Hell from this point forward she would do watch she can to give a chance of survival at least that. If the ramification got to dangerous she knew she would have to focus on the ripper at hand even it meant his death.

Her thoughts pondered if Angel would go and be the ripper it, you never knew the gender of an evil bastard. If he took skin he could easily do something as sick as a ‘skin suit’ but she didn’t think that extreme would take it’s own barrier. Nothing that bad should happen at least she fucking hoped not. “Very small.” Chuckling, her voice like a bell as she gazed at the other female, “This world is very interesting. It seems all are connected.” Of course, she wasn’t from this time period hell she didn’t even look like it. Then she explained, revealed something, she raised an eyebrow her eyes staring at the other female. “One of those fuckers? Then we’re going to fucking kill the demon.” She said, her voice flat as she had placed her fingers on top of her head as she had allowed her fingers to tangle in her hair.

Saileyra stared at the other woman, “I did not come here all the way from Asia to not fight this fucker.” She said to the other female, her voice flat and rather straight to the point. It sounded stern as she had scanned the other woman in the eyes. Searching for something, searching for an answer as she had looked into the other woman’s eyes. What she had seen in the fires of her green eyes? Revenge, deep anger, there was something wrong that made her want to kill this man. It was personal, wither or not she knew the reason the eyes were definitely the windows to a beings soul. “You do not have to worry about my blood on your hands. I intend to shed blood—“ Soon enough, the doors were snapping moving about causing the lights to flicker as the woman glanced over to the bartender. “Go out the back. I don’t want you here.” He seemed alarmed, her voice was sharp, tonal, commander like. Apparently, this woman was not fucking around and this guy hauled ass through the back kitchen. At least she saved one life..well the guy was nice and he deserved a good tip. Sadly that couldn’t happen now could it? With her fingers reaching to her side, she drew her blade, Xetakka’ it’s edge screamed giving off a plasmic edge. It was unnatural, far from normal, the blade drawn highly hot star matter. Interstellar heat so to speak, capable of burns that would dig through skin and burn it away from it’s own existence. The blade deadly, having mercury xetallium rounds, it was a blade that would not meant to be fucked with. Yet, she was more than just a fighter she was also a trained fucking soldier. Listening, she heard someone above, she would roll away from the bar away from the location of the sound.

It made her location across from Angel, on the other side of the room, Sai’s eyes were magenta glowing in the growing darkness. She knew this would be a run for her money, she did not have celestiality, not in this world and it just made her worry. Would she be capable of taking against this creature of Lucifer? Considering her seraphic nature did not matter here it was all in all a lingering story that she was from another time and could control the choirs of god. Right. That was so possible. At least most of the denizens would say that, right hand cocking the gun blade up. She said one thing, “Let there be light.” And without a doubt, there was fucking light. The gun shot, the xetallium round was surrounded in interstellar light that was light from space. It would dart up at a killer speed blowing through the roof in the general direction of the beast. Mercury rounds would heat up and it would slice through flesh mercury would stick and like a poison heat up further and corrode and burn into third degree burns. “Angel your not doing this alone!” She screamed her form moving to a table her form bladed, the sword in front of her.

The blade screaming eerily, the substance glowing across it almost making the double edged gun blade look like a katana but too beautiful. It’s edge was finely crafted, sharp, unnatural as was the howling that came from the xetallium rubbing against the matter in this space. It was not silent because the metal from space was not in it’s natural element burning threatening to seer skin as she waited, wondered. She did the first shot, by pinpointing the sound the voice, it was dark. Whatever this was it wasn’t going to take Black Angel without a fucking fight in her book.

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by The Black Angel June 11th 2013, 1:23 pm

When Saileyra said "I did not come here all the way from Asia to not fight this fucker.”, it made the Black Angel think that it was something she could have said back when she was a gun for hire. Saileyra certainly was cut from a similar cloth as her, that much was obvious, and the fact she'd come from Asia, the Black Angels home continent was certainly intriguing to say the least. The Black Angel was steadfast in wanting to work alone, had this been anyone else, but Saileyra was.... Similar.... At least at first appearance. If she was going to be anything more, well only time would tell, as time had a way of building or breaking fellowships.... From the corporate world, to a foxhole, time truly revealed all. By the time Saileyra said "You do not have to worry about my blood on your hands. I intend to shed blood." the Black Angel had already made up her mind, and hopefully two would be better then one.

Sighing, the Black Angel nodded her head, saying "Very well.... I've heard that sound in a few voices before, and I know you're not going to accept no for an answer.... I admire that.... Even though I don't advocate that here...". The Black Angel then switched her attention to the doorway, where thick white smoke was now descending onto the street at an alarming rate, making the Black Angel think to herself "Something tells me this guy isn't a simple serial killer anymore....", while she kept her focus trained on the doorway. Meanwhile Saileyra was seeing to it that the bartender found his way out safely, another admirable quality as far as the Black Angel could tell. As Saileyra returned from getting the bartender to run, she drew a most unusual sword, which was either cutting edge technology (No pun intended), or not of this world, the Black Angel couldn't tell which. It was certainly nothing she'd seen before, and the Black Angel had fought on all the majorly populated continents, and knew all small arms currently available from grainy picture.

The Black Angel figured she had her answer however, because as the lights turned totally dim, Saileyra's eyes began to glow an unnatural color, "So she's not from this world.... Interesting...." the Black Angel thought to herself. Then as quickly as the total dark had descended, it was gone, Saileyra shooting through the ceiling, the bullet being some sort of illuminated round, as it quickly lit up the night sky. The Black Angel watched silently, as Saileyra said “Let there be light.”, smiling and thinking to herself "Well that evens things out a bit.... Doesn't it?". However that light quickly began to fade as well, until they once again were alone in the dark. The Black Angel took out her cigarette lighter, then said "Archaic.... But effective....", and lit the small lighter with her left hand, her other hand clutching her Glock 9mm. The semi-lit room, eerily glowed as the lighter caused the shadows around the bar to dance in an unusual way, which left the Black Angel quite unsettled.

Realizing the two of them needed to get the hell out of the bar, the Black Angel then said "Alright.... Shoot at whatever's making all that noise up their.... When you shoot, I'll burst outside, take him from the top, you just fucking cover me from the bottom.... Then you get the fuck out of this place, Okay?". When the plan was finalized, Saileyra shot through the roof at whatever was hunting them, and by the sounds of things hit it, as several cries of pain could be heard as the Black Angel burst through the door to the outside, the cries growing even louder outside.

Wasting little time however, the Black Angel athletically grabbed the bars hanging sign, swung on it a few times, then did a front flip onto the roof, landing crouched on her feet, her Glock pointed at whatever was opposite her on the roof. The Black Angel was ready for the fight of her life, only their wasn't anything on the roof. She cautiously moved towards the hole in the roof, which had been made by Saileyra's blast. Glancing towards the opposite rooftops, the Black Angel was careful to not get ambushed by whatever was up here, however from the sounds coming from within the bar, it was clear to the Black Angel that it had managed to evade both her and Saileyra, "Great.... A fucking shape shifter...." she thought, before running across the roof to jump below.


Le Pig was just about to strike when a light shot through the roof of the building he'd been standing on, coming close enough to singe part of his skin, which healed a few seconds later. Their was an explosion of light, as Le Pig laughed, saying "The light won't save you anymore than it will save me....", and channeling some sort of energy through himself, slowly dimmed the light. Using his flies within the bar, he was able to keep several close sets of eyes on the two, who were seemingly hatching some sort of plan.

When they were ready, the size of the blast that the woman he wasn't after shot at him surprised the Le Pig, the blast hitting his right arm, burning it in a way he hadn't felt in some time. Wincing and screaming in pain, Le Pig cried out in pain, but after a few seconds the pain faded, and he quickly turned into a shadow once again, quickly transporting himself through the hole in the roof and into the bar.

Now within the shadows of the bar, Le Pig materialized, while also shooting a powerful energy bolt towards the woman who'd attacked him. This woman had hurt him, she to would now die, he only need find her sin.

Last edited by The Black Angel on June 17th 2013, 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Angel

Deviant  - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by Saileyra June 13th 2013, 10:26 am

It wasn’t long before her shots reached the ceiling, they streamed up, and easily busted straight through the top giving release. Burning through the ceiling, shooting with a light that glimmered across the room. It was unnatural, glowing with a mix of purples and reds. Noticing Angel staring at her the other female tilted her head in the direction of Angel. It seemed she was staring at her like she was some weirdo or at least analyzing. Was that how she stared at people when she was trying to figure them out? It only made her wonder, her blade seemed to pulse. The shot that she had made temporarily made her eyes dim and only to glow again in the darkness as she watched her back. It was only a matter of time..before those shots hit her target. At least she hoped it would, it seemed time had slowed down. But, her perception of time was different not that it played out any slower or faster. Her reaction time played with the stream of time here as much as she hated it. The blow swirls, how they danced, she seen it but..she didn’t grasp it..she wasn’t timeless here..never here.

Grinning at the other woman she gave her a small sentence that would explain everything. “I’m not from this time.” It was the explanation for everything. It was the explanation for the blade, how oddly she acted, from a different time. How she resided amongst others in an odd facility. She brought her technology to this world not that she had wanted to but she had to. It was the only way for her not to go mad from how primitive it all was. If she altered the time line? Maybe the humans in her time would not be extinct maybe they would have a fighting fucking chance. Who knew, maybe her existence here was meant to happen so people like Black Angel got the chance to see the world differently as she wouldn’t be..
“Nai~! Get down~” She shouted at him, perspiration trickled down her neck. The sounds of the photon cannons went off. Nai was not ducking down, the evil man, machine God. Tyrando was staring at him, the spread licking through his fingers. An evil that would spread and change a X.E.T.A into the darkness. Make them kill their brothers, sieze into the war. Blood trickled down her back, aether exploded from her blood, she smelled the plasmic wounds but the aether burned away the spread around her as she continued bleeding and things continued to explode. “Please~!” She screamed again, Nai wouldn’t he was relentless like herself. Reasoning? It was a matter if he could or not. It could change would change him. Feeling a burn in her stomach, she could not allow him to do that. His vibration was her vibration; their x-cells were in perfection harmony and without that? She couldn’t imagine it. Running at him, she tackled him and the black..the smell of blood, death.—
In a few minutes, she was back in a reality, well not even a few minutes. Even though that memory was. Forever, it seemed like forever. It was only a few seconds, her brain functioned much faster than the normal human being. She could day dream in a few split seconds rather than a few minutes. She scanned the other as she had not said anything for the few moments Black Angel spoke. Saying she would take to the roof, the other would climb to the top. The very top, she knew the thing was up there.
It was screaming in pain, that sound, her adrenaline now surged her perception of pain pleasure as she had  stared at the top. Her guard remained up, she would remain in the center of the light where her gun borne through. If she was going to fuck with something of darkness she was going to stay where the moonlight bathed her. She may have been a fighter, not very strong, but she had a brain and she would use it. Bringing her fingers up, the gun in front of her she would wait. The creature would be wasn’t up there was it?  Angel remained silent, there was no communication, fuck fuck fuck.
She heard rustling, at least she thoughts he did? Paranoia, it rarely occurred but she rarely fought alone. Xeno-perception riled, she looked around, then she found the shadows shifting moving. Of course, she seen how it worked then she saw him. He was with her~! She turned her gun fired once right into the energy attack both of them dissipating. “He’s down her Angel~! Fucking move your ass.” She said, her voice urgent, of course not pleading but telling her she needed this fucking bitch down here. She may have been strong but two were stronger and she wanted this abomination dead.

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Deviant  - Page 2 Empty Re: Deviant

Post by The Black Angel June 14th 2013, 4:09 am

The Black Angel sprinted across the wrecked roof of the bar, jumping acrobatically down through the gaping hole Saileyra had conveniently left in it. As she jumped back down into the bar, the Black Angel pulled out her second Glock 9 mm, giving her dual pistols, her favorite weapons of choice. They'd been so since her days as a Jade, she was an amazing shot, as well as among the fastest quick drawers in the world. Her pistols were in a way an extension of her body, as she'd been trained to view them that way since her days as a young Jade in training, at one of the Triad's brutal training camps for their genetically enhanced assassins.

Landing on her feet, the Black Angel's eyes took a few moments to adjust to the pitch black bar, in the meantime Le Pig had sent another great energy bolt from his hands, this time in the Black Angels direction. Spinning out of the way just in time, the bolt crashed into a nearby stereo, which exploded and sizzled from the impact. As she spun out of the way, the Black Angel let off four shots towards the abomination that was Le Pig, which all crashed into his chest area, however failed to drop massive demon, who simply was eating up the attack. 

Retreating to Saileyra's position, the Black Angel said "Any ideas?? Because this fucker isn't going down......". However just as the Black Angel was about to fire again, Le Pig was gone, as the large bar room danced with dark shadows. As the Black Angel and Saileyra kept a sharp eye, their weapons following every shadow as if it was imminent death, a demonic voice that was seemingly nowhere, yet everywhere began to speak in a strained, cackling hiss, saying "Your time is at an end chosen one.... You can no more defeat me then you can save your friend......", which practically made the Black Angels skin boil. The voice then said "And you fight for a cause and a people not of your own.... You're little more then a homeless wretch...".

Then emerging from the shadows once more Beelzebub shot an energy bolt at both the Black Angel and Saileyra, the bolts speeding towards each of the deadly assassins. The two had only split seconds to react, or else they'd each be having more problems then just a headache in the afternoon. As time began to slow, as her adrenaline was now fully coursing through her veins, the Black Angel wondered what these energy bolts were. She figured they were left over powers from Beelzebub's days as a Cherub, meaning they had at least part of the destructive power of God himself. However she did not know Le Pig's true name, or origins, and that Beelzebub was simply the Christian's attempt at defining him. The Black Angel did not fail to see the irony in the fact she was considered by most to be Gods chosen one in this battle, yet she was being attacked by his own power.

Dodging to the left, the Black Angel fired off a few shots, but Le Pig had drifted into the shadows once more. Holding her pistols tightly as she scanned the room for the demon, the Black Angel softly said "Just a little help..... That's all I'm asking for....". Her back against Saileyra's, for the first time in quite some time, she was happy she wasn't alone....

The Black Angel

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Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Post by Saileyra June 19th 2013, 1:24 am

Yeah she was standing in the middle of the light, it was the only light but she could see the shadows. How they moved, danced, even caressed the darkness. She had seen beezlebub standing there in full detail thanks to her xenoperception. Although, despite her being able to see through abilities, the shadows, and even a molecule it did not mean she could truly use any abilities to counter what she was seeing. This was the thing; her perception truly meant nothing without her powers. All it gave her was an indication to react to with her current reaction time. It was sharp but nothing as sharp as it was at home. All of it made her feel quite powerless, lonely even. What the fuck was she going to do? It wasn’t like she had the power to rise this entire bar out of the ground like she could at home. It made her question how her powers functioned here if she was any more powerful than the norm. Her mind curled questions; she knew some of her durability limitations but nothing as far as her power.
This would be the one fight that would test her give her the information she needed to know. Hopefully, it would be the fight that would give her one more operative. The way Angel fought and collaborated was precise, professional, and her skills were phenomenal. She was more than just a human and that was obvious, even if she was then that didn’t matter either. She needed her among the ranks, but if she did not wan to be that would be fine as well. She could not force someone to join her organization but the more heads the better. OCEAN was meant to be large, a task force, the more people the better. Although the questions would always remain and the woman had been in the middle of nothing but chaos. Angel crashed to the ground, the pig sent a great ball of energy. Saileyra herself rolled, moved got out of the way when she could. Exploding, the debris moving by leaving soot slightly across her cheek as those blasts tore into Beezlebub.
Saileyra shoulder to shoulder with the other woman her gun blade up, her fingers holding it in front of her as she glanced over to the other woman. Crackling occurred from her blade, the plasma rose higher over time as the blade heated to the unnatural matter of the world around it. Since it was from space, it caused the blade to grow caustic to exposure to the Earth’s atmosphere. Staring, her magenta eyes glowing eerily almost dim in the faded light. “I’m sad to say I really don’t make to many plans in upright fights like this. I’ll go in close range and get a good shot. Cover me.” Without avail, the woman jumped at an impressive hop of 40 feet across. With this attempt, the bolt went under her feet at the other woman. Close call~! She felt the sweat prickle from her pours and lace down her skin.
This was getting intense; this creature truly wanted Angel dead whoever the hell he was. Whatever he was..she just wished she had a way to really draw his attention. She had one but it wasn’t something she wanted to do. Still in the air, she’d actually twist while in the air, aiming the gun blade downwards her pointed side ways she’d shoot the creature point blanc in the head and shoulder area. Two shots fired from the xetallium caustic rounds. A huge light poured and the recoil gave her kick back higher into the air allowing her to grasp onto the top of the roof opening.
Once in the opening of the roof, she’d need help herself, now  the creature had access to her but hopefully their plan had some structure and Angel had her covered. Of course, there as also the option that she had actually got a good hit on him and he was falling. Sheathing her blade with the one hand, she’d climb up onto the top of the roof waiting for the right moment to jump back down. It was a matter of time and maybe Angel would need a distraction. Sighing, she hated doing this but the creature had a ‘biblical’ nature. Reaching to her jacket she’d actually take it off, the woman working quickly tying the light armor over her waist. The V-neck racer back oddly made, it was a trinium under armor, soft material, but durable to the most advanced of bullets.  Rolling her shoulders, cracks, sickening cracks would be heard and blood would begin to drip to the ground, it was light, glowing in the dark, but it was an eerie white. It would burn through the ground only to dissipate into nothing.
What was going on up there? Only time will tell and hopefully her shot on the guy and angel covering her bought her time.“Give me time..I’ll distract him next time I come down I got a shocker for him~!” She screamed down at other woman, her voice sounded pained, strained almost.

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by The Black Angel June 22nd 2013, 2:01 pm

(OOC: Sorry for the late reply! I've been so busy lately.)

The Black Angel thought she understood the plan, basically draw fire, get this monstrosity into the right spot, and let Saileyra hopefully ruin his day. Saileyra skillfully bounded for the roof, and after a few acrobatic moves, was on the roof, leaving the Black Angel alone with this thing yet again. The shadows were eerie, moving as though they had a life of their own, dancing about in unnatural ways. Keeping her guns trained on the dancing far side of the room, the Black Angel carefully followed the shadows, ready for this demon to strike once again. "He's in there.... I knows he's in there.... Do I shoot? Risk hitting nothing, only to have him strike when I'm reloading? Fuck that...."The Black Angel thought to herself.

She could hear Saileyra readying herself outside, and in the split second turned a fraction of her attention to the roof, and that's when he struck. Charging out from the shadows, his massive tusks glistening in the moonlight pouring in from the wreaked ceiling. Noticing him the minute he emerged from the shadows, the Black Angel pulled the trigger, thinking "Fuck..... Did I really just let him get the drop on me?". The 9mm rounds slammed into the massive demented boars chest, though they hardly seemed to register on his face, and certainly weren't bringing the beast down. "He's going to slam into me.... Shit.... Shit...." the Black Angel thought as she began her back flip.

Hitting her square in the chest just as she landed, the massive beast sent the Angel flying across the room. She slammed into a chair and a few booths with a massive crash, only to once again see the demon charging her as she regained her bearings. This time the Black Angel was ready, and just as the demon was about to hit her yet again, she bounded on top of his shoulders, spring herself behind him, while firing some well placed shots into the back of the hugely muscled demon, who began screaming in pain, grabbing for his back. 

Enraged, the demon quickly turned around, a look of psychotic rage filling his red eyes, as the Black Angel slowly back tracked, her guns still drawn towards the demon. With a scream not of this world, the beast charged yet again, bringing his massive body chugging forward with all his strength. The Black Angel stepped just before where Saileyra had planned her trap, just as the demon grabbed a chair, quickly breaking it in one motion, and throwing a shattered leg of the chair, which flew through the air like a spear shot out of a cannon. 

The Black Angel who just began opening fire was caught semi off guard, and she dodged just in time to have the leg of the chair cut through her jacket, grazing her rib cage. The demon who'd simply eaten the Black Angels bullets, continued towards the Angel, who'd now fallen on her back. Looking up at this horrible beast, the Black Angel thought "So this is how it ends..... Speared by a pig??", as she fired her remaining clips into the now screaming demon. 

Just as she expected to be impailed by the remaining pieces of the chair, the Black Angel noticed the demon was exactly where he was supposed to be for Saileyra to ambush him. Looking up at the ceiling, the Black Angel thought to herself "Oh god do I hope that was enough of a distraction.....". With no time to reload her clips, the demon towering over her, starring at her with his piercing red eyes, the Black Angel only hoped that Saileyra hadn't split.... If she did, she'd end up split....

The Black Angel

Deviant  - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Post by Saileyra June 22nd 2013, 3:58 pm

It was an intense moment, things couldn't get any rougher. It had been weeks since she prepped for something like this but she would serve to make the fucking freak flip the fuck out. Adjusting her shoulders she heard the endless clips slamming into him. She watched from below hoping Angel could keep up with the damn thing. She was a meta-human after all, but how long was she going to be able to keep up? It only left so many questions that would remain forever unanswered. Feeling the bones in her back crack, realign, the jacket around her hips would brush the ground as the got to the balls of her feet. The sword loading, prepping, the mercury inside was growing hotter and hotter as she had been knelling there. Gathering her time, if this would work she would have to do some sort of fucking jig.

But, right now, she was hoping Angel was fine keeping up with the beast. It required two people though not one..seeing as the creature slammed into her chest she flew back. Worry hit Sai's stomach for her comrade she had to speed up. Willing her back to arch, feathers reached the ground in front of her. Large 12 foot wings cusped on either side of her body, white, decorated with red tipped feathers. She couldn't fly with them, they were pretty useless in this world; but it was nice to have them out of the curves of her muscles. The question was wether or not there was going to be enough time to get down there. Worry filled her stomach, it was like war all over again, then again there would be more people..more death. Calm filled her once more, it was not that bad but if he killed Angel? What would happen next? It was one thing she didn't want to think about at the moment.

Letting Angel die was a risk she was not willing to take. The other female needed him and maybe for the first time in the long tim she had allowed help in her life. Stretching the wings she took to the edge of the roof, her wings angling, she couldn't glide with them very well but if she jumped at a certain angle with a certain velocity she was sure she could slice the fucker in half with them. They were tough, hard, not easy to break by no means. She never thought she was ever going to use them as a blunt weapon. But, alongside the sword, it would be a strong attack. It just took forever to get them hurt her back and ripped skin by no means of comfort. Rolling her shoulders, she kneeled down the balls of her feet resting on the edge of the roof. Fingers holding the edge her wings supporting her on either side as she leaned forward. Betwixt her right hand rested the blade her left hand supporting most of her weight.

Seeing a leg of a chair spiral past the bottom of her eye she had now launched, her long legs carried her wings spread. Aiming the gun-blade, it would launch four bullets right into the creatures head. Her form straight beelining for him as she trigger-happy  into the creature as he approached angel. Long wings spread, drafting the eerie shadow of angel wings; her form unsure if she could even bother with this plan. But there won't be much time left, once she launched those wings would slam into him full force as they closed in front of her giving her a huge ball like effect almost a cannon ball attempting to slosh right through him all together once the mercury created a hole of skin!

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by The Black Angel June 23rd 2013, 5:40 pm

(OOC: Just lost everything I posted... Ugh... Oh well... Posting this, then finishing it when I get home.)

The Black Angel knew she'd only have a few moments left on this Earth if Saileyra didn't act quickly. Ultimately it was whatever to her, "Could have been a ditch in Somalia she reminded herself...", the Angel knew she was living on borrowed time no matter which way she sliced it. The only difference now was that she seemed to have been given some direction in life, some purpose besides money. It was just a shame she'd never get to fulfill all that could have been... Just as she accepted being skewered by this boar like monstrosity, the most unusual thing happened, Saileyra sprouted wings from seemingly out of nowhere. The assassin hurtling herself towards the demon at full speed, her wings spread like an Angel... Ironic.... And it was not an irony which went unnoticed by the Black Angel.

Saileyra fired several shots at the demon, just as the boar demon was about to strike the Angel at point blank range. The demon instantly saw that he'd been had by the assassin's, the boar demon trying to shape shift as the first bullet crashed into his neck. The demon turned into a formless shadow before the second bullet could strike, however Saileyra crashed into him like a cannonball, sending the screaming, wounded demon flying across the bar. The demon's formless body hit into the counter at the far end of the room like a ton of bricks, creating a massive "Boom!", and sending splinters into the air. All that could be heard from the shadowy mist at the far end of the bar was pained shrieks, as well as a demonic voice crying out in some long dead tongue. The demons shadow form then danced about the room as before, eerie, and unnatural.

Wasting little time, the Black Angel slammed two magazines into her Glock 9mm's, keeping both weapons trained on the far end of the  bar, where the unseen demon was making a colossal amount of noise. As Saileyra recovered from her dramatic entrance, the Black Angel blew several strands of long black hair that had covered her face, then began to stand, all the while keeping her eyes trained on the dancing, screaming shadows. The Black Angel helped Saileyra up with her extended right hand, and saying simply "Thanks.... I owe you one.....". The two female assassins were both standing now, ready for whatever new round of attacks this wounded demon had in store. He was most certainly trying to recover from his wounds in the shadows, buying himself valuable time to heel, at which point he'd no doubt strike again. Worst of all, the Black Angel and Saileyra seemed to be playing everything he threw at them correctly, and eventually they'd slip up. It was just a matter of who'd break first now...

Her eyes never left the shadow demon, whose form moved like a current, the light pouring in from hole in the ceiling playing all sorts of tricks with the wretched demons formless body. Thinking to herself, the Black Angel thought to herself "Now I know he changed form by the time Saileyra sent him flying across the room..... I guess that means you can hurt him when he's disappeared into the shadows? Whoever's trying to guide my life.... God.... Guide my spear.... All I'm asking for....". The Black Angel holstered one of her pistols, then bent down to pick up one of the makeshift wooden spears the boar demon had dropped. Next, she blocked out all distractions, the incoming sirens, the sound of the night itself, the sounds of shorting electrical wires, and falling pieces of debris, everything except the wailing demon at the far end of the bar. 

Quickly winding up, then throwing the spear harder then an Olympic javelin thrower could ever dream, the Black Angel slammed the spear into the demons formless body. With the spear clearly sticking into the shadow, which pitched up and down, it gave the Black Angel and Saileyra a clear indicator of where to fire, which they both quickly did, unloading several shots into the demon. The shadow rose now, flying towards the hole in the roof with all haste, while screaming in a pained demonic voice "This isn't over!!! I'll come back for you Angel!!! I'll come back when you're alone!!! With only your nightmares to guide you into the next life!!!". The shadow rose through the roof quickly, then just like that, the demon was gone.

Exhaling deeply, as if a massive weight was semi-lifted, the Black Angel turned to Saileyra, saying "Thanks..... You're good, some of the best moves I've ever seen... I couldn't done that without you....", the last words clearly stinging the Black Angels great pride. The sirens were getting closer however, so the Black Angel said "Well why don't we get out of here before we have some unwanted guests?".

The Black Angel

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Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Post by The Black Angel June 24th 2013, 3:21 am


The Black Angel

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Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Post by Saileyra June 25th 2013, 2:35 am

Everything was a never ending circle, she launched, and she was spinning her momentum slamming into the screaming creature. Her wings twitching ever so slightly as she had landed on the ground with a slam and a combat roll. Leaving her breathing deep for the moment, shit like that took a lot out of her. SHe was limited, the wings didn't leave her much room to move or anything. They tucked behind her, useless things, she thought to herself as she had heard the screaming of the creature. Bangs, endless bangs, they consumed her ears as she heard them.

Yet there she remained, remaining on her one knee staring at the wood on the ground. It was hard to move slightly, was her wings broken? That wouldn't be good, but no pain circulated around her back. Nothing felt broken.. and nothing felt off maybe she was just being completely paranoid. Breathing in deep, her lips curled into a menacing grin for the moment her eyes staring, scanning, watching. It had been over the bar, the body formless, almost dancing until she noticed Angel approaching her unharmed. It seemed she had shown up just in fucking time to protect the other female. They complimented each other in battle, both of them neck and neck helping each other with proper combat rolls and communication. She had experience but back to the catch they needed to end this fight or else shit was about to get fucking sticky. 

It was a stalemate, but both of them were on the verge of winning her rounds maimed that creature without a doubt. But how much will it maim others? That is the question, how will they win? Show this creature what it did to those innocent people. At least the innocent ones she heard of such as children at the ages of eight or nine. "You don't owe me nothing. We just need to get shit rolling." She said with a smirk the womans hand clasping her shoulder briefly as she scanned the scene. Then everything went quiet, it was solemn, the whining of the demon heard not to far away which left confusion.

It was not attacking, but must have been weak, Saileyra raised her weapon, approaching it. She was slow, cautious, but her steps confident in her stride. On the balls of her feet, sword trained in front of her but the barrels pointed she moved across near the bar as she had watched the creature twist. Over her shoulder in a few seconds launched a flashing javelin hitting it, open firing, she had fired two rounds into the creature. Letting them rip, it would maim, eat through flesh from the caustic star-fires. Saileyra had tilted her head wondering if it was gone. It yelled empty threats and what not and left her with a snicker as she looked to the other female.

Sirens were heard not to far in the distance, people were screaming, in battle time seemed to slow but they needed to get out of here. The sirens were growing loud in the darkness of the bar the blue and red began to reflect. "Let's go through the back door and get the fuck out of here." Smirking she began to run towards the exit. It was a brisk run, her body moving quickly, giving her a light spring in her step as they would get the fuck out of there...

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by The Black Angel June 25th 2013, 7:40 am

The Black Angel nodded, then let Saileyra lead the way through the shattered bar, and out the backdoor. Making their way out into the loud Chicago night, sirens were blaring, and their red and blue lights were lighting up the front of the building. Saileyra and the Black Angel didn't want to stick around and find out what the Chicago PD wanted, so the two ran full speed away from the bar, down a dark alleyway, which looked straight from a movie about Chicago's 1930's era gangsters. Both assassins were vigilant as they ran down the alley, flanked by high buildings, as they'd defeated the boar demon, but he'd clearly be back for more, the only question was how soon. So as both women ran, they kept sharp eyes, and weapons drawn.

When they reached the end of the dark, dank, dirty alley, which was dominated by brick buildings, dumpsters, and fire escapes, the Black Angel said "Go left.... I know a diner that's not far... We can get some food, blend in, and let things die down a little. I'll lead the way from here...". Holstering her weapons, as the two had now come onto another busy Downtown Chicago street, they carried on into the light. They had the appearance of bar crawlers, and certainly wouldn't draw any attention besides interested males. It was as the Black Angel liked it, no over the top costumes, and an ability to simply blend in.... Rather then look like a bull in a China shop, in some ridiculous get up, which only drew unnecessary attention. It was like wearing a sign that said fuck with me the Black Angel thought, and were bound to simply get Meta's into unwanted trouble.

As the two walked on the busy sidewalk, they no doubt kept a sharp eye on the night sky for any unwanted visitors, or visitor better yet. Making their way past tourists, businessmen, homeless people, party goers, the pair stumbled upon a little dive called "Downtown Diner", a little hole in the wall, which promised free coffee with the purchase of a $6.95 meal. It was unimpressive, especially for the high street area, and looked like it could be a potential health hazard. Overhead a flashing neon sign read "2 Hou Diner", the burned out neon's giving the place an almost seedy look. The Black Angel however reassuringly said "Doesn't look like much, but it has the best breakfast food in the city.".

As the two entered the little 50's themed dive, a sign clearly said "Seat Yourselves", and the Black Angel and Saileyra took a both at the far end of the diner, which would give them a commanding view of whoever entered. The both was unimpressive but clean, the table clearly worn, perhaps twenty years old, with several chips of wood missing. No sooner had they taken their seats, when a waitress came over with silverware, plates, menus, and coffee. The pair thanked the waitress, both agreeing they needed more time to order, but both took the coffee, the Black Angel realizing for the first time how winded she was from the fight with the demon.

As both were reading over the menu's, the Black Angel broke the silence, saying "How's the wings? I didn't expect you to have them I have to say... And I'm not easily surprised by much.... They were a life saver... Literally...".  The Black Angel skimmed the menu, figuring she'd made her choice, scrambled eggs and bacon, which would give her the protein she needed. She always found that once she'd been injured, and needed to use her powers of rejuvenation, she graved muscle building/healing protein, in whatever form it could be found.

The Black Angel

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Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
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The Black Angel
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Post by Saileyra June 28th 2013, 2:37 pm

Lights swarmed, they were like bright razes bouncing off the walls. Giving the residue of colors, the line of wave vibrations indicated the direction. She glanced around at the darkness until she noticed Angels form in full color walking towards her. Both of the warriors were urgent, the pigs were coming and they would be caught red-handed for murdering the murderer. Kind of funny how that vigilante shit worked. Following Angel as she had nodded to her Saileyra had slipped through the back door her foot steps lithe and easy across the hard wood floor as her feet tapped her boots borne no extra sound. She was vigilant, glancing, taking observation of the high buildings, smoke, and the material, molecules. Xeno-perception fairly active until it went passive for her adrenaline faded as she scanned over the buildings and roof tops.

Weapon came to rest on her shoulder, she stood passively but the way she stood well guarded the balls of her feet protective of a pivot her fighter instincts riled as she listened to the other telling her to go left. To go to this bar, she knew what she was talking about but the question was were they both going to be able to make it there uncaught? Well, they both did get this far there had to be a fucking reason for that one. Together they went left, both women blended in with the scene both not hiding behind an identity both shamelessly moving for they had killed a sin eating sinner. If that was the concept? Then again, she never played much with demons most of them in her time did their own thing...

There was a neon sign, the place was small, kind of with a mom and pops feel as they entered it had that small time diner travel feel with the trailer. Neon red was their signature color and they manifested the motivation needed to be driven. It was a simple place, often enough, she found herself in places like this with her brother during the wars. More rustic slums though, places like this only existed in the poorest of the poor in the future, but the food was delicious and quality. Then again, this was not home so she had to take her word for it. '2 Hou' interesting name none the less she was willing to try it, she was starving. "I'm hungry so I'm sure anything would taste good right about now."

She said, her body screaming the need for 'calories' after that whole bout. Licking her lips, she would follow the female into the establishment taking a glance around. The colors the same, red, friendly open to visitors. Seating the women had accepted the coffee her fingers wound about the glass as she idly sipped on the hot virtue of the mocha bean. This was so antique, at least for her it was, everything in her time was so hard to come across, fabricated by some means. It was something she was grateful for, food, drink, a home.

Skimming the menu many things appealed but not truly gave her that 'vibe'. The bar was quiet, a few stayers, placing the menu down she scanned her surroundings. A crude staring habit? No, she wanted to know what everyone was doing what people carried on themselves. She trusted no one on the outside of her 'inner' circle or those whom had showed her they weren't crude douche fucks. Once again staring to the menu she settled with sausage and Belgian waffles with an egg side. Fancy? Not really, but then again she didn't need fancy to be happy. Sai's wings had been shoved in her back shortly after dried blood crusting on her back as she scanned the other female. "Sore but worth it. Guess they are not so worthless in this world after all. When I came here I kept my wings but I cant fly for shit with them." She said flatly, unamused at the fact they were useless. Almost useless at this point.. "Are you alright? You almost got squashed back there.." She said, her magenta eyes staring, curious. Would she want to be in OCEAN? She sure hell had the requirements met..

Deviant  - Page 2 SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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Post by The Black Angel July 1st 2013, 12:21 pm

The Black Angel nodded as Saileyra said  "Sore but worth it. Guess they are not so worthless in this world after all. When I came here I kept my wings but I cant fly for shit with them.", drinking her cup of warm, black coffee as Saileyra spoke. She figured Saileyra was a Meta, some sort of evolved or mutated human, but from her words she gathered that Saileyra was some sort of alien, perhaps even an interdimentional being? Nothing would really surprise that Black Angel anymore, as this world was so much more then the average person would ever know. For the Black Angel, starting to know the truth of things, being thrust headlong into the world of the occult, was enough to leave her confused, depressed, even frightened... At the very least however, it seemed she'd made a friend in fighting the boar demon that was after her, and seemed like would be again.

The Black Angel smiled, saying "Certainly worth it....". It was the first time she'd alluded to being happy to be alive in some time, perhaps it was because she wanted to see what Saileyra and this "O.C.E.A.N" was all about. It had peaked her curiosity, perhaps even gave her the feeling that she might not be alone in her crusade against the evil that humanity is ill equipped to deal with. Evil had to be fought with righteous evil, which could fight evil on their terms, while remaining in the light. It was just that this was easier said then done..... Eventually when fighting these animals, monstrosities, and psycho's, one would make their crossing into the darkness. At least that was how it seemed to the Black Angel, who was walking the line between good and evil.... From her near death experience, it seemed this her new purpose in life.. "Or had it always been?" she thought to herself.

When Saileyra asked "Are you alright? You almost got squashed back there..", the Black Angel nodded, touching the hole the demon had made in her leather jacket. After a moment, the Black Angel said "A few more inches and I'd be having a rough night... But.... I'm a fast healer....". The Black Angel figured Saileyra already had more then an inclination that she was a Meta of at least moderate power, who had charged herself with a similar crusade against evil. If this meant Saileyra wanted to recruit her into O.C.E.A.N remained to be seen however.... Whatever the case, O.C.E.A.N seemed like a good alternative to going it alone in this crusade against evil.... Though it certainly would take some getting use to working with a variety or people in a team again.

The Black Angel wondered how she'd introduce herself to O.C.E.A.N if she was recruited in.... How would she explain her past? "What am I going to say? I was possibly a Meta when I was a kid.... Then the Triad took me, trained and experimented on me to the point that I don't even feel human anymore? The mists of the past seeming only like distant nightmares, which I don't even know if they're real or manufactured.... Was I born into this world? Or built in a test tube.... The only memories that feel human being artificial...". the Black Angel thought to herself, reasoning to herself that what she thought was real, easily could not be. In some sick sense that would make Dragon Head her father..... "No....." that was a thought she couldn't let into her head....

Finished looking over the menu, the Black Angel and Saileyra put their menus down on the roughly used table. The Black Angel looked over the people in the diner, an elderly couple, several groups of drunken club goers, who'd check the pair of female assassins out at random intervals. Then their was a large amount of blue collar workers who looked as if they'd just finished long shifts. The waitress noticed the two had both placed their menus down, and quickly came over, taking the Black Angels order first. The Black Angel said "A western omlette.. Extra hot sauce please...".

The Black Angel

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The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Post by Saileyra July 2nd 2013, 1:39 pm

There was a lot these two women could relate to more than they could ever imagine the whole XETA species were developed in test tubes where brio and élan were injected into hyper-dna off set chromosomes balanced into the ultimate species of human. According to the XETA'en history millions had died and 1 out of 6 were born. 26 XETAs were born according to the alphabet males common females even less. 1 out of 5 XETA were female. Therefore only six females existed, over time one of her sisters had died before her own 'awakening' the bringing of age in the tube being 200 years of astral wandering. Sai's physical existence on this world? No more than over two years, funny, technically she was 256 but her body was only 2 cute how shit worked out like that. Of course, with all the traveling she did she could weigh her body at least 70 years old.

50 of those years dedicated to war and training, dedicating her existence to perfecting the art of survival of the fittest. Until she came here, she had made friends and an organization with outsiders. She had no choice if she was going to survive she had to make friends with people she would not at home. It was only the path she had to go with or else her own race would see her die as well in this world. Her thoughts fluttered back and forth through Angel and hers light conversation. Of course, she didn't have her powers to accompany the evening it left her feeling dry and sort of lost to begin with. Hell, she knew she was fucking home sick, licking her lips she settled on asking her questions sooner than later.

Both of them deep down knew there was unfinished business with each other, they weren't eating lunch she because they could. Well late breakfast, anywho, they both were here for more than just one reason and that reason was OCEAN. At least Black Angel didn't know where her destiny had led her but she was about to be asked to join her. Join her in her fight, Saileyra just had to think of how to word such a thing. It was rare but almost common she asked people to join her, but there were the same set of beliefs some people joined for other reasons despite the cause. She had money, a home, technology that can cure a wide variety of diseases. Although, there were few she could not here like cancer, it made her heart ache for Redline. The symptoms he was going through the 'disease' he described for his motive, his dedication, only made her wonder. Should he be promoted? It was only a few questions but she put them to the side. Her focus was Black Angel right now and there was the reason of joining.

The waitress had arrived at the worst fucking time for her, she was ready to fucking ask the blowing question. Glancing over to the waitress, her magenta eyes borne into the women. "Belgian waffles with a bagel on the side." She said flatly putting the menu aside. As the waitress skittered aside Saileyra got to the point she didn't mind small talk but it only could go on for so long. "I am part of an organization called OCEAN. We are a meta-human task force that fights the greater evil to maintain balance. I am the founder of this organization and we are those who are willing to take any risk to make sure that greater evil is contained. Meaning villains who wanna blow up cities, take over the world; they deserve to die. Human or meta-human we fight these people. I don't discriminate assholes and by far I see you don't either. Join me, Angel. I understand if you do not want to. You seem like the work alone type, but please consider my offer."

Pausing for a moment the women leaned back her eyes scanning her, taking in her physical features, looking at her eyes the shape of them the curves of her cheekbones. Indefinitely, it indicated her genealogy, at least her speculative path of her genetic strain being some type of Asian whilst hers looked Greek and Hispanic, and maybe some Arab. "The HQ is in Asia; you will be close to home if I'm not mistaken." She said speculatively, friendly, the conversation now truly on the table as they would eat.

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