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I was, once was (Open)

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 11th 2013, 4:17 pm

Katsumi rolled his eyes, he had hoped that if he would speak in a way the wolf boy would understand, he could avoid this. He was enjoying his time with Black Angel and wasn't in too much of a rush to ruin this moment. Not to mention, Katsumi really couldn't afford to be injured as he was really still supposed to be in Rome. Oh well, if this kid insisted on fighting, than so be it. "You claim that violence is not the only way to handle bad people, but you push and push to fight. According to your theory though, you ought to be running and getting your precious police. If you really feel, though, that the only way to handle this is to fight, than so be it. I prefer not to fight when there is no particular cause, but apparently this is the only way you can handle this situation." Katsumi would follow the wolf boy outside if he so chose to lead the way to the nearing confrontation.

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 11th 2013, 5:03 pm

The boy put his gaze back on Angel"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall", as he spoke he strolled over to the doorway. "Actually what I said was killing wasn't the only way to handle criminals. If I thought a good old fashion blow to the head couldn't solve a problem I wouldn't be running around the streets dressed like this. It's time for you two to learn you can't just go around killing people." When he stepped outside his brain went into overdrive, he mulled over every possible course of action and took in his surroundings. The streets were dirty and there was litter all along the side. On his left the street went about 40 more feet before it hit a dead end with an old dank warehouse. The were a few small shops that had closed for the night down that way too. On his right there were a couple of other restaurants with neon signs that shown bright in dim moonlight (I'm assuming it's night time), and an intersection with a road that eventually lead to one of the main streets. There were a few taller buildings with multiple stories, perhaps apartment buildings. Overhead were the streets power and telephone lines. Moments later he had his plan.

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Shadow Wolf
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Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 11th 2013, 5:36 pm

The Black Angel, Katsumi, and the strange wolf man all circled around one another, each waiting for the first move of the fray. The Black Angel sized up her opponent, as well as felt for any vibe that Katsumi might be giving, feeling what move would be the first to make. As she took the wolf mans stare, and returned it with a look of contempt, she finally had a plan.

She guessed her opponent being at least part wolf, had all the heightened senses of a Fenrian, which was certainly an advantage, but also at times a disadvantage. Quick drawing her dual Glock 9mm's in the blink of an eye, the Black Angel fired four rounds into the power line generator high above the street. The sounds of rounds leaving the pistols echoed throughout the street, as the 9mm rounds slammed into the generator, causing a massive explosion, which shook the street, blasting as loud as the loudest thunder, and brilliantly illuminated the street in a ball of fire and electricity.

Firing four more shots towards the boy, as the blast echoed through the street. The Black Angel took a strong defensive position, and waited for her bullets to find there mark, not to mention seeing what Katsumi could do..... That is if he wasn't to stunned from the shock wave.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Lord Marcus Dark
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 12th 2013, 1:50 pm

Katsumi didn't like this. As he followed the pair out, he couldn't help but feel at a distinct disadvantage. He was still in his street clothes. Katsumi couldn't use his full repertoire due to the constricting jeans. His favored weapon, the kusari-gama was tucked away, broken down to fit in a pocket. His only real choice of weapon were his shurikens. This would teach him to open his mouth when he wasn't prepared for a fight.

As the trio walked out, Katsumi paid attention to how his target moved. His target was fairly quick and agile, but definitely lacked brute force. His claws could be a bother, but the beast's finesse wasn't near the level of Katsumi or Black Angel. What was it than that caused this fighter to be so sure of himself. Obviously, this wolf boy had an ability, or some other form of hidden strength. Katsumi would have to be careful until he knew what his opponent could do.

In short order, Black Angel had already begun a plan of action. She fired several shots at the generator creating a large electrical explosion. She then used the explosion as a diversion to fire more rounds at their opponent. That was when Katsumi made his move. Just as Black angel fired her fourth shot, Katsumi rushed in wielding a shuriken as a knife. When he go close enough, he would fall into a slide and attempt to cut the opponent's thighs as he went through the arch between the target's legs.

Red 53
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 12th 2013, 3:11 pm

Wolf heard a faint metallic click and then another followed by a bang as Angel pulled the trigger for the first shot, and immediately jumped to the side. Over time he had taught himself to instinctively dodge whenever he heard that click; it wasn't always enough but it could turn a wound that could take nearly a minute for him to heal into something that only took a few seconds. Though he quickly realized that the shot, and the ones after it were not aimed at him. However before he could do anything else he felt an intense pain, first there had been something extremely loud but then nothing. It was if the whole world had gone silent, there was just pain. A small amount of blood trickled out from his ears onto his thick brown hair. He looked around trying to figure out what had happened and saw the the top of the tall wooden pole in flames, the generator atop it completely mangled. Ignoring the blinding pain he crouched down ready to attack, but then something weird happened; as he put weight on his hands his left side his arm collapsed. Then for a moment there a a sensation of searing pain. He ducked behind a parked car and looked at his left shoulder. Right below the armored plate there was a rip in his costume and a small piece of flesh missing. the bleeding quickly stopped and the wound began to heal. The woman had certainly got the drop on him, but he wasn't going to let it happen again.

When his hearing started to come back he got ready to put his plan in motion. Angel had made it easier though, when he looked out from behind the car he saw that everything on the street had gone dark. The only light was from the Moon and the flames. "I've got to hand it to you, that was a pretty good plan, but I hope you don't think bullet to the shoulder and a bit of a headache is going to stop me." Wolf looked down at the warehouse at the dead end of the street and smiled. Almost time... He thought to himself. Wolf sprinted out from his hiding place and with the warehouse behind him he went at Katsumi at full speed, intending to slash him with his claws. With most of the light gone and his attire being entirely black he became very difficult to see, a normal human wouldn't have had a chance. Katsumi was lucky that he was in no way normal.

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Shadow Wolf
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Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 12th 2013, 4:14 pm

The Black Angel was quite happy with her attack so far, however noted that the wolf man while disorientated had regrouped, and had eaten the bullets she'd hit him with. He'd turned his attention to the attacking Katsumi, and the Black Angel was more then happy to see what the assassin in red could do. Things had gone dark, but the wolf mans glowing eyes made him visible enough, and she'd had more then her share of time in solitary during "Program Jade" to become quite comfortable in the dark.

As Katsumi engaged the wolf man, the Black Angel fired eight shots at the wolf mans back "It might not kill him... But he's not going to be able to fight Katsumi and dodge those at the same time. If he dodged, he'd be open for Katsumi to deliver a devastating blow, if they hit he'd be distracted for at least some vital moments.

As the last rounds left the chambers of her Glock's, the Black Angel holstered her weapons back into her catsuit, and reached behind her back, pulling out a 24", two handed Chinese war sword, and charged the two fighters. She was always confident in her hand to hand abilities, and with the clearly skilled Katsumi by her side, she figured they'd be done in time for desert.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 13th 2013, 1:31 pm

Katsumi hadn't quite made it as quickly as he needed to in order try his move before the wolf boy dove behind a parked car. The boy took just a moment behind that car as the flames and the moon were the only light in the side street they were on. When the wolf came back around the car his bullet wound as healed.

Katsumi watched as the wolf boy charged out at full sprint toward Katsumi. As the wolf boy rushed at the asian, claws out and slashing, Katsumi waited. Right before the claws slashed through Katsumi's chest, he dropped onto his back, kicking his legs out to impact the boy in the chest. He was trying to launch the target into the air with the force of the kick. If he succeeded, Katsumi would bring his hand down, attempting to use his telekinesis to smash the wolf boy back into the ground.

Red 53
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Humor : Bad, just awful
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 13th 2013, 7:09 pm

(This is the last time I'll be posting till Monday.)

Wolf's attack had missed Katsumi, but before he could recover he took a blow to the chest that sent him up in the air, it had also knocked the mask that covered his mouth and nose off his face. The mask had flown back after somehow getting loosened and landed back by the warehouse. Before Katsumi could follow up with another attack he twisted his body to the right and threw his weight towards the building. He latched on to the wall with his claws and scrambled up to the roof. Once he was up he put his hand on his chest and applied some pressure. It hurt, bad he thought a rib or two might even be broken. Katsumi's kick had considerable force behind it. If it wasn't for his healing factor it might even have put him out of the fight. Wolf knew that unless they could fly he had a bit of time to rest up. He only took a few seconds though, enough to dull the pain and take the edge off. It was time to put his plan into motion, time to make them fight on his terms. He jumped over to the next roof and then the next and then again. Now he was on the last building before the warehouse. He wiped some blood that was dribbling down off his lips. The rib still had not healed and him jumping around wasn't helping. So instead of jumping down off the building like he normally would he stuck one set of claws into the side of the building and slid down. It still took a toll on him, but not nearly as much as simply jumping down would have. Once he reached the bottom he grabbed his mask and slashed a hole big enough for him in the warehouse door and hopped in. He looked out behind to see what they were doing and then disappeared inside.

The inside of the warehouse was dirty and dusty. The old windows were caked with dust and grime so there was barely any light, only enough to make out the shapes of the large empty crates that were stacked around. Katsumi and Angel had a decision to make now. They could rush in now before he had a chance to heal up but leaving both sides unprepared or plan ahead, essentially resetting the fight.

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Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 13th 2013, 10:41 pm

(OOC: NP! Cya soon)

The Black Angel turned to Katsumi and said "Well he's on the run..... The wolf can jump.... What do you think, should we go in and flush him out? Wait for him to come out? Or leave?". Her head was turned in a cute way, as she looked puzzled by the problem before them, and after a moment she walked over to Katsumi, playfully slapping him on the back, and saying "You move well.... Not just a pretty face..." in a flirty tone.

Seeing as the two faced the warehouse, and the wolf was at least a distance away, the Black Angel sheathed her sword behind her back, her long, straight black hair covering the built in leather sheath on the rear of her catsuit. Slowly unholstering one of the Glocks, she reached in her catsuit and produced a small flashlight, just in case they intended to go inside the rundown warehouse where the wolfman had take refuge.

Personally the Black Angel didn't care if the fight continued, she didn't want to kill the wolf man, and that seemed like where this was going. She only hoped he'd retired, instead of prolonging this pointless fight. Ultimately however she'd leave it up to Katsumi, because the man always picked the first date.... Right?

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 14th 2013, 8:05 pm

Katsumi flipped up from the ground by pushing his pack and contracting his abs. He landed on his feet and watched as the wolf boy took off up the side of the wall. Katsumi was just about to follow when the wolf boy took off across the rooftops. Katsumi watched as he jumped from one to the the next and to the next again. The wolf boy scaled down the wall and dashed in the warehouse at the end of the road after ripping a hole in the door.

Black Angel watched as he went and then turned to Katsumi asking what they should do. Katsumi shook his head. It was kind of odd to watch the attacker take off and move to the defensive. Katsumi smiled at the Black Angel and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small smoky ball about the diameter of a silver dollar. Katsumi reached his arm back and threw it hard toward the warehouse. It impacted on the jagged end of the broken doorway. The moment it did, a thick, dark smoke was released.

Katsumi grabbed Black Angel's hand and lifted his other. A sewer cover lifted up and was set aside. Katsumi pulled Black Angel to it. "Angel, I think we should see if we can't just throw off the third wheel," Katsumi said playfully, gesturing that Black Angel should jump down. As she did, Katsumi followed, using his powers to lift the sewer lid back into it's hole. That would be just about when the smoke cleared.

Katsumi gestured to the sewer water, "I hope you don't mind getting a little dirty." He led the way, jumping in first, "It should throw off our scent. I think the wolf boy knew you killed off the triads because he could smell the death on you." Katsumi would lead Black Angel about half a mile through the water. If nothing changed, they could climb up a ladder to a sewer exit.

Red 53
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 15th 2013, 12:54 pm

(I don't really know what to do with Wolf really since there's no one else in the thread yet. I'm going to just have him disappear for now. I'll either bring him back some time later and have him go after them again, or I'll bring him back when a new person joins up. I might see if I can find someone to join him.)

Wolf listened to them as they spoke. He heard a solid thump and looked back, the opening was now covered with smoke. Though he couldn't see anything it seemed that Katsumi didn't think he could hear them. They planned to evade him. He heard metal being moved and water, it sounded like they were going into the sewer. It was smart, it would throw off the scent of the blood. But He still knew what they smelled like, so if he found himself around them again he would know. Right now though he was going back to his motel. He would leave them be for now, and one he had prepared he would go after them again. This time one on one. Once the smoke cleared he climbed out and the boy disappeared into the night.

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Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 15th 2013, 8:37 pm

(OOC: Sounds good wolf! Nice cameo)

After jumping down into the repulsive smelling, filthy, mold filled city sewers, the Black Angel was confronted with a world of near total darkness. Fumbling for her lighter, she searched several of her pockets, until her hand came to rest of the silver zipo, which she used to illuminate the sewers. Before her was a world of rats, foul water creatures, the waste of humanity, and cold bricks. The Black Angel pressed on into the stench filled sewer, just as Katsumi splashed down the narrow catwalk behind her, quickly catching up, saying "I hope you don't mind getting a little dirty.". The Black Angel laughed, saying "Nothing a hot shower can't fix...", as she wiped some unknown substance from her catsuit onto Katsumi, giving him a flirty smile.

Katsumi jumped into the waste deep sewer water first, and the Black Angel softly said "Well.... Hopefully all my shots are up to date....", and plunged in behind him.When Katsumi figured that the wolf boy had known she'd killed the Triad's by her scent, and the Black Angel said "Well there isn't anything but the stench of death down here... If you're right, this should throw him off...". The thought the boy could smell death was a bit unnerving, as he likely could pick up her scent again, then again they both proved they could pretty easily handle the boy.

As they made their way through Chicago's sewers, the Black Angel turned to Katsumi and said "Well since you're from out of town.... And there is no way this stink is coming of anytime soon, you want to go back to my place for a shower and some R and R?". The Black Angel hoped Katsumi didn't think she was being to forward, then again she didn't want him to get the idea she was going to let him into her paints. A flustered look came over the young assassins face, one which she hoped the equally skilled Katsumi didn't notice.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 16th 2013, 2:07 pm

Katsumi had landed in the sewer and placed the lid back in place. As they walked, Katsumi couldn't help but keep an ear out for the wolf boy. He really ought to have gotten the kid's name, but hindsight really was twenty twenty. When Black Angel wiped some goop on Katsumi's shoulder and smiled flirtingly at him, he smiled mischievously and lifted his hands, raising a small wave of slimy water at the beauty. "Oops," he said simply as he chuckled.

Black Angel had mentioned about the decaying smell, and Katsumi couldn't help but agree. Chicago had apparently gone very far downhill if even the sewer had the scent of death. Katsumi wondered if he might have helped this become this way. As they walked though, Black Angel broke the somber mood this sewer caused by asking if he wanted to come over for a shower and R and R. He noticed the flustered look as she yet again said something a little more than she actually meant. Katsumi laughed as he lifted her out of the water and then led the way out of the sewer.

"Well, if you really want to take a shower with me I guess I can do that," Katsumi teased. "As for R and R, I suppose I can relax for just one evening," he reasoned allowed. Katsumi led Black Angel back to the car she had stored her weapon in and waited for permission to enter the car.

Red 53
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 16th 2013, 9:08 pm

The Black Angel blushed at Katsumi's joke, then said "Hopefully we don't have anymore unexpected visitors for the evening.... Last time I remember my shower curtains are functioning.... Last thing we need is my 90 year old landlord catching peeks of either one of us showering!". With Katsumi's comment that he could allow one day for relaxation, the Black Angel inquired "So you've been busy then... Haven't you?".

Before he could comment they were back at the Black Angels car, which she unlocked, and said "It's unlocked." to Katsumi. Once inside Katsumi spoke of his most recent experiences, which were not unlike her own in the latter stages of her mercenary career. A feeling like you were running from time, from the horrors you daily commit, even from yourself, all the while hiding behind a persona to shield the enormous grief.

The two made there way through Chicago's many seedy neighborhoods, past police cars flashing lights, drug deals on the corner, prostitutes out trying to earn a living, and gang bangers fighting over turf. The Black Angel sighed as they passed a random murder seen, saying "The government in this country speaks of "Change"..... But I just see more of the same.... There is a heaven and a hell I'm sure.... But this place makes me wonder everyday if I'm already dead, and condemned to hell.... It's been a long time since this place has had any hope....

The police are corrupt, as are the politician's, and the people are starving, dying in the streets... You can't fight that sort of corruption with the rules of laws that are meant to be broken.... You must become something else..... Something..... Necessary..... A person who lives with moral, yet has the strength to do what the police will not, and what most hero's will not.... You must become a moral assassin, an agent of fear in the minds of those who will use it against the innocent... That is what that wolf boy will never understand, evil will only take advantage of societies unwillingness to do what is necessary to protect themselves from those who truly have nothing to lose...":. She sighed, then said "Well that's my story in a nutshell.... I've done a lot of bad things, this is my penance.... Welcome to my hell....". The Black Angel smiled, and jokingly said "Have anymore Sake?" just as they pulled up to her shabby looking apartment.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 16th 2013, 9:51 pm

Katsumi laughed again when Black Angel blushed by his comment about the shower. He didn't know why this woman put him in such a good mood, or why she captivated him in a way that he hadn't taken her down for the future bounty. It was a mystery to him, but an enjoyable experience all the same. This spark of humanity that The Womb had started was expanding more and more. It was an amazing feeling to be able to feel this way. How could he have lived such a cold life before?

Katsumi climbed into the car with Black Angel and talked about things that were important to some, but not so much to himself. He was mostly making small talk with Black Angel as they made their way through the desolate city that Chicago had become. Katsumi watched out the window as various crimes and horrible acts were occurring, and again he couldn't help but wonder his part in this city becoming this way. Black Angel then spoke of her feelings on government. Finally, they pulled up to her building.

Katsumi was at Black Angel's door before she could open it. Just as Black Angel reached her door handle, Katsumi pulled the door open for her. Gesturing she should lead the way, Katsumi responded for her request for more sake, "Unfortunately, I don't have any here, Angel, but if ever you find yourself in Los Angeles, we might be able to find a bit in my apartment." Katsumi followed Black Angel into her apartment, holding doors as they went. When they reached Black Angel's door and went in, Katsumi asked, "So would you like to shower first, or do you want to give me a chance to install the cameras? Of course, if you would prefer, taking one at the same time is still on the table."

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 17th 2013, 10:41 pm

The Black Angel smiled at Katsumi's gentlemanly ways as he opened the door for her, it had been quite sometime since she'd actually been romanced, work, her state of mind, and her time in coma didn't allow for much serious dating, not to mention the fact most men were intimidated with the fact she could easily kill them with her bare hands. In Katsumi she seemed to have found a kindred spirit, which made her feel almost like a school girl as they walked about the steps of her apartment, which she suddenly felt inadequate about.

When Katsumi mentioned Los Angeles, the Black Angel said "Ahhh.... So that's where the mysterious man in red is from? I've never been to L.A. I'd love to see it one day, the city of stars.... All those dreams come true, mixed with all those broken dreams, certainly seems like an interesting place... Much more so then.... Well Chicago....". The Black Angel laughed, then said "Well.... Home is home I suppose... Even if it's an adopted one...".

When Katsumi mentioned showering arrangements, the Black Angel was certainly tempted to accept, but she was still a lady in her own mind, even though the thought of intimate company was an intriguing one indeed. She'd been alone for the most part in her time in the city, with little more human interaction then a passing conversation with a stranger. Nevertheless she didn't want Katsumi to have her to easily, even though there were few first dates which included a massacre of gangsters, a bout with a wolf man, yet all the while having all the nice subtle moments of a good first date.

A bit flustered yet again, the Black Angel coyly said "Ladies first.... Though your offer is tempting...". She moved towards the bathroom, but stopped short, saying "TV is in the living room, help your self in the fridge.... Don't have to much, there is a bottle of wine in there if you want to open it go ahead... Just be careful, door doesn't always shut sometimes, have to slam it. Well make yourself at home, and I'll look for a change of clothes that will fit you. I have some over sized shirts and those sorts of things.". Feeling like she was lingering to long, she smiled and said "Well.... See you when I get out...".

With that she left Katsumi to explore her apartment, as she ran the shower, hoping to rid herself of the massive amounts of grim she collected from the sewers of the city. The Black Angels apartment was small, and knowing the hefty checks that came along from being an assassin intimately, the Black Angel hoped Katsumi wouldn't think she was completely broke. Her apartment was mostly bare, as she'd found her former living space in NYC ransacked by either the Triad, or vandals after the destruction of the city. Whatever the case, there was very little in this world she possessed. What she had, she maintained, as the few small trinkets she'd picked up from Chinatown attested, but it was a long way away from her NYC penthouse...

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 3 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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The Black Angel
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