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I was, once was (Open)

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 8th 2013, 10:57 am

Katsumi watched his current companion struggle through a thought of the past, the look down showing shame or sadness. He couldn't believe it, but his heart was touched. When she mentioned her life wasn't her's anymore, Katsumi couldn't help but sympathize. Katsumi waited as she took the moment to chew over her thoughts, and then listened to her reason away her recent murders. The topic then took a turn to strange waters. Black Angel asked why he had been working for the Triad.

The answer to that question was at first a very simple one. He worked for the Triads because they paid him well and they were too scared of him to try any double-crossing. That answer would sufficiently cover the question asked, but was it enough to cover the hole in Katsumi's soul? Why was he really doing this? That also had an easy answer. This is what he was trained to do, but that didn't seem to be a full answer either. Really, those answers were just excuses. He really alone though. Nobody cared about Katsumi, only how much it cost for Red 53 to do their dirty work. The thought disgusted him.

Finally, after spending a minute or two pondering the question, Katsumi finally decided on an answer, "I tell myself I do it for the money and the respect, but I don't use the first one and don't actually receive any of the second. I think the real reason I do this is for satisfaction that it gives me a place in the world."

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 8th 2013, 11:23 am

(I hope it's still ok for people to join, if not let me know and I'll go.)
A young man walked slowly into the restaurant and and was immediately greeted by a waitress who seemed to recognize him, she gave him a quick hug and directed him to the kitchen. Though he was nearly twenty, his stature and the part of his face that wasn't obscured by his hood suggested he was much younger. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a fresh hole in the knee and a baggy grey hoodie with the hood up and for some reason was wearing a stocking cap with a short bill pulled down to his eyes under it. There was something off about him, the way he kept his hands out of sight, and the fact that something seemed to be moving under the back of his sweatshirt.

Shadow Wolf had just come from a crime scene where some triads had been killed, he wanted to look around there a bit more but he had gotten hungry and thought it would be better to wait for the police to leave. So he came to Izumi's.
Though he had only been in Chicago for a short time he was already loved by the owner and staff. There had been a few gang members that had been causing a lot of trouble for the owner and may have killed them if Wolf hadn't intervened. In return they were giving him free food.
As he walked back to the kitchen he smelled something familiar. Though he couldn't be sure he thought he was picking up a scent of blood that had been at the crime scene. Wolf looked over at a young man and woman sitting with each other , he was sure it was coming from one of them or maybe both. The scent was faint though and he wasn't one hundred percent sure so he kept on walking. He knew one thing though, he was going to listen in on their conversation just in case they were up to something.

(I hope my posts are up to the usual quality of the site, I'm a little rusty.)

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Shadow Wolf
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Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 8th 2013, 4:11 pm

The Black Angel waited patiently for Katsumi to answer the question, she saw the same puzzled look on his face that was no doubt on hers when she stopped being a weapon the Triad simply pointed in whatever direction they chose. She likened it to a slave being given the right to chose his or her fate upon being set free, accept there was no towering slave master, instead their slave master was the chase of towering piles of money. In pursuit of money she'd spill blood from coast to coast if she had to, and that was not the easiest thing for her to live for the Black Angel anymore.

Lately she'd struggled with something that Katsumi seemed to be struggling with at the question she'd poised, which was the use, and ultimately misuse of their metahuman powers. Upon seeing the destruction of New York City first hand, and the flashing of her life's events during her coma, left the Black Angel wondering if meta's were the next evolution of humanity, or simply a plague on it. The fact she once again had to kill to wash away her sins was a difficult pill to swallow, and one which made her feel like the chains of bondage were once again enslaving her.

As Katsumi spoke, she certainly could picture herself saying something entirely the same when she left the Triad. Almost without knowing, the Black Angels hand reached across the table, taking Katsumi's. She smiled softly, and said "I understand... Sometimes it feels my only place in this world is for killing the worlds scum.... If that's my place what does that make me?".

As both pondered that question, a strangely dressed man entered the Japanese eatery, and shifted the Black Angels attention. The warm greeting by the owners however made her feel slightly more comfortable, and she focused on Katsumi once again, as the strangely dressed man passed by.

The Black Angel sat up straight, still holding Katsumi's hand, and said "I don't know.... Sometimes it can seem a bit overwhelming.... I didn't chose this life, or to be a meta..... Sometimes it's I hear people refer to our gifts as a blessing, but they just can't help but feel like a curse. When you're life you or I anyway... When I was a girl I never thought I'd be capable of such carnage, but that's just the way it turned out I guess. I want something normal, but the Triad make that impossible.... It's either hide or fight... I suppose now I'm doing a bit of both...".

Realizing she was still holding Katsumi's hand, the Black Angel released her grip, and said "Sorry.... That's embarrassing." her face reddening at the strange feeling of seeming like a teenage girl.

(Don't worry Jajer you're doing great! Should be fun with you getting involved.)

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 9th 2013, 7:33 am

Katsumi had just finished answering the last question when someone walked into the restaurant. That in itself wouldn't bother him, it was the fact that the boy was trying to hide something. Every move he made, the clothes he wore, the hat he chose to put on, all this newcomer did suggested that he didn't want to be noticed. It was the ones with secrets that worried the ninja assassin. The ones with something to hide were normally the ones to cause trouble.

The man had just passed them, hesitating just a moment too long when he had looked at Katsumi and Black Angel. Katsumi couldn't be sure, but he also could swear that the man's nose was in overdrive when passing the pair. Katsumi was just about to get up and take care of the problem when something even more immediately concerning happened, driving the boy completely out of his mind, Black Angel began reaching toward him. In the moment of time he had to react, Katsumi thought of many ways to get out of this attack. Just as he decided on his course of action though, his female companion grabbed his hands and held them. Instantly, the muscles in Katsumi's arms relaxed, his mind coming at ease. The touch was pleasant in a way that he didn't think possible.

When Black Angel expressed her mixed feelings on whatever her power might be, Katsumi nodded, "I know that sometimes these abilities can seem like curses, Angel, sometimes it feels strange to do more than the average man. It is never a curse though unless you choose to make it so." As he finished, Black Angel released Katsumi's hands. Katsumi gently used his telekinesis to attempt to pull Black Angel around the booth so she would be right next to him, "How can this not be a gift?" He would say, looking deep into her eyes.

Red 53
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Oklahoma
Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 9th 2013, 1:38 pm

(Just thought I'd let you know I changed Wolf's size, he's a little smaller now. The exact size is on the updated grid in my signature)

Shadow Wolf walked slowly back to the kitchen and opened the door, all the while listening to the two talk. It became obvious that they had been involved, but he told himself that it would be foolish to confront them on an empty stomach. So instead of turning around he closed the door behind him and walked up to his meal, a whole raw Bluefin tuna. One the staff in the kitchen saw him sit down, they all left the kitchen, none of them wishing to see the bloody spectacle of him eating. He pulled his hood back, opened his mouth, and sank his large fangs into the fish.

Roughly ten minutes later he was finished, somehow he had put away the whole thing, he knew it was because he had a metabolism faster than Scooby and Shaggy, but to everyone else it was a mystery. He cleaned up the blood spattered on the counter and his face and put the gnawed bones in the trash. "I wish I had time to relax, but I should really go talk to those two." Wolf took a small black mask out of his pocket and put it over his eyes, then reached into his hoodie through the neck hole and grabbed a black metal mask attached the shoulder of his costume which he was wearing under his clothes. After putting it over his nose and mouth he walked out into the main section of the restaurant. When the kitchen staff saw him they went back in. Then something strange happened, Wolf walked over to the waitress who had hugged him when he came in and whispered something to her. She got a frightened look on her face and went to the kitchen after telling the others to do the same.

Shadow Wolf stared over at the the man and woman sitting together, ready to fight at a moments notice. "I think you two have some explaining to do."

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 095a8ec5-5ede-4059-9ce8-12d2e252c884

Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 9th 2013, 4:00 pm

The Black Angel could sense Katsumi's unease over the strangely dressed man float away with the touch of her hand, and she was thankful they could continue to enjoy their own company, with the outside world seeming further away then it had ever been. It was in this bubble, that the Black Angels question of "Are my powers a curse?" was seemingly answered by a man of similar skill. Katsumi gently lifting the Black Angel with his telekinesis, lifting her over to his side of the table, saying "How can this not be a gift?" sweeter then the Black Angel ever heard someone say something.

The Black Angel smiled at Katsumi, then using her own telekinetic abilities, gently moved Katsumi's right arm around her shoulder, and moved his head into hers, while she whispered "I suppose you're right Katsumi.... Perhaps it's not a curse, but a responsibility.... As we can destroy, but also create....". She then moved her own head towards Katsumi's, starring into his eyes, before slowly closing them for a kiss.

However just as their lips joined for a split second, Katsumi's lips feeling soft on her own, they were interrupted by the strangely dressed man, who now wore a black mask over his face. The Black Angel noticed a waitress quickly move everyone to the side of the beautifully decorated building, as the strange man said "I think you two have some explaining to do." in a condescending tone.

In a flash, the Black Angels right hand was over her Glock 9mm, just in case things got heated, though she hoped they didn't. The thought the man was a Triad didn't cross her mind, because from her own personal knowledge, he'd have attacked first, so the thought "Who is this man?", filled her mind. Attempting to stand this intruder into her and Katsumi's world down, the Black Angel scoffed and said "I explain myself before god, certainly not a man who hides behind a mask.... Whatever you're accusing my friend and I of.... This is neither the time nor the place.... So if you don't mind, why don't you continue to enjoy your meal, and we'll enjoy ours... There are plenty of other people to pick a fight with on the lonely streets of this broken city.".

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 9th 2013, 10:30 pm

Katsumi had pulled Black Angel to him use just a bit of his power. When he had done that he enjoyed his sweet saying. When she had come to him, not only had she not been surprised, she used her own telekinesis to put his arm around her. When Black Angel moved his head toward her, he could feel the static between them. When she whispered, a tingle went down Katsumi's spine. Then she looked into his eyes, deep into the assassin's soul. Then Black Angel kissed him.

Katsumi's head spun as their lips met, his thoughts went to places he hadn't thought imaginable. So sweet and tender was Black Angel that Katsumi decided to release his inhibition and follow where she was leading him. Just as he was going to start kissing back, the boy was back. Katsumi saw the door closing behind the waitress and knew that this could only mean trouble.

Katsumi saw Black Angel's hand go to her side-arm, but not draw it. Katsumi figured she could handle things if it turned worse. After only sparing a glimpse at the strange masked man, Katsumi turned his eyes back on Black Angel.He than spoke to the intruder without looking back at him, "I don't know who you are, boy, but it's probably best that you keep walking. I'm a bit occupied with this most beautiful woman. If you insist on causing trouble though, you'd better lead the way outside as I would hate to destroy this fine eating establishment." After that, he whispered to Black Angel, "Now where were we?"

Last edited by Orojed13 on April 10th 2013, 12:05 am; edited 1 time in total

Red 53
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Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
Registration date : 2012-11-28

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 9th 2013, 11:43 pm

"You killed seven people. They may have been criminals, but they were still people. Now I could understand if it was out of self defense, but you started it. Sun Yee On was the first one dead, he was killed by a round from a 7.62×54mmR cartridge, mainly used in Dragunov sniper rifles and PK machine guns. The placement of the shot suggests the former. Judging by the depth of penetration of the round and where it went after it exited his skull the round was fired far away from a tall building, or possibly a helicopter." Wolf sat down on a stool before continuing. "Anyway... I could be jumping to conclusions but that sounds like an assassination to me. What I want to know is why. It's obvious you've both killed before otherwise you wouldn't be as calm as you are right now. Are you assassins? Gang members? Vigilantes? The emotion on his face couldn't be seen, but there was a caring tone in his voice. He was upset that they had killed those people, even if they were Triads. He readied himself to fight, just in case they decided to attack.

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Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 10th 2013, 3:42 pm

The Black Angel smiled at Katsumi, hoping this was the last of the boys strange protest, as he'd seemed to think Sun Yee On and his boys even had souls to be considered humans. When Katsumi ignored the boy and said "Now where were we?", the Black Angel was just about to respond, however the boy continued his protest, sounding like a detective with his description of her attack. The boy carefully going over the type of round she'd used in her Dragunov, as well as her likely vantage, giving the indication he was skilled in investigation, perhaps was even an assassin himself.

Sighing heavily that they'd not gotten rid of the boy, the Black Angel turned away from Katsumi, turning now towards the boy. She sat straight in her seat, however kept her hand ready to quick draw her sidearm if the boy attempted to fight. She was truly interested as to why he cared so much, as murders were common, accept for the fact it was usually the Triad's victims falling in the streets, not the gangsters themselves.

The Black Angel addressed the boy one he finished speaking, sarcastically saying "You sound like a cop?? Shouldn't you be thanking me right now? Sun Yee On wasn't the first one killed, who knows who the first was? The Triad's have destroyed lives from China, to Bangkok, to New York, even now Chicago... Now you say their people, you say you'd understand if this was self defense... Let me tell you that they're not people, and this is self defense....

What.... Should we simply call the corrupt police and tell them Sun Yee On is in town? Do you really think you'd get a conviction? Do you think he'd even be taken in? Please.... Sun Yee On would descend to whatever depths to escape prison, and he would... And the Triads would continue their bloody wave of terror as always... Trust me I know....". With that the Black Angel took another drink of Sake.

The anger coursing through her veins surprised the Black Angel, but it was the Triad's after all who'd killed her mother, her, and had ruined her childhood and teenage years. Unable to let it go, the Black Angel spoke up once again, saying "To fight those who make the rules, step over the rules, or simply disregard them, you have to descend into the depths yourself.... Does that make me an assassin? A vigilante? A criminal? A murder? Perhaps... But lives were saved tonight boy.... Their is no doubt about that.... Sun Yee On won't hurt anyone ever again... Whatever I am, I am....".

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 10th 2013, 5:38 pm

Katsumi listened to the stranger as he listed off the facts from the assassination of the triads. He had definitely taken time to look into the situation. Nothing though that connected the two to the scene of the crime was brought up. In fact, if Black Angel didn't turn around and admit to it, this boy had nothing on the pair at all. The intruder explained all this though with deep emotion in his tone, sympathy for a group that had called for Katsumi to do the same thing to a group of innocent people that refused to give their homes up for a new Triad gambling den. Once the investigator finished his spiel, Katsumi laughed. He couldn't help himself, but this was extremely entertaining.

Breaking his stare with Black Angel, Katsumi stood up. He paced around the boy interrogating them, until he was on the opposite side. "A good question I would like to ask, if you think that we just killed seven Triads, and you think that we've obviously killed before, what makes what you're doing right now a good idea?" Katsumi asked, keeping his voice low that just Black Angel and the boy could hear him.

Red 53
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Job : Meh, who needs one?
Humor : Bad, just awful
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 10th 2013, 7:00 pm

He locked onto Angel with a piercing gaze; contrary to how he had acted so far, his bright green eyes with vertical pupils gave him the look a of a dangerous predator."Yes they have destroyed lives, but aren't you doing the same thing? Even if the people you killed are hardened criminals and sociopaths they have mothers, fathers, wives, and children who will mourn their loss. No matter how bad those men were can you honestly say that those children deserve to lose a father? That their wives deserved to lose a husband? That their parents deserve to outlive a child? Killing rarely solves anything, it just spreads the pain to someone else. There are other ways, for every corrupt cop there is an honest one. If you actually tried you probably could have put him away with the law on your side."

He turned his attention to Katsumi when he walked around him. Once he was behind him Wolf popped his tail out from the back of his sweatshirt and took of his hat, making his ears visible. For the first time it was quite clear that either he wasn't human, or he wasn't a normal one. Because...", as he answered Katsumi he stuck his claw into the front of his sweatshirt and pulled down, making the front of his costume visible."I'm not like anything you've ever faced before."

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 095a8ec5-5ede-4059-9ce8-12d2e252c884

Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 108
Location : USA
Age : 32
Job : Searching...
Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 11th 2013, 1:20 am

As the Black Angel listened to what now appeared to be some humanoid wolf creature continue to go on about his view on the morality of the situation, she couldn't help but feel whatever it was they were talking to was quite young. She'd heard the same sentiment before, spilled out by countless idealists across the world, who spoke of an idealic peace, and clearly didn't understand that true evil took advantage of such notions. In the Congo, it was these same idealists who cried out for U.N. intervention to end a decades long civil war, which was fought by greedy, power hungry, brutal war lords. Mandates were ignored, peacekeepers ignored, and it eventually came down to a band of mercenaries led by the Black Angel (Then "Soldier of Fortune") to fight these war lords with their own rules, which ended the conflict in under a month.

Often times, those without rules, without laws, without limits used "Civilized" peoples morals against them, doing what others can not, and making mans laws their enemies undoing. It was only with those who could walk the line, who could unleash moral terror on the evil doers of society, that often times peace could be restored. It was often times these people who were most misunderstood, as on one hand morale beings, but on the other capable of killing without feeling, passion, or judgement. It was with this latter, truly misunderstood group that the Black Angel most identified, fighting those who society couldn't, ways society wouldn't.

When this wolf man revealed himself, the Black Angel scoffed, saying "You'd be surprised what you find out there....". Moving both her hands a little closer to her dual, holstered Glock 9mm's, the Black Angel said "It's time someone else feels the pain, besides the innocents husband, someone's son, father.....If you don't think the Triad own the justice system, you're delusional.... They wouldn't be operating in plain sight if they didn't....".

The Black Angel stayed seated, but returned a piercing look to the wold man, and continued saying "This isn't a lecture hall.... Neither of us are here to debate the morality of our actions to you.... We have two, very different choices right now.... One we can go back to what we were doing, and enjoy this fine Japanese cuisine.... Or we can fight, and god will determine the truth of things....".

The Black Angel was confident she and her new friend could dispatch this strange wolf man if it came to it, but she still hoped it wouldn't. A true professional didn't enjoy fighting without reason, and the fact it likely would mean the destruction of this fine establishment was another shame.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

Theme Song

Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2013-03-13

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 11th 2013, 11:45 am

Katsumi watched the wolf boy reveal himself entirely, ruining a perfectly good jacket to increase the dramatic effect. Katsumi couldn't help but find this a very amusing situation. After the boy declared his supposed superiority, Katsumi released a guffaw. Finally he replied to the boy, "You think I've never faced down a metahuman? You think I've never taken down something furry? I've seen puppies more threatening." After that, the asian's good mood dissipated, "If you must have a good reason for those seven deaths though, let me give you one. The reason my lovely companion here dispatched them was because they were calling a hit. They were hiring someone to kill an apartment buildings occupants because they refused to be bullied into leaving their homes. All of this so they could build it into a gambling den. They only needed to get rid of the basement occupants, and would have left everyone else alone until they said no. The people were following the law, and Sun Yee On was going to have a man dispose of them to teach the good, law-abiding people that you do what the Triads say. Is that good enough reason? Is defending others really not more important than self-defense?"

Red 53
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Shadow Wolf April 11th 2013, 12:35 pm

"Well I'd rather not fight, but it's starting to seem like my only option... I think your companion is hoping for it to happen too." Shadow Wolf smiled under his mask slightly when Katsumi called him a meta-human. Not that he wasn't a meta; some of his abilities were certainly uncharacteristic of his race, but he definitely was not human. "You're right about the meta part, but I never claimed to be a human. When I said you've never faced anything like me before I meant it." He simply ignored the other taunts that came Katsumi. He knew that if he wanted to have any chance of defeating these two he couldn't allow his emotions to get the better of him; the odds were already against him. If he was going to win he was going to have to force them to fight on his terms. "You say all that like the only way to defend others is to kill. Like in any criminal organization the Triads don't fully trust one other. Did you even consider sewing dissension among them? It works pretty well, and I'm not just saying that I'm speaking from experience. Anyway if you plan on fighting it's not going to happen in here, the owner is a friend and we're not going to wreck the place. Not to mention that the staff could get seriously hurt. Of course you could just turn yourselves in to the police. I know I would prefer that"

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Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf
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Humor : So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people then?
Registration date : 2011-04-24

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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by The Black Angel April 11th 2013, 1:56 pm

The Black Angel sighed, thinking "Boys...." in her head, as this wolf creature was about to get himself killed over not knowing when to let sleeping dogs lie, an obvious irony. The Black Angel stretched her back out and stood, saying "Well it's clearly not, as I've laid out another option for you as plain as day. Since you're not going to walk away. shall we just get on with it then?? Just know wolf man.... Whatever happens here today, you shall certainly not be coming out of this on top..".

The Black Angel stood, placing herself in front of the wolf man, with Katsumi watching his rear, visually presenting to the wolf man he was in a troubling spot between the two assassins. Towering above the young wolf at 5ft6, the Black Angel said "Lead the way boy....". Ignoring any notion of turning themselves into a corrupt police department, or trying to sow dissension in an organization the Black Angel intimately knew.

She truly didn't want to fight the young wolf, as he seemed to mean right, he was just unknowing to the ways of the world, and outclassed. This truly wasn't what the Black Angel had in mind when she offered a date to Katsumi, as it seemed this city held dangers beyond just the obvious. However it was obvious the wolf was stuck on continuing his confrontation, despite the fact there were much more worthy causes to get himself killed over in the "Windy City" if he truly desired to uphold "Justice". The fact that he was fighting over the worst of humanity, humanity being the likely face the wolf hid himself behind a mask.

The Black Angel

I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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I was, once was (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: I was, once was (Open)

Post by Orojed13 April 11th 2013, 4:17 pm

Katsumi rolled his eyes, he had hoped that if he would speak in a way the wolf boy would understand, he could avoid this. He was enjoying his time with Black Angel and wasn't in too much of a rush to ruin this moment. Not to mention, Katsumi really couldn't afford to be injured as he was really still supposed to be in Rome. Oh well, if this kid insisted on fighting, than so be it. "You claim that violence is not the only way to handle bad people, but you push and push to fight. According to your theory though, you ought to be running and getting your precious police. If you really feel, though, that the only way to handle this is to fight, than so be it. I prefer not to fight when there is no particular cause, but apparently this is the only way you can handle this situation." Katsumi would follow the wolf boy outside if he so chose to lead the way to the nearing confrontation.

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