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Dousing the Drow
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Chicago, Illinois
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Dousing the Drow
Drow. You don't deal with them. That's actually a pretty good rule of thumb for most... Make that all magical creatures. You don't want to trust them, you can't trust them, you shouldn't trust them. But too many people trust them. Paranormally savvy detectives included. You have to trust them. It's the only way to get any work done in this, or any other world. You need to build trust and a rapport between you and them. And that, is dangerous. I need some information, and some high and mighty Drow need some protection. I can blend in with the mortal crowd, but also put a beat down on anything from the spooky side of things. So, I'm the obvious chump... That is to say choice, when it comes to security for these spider worshiping sycophants. What ever the case, compared to some of the creepy crawlies I have dealings with? These guys are swell company. - From the Journal of Philip Edwards
Mr. E did one last sweep of the outside of "The Spider's Web". A renovated speakeasy on the south side of the "great" city of Chicago. Great depends on who you're asking. Dropping his cigarette to the ground he stomped it out with his cheap thirty dollar loafer, and proceeded inside the building. He directed a nod at the doorman, a slightly shorter than average fellow, little green around the ears, and breath like a compost heap. The man was actually hired muscle, much like Mr. E himself. The kind of muscle the guard was packing was all wound up like a spring ready to pop. He was a Goblin in a very poor human guise. But you get what you pay for, and goblins are as cheap as they come.
Walking through the halls of The Spider's Web, he had to wonder at what turn of events led the Drow to open their own club in Chicago. He of course knew of their underground city, but an exclusive club like this drew all kinds of attention from people like the paparazzi. Hiding in plain sight it seemed. It kept the Drow and their goings on safe from mortal eyes. Today though, even in this fortress like building, they were on edge. Something big was happening under the city, some kind of turmoil with the Drow crowd; Mr. E was the on the job to help make sure it stayed between the Drow. That and there was information on the line, that would be vital to one of his on going investigations. Which meant it was a win for them, and a win win for him. Unless of course he had to get in between them and something really nasty. Which of course he would.
The Drow were also meeting with one Mr. Aaron Christopher Hale. The name Hale itself made Mr. E uneasy. In the supernatural crowd you had to be a fool not to know it. So he took the background check very seriously. Using all the tricks of his trade while observing Mr. Hale coming and going for the past few days. Once he was sure that the kid was clean, if not wholly innocent, he gave the go ahead for this meeting to his Drow employers. Now it was five minutes to the allotted meeting time and Hale hadn't arrived yet. The Drow would not appreciate being kept waiting if he took much longer.
Mr. E did one last sweep of the outside of "The Spider's Web". A renovated speakeasy on the south side of the "great" city of Chicago. Great depends on who you're asking. Dropping his cigarette to the ground he stomped it out with his cheap thirty dollar loafer, and proceeded inside the building. He directed a nod at the doorman, a slightly shorter than average fellow, little green around the ears, and breath like a compost heap. The man was actually hired muscle, much like Mr. E himself. The kind of muscle the guard was packing was all wound up like a spring ready to pop. He was a Goblin in a very poor human guise. But you get what you pay for, and goblins are as cheap as they come.
Walking through the halls of The Spider's Web, he had to wonder at what turn of events led the Drow to open their own club in Chicago. He of course knew of their underground city, but an exclusive club like this drew all kinds of attention from people like the paparazzi. Hiding in plain sight it seemed. It kept the Drow and their goings on safe from mortal eyes. Today though, even in this fortress like building, they were on edge. Something big was happening under the city, some kind of turmoil with the Drow crowd; Mr. E was the on the job to help make sure it stayed between the Drow. That and there was information on the line, that would be vital to one of his on going investigations. Which meant it was a win for them, and a win win for him. Unless of course he had to get in between them and something really nasty. Which of course he would.
The Drow were also meeting with one Mr. Aaron Christopher Hale. The name Hale itself made Mr. E uneasy. In the supernatural crowd you had to be a fool not to know it. So he took the background check very seriously. Using all the tricks of his trade while observing Mr. Hale coming and going for the past few days. Once he was sure that the kid was clean, if not wholly innocent, he gave the go ahead for this meeting to his Drow employers. Now it was five minutes to the allotted meeting time and Hale hadn't arrived yet. The Drow would not appreciate being kept waiting if he took much longer.
Mr. E- Status :
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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.
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Re: Dousing the Drow
It seemed like he had gotten himself into quite an interesting situation but not one that he couldn't get himself out of if need be. The Drow had contacted him only a day ago,requesting that he make an audience with them discussing the precarious relationship between the family and their society kept so quiet under Chicago. They offered the resources that only the Drow could offer and in return the Hale's kept them safe from those that would seek to harm him, as well as the public eye. People did not adjust well to what they did not understand and that was manifested by Dominus need to destroy all that was not human,though they hid under the guise of what seemed like agreeable methods. In the end Adam Paxton was out for blood and nothing else.
He was to meet them at a newly opened Drow club within the city and that alone drew a minute amount of suspicion from Aaron. Were they trying to find a way to make a profit off of mortal money or was there something more to this than he anticipated? Adjusting the designer suit he was wearing,Aaron let a deep sigh whistle through his lips as the city seemed to fly by through the tinted window of his vehicle,people walking by on their way to whatever kept them busy within the windy city. Sean had declined upon going with him this meeting but it wasn't like he expected some great fight to break out and if one did,he could handle himself well enough. A female was at the wheel humming to what sounded like modern pop music blaring through the speakers,something that his twin might have enjoyed listening to. Aaron on the other hand kept to himself until they were at the location five minutes late.
The Drow hated tardiness really but they would make an exception for him. The place seemed rather dreary but what did he expect of the Drow? ”The Spiders Web eh? I guess they couldn't have come up with a name anymore obvious but I suppose thats what they call humor.” He wondered to himself,his attention quickly wondering to the bouncers if they were that, protecting the place from undesirables. Gauging them mentally he approached the entrance with a neutral expression upon his face. The doorman looked over him as if he were looking over a drunken patron almost. ”I have an appointment here.” Aaron stated plainly. The door man raised an eyebrow at him before a voice came through his earpiece. He shrugged before letting Aaron pass him.
Walking through the front entrance he found himself within the place itself,smelling how all Drow structures smelt when you knew what to look for. ”Well this is quite the warm welcome.” he mentally noted. He would wait to be guided to where the meeting would take place,not that he would even attempt to do so himself when the place was as unfamiliar as it was. He was sure they would have a person of interest capable of doing so.
Shael Atterrius
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Re: Dousing the Drow
Mr. E observed Aaron enter, and the Doorman's reaction to him. The Goblin's eyes yellowed a little as Aaron passed him, indicating magic. Well... That's informative. At least he knew to be careful around this kid. Anyone younger than thirty, or that lived oblivious to the Occult were children in Mr. E's eyes. As Mr. Hale stood around for a moment, and none of the "people" in the place were trying to show him where to go, he realized... Exasperated, that the magic folk were too nervous of Aaron to help him to the Drow. Who should actually worry them, if they don't do a good job.
Mr. E took long strides across the room until he was close to Aaron. "Hello Mr. Hale." He didn't pose it like a question. It was a statement to let the kid know he wouldn't be catching Mr. E by surprise. "This way kid. We got a bit of a hike. One story up, then three down." The Drow had a secret stair case leading into a sealed off section of their sub basement hidden behind a gargoyle on the second story. A little paranoid on their part... Or a throwback to the days when this building was a speak easy. It could've gone either way, and Mr. E couldn't find any of the original building plans. But he knew it like the back of his hand, he made a few trips inside before he accepted their job offer.
The Shroud over Mr. E faltered a little bit now that he had drawn Aaron's attention to him. But still not enough that Aaron would be able to focus on any defining features. As far anyone looking at Mr. E was concerned, he could be anywhere between 20-50, could weigh between 150-300 hundred pounds, and in some cases of the more oblivious people, could have been either a man or a woman. Aaron's mind would eventually just fill in Mr. E's features to something that makes sense to him. But he'd probably be aware of the shroud just because of his magical experience alone.
OoC: I like the contrast you drew against our characters. I doubt it was on purpose, but your "Adjusting the designer suit he was wearing" against my "Dropping his cigarette to the ground he stomped it out with his cheap thirty dollar loafer" line, draws an even better picture of how we will relate. Along with the fact Mr. E is almost twice Aaron's age, and probably has far less manners this could be a fun dynamic. Haha
Mr. E took long strides across the room until he was close to Aaron. "Hello Mr. Hale." He didn't pose it like a question. It was a statement to let the kid know he wouldn't be catching Mr. E by surprise. "This way kid. We got a bit of a hike. One story up, then three down." The Drow had a secret stair case leading into a sealed off section of their sub basement hidden behind a gargoyle on the second story. A little paranoid on their part... Or a throwback to the days when this building was a speak easy. It could've gone either way, and Mr. E couldn't find any of the original building plans. But he knew it like the back of his hand, he made a few trips inside before he accepted their job offer.
The Shroud over Mr. E faltered a little bit now that he had drawn Aaron's attention to him. But still not enough that Aaron would be able to focus on any defining features. As far anyone looking at Mr. E was concerned, he could be anywhere between 20-50, could weigh between 150-300 hundred pounds, and in some cases of the more oblivious people, could have been either a man or a woman. Aaron's mind would eventually just fill in Mr. E's features to something that makes sense to him. But he'd probably be aware of the shroud just because of his magical experience alone.
OoC: I like the contrast you drew against our characters. I doubt it was on purpose, but your "Adjusting the designer suit he was wearing" against my "Dropping his cigarette to the ground he stomped it out with his cheap thirty dollar loafer" line, draws an even better picture of how we will relate. Along with the fact Mr. E is almost twice Aaron's age, and probably has far less manners this could be a fun dynamic. Haha
Mr. E- Status :
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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.
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Number of posts : 60
Location : Toronto Ontario
Age : 33
Registration date : 2013-01-13
Re: Dousing the Drow
He only waited for around a minute before a strange man probably within the employ of the Drow approached him. He was an odd man at best but it wasn't like Aaron would try to take too much time to focus upon his appearance,he had other things to do than remember the face of every man that he met. It seemed that anything else that was in this place could feel the magical power radiating off of him but his power was minute when compared to some of the greater members of his and the other families. The only inference he cared to draw was that this man was older than him and if only by a few years,though he could imagine him being at the most twice his age.
”Suspicious as always but I can't really expect any less of the Drow.” he noted to himself though the statement could be heard by those willing to hear it or those who just happened to be listening to him at the moment. He could see with some effort that a shroud had been placed over this man but to what effect he knew not. All he knew was that he was now a minor interest but one that would have to sort itself out at a later date when The Drow did not have such an urgent need of him. He would find what that shroud hid but for now its mysteries would have to wait it seemed,wait until a later date.
”Very well,lead the way. I'm sure you would know the way better than I would.” This may not have been a conscious attempt at conversation but just Aaron simply saying that he was ready to be lead to The Drow. There had been whispers of civil unrest among the Drow city and that alone,if not anything else had forced them to call upon the Hale family for help. It was almost uncharacteristic of them but if it meant the survival of their way of life,he supposed that they would go to great lengths to preserve that life. Even if it were just a female dominated life where men seem treated equal to if worst than the dogs. This was going to be an interesting meeting indeed.
Shael Atterrius
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Re: Dousing the Drow
The man nodded and began the arduous trek along the winding halls of the "Spider's Web". The decor was dreary but tasteful. Muted colours, grays, blacks, and blues mostly. Kind of like the bruises one would get for skulking around in here uninvited. Kind of like the one over Mr. E's left ribs. He unconsciously reached into his pocket and fiddled with a cigarette package. Wanting another to steel his nerves. No matter how much he did this kind of thing, he would never feel good about walking into a creature's den. Even if that creature was paying the bills.
"I feel I should give you a heads up kid. You know anything about the Drow, you know the women are the ones you gotta answer too. But, there is one guy in there. Little guy, for a Drow. Smiles like it's rigormortis setting in on his cheeks. Watch that one. I don't think they have him on a tight enough leash. I mean that both figuratively, and metaphorically." All the Drow gave Mr. E the creeps. But that one. That one made him uneasy. There was something wrong with it that he couldn't put down... It. Not him. That thing definitely fit the description of "it" better.
The began descending the stairs, and at the second flight, the lights were replaced with torches glowing blue. At the bottom of them, the two reached a large black steel door, covered in studs. Mr. E turned to look at the kid. If Aaron could see focus on him at all, he'd see a face drawn with concern. This was a very dangerous situation Aaron was walking into. Even if he was invited. If he held Aaron's attention more than early, Aaron might just hear the concern in his voice.
"Good like in there kid. I'll be right outside. They aren't paying me to sit in on their pow wow. But if things go south, make some noise." He reached his hand out for Aaron to shake. In his hand he actually had a smile Iron nail, that he was palming to Aaron in case anything was watching. The nail wouldn't be significant in any situation other than one dealing with the Fae, to whom, Iron was deadly poisonous. Mr. E hoped Aaron realized that. "My names Mr. E by the way."
"I feel I should give you a heads up kid. You know anything about the Drow, you know the women are the ones you gotta answer too. But, there is one guy in there. Little guy, for a Drow. Smiles like it's rigormortis setting in on his cheeks. Watch that one. I don't think they have him on a tight enough leash. I mean that both figuratively, and metaphorically." All the Drow gave Mr. E the creeps. But that one. That one made him uneasy. There was something wrong with it that he couldn't put down... It. Not him. That thing definitely fit the description of "it" better.
The began descending the stairs, and at the second flight, the lights were replaced with torches glowing blue. At the bottom of them, the two reached a large black steel door, covered in studs. Mr. E turned to look at the kid. If Aaron could see focus on him at all, he'd see a face drawn with concern. This was a very dangerous situation Aaron was walking into. Even if he was invited. If he held Aaron's attention more than early, Aaron might just hear the concern in his voice.
"Good like in there kid. I'll be right outside. They aren't paying me to sit in on their pow wow. But if things go south, make some noise." He reached his hand out for Aaron to shake. In his hand he actually had a smile Iron nail, that he was palming to Aaron in case anything was watching. The nail wouldn't be significant in any situation other than one dealing with the Fae, to whom, Iron was deadly poisonous. Mr. E hoped Aaron realized that. "My names Mr. E by the way."
Mr. E- Status :
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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.
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Location : Toronto Ontario
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Registration date : 2013-01-13
Re: Dousing the Drow
”Oh yes,the women of the Drown enjoy their illusion of power and it is always wise to allow them that illusion.” He said this plainly. A few of the beings within the room would mentally chuckle at how he spoke so freely about the Drow and their political practices,then again he had the freedom to do so unlike some. ”but don't worry,I’ll keep my eye on that one.” He added off handily wondering if this Drow would indeed pose a threat to him and the rest of his race.
Sure they were not a well liked race,The Hales still looked down upon the destruction of a species for selfish purposes. He would hear them out no matter what it was,even if it was their selfish gains like last time. He truly did not want to be dragged into a clan dispute gone awry. The man offered him a handshake,that he replied in kind,though what he found was far more useful than he would have expected. The man had handed him what seemed like a small iron nail palmed to him,something that would prove useful if things went south with the Drow.
With care he managed to slip the iron within his left coat pocket and nodded to the man with as much civility as he could muster. ”I'm sure you already know it but the names Aaron Hale. Its a pleasure to meet you Mr.E.” he mentally communicated with the strange male allowing a ghost of a smile to fall upon his face as the door to where the Drow were waiting for him to sit with them and discuss whatever it was. There was a lithe dark skinned female The all looked upon him with a great anticipation as if he had come just in time.
”Vedui' Hargluk vlos” The matron spoke with a deceptive smile.
”Olt zhah natha ssrigg'tul 'zil zuch Ilharess Vilrath” He spoke in flawless Drow with a pleasant enough tone. ”To what do I owe this pleasure of this meeting with you great Matron?' he ventured to ask.
”You know very well Hargluk vlos. The ones who call themselves the B'vecko Ussen have been growing bold within the realm that lies beneath your human city and they threaten the very stability of our city. We seek the aid of the Zhennu Hargluk Vlosen to help end this time of peril. You as its patron represent it and as such have the as humans these days say the final say within the matter.” She said explaining her intentions plainly,though if he would heed them was up to himself.
”Seeing as our pact is strong,I do owe you this much. What then can the Renor ussen offer in return?”
”We have many secrets that we would be glad to share with you in exchange for this help.” She explained.
”Very well,I shall consider lending you aid.”
Sure they were not a well liked race,The Hales still looked down upon the destruction of a species for selfish purposes. He would hear them out no matter what it was,even if it was their selfish gains like last time. He truly did not want to be dragged into a clan dispute gone awry. The man offered him a handshake,that he replied in kind,though what he found was far more useful than he would have expected. The man had handed him what seemed like a small iron nail palmed to him,something that would prove useful if things went south with the Drow.
With care he managed to slip the iron within his left coat pocket and nodded to the man with as much civility as he could muster. ”I'm sure you already know it but the names Aaron Hale. Its a pleasure to meet you Mr.E.” he mentally communicated with the strange male allowing a ghost of a smile to fall upon his face as the door to where the Drow were waiting for him to sit with them and discuss whatever it was. There was a lithe dark skinned female The all looked upon him with a great anticipation as if he had come just in time.
”Vedui' Hargluk vlos” The matron spoke with a deceptive smile.
”Olt zhah natha ssrigg'tul 'zil zuch Ilharess Vilrath” He spoke in flawless Drow with a pleasant enough tone. ”To what do I owe this pleasure of this meeting with you great Matron?' he ventured to ask.
”You know very well Hargluk vlos. The ones who call themselves the B'vecko Ussen have been growing bold within the realm that lies beneath your human city and they threaten the very stability of our city. We seek the aid of the Zhennu Hargluk Vlosen to help end this time of peril. You as its patron represent it and as such have the as humans these days say the final say within the matter.” She said explaining her intentions plainly,though if he would heed them was up to himself.
”Seeing as our pact is strong,I do owe you this much. What then can the Renor ussen offer in return?”
”We have many secrets that we would be glad to share with you in exchange for this help.” She explained.
”Very well,I shall consider lending you aid.”
Shael Atterrius
Hyperion- Posting Master
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Registration date : 2011-05-24
Re: Dousing the Drow
Within the room, the Drow Mr. E spoke of stared unblinkingly at Aaron Hale. He had been smiling from the moment Aaron Hale entered the room, to now. And he would continue for the foreseeable future as far as any of the other Drow were concerned. His smile was very tight, and stretched well across his face, so much so as to look painful. At the corners of his lips were heat blisters, like hot irons were pinning his lips to that part of his face. Heat blisters could also be seen at the corner his left eye, near both ears, and on that piece of skin in between his left thumb and forefinger.
As far as the other Drow were concerned, he was cursed by the Matron of his old house, to always be in the pain of burning. And that was true at one point. But that particular Drow was dead now. His skin being used as a convenient disguise for a lesser Ifrit. It had made a deal with one of the higher ranking Drow families, to help it gain favour within it's own tribe. It would attempt to eliminate the Matron he was pretending to guard. His "handler" who also stood in the room going by the name of "Du'ul goh", would, no matter the outcome, blame the human Aaron Hale, kill him, and start a war between the humans in the name of the ruling house. The ensuing Chaos would be all the excuses his house would need to usurp leadership of the Drow.
After several minutes of discussion the traitor Drow spoke up. "I am sorry for my interruption oh Matron. But while you and this Human talk, we are under the protection of yet another Human outside this room, Mr. E was it? While also in a human city. Every moment we stay in this situation is dangerous, and not worth the meager assistance this human has to offer! So tell us human. What could you do for us?"
The human's defensive argument would be the Ifrit's cue to attack. Bursting from it's stolen skin, and lunging with obsidian talons at the Matron. Flames flowing from it's hair, horns curling from it's head, and ash billowing from it's mouth. What ever case, it would give the impression that the human was signaling the attack.
Outside the room Mr. E stifled a sneeze. "Hippopotamus!" And he failed. The sneeze echoed numbly off the cold stone walls. Doubtful that it would have even made it through the black steel doors though. "Dammit. Shit. Why's it so cold and dusty down here? Someone must be talking about me.... So much for saying a big word to stop a sneeze... Or does someone need to say it to you?" He mumbled grumpily to himself. Even Mr. E found some superstitions too silly to take seriously. But it was better than having a sneezing fit in a monster's den. It just wasn't becoming.
As far as the other Drow were concerned, he was cursed by the Matron of his old house, to always be in the pain of burning. And that was true at one point. But that particular Drow was dead now. His skin being used as a convenient disguise for a lesser Ifrit. It had made a deal with one of the higher ranking Drow families, to help it gain favour within it's own tribe. It would attempt to eliminate the Matron he was pretending to guard. His "handler" who also stood in the room going by the name of "Du'ul goh", would, no matter the outcome, blame the human Aaron Hale, kill him, and start a war between the humans in the name of the ruling house. The ensuing Chaos would be all the excuses his house would need to usurp leadership of the Drow.
After several minutes of discussion the traitor Drow spoke up. "I am sorry for my interruption oh Matron. But while you and this Human talk, we are under the protection of yet another Human outside this room, Mr. E was it? While also in a human city. Every moment we stay in this situation is dangerous, and not worth the meager assistance this human has to offer! So tell us human. What could you do for us?"
The human's defensive argument would be the Ifrit's cue to attack. Bursting from it's stolen skin, and lunging with obsidian talons at the Matron. Flames flowing from it's hair, horns curling from it's head, and ash billowing from it's mouth. What ever case, it would give the impression that the human was signaling the attack.
Outside the room Mr. E stifled a sneeze. "Hippopotamus!" And he failed. The sneeze echoed numbly off the cold stone walls. Doubtful that it would have even made it through the black steel doors though. "Dammit. Shit. Why's it so cold and dusty down here? Someone must be talking about me.... So much for saying a big word to stop a sneeze... Or does someone need to say it to you?" He mumbled grumpily to himself. Even Mr. E found some superstitions too silly to take seriously. But it was better than having a sneezing fit in a monster's den. It just wasn't becoming.
Mr. E- Status :
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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.
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Number of posts : 60
Location : Toronto Ontario
Age : 33
Registration date : 2013-01-13
Re: Dousing the Drow
The conversation continued for a few minutes with the interest of the Drow at heart and he couldn't really blame them for wanting the best for their people. He would offer the help if they would agree tot he terms offered to them,terms that were to be beneficial to both sides of the agreement. That was of course when all hell broke lose and he was caught up in the middle of it. Either they planned to kill the Matron and frame him or it was something else,either way he could not allow something like this to mar his professional image in the least. Even if he had killed power political figures before,this would not do well if the whole room of Drow fell upon him.
”So they send one of your kind to do the job eh?” He muttered under his breath removing the iron nail within his jacket pocket and flicking it with an infusion of his telekinesis spell that sent it like a bullet towards the Ifrit as its body jerked and in an instant was stuck to the wall by the neck. It jerked for a second with the Drow looking in awe as the nail removed itself and planted firmly within his right palm as he pocketed it,lips in a sociable smile. ”I suppose your civil unrest has grown beyond that.” He noted hands rubbing together as he let his body adjust to the large amount of energy expended by the simple spell he had used to dispense of the assassin.
”If that is all I can promise that my family will offer to you our resources as well as anything that you would require.” Of course the shock was still fresh and it seemed like they had attempted to pin the blame upon him,Aaron was for the most part unphased by what had transpired.
”So they send one of your kind to do the job eh?” He muttered under his breath removing the iron nail within his jacket pocket and flicking it with an infusion of his telekinesis spell that sent it like a bullet towards the Ifrit as its body jerked and in an instant was stuck to the wall by the neck. It jerked for a second with the Drow looking in awe as the nail removed itself and planted firmly within his right palm as he pocketed it,lips in a sociable smile. ”I suppose your civil unrest has grown beyond that.” He noted hands rubbing together as he let his body adjust to the large amount of energy expended by the simple spell he had used to dispense of the assassin.
”If that is all I can promise that my family will offer to you our resources as well as anything that you would require.” Of course the shock was still fresh and it seemed like they had attempted to pin the blame upon him,Aaron was for the most part unphased by what had transpired.
Shael Atterrius
Hyperion- Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.
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Number of posts : 428
Registration date : 2011-05-24
Re: Dousing the Drow
Just across the street from 'The Spider's Web', there stood a derelict building. Now, this building was rather unassuming, a relic from better days. However, it wasn't the building itself that was important, but what, or rather, who was inside it. On the third floor of the aforementioned building there was a shattered window, and peeking out of this window, gaze intently focused on the entrance of the opposite building, was a man. This man had brown hair, and bright, expressive blue eyes, and wore a scowl across his face. With a sigh, he lowered the binoculars in his right hand, "Dammit. You'd think someone would have come outta that hole in the wall by now." The man's thick New York accent was apparent, had anyone else been in the building to hear him. He shifted restlessly, the bomb suit that contained him wasn't exactly casual wear. He sat the binoculars on the shambling table resting against the brickwork wall of the building, impatiently pacing to and fro infront of the window, tapping his fingers against the helmet cradled under his left arm, the match to his suit. It seemed he could do nothing but wait. The clients were very specific.
Atomic Jakk's Bio
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Age : 28
Registration date : 2013-01-12
Re: Dousing the Drow
Du'ul goh could not take this anymore. He realized with great frustration, that the child had not only snuck Iron into a meeting with elfin kind,assassinated, his assassin, but was also getting away with it! This child's impertinence could not stand... But at the moment there was nothing more to do. He would wait until the confusion provided by "Plan B" before he made his move. He would not even bother chasing the child now. Later. When there was time. He would move.
But while "Plan B" was happening Du'ul goh and his men would corner the Matriarch and kill her. The humans would take the blame, and there would be nothing they could do about it, because they'd be out on the street dealing with their own troubles.... And so Du'ul goh waited.
Mr. E stood outside the door still. Eager to leave this dungeon. The meeting would be over soon, and once that kid was out that door, Mr. E planned on heading straight up those stairs to leave the Drow in their pit. He'd recieve his payment by post later in the week.
Ooc: Sorry it's not a stellar post. I didn't really have anywhere else to go that'd make sense with the Ifrit gone. Haha.
Oh well. Madman, your time to shine will be after Aaron's next post. So get your bombs a ready.
But while "Plan B" was happening Du'ul goh and his men would corner the Matriarch and kill her. The humans would take the blame, and there would be nothing they could do about it, because they'd be out on the street dealing with their own troubles.... And so Du'ul goh waited.
Mr. E stood outside the door still. Eager to leave this dungeon. The meeting would be over soon, and once that kid was out that door, Mr. E planned on heading straight up those stairs to leave the Drow in their pit. He'd recieve his payment by post later in the week.
Ooc: Sorry it's not a stellar post. I didn't really have anywhere else to go that'd make sense with the Ifrit gone. Haha.
Oh well. Madman, your time to shine will be after Aaron's next post. So get your bombs a ready.
Mr. E- Status :
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Quote : When things go Bump in the night, I bump back.
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Number of posts : 60
Location : Toronto Ontario
Age : 33
Registration date : 2013-01-13
Re: Dousing the Drow
The tension within the room swelled like a great flood and abated ever so slightly as Aaron kept his air of calm,letting a deep sigh hiss through his lips before he would say anything. ”Well that was....interesting. I suppose it was an attempted attack by your resistance group. Would have succeded too.” He raised an eyebrow before moving his gaze over the Drow that were in attendence as if saying he knew one of them had called for this but was not sure which one. This meeting was of course over for the time being but he had a feeling that this day was still to have some sort of excitement to it. ”If this is all I must be going but I am sure that all of you know where to find me.” he said this standing up and making his way from the room,walking past Mr.E.
Shael Atterrius
Hyperion- Posting Master
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Registration date : 2011-05-24
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